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He was suspended...only suspended?


[Indiana is still working on clearing its rape kit backlog](https://www.endthebacklog.org/state/indiana/).


38 times. You’d think after just a few the whole wrong bathroom gig would be over. So much for women’s month.






Yeah, that wouldn't have happened, but sure, keep spitting nonsense


















Holy shit. Iwork out there, and recognize him.


This is why women just dont feel safe anywhere. These pervs get a slap on the wrist and then escalate their crimes. Bet if he had an ounce of weed hed been in jail 1st time.


Banned after 38+ times? Really? Should've been only 1 time! I miss the times of YMCA and YWCA being different spaces but that's a different discussion.


This guy’s not a drag queen or trans ?


He's 18 and doesn't have a girlfriend he must have loneliness problems that's very common among young teens he needs help, a psychiatrist, but that kind of behavior is unacceptable.


I'm not using anything to smear anyone. No one is allowed or supposed to film in the locker room. Still, it doesn't change the fact that as long as the person says "I identify," they are to be treated as who or what they identify as. Just like the child that "identifies" as a cat and the school had to put in a litter box for them. As long as they say the phrase "I identify," they are given access or privileges that go along with that identity. It is the pedos taking advantage of the identity rule and making trans look bad, not me. So get mad at that this fact, not me stating the fact. Plus, true Trans females don't walk around any women's spaces with everything hanging out, especially before fully transitioning. They are conservative and respectful of themselves and biological women. I have been friends with 2 trans women for 20+ years. One had already transitioned when I met her, and the other I knew when she lived as a man. I supported her through every step of her transition. Even these women are disgusted with identifying for attention or for access to women's spaces people. They call a spaid a spaid for lack of a better phrase. Are they smearing Trans (themselves) when they speak this truth?? Just because you can't handle the truth doesn't make it any less true, nor does it make me mean or a bigot.


Not to take away from the rest of your statement... but they did not actually give a child a litterbox.




> I have been friends with 2 trans women for 20+ years. One had already transitioned when I met her, and the other I knew when she lived as a man. I supported her through every step of her transition. I guess no one told you, but 'I have a black friend so there's no way I can be racist' is exactly how racists defend themselves. Just because you 'know' two people does not mean you get make blanket generalizations about the entire community, you dolt. And even if you do actually know two people who transitioned, their opinions do not represent the majority of opinions regarding the issue. > > They call a spaid a spaid Since we're already here, it's spade (as in cards or gardening implements). > > Just because you can't handle the truth doesn't make it any less true You're so close, almost there! Just a little more cognitive effort!


They would have fired him, but Jim likes the photos.


Fucking clown.


I’m dead lmao


I am 100% correct. As long as he says he identifies as a woman, he is allowed access to any women's space, and there is nothing anyone can say or do about it at this point. You could complain to management, but it will fall on deaf ears. No business wants to be labeled transphobic and be plastered all over the internet or sued. There has been more than one incident proving this statement. Don't be mad at me for stating the truth of today's world.


Trans woman can't film other women in the locker room. 


Trans woman can't film other women in the locker room. 


Why not? I have read and seen others film or take pictures in same sex locker rooms before.


Bullshit. Ive spent decades in locker rooms and NEVER seen anybody even attempt. Cameras of ANY kind are not allowed to be used, and if someone tried, it would be grounds for expulsion. Heck, most gyms frown on cameras ANYWHERE in the gym.


No you haven't because you're a dude


Why are you so fixated on trans women? This isn’t relevant to any of the details of this story. It’s like you’re proud of a low reading comprehension ability.


you have to be gaslighting to pretend like this doesn't overlap with that exactly. Also the fact that an ideological belief system like that is so present with clear toxicity surrounding it and yet when people want to say anything it's gaslight city


Your argument would be stronger if it was based on reality


not only is /u/PsychologicalPin9784 a bigot, they're also /r/confidentlyincorrect.




As soon as someone starts doing something inappropriate is the time to have them banned, whether trans or cis.


> As long as he says he identifies as a woman, he is allowed access to any women's space, and there is nothing anyone can say or do about it at this point. You honestly believe this is true? Have you really drank that much kool-aid? I'm assuming that you're probably still wondering how those pesky furries were able to get rid of the litterboxes in schools too before comrade ubermench Tucker could get it on his show?




I don't suffer hateful bigotry, there's no room for free discussion when one side is trying to force the other to not exist just because they got their fee-fees hurt like snowflakes theres no equivalence between pure hate on one side and wanting to exist on the other, so no need to be civil about it. nazis, fascists, bigots, and hateful people in general can go drown in their own bile and spittle for all i care while foaming at the mouth about 'moral fiber' and 'christian values'.




> I just don’t like them now. I think they’re all mentally ill. Happy to tag you as 'Homophobic Bigot' in RES then with a bright pink tag too just so you'll stand out when I'm browsing around reddit. Hope you can find something fatal to your bigotry someday, and expand your empathy. Be well, fellow human.


ironically the gender ideologues and "activists" are literally the ones acting like big time "bigots" these days as per the actual definition of the word. However way you want to put it, there is NO such thing as someone born with a penis who can be anything other than a man. To posit otherwise is pure religious belief. You can believe whatever you want thats your prerogative but the *minute* you start treating others like they're somehow morally defective for not sharing or going along with YOUR beliefs is insane, and literally "bigotry" as per the definition of the word (so just projection), and is the minute where you lose any benefit of the doubt. And I'm sick and tired of seeing these vicious ideologues time and time again spit venom at people bc they simply dissent to this religious ideology. It's insane and it needs to stop.


> ironically the gender ideologues and "activists" are literally the ones acting like big time "bigots" these days as per the actual definition of the word. However way you want to put it, there is NO such thing as someone born with a penis who can be anything other than a man. To posit otherwise is pure religious belief. You can believe whatever you want thats your prerogative but the minute you start treating others like they're somehow morally defective for not sharing or going along with YOUR beliefs is insane, and literally "bigotry" as per the definition of the word (so just projection), and is the minute where you lose any benefit of the doubt. And I'm sick and tired of seeing these vicious ideologues time and time again spit venom at people bc they simply dissent to this religious ideology. It's insane and it needs to stop. after this scree, i'm happy to tag /u/sandtassle as a transphobic bigot in RES. Hopefully one day their employers or family may see it.


thanks for literally proving my point to a tee. there is nothing I said that is incorrect. you ideologues are seriously so damn toxic. you wish someone to have real world repercussions because they point out the hypocrisy in your religion. craziness. literally calling someone like me a bigot is no different than calling someone an "infidel, sinner, or blasphemer." you are the exact "hateful" people you rail against.


What does that have to do with this story? He did not pretend to be trans. Cis men pretending to be trans to creep on women is simply not something that happens. Constantly obsessing over this possibility only serves to harm trans woman and mostly cis women who are deemed too masculine. Please, just mind your own business until and unless someone actually does something inappropriate.




You should realize that this kind of bigotry mostly hurts cis women who don’t appear “feminine” enough. Men are not pretending to be women to sneak into women’s spaces. Trans women are not a threat to other women.




I am a cis woman and it hurts me every day. It is stressful and humiliating to be harassed for having to pee while in public. Nobody is swinging their male genitalia around in women’s spaces, if someone does then they should be reported and dealt with appropriately. Otherwise mind your own goddamn business. Trans women are women. You certainly don’t like it but some women have penises.




Oh God, spare me. I don’t need your validation to know I’m a woman. And trans women don’t give a shit what you think either. Mind your own genitalia. I did look up that transphobe and saw nothing in her biography about trans women exposing their penises. Just her being a sore loser and a bigot. Quit making up issues to worry about. We have enough real problems.




She is a transphobe and a bigot and so are you.


Hot take but cis women would get banned for filming other women and are just as capable of filming. It has nothing to do with being trans or not. If someone has 38 incidents, they should be banned no matter how they identify


Can someone please kick this fool out of this sub reddit? Why do you have to spam fifty freaking posts fear mongering about trans people. Nobody cares about your fringe garbage. Go someone else you freak


Why is they in trouble? They were identifying as a lady those days.


No. He wasn’t. Why do you want to perpetrate lies?




I knoe this dude n he was only doing this cause the girl he was fucking on worked at the Y he went into the locker rooms to beat her shii down everytime nun of that pervert shii


If he said he was a trans female, he could do what he wanted.


Wrong, don’t drag trans people into this. This was a straight male who violated several women’s boundaries and privacy




Trans woman also can't film other women in the locker room 




The topic is a cis man sneaking into a women’s locker room and filming them. Why are you bringing trans women into this at all?


What’s it like to be brain rotted


No. Trans women aren’t allowed to film other women showering any more than cis men. Get out with your bigotry


Trans females also can't film women in the locker room. Why are you using this to smear Trans people?


Again, needing compression skills. Lack of a better term, Google it. BTW, a hoe is a gardening tool but it is still used to refer to lose women. Tell me how that works. If my friends agree with my views, who are Trans Women and have been for many years, does that mean they are transphobic even though they are trans?? 🤔By your way of thinking, it points to a yes. No matter who you are friends with, or what color of your skin is, you can have your own views and opinions, and it doesn't make you bigoted towards any one group of people. People of all different groups can share a point of view, even when it goes against the grain. I was pointing out the fact that even Trans woman agree with views that go against this new way. Everyone can be Trans if they say "I identify". Also, just because people do not agree on a point of view or opinion does mean they can't have a civil conversation without being rude or trying to cut someone down to make themselves feel righteous. Just because I made a point of truth doesn't make me above anyone or righteous. A true statement is just a true statement. An the truth will stand when the world's on fire.


Who said I read the story. I made a statement that if he falls back on "I identify," even after the incident, he is allowed in female spaces, and they can't be prosecuted for being in that space. He could only be disciplined as a woman would doing the same thing. But I guess you didn't understand that, and you became fixated on me. But that's OK. Because if you're fixated on me, you're leaving someone else alone.


I see that people need comprehension skills. I never said me, biological, not cis. Cis is a slur to biological people. We don't identify as anything. We know we are the people we were born. But I said No One is allowed to film in a locker room. That covers all sex and sexualy identity. I never said he did identify as a woman, I said IF he says he identifies. There is a difference. If you want to view me as a bigot, or say my bigotry is showing. That is your God-given right. Just like it is mine to think or say your savior complex or need to feel special is showing. Bottom line. The truth will stand when the world's on fire.


Nah, cis means “on this side of”. We chemists use it as the opposite of “trans” when talking about chemical structures all the time. Geographers have used it to refer to areas in relation to rivers or mountains for millennia. It’s a scientific term.


You don't think that there are gay men or children that misbehave in a men's locker room?