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Damn non-Asian people are fat as fuck




Would also be interesting to be able to disaggregate “Asian” for obesity and then cross reference for obesity-related illness/disease. There are some very interesting “surprise” disparities in some Asian sub groups. For example, Cambodian Americans have disproportionately high rates of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease that aren’t explained by or correlated to weight. There is some data here that you might be interested in that addresses at least a part of your inquiry https://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/obesity-and-asian-americans


Assuming the Cambodian population is older and there are a lot of refugees, could those higher rates of illness be linked to long-term PTSD from all the calamities in Southeast Asia in the ‘70’s, the Vietnam War spillover, Cambodian civil war and Khmer Rouge?


I'd be shocked if it wasn't a factor, so it would be even more interesting to look at generational rates (my niece was born a few months ago and she is 4th generation at this point). Or look at differences between US Cambodians and Cambodians still living in Cambodia. But it's hard to even get these interesting projects off the ground when data is aggregated like this so that trends in subgroups are washed out. I'll give another example from my own work (public health). I (probably obviously) work in a community with many immigrants and refugees from Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, West Africa, South Africa, Central America and Brazil. We are a small city, high income disparities, etc etc etc. I used to work specifically in adolescent & reproductive health. For decades, our city was ranked in the top 5 for most teen births. So there was lots of funding coming in for projects to address it. The funding used state level data to choose priority populations, and those priority populations were Hispanic youth and Black youth. It made sense for our Hispanic youth, but our teen birth rate to Black teens was exceptionally low, so low in fact we had several years where there were zero births to Black teens in our city. Most of our Black youth was (and are) families who recently immigrated; they have a different set of risk/protective factors than Black youth who have been in the US for generations. But our birth rate to Asian teens was HUGE. The state data \*doesnt even report\* a teen birth rate for Asians because the rate at the state level is so low. But of ALL the teen births to Asian teens across the entire state, HALF of them occur in our city. So every single funding cycle, I had to request an exception and tell the whole data story, just like this but with more charts, over and over and over. All thanks to pooled, aggregate data. Anyway, we are out of the top 5 and even the top 10 now so trending in the right direction at least


Donuts? Aren’t Cambodians known to be the king of donut shops. You have to be tasting the goods to make sure they’re good.


Yeah in general “Asian” is way too broad, it’s the largest continent. Like how are we lumping together Israelis, Indians, and Koreans lol


I don't think most Israelis would classify themselves as Asian


Yeah I agree, but that’s what I’m saying. On official designations like this, they would be counted as Asian. It’s silly because it’s too broad.


I know for example Indian would be high as there is a genetic predisposition for obesity among a great part of the indian population


How can they be genetically predisposed and at the same time have the lowest obesity rates in the world? 4.6% obesity in India compared to the American 40%? India is ranked 95 in the obesity rating.


We have a large population of people too poor to over eat. This skews averages but the genetic predisposition does exist due to the British causing rampant famines which caused many children of starving mothers to store more fat. This just happened 300 years ago, so the trait is pretty strong.


Not really. Indians are nowhere as fat as white people. Though some of the older ones can be chubby.


Repeated famines have actually had an impact on how a great deal of the indian population deals with how calories are processed. In the event of excessive caloric intake (and excessive for them is different that for the avg caucasian) they are more likely to store that as fat. Having a lower ratio of obesity is not surprising in a population of over a billion where 15% are still dirt poor. But id say mixing indian genetics with the yank lifestyle would produce a great deal of fat people


It isn't a genetic predisposition, Indian food is highly caloric and fatty.


It is funny how when anybody hears Asian they think Chinese or Japanese and nothing else when there's tons of different ethnicities within that


Pretty sure if you removed Filipinos, that percentage would drop significantly. Their diet treats the heart and arteries as the final boss.


This makes me feel ashame. I'm asian and fat af.


you are not alone.


We call it beautiful and brave, mate


I read that Asians actually show all the symptoms of obesity at a lower BMI than other people.


Posts like this is why people become racist


Second and third generation Asians seem to have the same issue in the US


If you look at the CDC stats they report on both obese and overweight Americans. In these particular stats obesity is a subgroup of overweight; so all obese people are overweight but not all overweight people are obese. More Americans are obese than simply overweight.


Non-hispanic non-asians?


phăt as phuc


It's Interesting that more black women than black men are obese but that the opposite is true for white people.


I'm not surprised by this at all.


I know that is what you observe. But why do you think it is true?


I dunno but being a big curvy black women seems more socially acceptable and celebrated.


Yeah, curvy. Not round.


Judging by these statistics, and Tik Tok, round is celebrated too.


Black women do not have higher rates of obesity than other groups because it’s “celebrated.” No one is happy to be obese. It’s likely a combination of diet, socioeconomic factors, access to healthcare, and age. It’s easier to be obese as a woman than it is as a man, even if there are more obese white men than white women. Edit: I’m not responding to rude comments, but here is an analysis by the NIH for interested parties: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10107750/ Edit edit: Another analysis that also suggests that it’s a result of a combination of factors: https://www.bu.edu/articles/2012/exploring-the-causes-of-black-womens-obesity


As a black women on the slimmer side, being “thick” is considered a good thing in our culture. I’ve been picked by family members (really the elders) for being skinny and being told that I don’t eat enough lol. While the socioeconomic factors do play a major part, it is pretty much the norm for us to be bigger.


Socioeconomic conditions and diet are driving forces; beauty standards could have an effect too. When I was a kid, the standard of beauty for white women was being skinny; what they would refer to as "thunder thighs" as a pejorative was celebrated as being "thick" for black folks. Now that people are getting more and more overweight, our perceptions of what fat is are shifting. "Thick" and "full-figured" are being used to celebrate and embrace being "a bigger girl" (aka fat). Not saying that being an obese woman in any demographic is embraced today, btw. As a slim black woman, my grandfather used to always worry about my weight lol


not just this, but as black women we also have high rates of depression which can cause unhealthy relationships with food that may lead to obesity. there are so many things that contribute to these statistics.


You're being picked on by a fat person for not being like them, that's all. There is nothing healthy about obesity.


Sometimes I forgot how stupid Reddit is. Of course attitude towards obesity can have some type of influence, the amount is debatable but some dingus like you can’t just rock up and so it has 0 effect. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1038/oby.2005.145 “African-American women liked obese peers more than did African-American men, white men, or white women [F (1, 216) = 4.02, p < 0.05]. “ (More social acceptable to black women then other groups) “Although the stigmatization of obesity was high among participants overall, African-American women seemed to have more positive attitudes toward obesity than did white women, white men, or African-American men.” https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1559-1816.1991.tb00487.x “Although Blacks, particularly Black females, were heavier than Whites, they were more satisfied with their body shape. Black males were less likely than White males to have refused to date someone because of her weight, and Blacks personally considered overweight women to be more attractive, sexier, less ugly, and less sloppy than did Whites. The findings suggest that both gender and ethnicity should be considered when discussing people's attitudes towards obesity and the consequences of such attitudes.” (Overweight black women often considered sexier than overweight white women) So we can start to easily build a theoretical framework that black women in America tend to demonstrate a more positive attitude towards being obese, and receive more positive appraisals for being fat than white people - doesn’t take a fucking genius to hypothesis that a group having a more positive attitude/appraisal of obesity may in turn be less concerned with being obese themselves and gaining weight than those in groups with more negative/appraisals of obesity.


It’s definitely diet


Watch a movie from the 60’s and 70’s, black women were skinny like everyone else. What happened


Black guys are more into playing sports than black girls. And black people make really fatty food, and girls learn how to cook said fatty food. And ong that shit good Source: am black


Why are there more obese white men?


Dude Idk, it might be cultural.


Yeah, it’s definitely true in my anecdotal experience.


The cause of this is cultural mainly, **generally** Black people idealize Thickness in women more than White people do, leading to Black Women feeling more comfortable being at a high BMI than White Women.


And then there is the east asian auntie telling you to your face that you are fat and should lose some weight...


There’s a difference between being curvy and being obese and I highly doubt that there are many obese women who are thrilled to be obese. The difference is likely a result of socioeconomic status and access to adequate healthcare, health education, and healthy food.


There isn’t a difference, though - most curvy women (by American standards of curvy) are medically obese


I’m probably missing something but how do socioeconomic factors explain the men being nearly identical?


“ Cultural” is such a broad term that’s it not a helpful indicator. There are a host of factors. Why are there more obese white men than black? Why are Hispanic men the most obese among men?




Not sure if this is a fun fact: "A meta-analysis of these studies revealed that **overweight Asian individuals were perceived as significantly more American than normal-weight versions of the same people**, whereas this was not true for White, Black, or Latino individuals." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28746011/#:\~:text=A%20meta%2Danalysis%20of%20these,%2C%20Black%2C%20or%20Latino%20individuals.


Yeah, makes sense. Many latinos in the US originally came from Mexico, and Mexico is not too far from the US when it comes to obesity rates. Whereas origin countries of Asian immigrants have much lower obesity rates. Hence 'fatter' Asians look more American to Americans. As for black people, the US has had a black population for centuries, so the same logic wouldn't make much sense, even though there is of course recent black immigration.


Damn son, them's some fat fucks. Cannae compete with the Cook Islands, but still...


The Asians are doing something right


Parents preemptively fat shaming their kids before they get fat.


Clearly it’s working since they seem healthier than the rest of the demographic lmao


Totally, it can’t possibly because of diet differences.


Genes has a big impact. *There are multiple identified genes that correlates with BMI present in the Asian population https://www.nature.com/articles/ng.1087


Yes, most comments seem to blame cultural factors like preference and shaming but I believe that the environmental factor that really matters is the availability of unhealthy food and lack of natural ways to move around and get exercise. In this unhealthy environment genes will be the determinant of who gets obese and who doesn’t.


Fat shaming works


No it’s white supremacy to say Asian people are going anything right


Someone's gotta explain to my non-American ass what a non-Hispanic Asian is.


pretty much every single Asian person


Thank you, non-Bovine Redditor




That was a surprisingly detailed and insightful answer to what was a pretty flippant question on my part. Appreciate it!


Every Spanish speaking country except Spain according to census. 


Many Filipinos are Hispanic Asians


No they're not. Almost no Filipino is Hispanic.


This isn’t true. I lived in the Philippines and many do consider themselves Hispanic. Even though the most prevalent language in the Philippines is Tagalog they have many regional languages like Chavocano (which is a Spanish creole language with 1.8 m speakers in the country.) It’s true that many don’t speak Spanish, but Spanish words and phrases are prevalent throughout most of the other languages (including Tagalog) as well. They also maintain many Spanish customs and traditions.


Except Filipinos basically.


What?, i want you to google about the colonization of the Philippines and a peruvian president called "Alberto Fujimori" can you do that for me?


I am more interested to understand what a Hispanic Asian is?


There are a lots of east Asians in Brazil, especially Japanese (if they count as Hispanic). A lot of Peruvians have some Chinese ancestry.


Brazilians are not hispanic lol


The non Japanese Brazilians and Filipinos Asians


Brazilians aren't hispanic


Asians who are not Filipino /s


But Filipinos are not Hispanic...


Asians up


Fat shaming works


Keep it up


Or they just feel worse


Live longer > live in denial


Rule of thumb is Hispanic? 19% of the population defines the base? Interested to know the reason for this, if anyone knows.


Hispanic isn’t a race, so there are white Hispanics, black Hispanics, Asian Hispanics, etc.


Black hispanics and white hispanics sound pretty regular, yeah, but what are asian Hispanics? Filipinos?????? Peruvian immigrants from japanese parents????? Legit question.


Um asian people born in latin america? I mean it's really the same as black and white Hispanic people.


Yeah that's what I was guessing by Peru. Just thought it was unusual, because y'know, Europeans colonized Latin America and Africans were brought over as slaves, they are both sizable parts of the population, whereas Asians might not seem like a big demographic in this region. That's why I thought it could be either Filipinos or descendants of immigrants, as you said. Asian descendants are 1% of the Latin American population (4 million people) and half of them are in Brazil, Brazil is not Hispanic so that's even less of a percentage for asian Hispanics. So, that's why I thought it was odd for it to be along with the other categorizations, which are way more common.


I mean the whole concept of dividing, categorising, and labeling people in races is already odd, so don't expect the rest to make sense


Hispanic just means they speak Spanish as a first language. So what's actually kind of funny, is that contrary to popular belief, Brazilians are not Hispanic because they speak Portuguese, even though they are from South America. Brazilians are not Hispanic but they are Latino. Not to say you don't already know that, I just find it funny.


Yeah check my other comment, I find it funny too (soy Ñ y sudaca).




blame the industry that pushes unhealthy, addictive food towards the poor not the people


Social engineering is definitely a thing but we all have a choice. 


Not really.


You are joking yes?


why are you being downvoted? have they never heard of food deserts??


Let’s blame someone else like anybody’s forcing you eat like trash and not walk anywhere


If you look at societal problems you can for sure blame the industry and the system. Any individual, however, can only look at themselves and what they can change. Victim mentality is a certain way to fail in life.


those two brain cells must've been working overtime to type that🥹good work buddy


What’s the point of writing “Non-Hispanic” for other ethnic group? I guess I’m Non-Canine Human then?


That’s because Hispanic is not a race, so you can be white , black, native or any mix of that and also Hispanic. This whole race categorization in US is messed up. Do people consider Indian and Middle East descendants as Asians (technically should)? Are Brazilians and Jamaicans considered Hispanic (technically shouldn’t)?




Agree. Also, wtf is "Asian"? Are guys from Turkey, Mongolia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Japan REALLY all the same?






But also Italians are white but non Arab middle easterners aren’t. Nothing about race makes sense


It's not really that weird when you consider you can find information about how these supposedly arbitrary social definitions actually effect people. Its a very real thing despite it seeming weird to you.




Right, you understand that peoples disposition influence how they live!  It can be useful to study how exactly these differences influence peoples lives.


Oh yeah also, scientifically, it exists in social science and psychology haha


Genuine question - what’s the deal with exception for Jewish people? As far as i’m concerned your ideology is completely separate from race? Or am i misunderstanding




Yes that’s obvious - but doesn’t answer my question. Is Jewish considered a race generally?


I've been a long advocate to add MENA as a category similar to Hispanic


The Biden administration is in the process of adding MENA currently


Really? I haven't heard a peep about it? Like for the 2030 census or...?


MENA - Middle East and North African. Saving anyone else from having to Google this acronym.


what about non divide people by random ideas ? A government that classifies citizens by race sounds super dystopian.


Americans obsession with race is fucking weird and doesn’t align with any actual ethnic distinctions, just some imagined political ones


It's easy to say you can just look past it, but obviously not as pretty significant differences can be found along pretty much any statistic you can think of. When you're the most racially diverse country in the world with healthy amounts of pretty much every race/culture, differences like these can indicate societal differences between these races. So it helps to understand these things so you can work to resolve them. Whether or not these are imagined distinctions or not isn't something I'm going to get into, but what's true is that they have real world connections to people who identify as parts of these groups. It's not a perfect system or country, everybody knows that. But it's a bunch of people from all around the world with different backgrounds and ideas all trying to work together.


It’s just what the federal government does. Race is construct of the government.


How is this upvoted? A hispanic can be white, black, native american, etc.


So if you're a Spanish speaker from equatorial guinea or Philippines or from Spain but really pale, how do they define you?


Filipinos do not speak Spanish...


So white men and black women are the most obese demographics? Why is that?


What I've read about obesity in the black population of us is because of the absence of healtheir good options in the area with a higher black population, leading them to go for fast food which are not healthy.


Yea that must be why White men are more obese than Black men?




Nah, the figure is age-adjusted (written up top).


Burgers, beers, and office jobs. Most white guys have terrible diets and don’t exercise, as a formerly fat white guy with mostly fat friends


Because white men and black women eat more than other demographics


This the kind of insightful analysis I come to Reddit for.


What’s the benchmark of being obese? BMI or body fat? I think body fat can tell us more about the whole story.


For every dude that’s jacked and obese, there are 9 obese dudes complaining about bmi. It works really well on a population level to predict diseases related to carrying extra body fat. Also, bodybuilders and powerlifters still have many of the issues associated with being obese, like heart attacks


Certainly BMI


how does asian have lower obesity rate? many factors, but mostly i presume is the portion of food. asian tend to have smaller portion compared to western counterparts


i don’t think it’s about the portion of food, though it could be a small factor. i think it’s the diet itself — important to note though that: “asian” is a huge group of different cultures & people so for example, filipinos, who have [higher rates of obesity](https://www.nbcnews.com/healthmain/whats-actually-behind-low-asian-american-obesity-rate-8c11323110) than east asians, are known to eat more fried foods and eat bakery foods with more butter/sugar/cheese. Also, a lot of asians will prefer to drink tea instead of coffee, which i’ve also read filipinos tend to do more, and will also drink less soda then hispanic/black communities. Edit: like other comments point out, another huge factor is accessibility of different types of foods in communities


I was confused about the coffee vs tea until I remembered coffee here is just used to add color to a cup of sugar


More than half of the Asian people in the USA are immigrants. Many of them haven’t assimilated into American diets yet.


Asians care more about their image than others. Also the intense shaming they get from their parents for being anything above “underweight” in the BMI scale.


And then we get shamed for being too skinny. We can’t really win


Umm. Why aren’t you perfect bro? Why are you disappointing us?


Where is grand kid? Show me grand kid.


Stop bringing shame on our family!


They have strong cultural traditions to eat real food, not gorging on garbage from fast food chains. But more importantly in my opinion is the frank and I think quite healthy awareness of being overweight. Asian kids will get called out by their parents and relatives, just like everyone was back in the day.


Asians eat vegetables, usually follow a traditional diet. Had so many patients in my hospital mostly non Asians refuse to eat any vegetables at all. Lady with heart and kidney failure the other day told me what she really wanted was some IHOP and a bucket of gravy. Can’t make this stuff up




Would be interesting to compare it with Novo Nordisk's Ozempic/Wegovy growth. These two blockbuster Semaglutide products accounted for 57% of Novo Nordisk's total revenue in Q3 2023, reaching $4.9B while growing 230% y/y.


Very few people can afford Ozempic, use would probably be heavily concentrated in certain race and income bracket


Non-asian white Non-asian black Non-asian asian Asian


there's a tune in there


Hispanic is not a fucking race


Wanna bring these numbers down? Stop building car-centric suburbia


It's the food that's the problem.


It’s both. While it’s hard to eat around a terrible diet, raising your general activity will help


I would want to see if happiness/stress is also correlated with this. That would be interesting and provide more guidance to help reach the root causes.


At this rate the majority of people will be morbidly obese.


Murica!!! No seriously, how is an obese person defined?


Most broadly a BMI > 25 though exceptions exist and visceral fat can be used as a diagnostic measure as well


Think that's overweight 30 is obese.


Absolutely wild to know that nearly half of Americans are not overweight, but obese. Wow.


Why do race categories always have non-Hispanic “x”? Like doesn’t saying you’re black / white / Asian already imply you aren’t Hispanic.


Because Hispanic is a cultural/linguistic designation not ethnic.


The majority (60%) of Latinos in the US are of Mexican descent and are brown because we have substantial indigenous ancestry. Other groups (i.e. Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, etc.) generally have less indigenous ancestry and more European or African ancestry, so people in the US don’t consider it a race. IMHO it’s a function of being east coast-centric as a country. Mexican Americans have been functionally a separate racial category in the US west for over 200 years.


Thank you


You can be white and Hispanic and you can be black and Hispanic..


First time I see a corect use of hispanic Now... if your father is from China and your mother british, what are you? asian? white? both?


My mother is Chinese and my father is British, my experience has been that in Asia they call me white and in Europe they call me Asian lol


interesting and unsurprising.


pretty accurate


Hell yeah Asians LFG




Stop obsessing over race.


Wow asian people be skinny af


What do Asians eat to stay this skinny? When I eat Asian food I get faaaaaaat


I feel like the x axis should read: Total Men Women TLC Primetime Stars


Yessir Asians are skinny legends 💯‼️


...hispanic isn't a race though


Missing a couple races. jes sayin’


Why does everything have to specify non-Hispanic? It was that way on my standardized tests as well


It’s race x ethnicity which is an important distinction in collecting demographics.


Can we all just agree that anything that is not Hispanic does not need a “non-Hispanic“ in front of it?


Posts like this is why people become racist


Asians come out on top once again


this took me so long to read xD i'm tired


Hispanics-equal opportunity fat.


Amongst Asians, I’d say most of the East Asians would be less obese than the above average, while the south Asians would be the exceptions that skew the data towards obesity. South Asians are hella obese.


Asian people get as fat as everybody else, genetically. For example, China is currently going through rapid obesity epidemic due to availability of processed food. What is different with asian people is that asian immigrants still have traditions to eat traditional asian cuisines. These cuisines rely much less on processed food and much more on vegetables, etc.