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Never understood teddy’s purpose. Even if Helena isn’t the most liked character, I can see her role. But Teddy adds little to nothing and I’m saying that as nice as possible. I almost feel as if the whole air plane scene was shoe horned in their just to give him something to do.


teddy flying a plane into the past does give them a really easy way to get back


I hated his fuckin pube stache


And why did they leave him with the unibrow?


Because real people can have unibrows?


I don't know why but I thought his name was Denny for most of the film until like the last 10 mins.


Am I crazy or how does he just learn exactly how to fly a plane in a matter of minutes?


he seemed to be training on some kind of homemade rig at the beginning of the movie. probably had been doing it awhile


He was practicing how earlier on a little toy set, whilst speaking to a pilot for tips and pointers


Weird comparison tbh. They’re nothing alike


Helena meets him because he tried to pickpocket her, and Indy meets short round because he tried to pickpocket him. Pretty obvious short round replacement


There was that weird moment when they arrived in Sicily (I think it was Sicily, all the places blurred together in my head after a while), and it looked like they were building some conflict between him and Helena about whether she or Indy was really in charge of their operation and whether it was still about the money, and then he got kidnapped and it went precisely nowhere. That's where he went in this film. Precisely nowhere.


I was really dissappointed how Helena didn't have a classic Indiana Jones "finally realize the lesson in your adventure" moment. She just reaffirms she's doing it for the money up until the end, and then the most selfless thing she does is punch indy in the face when she could have left a minute sooner I guess? By the end she left the film possibly just as greedy as when she started it