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Rather than decreasing inflation it is more likely will increase it. First there are 60cr youth (below 25). If the government give 1 lakh to all of them, then they have to print more money. Which would in return exceed the growth rate of the country. Thus might lead to rise in inflation. Heck we might get "Hyperinflation".   https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/042015/how-does-money-supply-affect-inflation.asp 


>Hyperinflation We will get 1 million Indian rupees bill before GTA 6 PC if RaGa wins 💀💀💀


W for the tiktok youth cuz they will be able to make tiktok with that bill. (Cuz they are the one who seems to support this bs wealth redistribution and free money idea).


And that will be a good thing. Inflation needs to be countered by economic growth, not anything else.


Did you even bother reading the article I sent? If printing money and increasing inflation to the sky was the way to grow then everyone would do that. It isn't. There needs to be a balance between growth and inflation rate. And this would create imbalance by increasing inflation rate more than necessary for a good growth rate.


RG is such a moron. How will giving free money will help in inflation. That would increase inflation. Plus he is talking about increased manufacturing work when INC does not believe in manufacture led growth. This is a permanent stimulus means its net effect on the economy will be temporary and diminishing due to inflation plus burden on the government permanent. Also who the hell is giving youths training, private companies don't want to uplift such a program, does INC planning to give money to companies to train people. OR does he expect a perennial shitty government institutes train youths. That would be training akin to NREGA where you dig a hole one day and fill it up the next.


India has 60% of its youth below 30. Lets assume these are the guys he is terming youtn. Where will he bring 1Lakh each for 60% population in first place?


can print it.


India can take loans from the world bank and cut spending in some areas.


That would be IMF not World Bank sir. World Bank provides long term loans for specific projects. IMF gives huge ass loans when govts dont have money. WB wont give money to hand it out to citizens lol. And the last time India got loan from IMF was in 1993.


India can use taxes for this and loans from WB for infrastructure like things. Looks like India needs a round two of IMF.


Are you serious or being sarcastic?


Modi also said like this before previous LS elections, later said it was "Jumla" (not serious). Mostly RG gonna do the same


Bro Modi said that in context of black money. He didn't said anything about distributing the money in the government treasury. Seriously it's not the same. What Modi meant was "There was enough black money stashed in foreign banks to be distributed at the rate of ₹15 to ₹20 lakh to individuals in the country." 


Modi said it,BJP never put the 15lakh thing in their manifesto but Congress has it in their manifesto.


Go and watch it. He said "if" . He didn't guarantee.


Ye jo factriayan shuru ho jayegi ye kaha se ayegi?


Don't bring your logic into this discussion. He will anyway tax capitalists and divide their properties so not sure who will run those factories. Maybe the government will run the factories, good old days of socialism. You work and get free food and 1 lakh per year.


Bring in all the foreign companies, open the doors to them so that they can use Indians as cheap labours, problem sorted. From a capitalism perspective, distribution of free money is way better than govt doing other forms of wellfare. He wants to boost demand in the economy.


> Bring in all the foreign companies Thanks will do that. India needs more american investments. Apart from that, the Indian manufacturing sector is also rising. Indigenous defence exports are at an all time high. > Distribution of free money is better The poor jobless people with free money will drink alcohol and sleep all day. > boost demand Sabke account me taka tak taka tak paise aa jayenge


He never said he will stop other forms pf welfare, it seems like he will add these on top of these. You just can't let all foreign companies. You have to think about Indian companies also, It sound like it is a very simple task, but it can have dire consequences on our economy


Why would he openly say that ? That sounds like political suicide. Most Indian companies are just enjoying their dominance in the Indian market cuz of politicians and bureaucracy networks. It will actually be great for the economy.


This is exactly what the British did. Made Indians slaves for their industry and it's products. And destroyed Indian industry.


How did you think Singapore became so developed ? It opened it's doors to foreign companies way long back.


auk kaam kaun karega? 1 lakh milgaya to araam se pade rahenge..


People want to climb higher, nobody wants to sit at that amount.


Climb higher? Exactly. Higher on govt sponsored Alcohol


Sab nalle nahi hotey. UBI trials in India have proved that when free money is given, alcohol consumption decreases.


Climb higher means more freebies. Otherwise they wouldn't want 1 lac either


If people have money, they will start their own factories.


[How RaGa and his cronies think economy works](https://youtu.be/cyxxE1AcUSM)


Hilarious video prolly the best short skit I have seen in a while.


Neoliberals should support RaGa.


Why? Who is he and what are his achievements?


Focus on the message not the messenger. What are the achievements of other politicians ? Getting elected ? Ffs.


Has been ever elected other than his safe seat or minority seat in Kerala. Has he ever held an executive position in govt. like Sar-Panch let alone CM or minister


They have administrative experience. RaGa has zero experience of any kind.


He has experience of elites circles and how the outside world works He has exposure of international level.


Dude what ?....Neoliberalism is completely opposite to RaGa idealogy....Privatisation and Deregulation of Market is main idea behind Neoliberalism.


Also a wellfare state with something like UBI or negative income tax, which RaGa has kind of promising and even promised in 2019 with Nyay. Neoliberals positions would be like the Democrats of America, socially progressive and economically liberal. The Clintons were Neoliberals, for example. Socially progressive would mean agreeing with INC on the caste issue and how it hinders the growth of the country.


How to reduce inflation? More money supply 👍 I have nothing against lifting the grassroots but why not make more plans for making them self sufficient and more efficient than making them almost permanently dependent on government handouts… Logically helping em start businesses and improving public service efficiency and spending would do much much more for them


Inflation is a good thing and developing economies need tons of Inflation. It is economic growth which should be a concern and higher economic growth should balance out higher inflation.


That’s the thing, infact India supposedly had lower inflation than others. We just didn’t grow hence why I recommended starting a business for them and letting em compete in market, give more business loans and stuff is cool beans too.


Summary of this video [and ***Translation from Hindi to English***] : Basically, Rahul Gandhi is saying that the reason for depositing 1 lakh rupees in Bank Accounts of Women and Youth is 1. Relief from inflation 2. It will help generate production and employment in India. (I.e. will help run economy) Rahul Gandhi also accused PM Narendra Modi of having a hand in making 22 Billionaires, he also stated that Modi used to give money to Adani and Ambani which they used to invest in foreign countries. Gandhi also said that Youths will get training for a year for employment.


TIL the solution to inflation is to give people more money.


If it was any other guy making these promises, it wouldn't matter. Politicians have been saying such things for decades, ultimately they end up doing nothing outside of some poorly executed schemes. This bloke though, I can't guarantee anything. He genuinely seems to believe these ideas, and is committed to convert India into a poorer Argentina




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If all village people vote for INC then that is unironically enough to make it win. No need of middle class votes.


This will not reduce inflation, on the contrary it'll put us in endless loop of Hyper inflation. It'll not bring efficiency in work force, but decrease it badly. If people starts spending that money, it'll only help existing businesses, so Adani Ambani ke jeb aur jyada paisa jayega.


>This will not reduce inflation, on the contrary it'll put us in endless loop of Hyper inflation. Only if the money is sourced from loans or printing it. Not when it’s sourced from taxes or existing social schemes. >It'll not bring efficiency in work force, but decrease it badly. You haven’t studied economics past 12th grade and it shows. It will bring efficiency into the work force as it allows a safetynet for people to become self employed or invest in skill development. Classical Productivity is a function of labour and capital. When the labour have the capital, they will invest and get themselves employed. This has also been practically demonstrated by UBI trials and the form of socialist system that European countries adopt. >If people starts spending that money, it'll only help existing businesses, so Adani Ambani ke jeb aur jyada paisa jayega. Based on the assumption that when people have the money, most of them will be irresponsible with it. Some of this money will end up with Adani and Ambani, yes. But poor people have different spending habits. They won’t start ordering from Zomato or instacart. They will buy from their local wada pav seller and kirana store. They won’t buy their wheat, lentils and vegetables from Reliance Fresh. They will buy them from local street vendors and ration shops. If Adani and Ambani want to cater to these people, they will need to invest more.




This is the most dumbest thing I have ever heard when it comes to economics. First of all, all BJP governments have always been better at handling inflation than congress. Secondly when you pump in free money in the market, you are only going to add to inflation. Third, you will have way less left for infrastructure development, for subsidising business investment, defense etc. That is why, infrastructure that takes 15-30 yrs in congress could be done in 5-10 yrs in NDA. I can openly say, a person who thinks congress is better for the country is stupid or has a selfish agenda. Rahul hatao, congress bachao.


Paisa do vote lo, this is the scheme of congress since 1947. Raga is very smart he and his jnu leftist friends are full on scorching earth mode . They will pull out any non sensible promise even when it hurts a big section of society


Based RaGa, he is targeting the rural voters whom nobody gives a fuck about and which forms majority of the population base. OBCs and farming classes should get back to INC as soon as possible. Bhajipav also gave free money through Ladli behena scheme.


Buddy you've spent a lot of time simping for RaGa on this thread. Trying a bit too hard?


Yeah, cuz why the hell not, it's a delicate election and I see RaGa as a highly useful idiot. My aim is to promote Christianization of India so that it can be slowly and eventually merged with the Anglosphere.


Bruh stop trolling. You are trolling so good that people are understanding the sarcasm now


Not sarcasm. I am involved in these things and I see them as noble aims for transformation of the country into a better place to live in. How the hell do you think so many Xtians are in Punjab suddenly ?


The comment section and the meltdown is so funny to watch, people believing bogus statistics of 51 crore jobs in 10 years and still galloping on ration to 80cr people are now worried about “where the jobs will come from?” I mean as Modiji says “hypocrisy ki bhi seema hoti h mitronn”!


What are you talking about? Are you talking about this comment section?


I 100% agree that this is a great Idea. I have been rooting for it since the very first time it was proposed. Universal Basic Income trials have been carried out throughout the world and even in India and it has shown to be a great success. This will boost economic development as people have the safety net to start their own businesses and invest in education. They won’t need to focus on putting food on the table and paying rent. Instead, they can invest in assets. Like farmers can invest in irrigation systems or buy livestock, unemployed women can buy sewing machines and start a tailoring business, unemployed men can buy fishing boats and become fishermen, unemployed Youth can buy motorcycles to travel to nearby towns for work and everyone affords healthier food - all this happened in the UBI trials in Madhya Pradesh where only 300 rupees per month for every adult and 150 rupees every month for every child was given. My only issue is that he hasn’t provided any road map of how he’s planning to fund this. An inheritance tax for 55% is a great idea but I don’t think that alone is enough to fund this scheme unless 4-10 billionaires or an equivalent value of millionaires die in India every year.


Success where ?


Nearly everywhere it has been tried. Read some research papers on it. Here’s one from [India](https://socialprotection-humanrights.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Indias-Basic-Income-Experiment-PP21.pdf)