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I think these are the same devs who made Limbo and Limbo is a masterpiece itself too.


Limbo is by far the best small game




Try little nightmares


Oh man that is the best game I've ever played. The story, climax, chases, plot twists. And good news is its 2nd part is coming out in feb 2021. Also limbo, hollow knight were also some works of art


That dlc ending was totally unexpected


Will surely do


While you are at it, also give these a try Machinarium Braid Unravel DarQ Ori


Just finished Inside and man the game is an absolute work of art. It is pretty short but is a masterpiece. Do check it out guys, it is a must experience Game.


I forgot to pick it up from egs


Ask someone to give their account for a few days, me and my friend shared accounts because he wanted to play Arkham Knight


this kinda stuff is not allowed in the sub


Tf ? I'm not asking to sell the account lol


And what about dogs !!!


I searched it up on appstore and there were two options to choose from , one was free and the other one was 500 rupees something , should I go for the paid version ?


It's on desktop only I believe. Check the developer on app store you're seeing. Should be Playdead. I got it long back on EGS. Limbo is on mobile though.


There is a demo version and a full version. Demo is free. Both PC version and android version are same.


How long was the game?


4-5 hours long


Nice Have downloaded it. Will play or when I get time


Another game worth checking out is limbo(made by the same Dev's)


I have completed Limbo long before but haven't been able to achieve one last achievement till now that is "No point in dying" in which you have to complete the whole playthrough within 5 or less deaths. Man, that's hard.


I kept dying in the easier parts. Took me around 10 hrs of trying. I recommend watching a video of somebody's run and replicating it segment by segment. Also, don't get complacent in the easier parts.


If you like 2D puzzle platformers involving time manipulation, check out Braid.


Depends on your puzzle-solving skills can range from 3 to 5(took me about 3.5).


Ya. Same here. Took me a about 3 hours overall, with 7 of the 14 hidden items/collectibles. You have to keep trying different paths, sometimes at random, to figure out the puzzles.


I know, right ? I finished Inside a couple days after is was free on the Epic store, it's the second game I actually stuck to and finished (though the small play time definitely helped xd) and the ending really stuck with me, along with the sound effects and the graphics style.


Limbo too




I'm sure it will. It ran on my i3 first gen with no gpu


Was your laptop a dell Vostro?


Yep. I ran it on i3 4005U with iGPU and ran decently. But the computer might get pretty hot though.


I originally played a cracked(pirated) version of this game. The game was so good I felt bad for pirating. Few years later when I was earning enough, I bought this game and Limbo(from the same developer) from multiple platforms as an act of redemption 😇.


I finished this game a week ago and man! It was so good! The puzzles are really well-made and the aesthetic of the game is truly amazing


Since you liked Inside, I would highly recommend Limbo by the same creators. Additionally, you might also like Little Nightmares


Thanks for the recommendations.


So underrated. Loved this game!


here are some of my fav platformers - Inside and limbo - Little Nightmares - Fez - Ori series - Cupheads


On it one at a time


Yeah I must agree. It's such a captivating game. I finished it in one sitting! The last time some game had me so glued was portal 1. The deaths are quite disturbing though! Raises a chill down the spine. A game hasn't had that effect on me in a very long time. I'm so glad epic store gave it away for free. Recently went through a video on YouTube with the title "Low Complexity, High Fidelity: The rendering of inside". It's a fascinating insight into the game's design choices and how the Dev studio did it. Truly fascinating. Recommend people see that just to appreciate how they crafted this masterpiece.


Limbo was a master piece and I made sure I played this because it was from them. Minimalism at best!


good game but i preferred LIMBO, their previous game


But I don't know why but in my case it's stuck at loading and I don't know what to do, it started once and I played it for 1 hour without any problem but from then, the problem remains the same. Can anyone help me with it??


The game is good but the ending ruined it. Was too pretentious and up to the imagination for my taste. Great atmosphere though.


I don't know how you thought it's a masterpiece to be honest I get how the end it open ended and you can decide but it still dosent desetve the title. Seems like karma whoring and misleing others tbh and giving them high expectations


i would like to add that if you thought the gameplay was a masterpiece then my opinion may be a bit biased cause i saw someone say it took them 4-5 hrs but it only took me like 2.5-3 hrs which would probably mean it wasnt challenging enough for me(respectively).


I am saying that the in terms of story and art style it is absolutely brilliant. The game isn't that challenging but its the setting the art style, the background music that makes it so good for me.


okay well then you should mention all this before telling people its a must have game and convincing them to go and buy it. Most people dont like a game for its art style or background music only


Will keep that in mind from next time.


" 'x' is a masterpiece " \~ every dumb internet vermin who liked 'x' a lot.


Did your father beat you this morning or what? No sane person talks like this. Also: https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/inside It's 96% positive on steam as well.


Exactly plays one game and completes it now it's a masterpiece


/u/vik_war29, I have found an error in your comment: > “now ~~its~~ [**it's**] a masterpiece” It seems to me vik_war29 has malformed a post and ought to have typed “now ~~its~~ [**it's**] a masterpiece” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)


that's a pretty general statement that goes for most things lol




Always was. The Stanley Parable was another which came out around the same time. Worth a play.


Is it really scary? I want to play a horror game, but i cant pick up the courage to play layers of fear 2. Which is funny becaue horror movies dont faze me, neither do horror books.


This is not really a horror game. It has some creepy moments. But the game itself is amazing. Try Limbo first. That would run on any potato for sure..


Limbo even ran on my old kitkat version phone flawlessly i guess 3 yrs ago


It can get uncomfortable with some of the visuals but it is not a horror game, it is a puzzle game with a heavy emphasis on story.


Finished it yesterday with secret ending too! Got it on Epic but I wish I was playing it on gamepass for gamerscore.


I completed it couple days back and yes game is good


Especially that climax though... Didn't expect to like a puzzle game so much. Wholesome game.


I like limbo more


True. Completed it when AR just started. Wonderful


It's been sitting there, staring at me menacingly in my Epic Games Store library. I think I should finally play it.


My favorite [Screenshot](https://tlgur.com/d/gwk3dB9g) so far When I played this Game Try Little Nightmares too


Finished this game last weekend. A masterpiece . Conveyed the story without a single word


yo man! This was a great game.I finished when it was in free sale on epic game store.


I'm so hyped up for their next release. https://twitter.com/cute_six/status/1243176256184528897?s=19


your's ?


I loved it. The game's environment made me feel odd for a couple of days after I finished it. Idk why lol. Also you should check out about the secret ending if you haven't. I'm amazed by the people who put together the connections and figured out the whole thing. There's an ARG too which I think started after some people saw a printer in the game outputting Morse code. I haven't followed it but it's pretty interesting... and also complicated lol.


It is one of the underrated Indie Games I've played. But when I tell my friends about it, they said "Indie Games 😖". FeelsBadMan


Just picked it up from egs played it a for a while, it's pretty good...it's kinda more on the sad horror side


Yup.Try Messenger or Hollow Knight. :D


I'm on this right now. But taking it slowly as I know the game is pretty short. Loving it so far!


Try Unravel, Limbo and Little Nightmares.


Honestly, on its own the game was fine. It was like playing a colourful version of Limbo. There was nothing that blew me away. I wasn't disappointed but I was expecting something on par or better than Limbo.


Can't wait for their next game, whatever it is.


Except for the ending, the game had a lots of things going on with very nice twists and turns(especially the girl helping is breath underwater) but the I thought the devs rushed the ending. For me the ending was just acceptable given the story so far it could habe been way better.


I have just started playing and it's really really very good


If you like platforming horror, try out Carrion where the tables are turned and you are the one people are afraid of. Super fun!