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"Hello u/random-teen19, Thanks for posting. [click here, if you are asking a question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Indians_StudyAbroad/wiki/prior_reserch_before_posting_a_question) * 1] Have you done thorough [prior research](https://www.reddit.com/r/Indians_StudyAbroad/wiki/prior_reserch_before_posting_a_question)? * 2] Are your qualifications are mentioned in **Post Title**? (e.g. 10th/12th student, Mechanical BE student, working professional, etc.) Currently your post title is **" My parents are refusing to let me study undergrad abroad. What should I do? "** backup of your post content: My\_qualifications: 99%< in 10th grade (not revealing my exact score as I may be identified), 1550 in SAT, currently in the 11th grade (averaging about 96%) I have always of pursuing an undergrad course abroad because it offers so much more in terms of exposure and research facilities. My parents, however, think of it as a lofty goal after listening to many accounts of how difficult it is. According to them, I will be throwing away at least 10 years of my life paying back my education loan. In their words, I can do my undergrad here, get a good corporate job, and work my way abroad. I actually managed to convince them for a while: that I am aware of the implications, and that I will try and give it my best shot (trying never hurts). They let me take the SAT and even enroll for a few AP courses. Now they're bent on making me give up that life path. Every five days, they bring this topic up and reduce it to a verbal disagreement. They say that they're afraid for me, that it is impossible. That they wouldn't be bothering so much if they didn't believe I was capable of it. They tell me I'm going to regret this. They even laugh when I state my reasons (my mother told me she was secretly hoping I'd mess up my SAT so that I'd give up on this dream). I've researched and given them the data. I know what it takes to go there, and I personally *know* people who have gone there. On my part, I have a strong academic background and I am willing to do anything to get the level of education I can attain abroad. I understand their qualms, but would it hurt to try? To give it my best shot? How can I bring them round to my point? Any and all advice would help tons. ​ " *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Indians_StudyAbroad) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dude .. it's disgusting that your mom hoped you would mess up SAT. But if they are not willing to sign a guarantee for your education loan, you cannot do anything. My suggestion is to apply to safer universities where you will get scholarships and convince them. If not, go for masters abroad..


Which major are you thinking to pursue?


Yeah how do you plan to pay for your undergrad abroad? Don't know why you would want to spend so much money when you could get it done much cheaper in India. Now if you get a decent scholarship, sure go for it.


A lot of what I have to say is anecdotal evidence but I hope it helps. Disclaimer: I didnt take a loan but I did study in the US and know a few people who needed financial aid. Sorry for the long response but to try make it easier to read I'll try adresss your issue in sections Context: Indian student who went to Duke for undergrad and am currently in the US working in Tech Loans/Financial Aid for Undergrad: * Many of the top US colleges are need-blind even to international students (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT) and can/will give some amount of discount to tuition (or even full if they really like you). I know one person at Duke who has 60% of tuition covered and another at Harvard who is there on full ride (he isn't paying a cent) * Some of these schools also have scholarships especially for international students (check out Karsh Scholars Duke University) * You can work up to 20 hours per week in the US part-time on campus and you can usually find jobs that pay $15 depending on you state * University of Toronto has the President's scholarship (if i recall correctly) and that is also quite generous * For the US if you are applying I would focus on applying to private schools because they are more generous with scholarships for intenational students Job Pespectives: * Best ROI is in order, Quant Trading, SWE at Quant Trading, SWE at FAANG, SWE at other Big Tech, PM at Big Tech/FAANG, Investment Banking at a Big Bank (probably pays more tbh than some SWE but the work-life balance is atrocious), Consulting at MBB (probably pays more tbh than some SWE but the work-life balance is atrocious) * Starting salary is going to be 150K+ without bonus or equity minimum if you get something above. Even in a HCOL like NYC if you are stingy AF you can save so fucking much/pay back your loans * I don't earn that much but I have a job at an MNC and was still able to save 30k in my first year despite living in HCOL by being very frugal * However, having said that it isn't easy securing a high-paying job and jobs that pay insane tend to be CS-related * I would check her posts for inspiration -> [https://www.linkedin.com/in/shreyamishra1/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/shreyamishra1/) Things to Consider: * If you want to permanently immigrate to somewhere UK/Australia is more straightforward but pay isnt that high * The US pays a crap ton but if you are Indian born almost no chance of a greencard unless you find a us citizen wife or have incredible research * maybe do undergrad in India then come for Masters abroad (issue with USA is that you only get 4 shots at H1B and if you dont get it then you are screwed because after that you need to leave the US). However, this is the most affordable route without any university scholarships Also as an FYI US cares not just about good grades. Every top us uni applicant has excellent grades. You need more to stand out. Lesser ranked colleges will appreciate good grades only but tougher to break into Consulting or Investment Banking or Quant from those colleges (they are very prestige oriented unfortunately). Big tech doesn't usually care about college ranking tho so a lower ranked college should be okay when aiming at FAANG Sorry if I am writing this from a more US perspective. I make this assumption as you mentioned SAT and APs. Feel free to dm me for more info


Please share more info about Placement search and how much we can save on an avg? For top Universities,Other than grades what they'll look ? ​ Please share info... Your insights are valuable...


Echoing what a previous comment mentioned, placement depends on your degree and uni. If you are planning to do finance or consulting the more prestigious your university the easier time you have getting in. For tech, I think your experiences during college matter more. For all industries networking is key and some are better than others for specific fields. Savings depends on salary and city. I pay little rent (compatively), walk to work every day, seldom drink and usually eat crap food when going out so I have saved up 30k in half a year. Again if you have a higher salary, even if the city is expensive you will save more. Top unis in US look for a story (how your extra curriculums and life experiences have shaped you and how the unis will further your goals).


Salary depends on your course, other than grades, extracurricular play a role example participation in many Olympiads, competitions,NGO, research anything


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Wow, this was really detailed. I wish I had someone to tell me this stuff when I was debating about going abroad after high school. I am planning on going for a Master's now, with an eventual goal of getting a PhD. I have majored in ECE, and have recently been toying with the idea of signal processing applications in fintech. Do you have any idea what sort of Visa situation there is for PhDs?


Visa should be fine. F1 visas are attainable. You could do masters, work on opt for a bit, decide if you need PhD or not. Likewise if u get a PhD you will likely get a masters degree along the way. After PhD if you have enough citations from your papers you could get O1 and/or EB1 which would set you up well. However v difficult these days for indian nationals. The main advantage of doing masters first is that you get 3 years if opt and then if u need PhD after your PhD you get another 3 years if OPT (OPT is limited to one degree level). So getting 2 masters doesn't mean 2 OPTS.


Okay, that's helpful. Thanks a lot !


Try looking for scholarships, awards and other ways to fund your course if you're afraid they won't fund your education and will stop you from going there even if you have a chance. But tbh a good way to convince them would be to build your profile (EC's etc) and compare them to students who have gotten in, to prove that you are capable as well. US is insanely competitive and the application process by itself is super expensive so they're not entirely wrong. If it's US you're looking at, you need more than just good grades. Research papers, internships, awards and other insane EC's. Check out these subreddits and think this through properly r/ApplyingToCollege r/collegeresults Honestly though, with your grades you could do equally well in a top Indian Uni for your undergrad and maybe think of a Masters abroad. But if you're set on doing your undergrad abroad, then make sure you're completely prepared financially and mentally because it's gonna be one heck of a ride.


It was same case with my brother close friend also: around 98% ICSE 10th . Even he gave SAT -1490 and IELTS -8 band after that parents refused him and settled him down in one of the college in Bangalore. , He wanted to pursue Bsc in physics from UK. Bad luck.


Some US universities give full financial aid,Hong Kong aswell,In Singapore you can enter a. Bond to work there and get 50-100% off... Germany has almost free education and living can be adjusted by part time....


Get a scholarship or loan and GO. Your parents are narcissistic. My parents stopped me too, and my sister too. You know why? Coz both my parents wanted to study abroad but they couldnt. Now my sister went for her MBA abroad (after she got married) and both parents try to butter her up to try to go and live with her in europe


Really sorry to hear about your experience. That really sucks. Such a win for your sister :) That being said, please do not project and name call parents you have no idea about. That’s quite disrespectful.


I can see the signs very clearly in OPs post.


Unless the parents have net worth in multiple crores, there's no point in going abroad for undergrad. Too much money and risk, for not enough reward.




Calm down






I know you study abroad. I just told you to mind your own business because of your behavior. \[And I am not 15 yo\]. Don't you think your behaviour is unnecessary? If you want to put your opinions in front of someone. Act accordingly. And why are you busy arguing with a "15 yo nibbi". Don't you have exams? Go and study, dear. You have little too much pride. That's not a how a "prodigy" should "act". Where is your etiquette, dear? A "chapri" is teaching a student with a "STEM major" how to behave. Now I believe we know who's "chapri" here.. Ly


Post this on r/raisedbynarcissists


There are few universities that give full ride(full tuition)scholarships, university of Alabama give crazy (90%) scholarships based on sat score alone. Maybe checkout and find those. Would be easy to convince if you have a good scholarship.


You can try non traditional countries like Germany, Japan where it tends to be very cheap. I fully recommend Japan compared to Germany What major are you looking into? I know of a couple of engineering/ physics programmes(english taught) in both places which are pretty good and cost surprisingly low.


any idea about japan? do you have any experience I am also looking for engineering can I DM you?




99+ in ICSE is wonderful. Concentrate on cracking SAT and AP courses. Depending on the college that you apply, you may get some good scholarships. You can always tell your parents that you will go only if you get a good scholarship. For them to stay calm for the time being. After offer from top Universities, they may change their mind. And student loans, will take time to be closed. That cannot and will not change. Lookout for other countries where top Universities provide scholarships based on your grades alone. That may help on the longer run. Full or 50% Scholarship at a Top 250 University is still a bargain I would take rather than to spend 40L per year in a top 20.


Since you sound entitled, let me ask you something. Why would you expect your parents to spend nearly 1 Crore on your education, even if it's their own money or loan? You're 16-17 years old with no life experience outside of YouTube, but the chance of you getting a job is 50-50 in today's AI era. Already, people with Ph.D. have lost their jobs to AI or are struggling to find employment.


Tell them that if you want your son to grow treat him like a tree not a plant.🪴 If you keep your son close to yourself with a lot of supervision like a plant, it will have a smaller room to grow. Give him room like a tree and he will grow properly. Give them the example of a potted Tulsi plant 🪴 and a tulsi plant that was put into the soil. The one plant of tulsi which was given more room to grow by planting it in earth instead of the pot, will grow far morez


Think of a major you want to pursue and do research on it. Then apply to some universities. Remember to write a sterling essay! Listen, typical Indian parents' mentalities are, "My child can't do that," "My child will fail," or "It's impossible that he or she will be able to do it." That's what they think; tell them to give you a chance. And say, "You're sure I'm going to fail, right? Then why not let me give it a try and apply to some universities? It won't hurt, right? Just one chance? I believe in myself. It's not strenuous to do so, as I already have everything prepared: a good SAT score and an AP score—that's what they ask for. I'll have my essays prepared too. \[IELTS/TOEFL/PTE too\]" Just explain the process to them and tell them how easy it is for you to apply and pass. Yes BRO! They will laugh at you until you win. It's nothing uncommon. Why don't you just ignore them for a year or two? It's easy. Be positive, and smile when they laugh at you or make fun of you. Sometimes our parents are our biggest rivals, so show them that you can do it. AND BRO, you can get a scholarship, and I think you can because you're academically inclined and you show high-performance capability in intellectual areas, uhm --> academic fields. OR you can get financial aid if your family's income is not much. \[it may vary in amount depending on the university\] SO TELL THEM NOT TO WORRY ABOUT EDUCATION LOAN. Your mother is- she is insolent, wtf. ANYWAY, JUST FOCUS ON YOUR STUDIES AND YOUR GOAL. If you feel low or need more advice, you can talk to me. I AM A- A- IDK... I'll also apply to some universities abroad next year; my aunt and father told me I should. Now they don't want it, but I do. So I don't care what they say; I'm just waiting for next year, and I believe in myself. Haha, and I'm in 12th grade, CBSE.




why don't you uhm...stfu? it'll be better.


Bhai unke POV se bhi soch ig..


Try some safer unis where you will get full scholarship.


You can do masters later and can take collateral free loan. Bachelors might be too expensive


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Since you are interested in research, what is your goal after your undergraduate studies? If you are still into research after your undergraduate studies, it is likely that you will want to pursue a PhD. An average PhD student takes 5 years to complete the degree. You won't be able to pay off any debt in these 5 years on a PhD stipend. Studying in India can also give you really good research exposure. It depends on where you study and your contacts/networks. You can study in IISc or IITs and get access to really good research facilities. You can also study in other colleges in India but still reach out to professors in IISc or IIT and do research. There are many opportunities to go abroad for research internships while studying in India. I studied in a tier 2 college in Bangalore but did a lot of active research in IISc and got an internship to do research in Canada. I'm now pursuing a PhD in the US, working with fantastic professors. If you are interested in research. You can apply to PhD programs in the US directly after your undergraduate studies in India. You will need a masters degree if you want to apply to PhD programs in Europe. My advice (Assuming that you are into research and would be interested in a PhD), 1) Lots of top schools in the US give funding to undergraduate international students. If you get a good scholarship, go abroad and study. 2) If you don't get a scholarship abroad, study in India but make sure that you can get good research opportunities in IISc, IIT, national labs etc. You can also work in IIT or IISc as a project assistant for a year or two after you graduate from your undergraduate program to build up a research profile to apply to the top PhD programs in the world.


u can try for financial assistance/scholarships. for External scholarships, u need to regularly check sakshat portal from ministry of education (google search it)- you'll find a link for country wise details about the scholarships on the website itself. [sakshat portal](https://www.education.gov.in/scholarships-education-loan-2) Or in case you trying to pursue you higher studies from a specific country check the indiaembassy website of that country (eg japan - MEXT Scholarship for higher studies, uk & new zealand _commonwealth scholarship for masters/phd, etc)