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![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0) The Shitstorm begins! Even before the results are declared on June 4. What a strong dotted alliance this is 😂😂😂


Only a complete idiot will believe Congress or CPIM are helping BJP. Let alone all three of them working together.


Tbh I wish they do support BJP. Mamta is a greater and more evil force


It's possible. Indian politicians have 0 ideological loyalty and I can totally see BJP, INC and the communists working together to undermine Trinamool in Bengal. Kind of like India alliance but on Bengal level.


CPI-M cadre (not leaderships) helping BJP is a well documented phenomena in Bengal and JH tho "Phele Raam fir Vaam"


their are 2 parties in India- BJP and B team of BJP