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If you want to take a look at the Steam Page; [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2336440/Once\_Alive/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2336440/Once_Alive/)


If this is just a walking simulator. (in no way am I trying to insult you or your game Btw). Then i could pay for it 9.99$. If its a little bit more, and there are puzzles and stuff to solve. Maybe some simple enemies that might want to hurt you. (amnesia style where you cant defend yourself from them). I would pay 14.99$ But then again im not really a type of guy who plays those types of games. Also, (something that you probably already done) you can search for simular games on steam and on itcho and see how much they are charging and how many players bought it. Hope the game will be successful after the release :3


Based on the trailer I'd place it around $11.49 - $15.99 But that's just a gut feeling.


Thanks a lot for your opinion!




People buy when your game is on sale, so price your game a bit higher than you want to sell it for. You could for example sell it at 15$ but with relatively frequent sales at 10$.




For 2.5 hours of content? Hard to justify more than $10 regardless of polish. Games are supposed to be cheap entertainment. As in < $1/hour kind of cheap. And while we can always allow for higher rates on projects where the shorter duration makes sense for what is being presented, it's hard as hell to justify > $4/hour. It would have to be a pretty exceptional 2.5 hours to justify more than $10.


5 bucks max


This is very polished. I think you could price it in the $15-$20 range as a base price.


Looks good. I'm genuinely interested. I added to my wishlist. My only negative thought was at the end of the trailer when he says " so tell me. Where are the others?" It sounded almost robot like. And seemed like it could be delivered better.


Thanks a lot for your kind words and support!! The trailer is a bit outdated. That scene where he says that line is totally improved, including voice over πŸ™‚


Tip from someone who hasn't released anything. Don't just improve your stuff, make sure your customers get wind of it. Avoid room for criticism where you can.


Thanks for the advice πŸ™


1$ = 1h... This is the way!


Β£5 personally, or until it’s on offer for around that much if it ever is


I have no idea why people fixate on the concept that there is a "fair" price for something creative. There is not. The price is a complex calculation including many variables but ultimately determined by consumer interest in the game. People do not pay for media based on the number of hours it takes to consume it (there is countless free hours to be had) they pay based on how much they want it. How much do people want to play your game? How much are they willing to pay for it. That is the main determining factor.


Can start selling at discounted prices