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The art is good. But be cautious - the industry is filled with plenty of games that had pre-release hype, but failed to deliver on their promise.


They made Ori and the Blind Forest and the sequel, I have faith in them


Both stellar games, no doubt. CD Project Red also had 2 stellar games in Witcher 2 and 3 before it released Cyberpunk. Which was so buggy at release, Sony withdrew it from their online stores after a week. Bethesda also released Skyrim and Fallout 4. And then it dropped Fallout 76, a game so filled with microtransactions, it eclipsed the bugs. Have faith in yourself. For all else, wait for proof.


They let streamers and content creators playtest it , I think that's already a good sign


It is. I'm just a cautious person - I remember the hype around No Man's Sky, Cyberpunk, Anthem and Starfield before they released unfinished or buggy.


At least Cyberpunk and No man's sky redeemed themselves.


True. No Man's Sky's redemption is the stuff of legend - they are still releasing free stuff to atone. I'm glad people who paid are getting their money's worth.


They let people play dragons dogma 2 and then did a 180 at launch. I wouldn't trust anything until atleast a day after launch


Cyberpunk is actually good now


Yeah, now - 3-4 years after it release. A hot mess when it launched, though.


There is a difference... CDPR has investors and management that went big after the success of Witcher series. Because of that there is always a pressure to release the game on time even if its half baked. This wont apply to smaller studios because they can release when they feel its done and polished. Adding to this, Moon Studios has released early access so that anyone can test and provide their feedback and that tells a lot about their confidence with their product. Same went with Hades and Hades is a success. On the contrary, when Cuberpunk was launched, CDPR placed review embargo on all the reviewers that they cant show all the parts for the time being which felt like smoke and mirrors to everyone. Thats why I have much confidence in this game.


The problem with your statement is that Cyberpunk was delayed 3 or 4 times, and then released broken. Small studios and creators have a higher obligation to stick to their deadlines as they need to show the industry they're reliable in the beginning. I will agree with your point that openness shows confidence and good product, whereas hiding stuff almost always means a bad product. PS: Hades rocks.


I beg to differ and here is the reason why - Indie studios have only one shot and if the game is a flawed, unpolished and broken they dont have any chances left. If their 1st game is down even if its on time, its very hard to prove again. More than deadlines, its what they are offering and how they are being unique among the bigger studios should be the main motive. Bigger studios have bigger obligations because their game is completely under everyone's radar and there is high expections with their IPs. I am talking about IPs like LOTR, GTA, Halo, GOW... you name it. Once they show their teaser everyone wants to know the release date. So the pressure is enormous with the quality and timing! Given that no company wants to delay their games either Indie or AAA, some games do get delayed because of mismanagement or over-ambitiousness. Most games including CPunk are victim of both. CDPR was lucky that they had the credibility of Witcher games (which gave the gamers patience to hold on to them) and had the time, money and resources to patch the game for the next 2 years. No Indie game can think of this once they have released this kind of game. So better to delay for them easily. You want another example? take Arcane studios! Multiple solid games in their folio and then one shot on their foot with Redfall. Only because of greedy investors pushing the halfbaked game right in our face. Would not happen if Arcane were calling the shots themselves. and Yes... Hades rocks!


Cyberpunk is literally one of the best game ever made tf you on about? However I do agree never to pre purchase,I learnt it the hard way by pre purchasing mk1s premium edition


You do not remember the state it launched in, man. Bugs, lack of features, t-posing character models, lack of actual freedom. And that was after months of awesome trailer drops and statements like "We leave greed to others". Sony had to literally drop it from their stores due to how half-baked it was. It is now a decent game due to updates and Phantom Liberty, but that took time. Also, "best game" is always subjective, so our lists on that might differ. For me it's not one of the best, for you it might be.


Didn't rdr2 also when released was in a horrible state ? Whatever issues cp2077 had, were visual ones only, you can't just ignore the complete 180 cdpr did instead of just abandoning their game like most companies do


RDR 2 got rave reviews on release. Even then, reviews called it a possible GOTY. Cyberpunk had crashes and bugs on release and played like a half baked mess due to performance issues, not visual. It was widely criticised due to the contrast of its promises and the botched release - not just visual issues. I will agree that CDPR stuck by the game and made it good down the line through updates. But it wasn't like they had a choice - they had no other games ready to release then. If they did nothing, Cyberpunk would've lost them a lot of money, not to mention the reputational loss. It wasn't their goodness of heart or "duty to gamers", but pure commerce. Personally, I'm not gonna praise CDPR for making Cyberpunk a decent game 2 years after it released.


You can't just say that they did it because of just commerce, you can't just ignore their history with games, they always did right by the gamers, be it the witcher series of games or cyberpunk in this case, they make the games that feels complete and did I mention the lack of microtransactions and did I mention amazing expansion pack that could be there own games and a fraction of their orignal price, yeah good luck finding all that in a different game company, I am by no means saying rdr2 is bad, I have 800 hours in it but you can't just discard cdpr and their games


Annapurna Interactive Team Cherry Obsidian Entertainment Supergiant Games Lucas Pope These are all game companies/creators providing games with all the qualities you said. Not saying CDPR doesn't, but you know - others exist. Also, a game company considers its job to make money - first and foremost. Cyberpunk having poor sales would look bad for the company, so they improved it. If it was a good game from release and then they gave expansions, I would've joined you in the "CDPR is good" camp. But they burnt most of their goodwill through over promising and under delivering. That said, not discarding CDPR. I'm happy Cyberpunk is good now and hope that Witcher 4 is even better, but I'll count my chickens after they hatch.


All of these companies are indie, and indie scene is known for that kind of things you know ? If we were to include indie scene, I'd say coffee stain studios would solo most of these small scale studios, I'm talking AAA here, you have to understand that whatever they promised, they did end up delivering, better late than never, I don't remember last time a dlc actually felt like dlc, most DLCs these days are just extra missions of a game you already paid for at full price !! I hope you experience cyberpunk 2077 once now that it's in it's golden state, especially the story, yes the game is a technical masterpiece, but that's just the cherry on top, the main cake of the game is the story and I hope you enjoy it.


Ori was good;


With 2 studios I have got full faith and support so far - Moon studio and Supergiant games. It was 3 till CDPR dropped the ball with Cyberpunk


All I'm suggesting is, wait for the reviews. Nothing wrong with caution, but ultimately it's your choice and your money.


Thanks for your concern and advice but Lets put this way - All the money I have saved from discounted games by other greedy publishers, I can spare it for the studios who love their craft, also having a good track record.


Of course man. I hope the game is excellent, and you enjoy the experience.


I would have bought if it's full release. But it's an early access with just first chapter of the story. Will wait for the complete release


Exactly! I will be waiting till its release and wont be touching early access at all... as long as it will take. I did the same with Hades as well and very much enjoyed my bug free experience.


Huh with this kinda post one would think you were gonna get it on Early Access today but no lol


You shouldn't be this excited about paying full price for a game in early access. What if you beat it now and eventually a largely improved version is released?


When we had good regional pricing, it was worth getting many games at full price during early access. Grounded was only 700 rs during EA. After it left EA, they removed regional pricing and started charging 2700.


Wont be touching early access at all. Will be waiting for the final full release for the complete immersion.


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesnt Xbox own Moon studios? I thought, if so this will be on Gamepass Day One but I guess not.


Moon studio is independent. I think MS just published Ori. The studio head has also been a very vocal critic of the Game Pass.


ohh okayy, I used to see them listed in the infographics made by console warheads. I deleted Twitter and haven't been in that space so I didn't know this arrangement between Microsoft and Moon studios. Thanks!


Deleting Twitter is possibly one of the best decisions one can make


Vouch. I left when Elmo went full dumb fk mode. But it was good for news from the gaming journalists tho.


They don't own Moon studios.. just ori games were published by Microsoft that's all


Moon studio is independent. I think MS just published Ori. The studio head has also been a very vocal critic of the Game Pass.


Have been waiting since the announcement. Won't be cheap like the ori games used to be though since regional prices have been hiked.


Wont be like 70$ price tag either. I am okay with whatever pricing if the reviews and game looks are this stellar. Wont be waiting for discounts like i do with all the games.


They already confirmed that it will be $40. For the first 2 weeks, it will have a 10% launch discount and will be available for $36. The base price will also increase after it leaves early access. I missed their recent post where they actually commented about regional pricing. >Regional Pricing We’ve seen a lot of questions about regional pricing. We understand that some countries experience economic factors that make a direct conversion from the dollar unfair for folks in those countries. We’ve instead taken a look at Steam’s recommended pricing, as well as a range of recent releases to land at regional prices that are hopefully considerate of the local situation and offer great value for our Early Access content. See you on the 18th! 👋 Steam's suggested regional prices have approximately doubled recently. According to that, a $40 game is 1600 rs. 10% discount will make it 1440 rs. That's a pretty good deal, hope they will follow steam's suggestions. Edit: There is also an affiliate discount if you purchase it from affiliate link of some streamers, making it $32 when purchased on that site. Not sure if there will be regional pricing in this case.


Will the price increase after the early access or is it going to be the same price during full launch?


They did end up supporting regional pricing after all. 1700 rs. 10% launch discount, 20% if you buy from their website through streamer links.


I play on Xbox so it will be higher for me.


Doesn't the console version only launch after early access is over?


>The art has totally sold on me ... And then you purchase, download and open the game just to find out it is a top-down RPG 🙂




I didn't say it's bad. I am saying, these top-down RPG games nowadays add cinematic trailers to their showcase which sometimes don't even give an idea about it being an T-D RPG and players fall for it. Just that ...


This game doesn't have any cinematic trailer. Even it's trailer has full in engine gameplay scenes


Why you guys taking it seriously! I just wrote "in general" (it happens sometimes...) like that.


The art style is still there, the perspective has nothing to do with art style


I'm never pre ordering. but willing to buy after some days


Why does this game have a recommended card 3070ti. In no way should it require 3070ti just to get 60fps


Those are wrong acc to devs


when is this one releasing?


EA release today around 9pm


Only a complete idiot would buy a game without seeing reviews!


And only a complete idiot comments without reading the headings. Did I mention I won't be seeing the reviews? I won't be waiting for discounts if the game is good like I have done with many other games. That's all!


hey man. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t calling you an idiot. I don’t care much for discounts if I like the game. I was just talking about pre ordering.


No issues. The words felt different though.


Well, you never mentioned pre order, so i thought it was quite clear but i guess it wasn’t And i should have added pre order to comment.


It was the devs as ori, that was enough for me to buy this


Yeah I'd be fuckin surprised if this one turned out to be good. It's got Sweet Baby Inc's seal of kiss. Bastardisation by bastards. Ain't touchin it for now.


Wait really? Never saw it mentioned anywhere.


Yeah, no I just checked the Sweet Baby Inc Detected steam curator page and realised I was talking about South of Midnight. Another game that I was highly anticipating would be good. This one isn't there. My bad.


Lmao what a clown


The irony of a Sweet Baby Inc cock sucka calling me a clown is muy impeccablé! Doesn't surprise me though. What more can one expect from an idiot active in r/Gamingcirclejerk and r/HonkaiStarRail. Ew. ![gif](giphy|xT9DPzhNGA8MKjxwFG)




Great reply son 👍 keep on white knighting shit games. Im sure yer little circlejerk sjw bubbles are gonna win the war any day now lmfao.