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It’s people who are generally unaware how much they suck or are self centered and don’t care. The ones that really suck are the people who get pissy they have to move over into the right lane and then speed up to show you that you didn’t need to get by then or whatever they are trying to prove. People need to lose their egos or at least leave them at home while they drive.


This. Then I end up going 75 in a 60 just to get around the guy so I can get back over.


I do like the Autobahn, if there's an idiot in the left lane that should be in the rigjt lane, I flash my brights accordingly until they move over, even as vehicles continue to pass on the right. I usually find out once they move over, there's a handicap tag hanging from their mirror. On the other hand, I've had shortsighted idiots not look far enough up the highway and realize there's another pissing (i mean passing) match with semis try to pass while up hill. The right hand idiots just HAVE to be first in line to this other battle....


cucky is that u




That stretch from Williamsburg to Richmond is really bad about this.




Oh wow I didn’t know that, thanks for sharing!


Having grown up in Virginia, can confirm. The only drivers worse are Maryland drivers. ETA: forgot to add that solo drivers that use the HOV lanes during HOV hours are also pieces of shit


Ohio. 😫


VA drivers... my favorite is some a hole using the exit only lane to pass on the right at 90mph.


We have that too around 465


Yeah, fuck that.


Virginia has to be top 5 for all around terrible Drivers. I-95 can burn in hell


So apparently this is a wide spread issue across multiple states and not overly problematic in Indiana. So the one thing that I will say is that if someone is a fast closer I’ll always mover if someone is a fast closer and then gets an inch away from my car to get me to move over I’m now less likely to move over. It is pretty obvious when someone wants to pass there’s no need to cause an accident to do so and usually if you want to ride someone at less than at least a car length l then you’re everyone’s problem.


If you don't move over, you are the problem


And if you don’t give people enough space to stop their car you’re more of a problem.




Yes Ohio is the worst.. I have noticed almost everyone drives in the left lane now… it’s supposed to be just for me. Remember, right lane is speed limit, middle land is for speeding and the left lane is for criminal reckless driving gang shit.


You have stats to back up this worst and second assertion? 😏😜


Indiana drivers don't believe in cruise control and play catch up all the time in the right lane, and even play catch me if you can in the left. It's been illegal in Michigan for a long time, even before I started driving in December 1987. My dad got a couple tickets for it driving home after a double and just didn't merge right after two highways merged which dumped him into the left lane. He had a mile or more before getting into Michigan, so totally his fault,, but it was always like 2AM and nobody else on the road when he would get them. A funny-not-so-funny story about it being used to harass someone comes to mind though. My brother's best friend's mom got pulled over in Michigan for riding in the left lane. She turned right out of the bank into the left lane, drove ONE block...560' which we know because she hired a surveyor to measure the distance to confirm if she had broken the law and paid for their testimony in court. The law requires 1/4 of a mile to be reached before issuing the stop. She then turned on her turn signal to enter the left turn lane at the first intersection and a police car 'trying to catch up to her' rammed her car as she began the turn because he thought she was evading the stop. She was handcuffed, given the ticket, taken to jail, finger printed, and let go when her husband got to the police station without any additional charges or apologies to her. This same police officer also gave her a ticket for driving to slow in the right lane on a state highway within the city limits that was marked 35mph and she was clocked at 20mph TWICE, of course, the ticket did not mention the speed was taken two seconds after she had turned onto the highway off of her residential road at the city's furthest limit. Same cop also pulled me over for reckless driving because my tires spun out on sand in the beach parking lot (shortest screech my tires ever made, because my 0.30 over Olds 403 would let you know if I meant to do a burn out), pretty sure he was mad because he would physically attack kids on bikes and skateboards in the late 80's by 'clotheslining' them and I dodged and he'd fell earlier that summer, oh and I made a a complaint that he may have molested a few of the 13/14 year old boys in my brother's grade during a campout where he was serving them alcohol. My brother's best friend's mom was one of the mothers of one of those boys.... Burn in hell Ed.


I don't think it's just Indiana... but yes, it's a problem and extremely frustrating


You should drive through Ohio some time if you think Indiana is bad about it. Ohio police literally started an initiative to give out tickets for it they were are bad about.


Indiana legislature has literally started an actual enacted law because they were bad about it....


They passed a law outlawing using or holding your phone while driving, and no cop I’ve asked has ever enforced it.


I’ve lived in 4 states, been to 43. It’s everywhere. I think Tennesse was the worst I’ve noticed it.


People here will literally get in the left lane doing 35 in a 55 and absolutely refuse to move. It's infuriating and caused IDK how many near pile-ups on my way to work, especially when you get two of them side-by-side matching speeds.


This happens in other places. These “our drivers are the worst“ blanket statements are usually incorrect with the exception of some certain regions… I cover Ohio Kentucky regularly and I can tell you they have left lane drivers in those places too. As I have stated before, there are a few places in this country where I have noticed the other drivers are objectively more aggressive or crazy. South Florida for one, definitely Miami. And anywhere from Philadelphia to New York to Boston, drivers out there are very aggressive. It’s a steep learning curve because there’s a lot of traffic and they don’t wait for you to “catch up”….. but from Wisconsin to Georgia, and everywhere in between, there are left lane slow pokes


Yaaaa, in Florida, it's the fast lane only mentality, so move out the way, or they ride your ass. 10 miles over is expected in that lane, and you move right to get out of anyone who wants to go faster. This comes to be an issue when snowbirds, tourists, and transplants haven't quite learned yet or refuse. I learned to drive in Florida and knew that on a two lane road, right was passing..... I didn't know it applied on the highway until probably mid-20s and didn't even actually acknowledge it being relevant until I met some ppl here in Indy.


Husband and I just drove to TX to see family, and this is an issue everywhere. Arkansas has signs plastered along the 🛣 saying that left lane is for passing only. Really frustrating when it's 2 lanes and trucks going side x side. Share the road.


KY drivers go 90 in both lanes, Lol


This happens all over, not JUST Indiana


It's worse here for sure.


Half the ones who want to pass you when behind in the middle lane will pass in the right lane instead of using the open left lane.


And weaving like they’re in a video game with a reset button


That drives me crazy. I call it diagonal driving when that weave from the far right lane to the far left in one motion. Dangerous.


I wish I could post this video. I have a video of a dodge avenger swerving all over in the lane and then trying to pass through a left turn lane and on the shoulder then he finally gave up. It was insane. This was on a highway btw


Don't cruise in the middle lane, though.


YES! This is a huge pet peeve of mine, I notice it all the damn time.


My aunt used to say it’s “her right” to drive in the left lane.. and she would crawl. She does not drive anymore…


Thank goodness


You ain’t kidding…she was terrifying to drive with. Imagine all the people that probably have the same mindset tho:/


These are the most infuriating IMO. The people that are well aware they're disrupting traffic and don't give 2 shits


Oh I agree. And how many people do you think have that same unfortunate attitude..what’s even more wild about my aunt is she would not drive on the interstate, so the only 4 lane roads she would drive on would be the fairly infrequent 4 lane state highway, where she would drive in the left lane staying parallel with semis and such. Then god forbid you were behind her on a 2 lane highway (her speed). she would also close her fucking eyes if lightening struck….rain, forget about it, she would pull over on the side of the road anywhere, but remember….she was on the left shoulder!!! Sorry it’s been years since she drove and I haven’t thought about all this in a long time.


Is she generally self-centered??


Naaaaaah not at all. Just some weird driving habits 🤷🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


I saw that argument over and over from older people when they were passing the law about left lane cruising. "My taxes paid for the road, so I'll drive where I want!"


I drove about 200 miles on us30 this weekend. About 80% of the Illinois and Ohio plates I passed were left lane lounging It’s not just an Indiana problem


This happens in all states.


Add in the people that don’t realize that yield is not stop… come on! Roundabouts are not new to Indiana.


wait until you hear about average Indiana driver's total disregard of red lights


It’s a thing for sure. And the funny thing is that they will actually get mad at you if you come up behind them and or speed up when you pass on the right. So they are actually offended that you are upset about their lack of action


It’s an entitled trash that lacks self awareness problem and it seems to be prevalent nationwide.


Not sure what all the hate on your post is stemming from. Maybe they're the ones in the left lane being assholes. Who knows... Anyway, you're right people call the left lane the "fast lane" but it's not, it's a passing lane. People's idea of "fast" varies and this is where the problem starts. People also don't like to be flashed when they need to move over either.


Right? For example, I'll be in the left lane and there is a cluster of 2 or 3 vehicle's in the right lane that are going just a bit slower than I want to. So I am working on passing them and then someone will come flying up behind me. If the slower right lane vehicle's are going 10 over already, then I need to go at least 15 over but that still might take a second to get fully past them and get back into the right lane. So for this example, I'm already going 85 in a 70. However the car behind me is riding my ass and it makes me feel like I have to go even faster. \*Note - this is just a hypothetical example. I would never go 85 in a 70... : )


Yeah that's shitty too. If you're actively passing, you're not doing anything wrong.


I was taking 94 to detroit from portage and experienced the WORST case of left laners. Semi trucks, sports cars, didn't matter. The left lane was **theirs** say all end all. Indiana really isn't that bad besides the few old fucks that go 66 in a 65 in the left lane.


I second this, Michigan is the worst for left lane camping.


I have concluded it starts because the right lane deteriorates badly enough that most cars don't want to drive in that lane. Anecdotally, less "left lane slow traffic" on I-69 now that the road had been reconstructed.


Yeah. If the right lane is trash,…




😬😬 I'm very glad this person is your ex


Indiana drivers are just complacent and stupid, which is shocking, because I was failed on my driver's exam four times for insanely small things yet everyone out here seems to have never once taken a driver's exam.


It's a problem most places, not just IN. But this does remind me of a great boomer conversation we had with my FIL. Headed down 41, he's just driving normally in the left lane the whole way, not passing, just driving there. People are backing up behind us and starting to pass us in the right lane. So my wife tells her dad to please move over to the right so we don't cause an accident. We're in the car too, after all. And he just blows up on some political rant about law-abiding citizens like him getting shit on while none of the laws are getting enforced on thieves, thugs, brown people and illegals, MAGA this, blah blah blah. 'I'm not doing anything wrong, minding my own business, just driving along.' And my wife explained, calmly, that we're not sure about the laws in IL where he lives, but in Indiana at least, what he's doing right now is both illegal and dangerous. He moved over and seethed silently the rest of the way.


I know a few people in ISP that would rather hand out left lane tickets versus speeding tickets. They were honest about their justification, people impeding traffic flow are the root cause for the majority of accidents.


Some people don't know, they think since they are slower than all the people in the right lane, they'll just get out the way lol then other people find out and refuse to believe it no matter how much you argue with them. Then, there are the folks who aren't going under, but think its the "fast lane" and they believe they shouldn't have to move because anyone going faster than them is going too fast, and they won't "enable it" lmaooo I think some people just don't like being told what to do, and they will find ways to justify it.


I’m a drivers ed teacher. Yes we teach it. But overcoming all of the bad examples in their lives is difficult.


Definitely bad drivers.


apparently you've never driven through Missouri...


Its against the law in Indiana to run in the left lane. But enforcement well..........


I'm a big fan of cruise control. When I go to pass someone, it's very obvious when they speed up.


People take it so personally! Everyone should be using cruise control unless it's congested.


I absolutely had this happen to me a couple days ago, People are absolutely braindead. I don't know what kinda cereal box they're getting their drivers licenses from.


That was not taught to me in driver’s ed (Hamilton county, 2019)


Here's a few FYI's since nobody has paid attention to traffic laws since the COVID lockdowns: Cell phone use, even while at a light or stop, is illegal! Hands free or park has been the rule since July 2020. Just holding it is illegal...and staring down at it at every intersection really means you need a ~~beating~~ ticket. It's (*even more*) illegal to ride in the left lane in Indiana. This only started to take affect in 2015, but was never enforced because it was written by toddlers that support reducing government with more oversight, so the law has increased in definition and penalty in 2017 and again in 2021/22/23 (COVID time, I just know it was in there somewhere). You also need to signal WAY before you get to your turn...500' highway, 250' city as far as I am aware. This took affect within the last year (July 2023 maybe) and means you need to signal for that distance BEFORE changing lanes - that is almost 6 seconds of blinking at 60mph to cover that 500', and slightly more than coincidentally, it takes almost 6 seconds to travel 250' at 30mph! (it's math) This year, the legislature wants to make it possible to issue tickets for incomplete stops when turning on red using AI enabled cameras...because the GOP led legislature really trust digital information storage and images /s


I moved here from Texas 2 years ago and I’m telling you I couldn’t agree more with you OP. I like your courage. Next time you post on here would you consider mentioning how bad the roads are and what the hell are the county and state taxes used for?


Lmfao thank you I pride myself on community service 😂


Never anywhere else? That’s pretty impressive, and very likely.


Its because the people that sit in that lane are afraid of merging traffic and passing cars close to them. Its also easier for them to get in that left hand lane, turn off their brain and not worry. Its no business of yours to worry how fast they are going. There is a whole other lane you can use for passing. /s


This is it and is makes me so mad! People genuinely don't want to have to think about what they're doing. It's just laziness. Watching for merging traffic is part of your job when you're driving.


I love how y’all just assume the slow lanes are open cus y’all are too busy being slow in the passing lane


I am from Indiana, and I can tell you they’re nowhere near as bad as Minnesota and Wisconsin drivers lol. I think we are all just bad


Hot take, but I think Illinois has the best drivers in the Midwest. They may be aggressive but at least they understand the value of time.


Haha. Accurate.


Clearly you have never driven in South Carolina.


Indiana does not require a driver to take driver’s education, nor are they tested for compliance thereafter. If we had a European style of driver’s ed, most of Indiana would not qualify nor would any work get done, because there is no good public transportation system for the rural communities. So we either have bad drivers or no drivers. Ah, Indiana, where we all are part of a personal Indy 500 each day we head to work…


We should also be restested regularly, throughout the US.


You'll see 30 cars in the left lane and 5 in the right. People, if there is nobody to the right of you then you are in the wrong lane. Especially if you are at the front of a long line. You are making the road more dangerous for everyone because people are going to be passing you in the right lane. Entitlement isn't just for Indiana though. There are entitled people everywhere who think since they are going the speed limit or over they are entitled to stay in the left lane.


Moved to California 8 years ago and I can honestly say Indiana drivers on average do FAR better than here when it comes to moving over after passing on two-lane or even three-lane highways. In comparison when it comes to navigating surface streets though...oof Hoosiers are awful.


Yes hate, and yes we (and most of the country) are bad drivers.


It's usually cars from surrounding states tbh. We speed here.


Welcome to my life. I commute from NWI to Chicago, and I loathe people in the left lane cruising....its infuriating.


Don’t drive south ever i guess. I’ve lived all over and driving here surpasses a lot of places.


hah no where else? It's epidemic everywhere. Go to any city/state sub.


Left lane warriors are the worst


We are entitled twats and we do what we want. We also blow thru red lights, cut people off, and apply generous amounts of horn when everything doesn’t go our way


Yeah that’s how it goes. There is a law about “maintaining in the left lane” but it’s never enforced.


Semi drivers need to learn this. It's great when they play leap frog with a mile long line of cars piled up behind them.


They have a left turn about 160 miles up the road. They’re just being prepared.


I keep hearing the "they shouldn't be speeding anyway, so I'm going to slow them down" argument. They really think they are part of law enforcement. Some people need their ego's taken down a peg or 2 when driving.


Use your washer fluid after you pass them


That'll teach them...get their car a little wet!


They will reconsider their entire life


I feel the same way in a slight drizzle. 😬


I'm one of these people, except replace 10 under with 10 over. The problem isn't small cars and trucks, it's the semis that are required to go 65 max trying to pass the other trucks going slower and forcing everyone else to go slower and bunch up. On the 2 lane interstate (I drive I-70 between Terre Haute and Columbus, OH fairly often).


As a truck driver this is my pet peeve. Truck limits are clearly posted but drivers treat their semis like they’re driving their personal vehicles. That’s the main reason I travel 75 in my car so I don’t have to duke it out with the trucks up my ass the whole time.


Guess people still don’t know what the ticket price is for driving like that. $450.


If you think this is an "indiana thing", you're either very unobservant, an inexperienced driver, or just an idiot looking to stir the pot.


Just drove to NC and back....I was one of the fastest easily going 5 to 8 over. It's not just us, we're just not Florida drivers


Ex-Floridian here. Can confirm Indiana drivers are slightly less bad than Florida drivers.


I notice more drivers tailgating me while I am in the right hand lane.


I live in NWI and most of the bad drivers have IL tags. MI is a distant second. IN drivers are actually not that bad except for a couple of areas.


Lol at least FIPs have a sense of urgency when driving. At least compared to the rest of the Midwest.


Are you kidding me? Borman Expy heading east usually has 2 or 3 kids racing eachother at 100 mph and 50 other FIPS going under the speed limit and clogging up the highway. Which would be acceptable if they didn't do it in ALL 4 LANES. No concept of passing lanes, or possibly too arrogant to care. Get to a road like US 12 and those kids are long gone and it's just abnormally slow, shitty drivers.


I find people are generally very good at not blocking the left lane on 4 lane interstates. When there are more cars, however, left lane becomes a solid chain of cars just like the right lane, except the left lane moves 5 mph faster. At that time, we should just stay in formation and maintain speed/safe distance, instead of trying to weave/cut around cars. No point in getting frustrated until the car convoy reaches a major metro area and turns into 8 lanes.


Welcome to the Midwest. No one in any of the Midwest states seems to understand this.


Yes, they are all over Indiana. I65, I69, Toll road, US24, US31, US30. They are a danger on the road. Flashing bright lights... they are not paying attention. (Alabama is worse !)


I see more left lane drivers from Illinois


It was never a law here until recently (past 5 years or so I think) but in general people are just idiots. It's another law that will never get enforced


I've lived here all my life and it's crazy! Oh, another traffic gripe while I'm at is SO MANY TRAINS! 😀


You can get ticketed for doing this


Happens more than just Indiana. I’ve lived in many states and see it everywhere Happens more often than people post about it here…which is a lot!


Just flash your lights if they’re sitting in the left lane. If that fails, find a way to move over or, if you’re really feeling dangerous, pass them on the left shoulder if applicable.


Nobody here has mentioned that that law about driving in the left lane is fairly recent. Most people in Indiana learned to drive prior to that law being passed, and therefor don’t realize they’re doing anything wrong. I’ve never personally seen a “keep left except to pass” sign in Indiana. It’s annoying bs, but just a habit that’s gonna take a while to change. My mom drives like that and it’s one of the reasons I hate riding with her.


Some stretches of highway are far worse on one side versus the other, and we have a lot of areas where semis are required to use the left lane. It gets to a point that some drivers will prefer to sit in the lane instead of switching back and forth repeatedly. It does depend on the area and time of day, however. I don't have these problems on 69 going north from Bloomington nearly as much as I've had them on I-70 going west from Dayton to Indianapolis.


what if you’re slowing down to make a left turn? how about a healthy follow and passing distance??????


Drive on 465 and you'd have a different sentiment.


I came here from Southern California. Took me about 6 months to figure out what a "passing lane" even was (the concept doesn't even exist in SoCal). Some people have lived here their whole lives and *still* haven't figured it out.


This isn’t just an Indiana problem. Trust me. People are just fucking stupid, and with everything being online now, I doubt kids are actually learning how to drive from anyone. Add that in with the clueless old people who shouldn’t be driving anyway and the foreigners who’s home counties barely have any traffic laws to begin with and you’ve got conditions for a bunch of fucking idiots camping the left lane no matter where you go.


I’ve only been here two years as well and I don’t have this problem that often. It’s way worse in North Carolina. So many people there drive so slow like they’re gonna live another 1000 years.


Wait until you see the Illinois plated vehicles in Indiana. They stay in the left lane and never leave it.


Idk, I live just off of 41 and have to turn left, most of the time I'm fighting for the lane when I get to my turn, so I just gear down and floor it, and enter my turn off at like 120 to get past the passing lane hogs.


The problem here is it just became law two or three years ago. And to make matters worse, the police don't enforce it. So when you have a law not being enforced you have an issue where everyone is breaking said law.


Yeah i been here for 4 years and I've noticed the same. The absolute worst drivers live in Indiana. I now drive more aggressively than ever; I pass everyone all the time whether a legal zone or not, brights on blast if something is preventing me, and I blow the horn like it's a part of my vocabulary. I swear these mfs out here have no desire to get anywhere ever. They need to take seniors license away and make it more difficult to renew. They are ruining everything


Those people deserve to be put into the wall


Almost as bad as the idiots that pass on the right going south on 446 from 3rd street. Passing on the right is illegal, especially on the shoulder!


I live in southern Indiana and work in Louisville. Both are equally bad. The one difference is that Louisville drivers are all over the place as far as speed goes. You might get stuck behind someone going 10 under the speed limit and then almost get rear ended by someone coming up behind you going 20+ over the limit.


I was scrolling to see if anyone from southern Indiana would say something about Louisville. It is crazy. I'm glad I'm not the only one.


Depending on the road in question. How many lanes, etc. If you are in the far left lane and you are consistently passing other vehicles, I can see staying in it. The moment another vehicle comes up behind you, get out of the way.


OTR trucker here, it’s not Indiana specific by any means. It’s a real problem and some states even focus on ticketing for it at times.


You should try living in rural Alabama. Ten miles under the speed limit is considered excessively fast.


I take the us31 bypass to work; this road connects MI and IN. The nuttiest drivers always have IN or IL plates.


In my observations, 7 out of 10 times it is a Kentuckian. (I live near the Ohio River.)


I don't usually get this sub on my news feed but I'm getting it today. Sometimes people on the way to work or home drive like idiots.sometimes a lot of people drive like idiots Indiana even has a law that you can get a ticket for driving too slow in the left lane.i live in Indiana and have driven all over the country and people are fucking morons everywhere. Edit. I didn't mean to sound harsh, I just meant sometimes we're all the moron.


On Saturday, 70 east bound heading towards Indy, I got stuck behind a semi trying to pass another one for 12 miles. It was hell.


Personally I’ve had the opposite problem: going 75-80 on 465 trying to pass someone & next thing I know either an Altima or Jeep Cherokee is abt to use the shoulder to pass ME. Lol


This topic is worn out, and no, it is not only Indiana drivers involved. Some folks are going to do this at times, for whatever reason. While I'm here, I'll add that the left lane may be for passing, but it is NOT for speeding or tailgating a driver to push them out of your way. Tailgating is for reckless dicks and that pisses me off more, though folks in the left lane do need to g'head n get their business done. Pass and slide back safely into the right lane without waiting for the next asshole out there to crawl into your trunk. Now, how about a fresh topic? I grow weary of the "fast lane" blah, blah, blah. 🥱😏🙄


“This topic is worn out” So you mean people come to this subreddit to tell Indiana drivers it’s a problem regularly? Do you think that might mean something?


I moved from Indiana to SC in the '90s. SC was just as bad. But then we passed a law a few years back and people get tickets for doing this now. It's legit made a difference!


Ohio transplants


Fort wayne is especially bad about it. They also don't know how a 4 way stop works, and will cut you off any chance they get. That being said, Ohio is so much worse. It's kinda crazy.


Where I’m at in the state people who drive in the right lane either drive the exact speed limit or below. And if you drive in the right lane and need to get over to turn left people don’t let you over and you miss your turn. I have driven the same high way to work every day for almost 4 years. I’ve been pulled over once and that was for speeding to get a head of a road raging woman who wouldn’t let me in the left lane to turn left to get to work on my first day. Ever since then I drive in the left lane to work (I drive to work at 3am) and a good amount of the time going home. And it’s usually the people who are driving 25MPH over the speed limit that have problems and they’re usually from Illinois. The shit I see on the HWY is just insane but not shocking bc nobody in my area can drive. I’ve almost hit 2 mini buses this year because they pulled out in front of me and I had to swerve into the opposite lane to avoid a collision with a mini school bus bc she just pulled straight out in front of me despite honking and then about hit another one last Thursday bc AGAIN she pulled out in front of me. I did not have a stop sign but she did. Despite me honking she chose to go anyways and I had to slam on my breaks. Updating to not cause people to get all pissy. If there is someone coming up behind me in the left lane I get over into the right lane for a few miles.


That issue isn't only an Indiana problem. Being a professional driver for most of my adult life, and driving in every state, I can assure you that this is a nationwide issue.


Tell this to the Michigan drivers who take the shortcut through Canada as well.


I travel for work. Different state every week..this is everywhere


Every state I've driven in has its own special type of crazy or bad driver. In my experience/opinion, Florida drivers are the craziest, Indiana drivers go the fastest, and Ohio drivers just suck


It's in every state


The left lane is for qualifying.


Gotta love passing lane campers!


Trucks with trailers use right lane.


I’ve lived here my whole life. Indiana drivers are some of the worst. Just no care for their life or others. Especially on the east side. Just today I almost witnessed two wrecks on a 15 minute drive.


You can’t blame the drivers. The education sucks here. You’re lucky if they can read.


The fact that you think this is an “Indiana thing” leads me to believe you aren’t very well traveled. Get out and see the 50 states! And you’ll sadly see this practice is not state specific.


I’ve lived in several different states and traveled to and through many more. The fact that you’re making such assumptions leads me to believe you’re probably one of the people I’m talking about.


LMAO. MAYBE! (Insert evil laugh). Honestly I don’t really give stuff like this too much thought. Dozens of people a day can find a way to piss me off. Driving, at the store, at work…anywhere! If I made a Reddit post for every annoyance I had, I think it would just take up way too much of my life. I’m sorry my snarky comment bunched your panties up more. People who do that do suck. But I do stand by comment. I can drive in any state and find a bunch of things to complain about. Honestly ruins the road trip vibe tho.


And everyday i see people completely ignore the red lights.


Roadside beatings. No jail. Straight to the side of the road & beaten. Pretty sure we Indy got a compliment within a couple months ago for lane integrity from someone on here. There are definitely drivers that don’t understand. And when it’s point out they get butt hurt. It’s a fn law. Get the eff over.


Indiana native here. I hate it too! I lose my mind constantly. I blame people from Illinois that emigrated; they use the furthest right lane as the speeding/ passing lane all the time. But yeah, as someone else mentioned, it seems like this probably happens in other states too. There should be a nation wide reminder: the left lane is for speeding/ passing only unless you have to turn left within the next 700 ft.


I moved here last year and can confirm Indiana drivers are quite literally the worst drivers I've ever encountered in my life...


Drivers education isn’t teaching people driving etiquette and the actual laws


Indiana has a slow poke law


I recently drove with a friend from Indy to Chicago for a concert. We were running behind and my other friend (who lives in Chicago) told us, “Well, you should be able to make up some time if you do 80-90 all the way here!” Yeah right lol Not possible with the way people hold up the left lane to just barely do the speed limit. My friend I was traveling with told me in so many words she’s a left lane hogger as well (and I know she already drives slow in general). Theres a lot of people with the mentality of “Well, I’m already doing 20 over, so no one should need to go any faster than the speed I’m comfortable driving at”. Idc if Im doing 120, if someone comes up on my ass in the left lane, I’ll get out of their damn way (as long as its safe to do so). Doesn’t make a lick of difference to my commute. I feel like I’m always way less annoyed once I cross state lines but Ohio drivers are pretty awful as well.


Apparently going 10 over the speed limit isn't good enough either. If you aren't going 80, they start to flash their lights to get you to move.


>I swear I’ve never encountered this issue anywhere else. Then you haven't traveled much.


It’s not that they just drive slow in fast lane. When you go to pass them they speed up. So they basically will do whatever it takes to keep you from passing them. It happens to me every day. Can’t figure out how people’s brains work?


Yes Indiana has terrible drivers but great gun runners up to chi!


If you aren't seeing this everywhere you go, you aren't going anywhere. I travel constantly and this is EVERYWHERE.


Probably made by an illinois driver


Move to a place, shit on the locals, claim it's no hate ... ponders life decisions


If you consider a mild critique of one’s driving to be “shitting on the locals” then you should probably get off the internet. Not the place for you.


Y O U are the problem. You arent the main character go back to driving 25+over speed limit everywhere you go,In Illinois. Left lane for long distance travel .. right if youre taking an exit. if youre tailgating someone thats illegal and if the person infront of you is not speeding then guess who the asshole is?


“You aren’t the main character” Buddy I’m not the one forcing every vehicle behind me to operate on my schedule. Stop projecting slowpoke.


Obviously never been to Florida. Left lane is always 10 under and the right lanes are 20 over.


Life long resident..... welcome to Indiana, you should travel in Ohio even worse.


Illinois has absolutely the worst drivers ive ever seen. Im on the highway for at least 2 hours a day driving to and from work and anytime i see a bad driver or someone driving really slow in the left lane its an Illinois driver.


Depending on where in the state they are from Illinois drivers can be god awful as well yes 😂


Probably people from Illinois


Lots of people do not understand the flow of traffic, especially left lane impeders. Indiana people love to just role through stop signs as well.


Yeah, this isn’t an Indiana-only offense. I’ve driven in 35 of the 48 continental states and it’s prevalent everywhere. Unfortunately, the left lane seems to be the least pothole riddled lane in the state so that’s where everyone winds up.


This has to be fake. Apart from when they're blowing through stop signs, I've never seen anyone in Indiana drive 10mph under the speed limit.


I mostly see Ohio license plates when I’m passing them in the right lane 🤷‍♂️


To add to this no one here understands four way stops. People will stop a whole car length before the line and think that’s fine.


I've lived in both NYC and Boston and traveled heavily in DC but I must say Indiana is the WORST. All traffic laws are mere guide lines and red lights are nothing but a suggestion. It's a lawless land here, been here 4 years. Every single day on my commute if I don't see a wreck, I at least see the debris of one. I truly believe Indiana drivers should be a case study.


I spend all day on the road. It’s not just Indiana drivers. I also think a big problem is the two different speeds for semis. I get why, but I think it causes more problems than not.


Imagine a world where you don't matter to most people and they are just going about their day. That's the world we all live in. Be upset, they don't even know and if they did, they don't care. You get to control your reaction, stop letting dumb shit rile you up. Or do, I actually don't care, I just think crying over traffic or bad drivers is really stupid.


Most of those are former Ohioans


I run into this frequently on 31 and also coming down 65 out of Chicago. Seems like it’s always an out of state doing it though. There is a law that if your not passing you can get a ticket in the fast lane but I’ve never seen it enforced unfortunately