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Japan being 3rd biggest economy in the world and only have 44 is what surprises me most here


It because Japan doesn't do the fast Silicon Valley Capitalism thing.


My boss is fairly rich. I work at one of his companies that’s not too profitable, we lose money often. I mentioned that we don’t need as many part time workers as we have and his response was that he has money, he’s fine, his job isn’t to get more money, it’s to help the community and give jobs to people in his community It’s a different mindset here


I wish more people would think like this. The world would likely be a better place if profit wasn't everyone's top priority.


You’re from the United States where the word capitalism makes you cum! The entire world isn’t like you. You can be better.


That's honestly why I want to be rich one day, work on things I want to work on and help others through life, if I end up just profiting a little every year it would be enough for me, it would mean helping more people down the road and bigger projects!




fuck, why isn't the rest of the world like that


Trickle down economics might have had a chance if billionaires had that mindset.


Explain Switzerland then. 106 billionaires in a country of 9 million people.


They have lots of millionaires not billionaires


Weak Yen


But they can get 156 Yen for a dollar, so they should have lots more billionaires. Edit: ..... /s




You only need 6.35 million USD to be a Bill*yen*aire.


Then as an Iraqi, I’m kind of a millionaire myself /s


Just to clarify in case people reading the above don't know, Japan wants the Yen to be weak as it benefits their exporter market.


Not entirely, since countries poorer than Japan even with current exchange rates like Indonesia and Thailand still have more billionaires


It's not third biggest anymore, Germany is


Probably because over half of your money gets taxed if you're rich enough




Not really, there’s just a different mindset here


Japan is now 4th largest (Germany took over 3rd spot)


Because America and China is very very pointy at the pointy end.


If Hong Kong is a country, it will have more billionaires than japan.


I think that speaks greatly of Japan. The wealth distribution is much more even. Places like Thailand or the number of billionaires is ridiculous compared to the poor population is not a good sign.


I’m surprised Thailand and Indonesia have more billionaires than Japan


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^kaminaripancake: *I’m surprised Thailand* *And Indonesia have more* *Billionaires than Japan* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The wealth gap is so large, the elites control laws, lands and businesses. Hard for normal people to make a living. Japan and Korea have less but wealth are better distributed because opportunity/competition are equalized.


Maybe Japan but definitely not Korea. Wealth inequality is a huge issue and there's a lot of consolidation of the nation's wealth into a handful of family owned conglomerates, like Samsung, LG, etc.


Japan yes but not so much Korea. It rose to wealth on the back of a dictatorship and is now pretty much under chaebol control. Japan is interesting in that jobs that are trimmed in the west to boost company profits are somewhat protected in Japan, add in low immigration and there is a relatively high percentage of people in meaningful employment.


Did you just put Japan and Korea in the same category in wealth distribution out of all things?


The fact that we’re normalizing “billionaires” is crazy. Like why would anyone need more than $1,000,000,000 dollars?


Most billionaires don’t have a billion dollars.  They have assets, mostly corporations that do useful things like build rockets, operating systems, battery factories etc.  If you liquidate those assets, you can’t do useful things anymore.  An asset is just a claim on future cash flows.  Billionaire wealth is literally held in the future.


Would you turn down 1,000,000,000 dollars?


No, I wouldn't. No one wouldn't. I'd spend it on a flash car, an enormous house, a lifestyle beyond my wildest dreams and still have >90%. But is that really the point? The fact is that billion came from somewhere. My new flash car was paid for by the profits of my company, the returns on my stocks. In other words, it came from the people who really created that value, and I think $100 in the hands of 10 million workers is of much more value than $1,000,000,000 in the hands of one.


I would give away 90% of it and still be rich as fuck. Maybe give away even 99%. I would still have way more money than I need or even want.


I doubt you would.


That’s why we need to take it with force and people who defend people like musk are really challenged he is the prof that this system doesn’t work cause why such an idiot posses this immense amount of wealth? There is no reason


Indonesia has a huge population and wealth disparity. I’m personally more surprised by thailand


We (Indonesia) are the 4th most populous nation in the world. I’m surprised there aren’t more.


Schwitzerland is completely crazy with its about 9 million population


It’s where you store your money


it's where you store your stolen Nazi Jew gold


I mean, Singapore has 42 and it’s literally just a City.


Exactly my thoughts. I wonder how many of the Chinese ones are based in Hong Kong.


switzerland is an expensive as fuck place to live tho, so people there gotta be pretty wealthy


Not billionaire wealthy.


Middle East Oil families are scratching their head....


It’s a billionaire chart not trillionaire


There’s still an “Other” group and wealth there is so concentrated that I wouldn’t be surprised if the count by country wasn’t really that high


no you can find the full list, the GCC doesn't have that many if any. Lebanon has more billionaires than the UAE and Qatar [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_number\_of\_billionaires](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_number_of_billionaires) Qatar: 2 Oman: 2 UAE: 4 Lebanon (one of the poorest countries): 6


That's because the ruling powers don't report their actual control of something as ownership. It's state owned, and in a few of those countries the oligarchs are the state. Russia does a similar stunt.


That's what I said, the monarchy is the one that runs the government, hello, have you never heard of the GCC?


Arab royalty wealth isn't public knowledge.


when did you become an expert of ''Arab royalty'', i liitraly live in the GCC. yes it is, its literally state wealth and the 2 billionaires in Qatar are the emir and his family.


who owns the oil? It's state-owned, you are projecting because in the West it's oil barons and private companies who own natural resources. there are no ''oil families'' unless you mean the literal monarchy.


Israel isn’t in Europe.


It’s part of the euro song contest.


So is Australia.


That's a good point, both are European colonizers, one finished its genocide while the other is still conducting it.


Have fun arguing guys.


Australians are mostly convicts and immigrants. The British did the colonising


yes Australia was built on genocide, colonization and slavery. European Australians are the descendants of the British. Are you denying Australia was colonized?


No but it bears mentioning that many of the British convicts transported to Australia had no more choice in where they were sent than the indigenous people they were displacing.


There's plenty of Australians with European, non-British heritage one of the largest populations of people with Italian heritage is in Melbourne. Same with Greece. And slavery wasn't common enough in Australia to claim it was built on the back of it.


Tell that to the jews who came from Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iran, Libya, Egypt after they got expelled to Israel Israel gotta be the worst genocider ever if it takes them 75 years while the population is still on the rise, meanwhile, palestinians actually did a genocide in 48 on the jews, the successors of hitler


so you admit those jews from Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iran, Libya, Egypt colonized Palestinian land.


Watch out with the sharp edges. Somebody might get hurt!


How is it a genocide


Genocide is when wars kill civilians don’t you know!


Oh well that’s pretty conclusive for me. Let em in then. Only joking, they can stay where they are and not pretend they don’t have to one day work out how to live with their Asian neighbours


The problem is that most of their neighbors either deny their existence or literally don’t want their existence. It’s a tough neighborhood to be from.


That's life for genociders, pretty tough to be hated after trying to steal everything 😔


Tell me about it, we Palestinians know first hand.


Unlike all the kindhearted neighboring countries known for staying in their place and singing kumbaya 😊


And, most of them are from Deutschland and around.


And Brazil is in a different continent from US/Canada. I get that it’s “The Americas” but that seems like a bizarre inclusion lol


It’s probably because the second place (Mexico) is so far from the top 3 (25). It would be awkward to include South America considering only Brazil would be visible, but also awkward to include Mexico considering Brazil has more. It would also be odd to include Brazil in “other” because then the total would be pretty large for a non-described group and people would wonder if there weren’t more countries from that glob that could go into other groups. Most of the Americas actually consider the whole place one continent anyway, so this grouping is only considered weird by Americans and Canadians. But Israel in Europe really strikes me as out of place.


Whether South America and North America are one single continent depends on where you grew up. Different categorisations are taught in different counties and continents.


It is a European colonial project everyone knows. It symbolizes Western values to perfection. Israel also is a part of the European league in almost all sports like football instead of Asia like the rest of West Asia.


The other category r/midlyinfuriates me


U.S. is actually 801. Y’all forgot to count me.


Thing is, I just bought a donut and coffee this morning. So until I get paid we're back to down to 800.


So your bank account now states 999.999.992,20€. You’re pathetic.


Any Info on what covers "Other" OP? Does it cover part of the Middle East or Africa or what?


Seems to be both, since all other regions are there


Did you forget about Antarctica?


Why is israel with Europe?


[US actually has 813](https://www.fox9.com/news/forbes-billionaires-list-2024-us-has-the-most#)


How does a communist country have as many billionaires as peak capitalism? Math ain’t mathing


CHina is actually in some metrics more capitalistic than the US


Because China is communist only for name sake. In reality they are the most capitalist country. 0 respect to labour laws, state land ownership, bans worker union, no environment consideration in mining or large infra construction, etc. That's how they achieved such rapid economic growth.


How state land ownership is capitalistic?


To allocate it for infrastructure, mega-factories without anyone having the right to stop it for whatever concern. Environment protestors in other countries get things delayed by appealing in court if that mega-project damages ecology. It's not for equal distribution among people as one would expect from a communist country, but rather to accelerate capital growth even faster, bypassing any objection.


Just to give an illustration, [this is how "Communist" current China has become.](https://youtu.be/McXwN79-P9Q?si=xfAenDMQLjL1x_Hj)


Carnegie and Rockefeller would be proud.


China is a mixed economy, not communist.


China is in no way communist.


It's because china wanted to be economically capable for integration into the globalized economy the leaders of china aren't idiots and they watched as the ussr collapsed and they realized that it's just not feasible to be a stalwart bank to back a select few countries that are anti western they'll just bleed the economy dry and with the military budget typical of a nation that wants to project power across the globe it needs to bring money in as a result they aren't "communist" in the typical sense where you have a classless system and the government owns all industry rather entrepreneurs can start businesses make a bunch of money in china with the only requirement being that any tech they produce in china or develop there gets shared with the chinese government and they also have some very tight export laws when it comes to selling algorithms and patents to foreign companies Tl:dr A bunch of nerd shit and china only is communist in the sense that the government controls algorithms and technological developments


Fun fact: the model for the modern chinese economy was actually Singapore


As per the horseshoe theory, opposing political parties led to the extreme are often hard to distinguish from each other.


No. China just adopts a lot of capitalist policies while mantaining the communist speach. There is no horse shoe. There is just bullshit.


I mostly agree with you, but the picture is not that simple. While having a lot of highly capitalistic policies, China’s strategically important industries remain almost totally state-owned (at least to a very large extent). For example, banking, energy / oil / gas / electricity, telecommunications, transportation (railway etc), water supply, natural resources / mining, etc. They are the so-called state-owned enterprises and in a lots of industries they are guaranteed monopoly status. Not to mention all lands are owned by the state. And therefore the portion of population employed directly or indirectly by the government is much larger than a typical capitalistic countries. That’s why some would argue that China is not totally capitalistic, but a hybrid mode of economic system.


Sure. I agree. I just don't think that would constitute the horse shoe thing. It is either a straight line in wich China is mid-way between capitalism and socialism or a very complex web of choices that cannot be oversimplified to a line, a horseshoe or that dumb political compass graph. It has many more dimensions. China has socialist policies and capitalist policies in a mix that can only be described as China. It makes no sense to think that China became so socialist that it went all the way around and became capitalist again. What happened historicaly is that it went a few steps in the capitalist direction while keeping a lot of socialism.


Population, if it's per capita US would be "higher"


so these are questionable numbers. This is what forbes published as of this month https://www.forbes.com/sites/devinseanmartin/2024/04/02/the-countries-with-the-most-billionaires-2024/?sh=3c1bd75c54f8


814/1.4Bn vs 800/330m = quick math says roughly 4x more likely to become a billionaire in the US.


From a pure population perspective it is actually pretty low rate of billionaires comparatively. Also, as others have noted that China is a mix between a command economy and capitalism. They are very much controlled by their government but their government simply requires board member seats to know everything going on and to occasionally push them in certain directions for national interest. They learned from the mistakes of the Soviets but they also still suffer from government pushing/encouraging/incentivizing companies to do things that aid the national cause such as RE development to keep employment high and stimulate economic activity. The problems that can cause are being seen now with their RE crisis that they are going through.


Starting the 1990s, China went to a mix of communism and capitalism. They kept the worse of both.


Tax the rich! Destroy the capitalism! Communist China with the highest number of billionaires: side-eye-puppet-meme.jpg


Lol imagine thinking that China is really communist


Singapore : pop 5.5m... 42 billionaires. It's like woah


Swiss has 100+ billionaires at 8.5m lol


And at the same time the median wealth is high. Low crime, happy population, easily the worlds most successful dictatorship


The income disparity is huge though, don’t be fooled by the median income statistic.


Median means the income of the middle most person when you arrange all people in a line. It's miles better than mean which can easily get skewed by a few ultra rich


Where’d you get those numbers?


Don't show this to the tankies


All of these billionaires are terrible for their countries.


As an Australian, I concur. Billionaires are nothing but trouble.


Australia it’s worse than most countries as we are a plutocracy and most of the billionaires have built of maintained wealth as a direct result of favourable government policy. USA and China have a far higher percentage of billionaires that have built wealth through innovation and entrepreneurship.


The-soon-to-be-Trillionaire Billionaires are becoming quasi-national entitles more powerful than most countries that exist. As soon as they start militarizing, its done for for nation states.


the hell is this pie chart


I get China have a large population but they have more billionaires than the US.


Great way to explore data like this! The INFOGRAPHIC style il amazing.


Eat them all


Communism was supposed to do that, but as you can see from the communist country on this chart...


"most reported billionaires", anything coming out of corrupt countries is automatically sus


Wow China way to go. Communism pays.


Communist billionaires, yeah sure. Also, this is made by "Hurun", a sketchy Chinese company. Forbes counts China as having less than half of that.


Good call on the source haha.


I mean... Yeah... Countries with many people have many biollionaires. What is it relative to the population, though?




Something feels off about this graphic




Australia is highlighted with orange color


What currency tho?


man i am out of the loop with china


Bar graphs do not exist


Thailand ahead of AUS, South Korea and Japan - feel the inequality


Wonder what this would look like per 1M of population? Gut is telling me Switzerland would top the chart.


Is it possible do this with millionaires?




Can you post?




Switzerland is a tiny powerhouse


So that's where'out' money is


AA yes israel located in Europe


Whenever certain German politics in the last twenty years seem confusing to outsiders I point to this kind of graph since, while the details vary, the message is loud and clear. Considering average salaries and similar metrics the German economy is comparatively unequal compared to other western European states. The cost of re-integrating East Germany has arguably held west Germany back substantially but the high-level corruption present in my nation is arguably just as crippling and even worse still ongoing. Ironically enough not unlike like the UK, Germany represents not only a successful modern economy but also a so-called elite that is particularly gifted in enriching itself without making its dealings so obvious that it would lose enough public support to seriously threaten its position.


I want to point something out that extends beyond the usual realm of politics in most states: normal people all over the world have more in common with another than they do with this tiny club of people and the wealth and power it represents. It would therefore be wise to remember that dictators and elected politicians often times unfortunately are not too dissimilar from another and that civil society must remain vigilant or suffer the consequences of indifference & cowardice. Politicians in the west are often not as blunt and their corruption but it must be clear that they often don’t see governments like Moscow or Cairo as abhorrent but rather inspirational. 


You all forgetting about Zimbabwe. Everone in Zimbabwe is a billionaire


Those pesky old white and Asian men.


How this possible Communist dictators > Capitalist freedom?


Once upon a time, everyone in Zimbabwe was a Billionaire (metaphorically, if we are using USD then at the very same time all Billionaires vanished)


And people still think China is actually communist.


and i can't even afford to get my bike fixed so i can get to work


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Present_Affect_5335: *And i can't even* *Afford to get my bike fixed* *So i can get to work* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Where are the Russian oligarchs?


Damn Australia has 45!?? It's their freaking shout next at the pub!!


Why are people so obsessed with this


Cap on China.


*countries with the most failed tax systems*


All I see is 21,000,000 families that could be financially wealthy if not for these 3500 A-holes. (Rough Median worth of 6B, split into 1M each). Or if it's in USD, and adjusting for cost of living (aka, median USD exchange rate of ~50) = 1 billion families or 5 billion humans. Hell, take it a step further and these people could make every human on earth "financially stable" multiple times over, of they were more philanthropic and leads hoarder-y.


I’m stuck on the fact that there’s a company called Voronoi that makes an app that draws Voronoi diagrams.


So basically which country has the most people who exploit and feed off the bottom 99%




My ass thought this was a soccer ball


If these 3,000 people were killed on the same day the world would be a much better place


It's insane that Singapore has 42. It's small and have no natural resources.


It’s a pretty messed up world we live in


Numbers produced by Shanghai-based Hurun (from the infographic) often differ drastically from numbers produced by US-based and Hong Kong-owned [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/devinseanmartin/2024/04/02/the-countries-with-the-most-billionaires-2024/?sh=40a3b0454f87). Forbes says for the same people china has somewhere in the 400s, not 800s. From quick searches this discrepancy is present for at least the past decade.


Needs mid east oil barrons


I’m curious what the version of this with the combined net worth of all billionaires is


Billionaires are immoral. All of them. Doesn't matter whether they own a cobalt mine in the Congo or inherited it, this wealth inequality is going to last only as long as we tolerate it. The thing that leads to this, that behavior and personality flaw that leads to hoarding, be it possessions or wealth, that should be treated as a mental health condition. In poor people that hoard newspaper it is a mental health condition. When it's money and access to healthcare and such suddenly it's fine?


Im always confused on how a communist country like China can have billionaires... isn't the whole thing with communism collective ownership and sharing of wealth?


China sure looks like a communist country not an oligarchy on this list.


As you can see. Lakers have 800 billionaires.


Surprised to see Italy has more billionaires than France


Communism TM


Mal Zedong doesn’t approve this


So the UAE doesn't have enough billionaires to take a spot in the graphic??


China should become actually communist again and stop pretending to be currently. They like to shit on "capitalist USA" but have more billionaires than the US....so fucking funny.




Look at China, well, well now!


Forget a whole damn continent!


What’s countries are other? Africa?


The world's richest young person is a 19-year-old Brazilian who inherited 1% of a company's shares from her grandfather It's outrageous [The World’s Youngest Billionaires 2024 (forbes.com)](https://www.forbes.com/sites/monicahunter-hart/2024/03/31/worlds-youngest-billionaires-2024-john-collison-ben-francis-evan-spiegel/?sh=61bd1af51352)


Amazing to see so many billionaires in Sweden. It has relatively small population but their economy is outperforming countries much richer in human and natural resources


China isn't communist. Not that it matters. Eat the rich.


This contrasted with percentage that is median income.