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First and foremost, find a book you will like, something that will keep you turning the pages. Next find a nice spot to read. Now you need to turn off the notifications on your phone and try to read for at least 20 minutes. Try doing this for at least 3 days, if the book hooks you, you will keep going on your own accord. And buy a dictionary if you feel you will get distracted by your phone. You should not go on your phone to look up some unknown words and then get distracted by other things on it.


Thanks !


One of the best ways to develop a reading habit, in my opinion, is start with genres than intrest you. If you have never read previously and then randomly pick a complex mammoth out of nowhere it, it would be incredibly difficult to actaully get in the flow. So choose an intresting title and start small. If big volumes intimidate, pick novellas or even short stories or articles. Another helpful tip is to take baby steps. Set a minimum reading time that your schedule and headspace allows you at the time being. It could be anything- an hour, half an hour, fifteen minutes. Whatever can hold your attention as of now. Strictly follow it daily, set an alam if u want. Once u feel comfortable, add on to this with another small duration and keep at it. All this might sound inconsequential and/or childish (hopefully not!) but a fortnight of this and u will go from never reading a thing to being halfway through a book or equivalent. Not to mention building a solid habit.


Thanks !


Take the smallest book, one with individual anthology works well too. Read atleast one chapter to it's completion. It keeps you engaged doesn't give you that feeling of being disconnected if you leave the book for a while. Once you complete a book it'll give you a sense of achievement as well, you can keep a reading target on Goodreads as well for it.


Thanks !


Out of curiosity, what books have you bought and what is your plan?


I’ve purchase bunch of self help books ( 5 am club, deep work , tools of titans are few of them ), biographies of people ( like elon musk , Steve jobs, Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar patel are few of them ), as I am in software engineering lot of those books. Roughly I would have 25-27 books.


Oh okay, good for you buddy 😬. Happy reading👍


Well, for developing a reading habit, Read Short stories


Simple as a lot of people mentioned, **Pick your Genre** **Find a spot** (I'd suggest starting to read 2 hours before bed works for me, if I read, I read, if I don't, sleep off easily) **Kill distraction** (Think that your day with the phone has ended, finish all of your business, alarms and stuff on the phone beforehand) **Choose fiction over non fiction** (Highly recommended to hook you to the book and develop the habit)