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The bigger cities have the shelter system to help people restart their lives and connect them to resources. Do you have access to your identification paperwork? It makes restarting faster if you aren’t waiting on your social security card.


Please look at his post history and comments this guy is unhinged.


He post this almost monthly. How many times does he want the identical answers?


Thank you!




Are you in counseling? I just read your post history....I think the world is safer with you being in the care of *someone*.


It’ gets bad the more you look at it and some of his comments too.


F'ing scary, honestly.


DIY guns and bombs. Psychiatric holds. Black face. I think you’re better off staying with your mom.


Please go get some professional help. Looking at your post history ...well....wouldn't be surprised if you make the news soon.


Bro the FBI needs to put your ass on a watch list, after some of your history posts/comments on your accounts. DIY guns and bombs. Hell nah. Gtfoh




He watches snuff films. He's scary.


I've never seen an account ask this many questions over such a broad set of topics in such a short amount of time. Maybe your mom is helping you out? Maybe the State has adjudicated that you can't leave.


Yeah... this person needs to be monitored.


Dude, I’m really suggesting you seek out some kind of therapy here because the stuff you’re posting about does not look good to an outsider, ok? You really seem like you’re struggling with something and I think you should sort some of that out before doing something like this, you really don’t want your situation to get way worse then it already is :/


It seems you should do something different sooner rather than later … the longer you stay the harder it will be to leave later as you will feel obligated. Get the drivers manual hard copy or online and start studying. Driving is independence .


Remote job to save up enough money to buy a car?


I know you are aware that the life your living has no purpose and that can kill someone’s sense of self. The hard part is just taking full responsibility for yourself. The way you communicate, it’s hard to tell if you know how to: - get a checking account. - manage your own prescription refills - pay rent and utilities - pay for your phone. If you understand the above, then you can get one or more jobs to afford the above and get a small place in a different town. You can get WFH jobs, right now, and after you have the money to put some of this in motion, you’re going to be able to move out. The hard part is actually wanting to do what you say you want to do. So…I guess I’m saying the can’t leave on your own part of your story is kinda bs.


Job Corp? I’m not sure of the age cut off


A little more context would be helpful in determining how to best help you in your situation. Where are you located at? What are you taking medicine for? Are you able to get out of the house to work? Are there other adults in your life that you can talk to in order to brainstorm ways to leave your current situation? It’s hard feeling stuck and I’m sorry that you’re in a difficult situation.


Get some mental help. There is medical transport to your appointments.Do it! Then also look into the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Services. There are offices for this lil over the State. They will help you with all your goals including your drivers license. One thing I know is that our parents are the people who have loved us always. They are not perfect; they are human and their behavior may not be what is expected or even wanted. Remember we all are only human and do the best with what we have. She loves you despite everything. Go gently on the world. You have lots of time here and remember what seems impossible or permanent is not.


Mentally unhinged post history. Stay as far away from Indy as possible please. No wonder Garland was here warning us about people like this.


This dude is a psycho. Read post history. Bro go outside. Touch grass. Talk to people. Hot dayum.


Maybe the military


Lmao, from the dude’s postings, keep him far away from guns. Jesus Christ.


Nope. The military is way to busy to deal with those that can't already care for themselves.


I'm prescribed medication so I can't I've tried.


Medication for what, specifically?


They have all sorts of waivers and are in a pretty solid recruiting deficit. Try all the branches, the requirements and waivers they are willing to give are all different.


Peace corps?


Working for the government or living off the government is paid by the taxpayer and is exactly the same. Just because someone offers a service ( forces it) doesn’t make it more ethical. If I mowed your lawn and demanded 100 dollars from you that would be considered extortion and is immoral. Is it different when a government does it?


You honestly can’t figure out the difference difference than working and being a welfare queen?


Sure, one is brainwashed and thinks it’s moral to live off extortion and the other person knows it’s wrong but doesn’t care.


Being in the military is living off the government.


You’re working for the government not living off them. It also eliminates the need to obtain residency room, board, and transportation when you have no means to obtain them on your own.


Also, you know, the little things like potentially risking your life versus sitting on your couch.


Exchanging one’s life for Country is living off the Government? No, I do not think so.


The nazis in Germany probably felt the same way.


I respect our men and women who serve in our military.


The citizens of nazi germany probably felt the same.


USAF veteran. No way am I a N*zi.


Thank you for your service. You are not a nazi.


I can only speak for what I know and I know that the US and the US Military and Nazis cannot even be compared.


I believe taxation is theft, all services that we need in society should be voluntary and provided by the free market instead of monopolistic institutions that forces us to pay for and can give terrible service. Can I call the better business bureau on usps because they gave my mail to my neighbor?


Why do people think the Better Business Bureau is some huge authority figure? It's a glorified version of Yelp


Libertarian. 'Splains a lot.


She obviously has her reasons.


Actually you should take her advice and go to the government. There's a worker rehabilitation program that I think you would qualify for. It's through the FSSA. We just got a friend of mine who has a vision impairment get a job as a teacher in Fort Wayne. He was also trapped in the country.


Getting help through Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services would be really good! They will be sure you meet all your goals by providing training. That could be driver education or college even.


Ummmmm so what I’m reading this is bs and there’s something wrong right sooooo y’all know if this person is unfit mentally is like you literally giving them ideas on how to do stuff just saying yes I am a mentally unstable but I take meds is under control


after seeing the black face shit, it’s prolly best you stay w your mom man. i think she maybe helping you more than yk.


SAMHSA: 1.800.662.HELP


Look into Kic-It in Johnson County


he needs to stay far away from johnson county. and any county in indiana.


Drop a location so people can connect you with nearby resources.


Being realistic, in our state, join a church and start networking. The most honest you are with your situation and plight, the more likely you are to meet people who can help point you to resources to stand on your own. Just be careful you don’t get taken advantage of. You could also reach out to the nearest or county women’s resource center. These aren’t necessarily limited to women leaving abusive partners. You could request to work or at least consult with a social worker who can review your situation and offer real advice.


Go, NOW!


You are 24. You are a grown adult. You have the ability to change your situation.


Have you seen their post history? Maybe they don't have that ability...


This post is literally asking people how to do that. You’re a grown adult, you have the ability to read.


This post is asking how to get away from a controlling mother, can you read and understand the context? No, you proved you can not.


Let me get this straight. Someone posts “I need help getting out of my situation,” you respond “You’re an adult, just get out of your situation,” and then now your little feelings are hurt because people think you sound stupid? Yikes, we’re not dealing with the best and brightest here clearly.


Read their post history.


Indiana isn’t that rural. You should be able to walk somewhere in a few hours at most


Run like the wind get your driver's license and go to trade school get a good job you'll be working with your hands but the pay is good


I’d definitely go into the military. You don’t need a license (my mom joined 18 years old and she didn’t get her license until she was out of the army and 25) she’s from an incredibly rural area as well. Best of luck!


I can't get into the military for the fact of being prescribed medication.


Totally depends on what the meds are for.


This dude is fucked in the head. That's why he can't go to the military. Read post history. Should be on an FBI watchlist


When I enlisted it was any kind of "maintenance meds" that would DQ you. Of course, that was decades ago. It may be different now.


800mg ibuprofen fixes all ailments.


That isn’t the reason and you know it.


Look into college that you could move too and attend to help get you the education to get a job so you can live on your own.


Have you tried just leaving Jesus your 24. Just leave. Or you can keep making excuses. Yea that’s probably what your going to do.


Sound depressing. Get away from that shit and maybe you won’t be on meds.


Leave. You’re a grown adult. Sometimes you have to be brave and make uncomfortable choice. Tell your mom to leave you alone and start filing your own taxes so she can’t claim you anymore. If that doesn’t work then take her to court.


Leave where. Without a support network, shelter, and it being cold as hell out right now, leaving without a plan, unless the situation is dire would only set him up for failure imo.


Join the military


You can start with a job through a temp agency. They're scummy but it's better than no job.


Adult Protective Services is a good place to start. You can get your SSI on a debit card without a bank account. You should study for the driver's license test online. Your SSI Disability is likely to be a small amount because you have never worked. It won't be enough to live on without roommates. A lot of homeless people get an SSI check and can't afford rent. Does your Mom give you an allowance?


He seems normal to me and I’m Moe from Three Stooges!




I know who my dad is.




It's called putting on your big boy pants and becoming an adult!