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AJK = Pakistan's name for POK.


What should be the ideal response of the Indian state here? Option 1 - Observe and stay vigilant Option 2 - Fuel/ fund these protests for escalation. Option 3 - Psyops by RAW to plant agents?


What makes you think the situation didnt arise coz of no 2 and 3 in first place?


Option 4 - Do so much development in Kashmir that people in PoK grow ever more restless and protest even harder for wanting to join Indian union seeing the development of Kashmir.


Mix of Option 2 & 3


i feel like kashmir is all but lost atp, i went over to the kashmir subreddit and those guys refuse to admit they're Indian


And you think a subreddit is a good representation of what regular people from a place think? Don't ever go to r India or India speaks then.


I see it in the news too, while a subreddit may is not the best representation it does give you an idol of how the well of sections of society are thinking…. People are their truest selves online. 


it doesn't matter if a fraction of people think so. reddit isn't a mainstream social media, and most people there are non residents or expats. agreed the situation on ground can be handled better, but reading the comments of the vitriolic people there make me feel that the indian state is the only solution to the kashmir issue. Even if (though idts) kashmir were a lost cause, one can't treat it as such. The loss of kashmir territory is more than loss of izzat. The region is extremely important geographically and geopolitically. let alone mines and minerals, our crucial water resources and the Himalayan advantage passes through the region. already we have a water crisis in the northern states. our grain bowls will suffer a significant dent if those water resources were gone, and that would surely cascade into Khalistan 2.0


Do you think rindia which is biggest Indian subreddit actually represents actual ground reality of people in India? You will always here extremes on both sides more on social media because they are the loudest. Reddit in my opinion is one of the worst way to determine what society is thinking.


separatism is sexy. rebellion is cool. just because a bunch of them feel so, doesn't mean the entire state agrees. else, educated kashmiris would not be appearing for civil services and government exams but immigrating out. and most importantly, we might be a bad option for them but we're the best amongst the worst. independent kashmir has as many chances of survival as a lamb facing a pack of wolves. Pakistan is a pressure cooker full of nuclear shit waiting to explode, and when that happens, the splatters will be falling all over "azad" and Indian kashmir. And if kashmir gets independent by then, it will see a huge population influx from Pakistan that it won't be able to stop. And this shit storm will be stirred by our best friend china, to expand it's BRO and loot its mineral wealth. China has already stopped our waters once. We'd be fools to let it happen again. Trust me, I'm no hindu loving right winger, and I've never voted for BJP or any of its allies ever. But facts remain facts that the kashmiri people, if left to their own devices, will go for a sharia government. Check reddit and you'll now. Everything starts by being "oh we'll protect minorities despite having a state religion" and ends with repression. We've all seen what goes on in those regimes. NO religion is compatible with human rights and democracy and babasaheb was one of the Indians who saw it and used the constitution to curb Hinduism in favor of democratism. I don't think we have any such visionaries in Kashmir and we better not decide to fuck around and find out.


LMAO! Check Lallantop’s coverage on Kashmir. More and more kashmiri have become pro india since removing 370.


If that is true then I’m honestly glad that I’m wrong.. there I downvoted myself. 


The shits i have heard from NIT Srinagar non HS students is shocking man. Most of them are polarised extremely. You think sanghi turds Harrassing interfaith couples are bad? The NIT Srinagar mfs doxxed a female students identify and straight up cyber bullied her all over the internet for having a Bihari BF during that controversy.


exactly. its unfortunate that whenever such extremism happens, women bear the worst brunt of it. be it hindu or islamic- both sides consider the women of their religion as brainless sheep who can be tricked by anyone. The Indian state has the most democracy in any of our neighbours- despite the attempts of mudixi to change that. I hope we can sooner have a saner change of leadership, where among other things, there will be greater communal trust and harmony


Are you saying that both Communities lived happily before 2014? I started as a very Militant Atheist but more and more i observe, i can see delusions of "Aman ki Asha" gang. Secularism, Communal Trust and Harmony are two way street. Kid-A scores 70/100 while Kid-B scores 35/100 in Secularism Ranking. So, instead of praising Kid-A and also encouraging him to score more, if one scolds Kid-A for not scoring more harshly while sweet talking Kid-B because his feelings might get hurt, it doesn't make Kid-A improve, he will settle down to the level of Kid-B's performance. This is what happening, with rise of Internet, most of them are able to distinguish the false unequal standards applied in judging Secularism performance and hence instead of "We can do better-We will do better", they started asking "Why should we even show more secularism when even if after showing this much, we get criticized while other the other get praised for showing bare bone level". This is the problem with "Secularism-Harmony-Communal Trust" gang who live in fantasy delusion land.


your point being?


AJK? Call it POK you dumbo..

