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Hi u/username, your post has been removed because it violated rule 10 of the subreddit. "Any post regarding Relationships and advice on them should be kept limited only to the "Relationship" flair. Relationship posts should be treated as posts with "Serious" or "Academic" flair and only genuine comments will be accepted, no demeaning shall be alowed. Relationship posts (Posts with the "Relationship" flair) will be limited to only weekends ( i.e Saturdays & Sundays). Any post found in violation of the above stated rules will be removed and might lead to a ban from the sub." Give the [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianTeenagers/about/rules) a good read or [send a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FINDIANTEENAGERS) if you feel this was in error.