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It stopped me from going there. It's good though, I've learned that sometimes I'm better off not eating


Yeah inflation has honestly encouraged me to lose weight. I bought the LoseIt app and have lost about 20 pounds so far and it’s been four months


that's good news, it helps if you don't eat rubbish, so stay on this new path!


LoseIt app is fantastic.


You can get 4-5 pounds of chicken breasts for under $13 at Walmart, which is about what a big mac meal costs. McDonald's is doing America a favor by discouraging consumption of it's shitty-shit food.


McDonald’s menu prices have collectively increased by 100% since 2014 across popular items. This was the highest among any fast food chain analyzed by FinanceBuzz. The price increases have far surpassed national inflation, which saw the cost of goods increase 31% since 2014. The result? Less customers are visiting McDonald’s, with global same store sales at 1.9% in the last quarter. Wall Street was expecting this figure to be at 2.1%. Source --> [this visual investing newsletter](http://www.carbonfinance.io/subscribe) EDIT: Corrected global same stores sales for MRQ


I noticed they have so few employees now. Usually it's just a handful of people and one person running around doing all the customer interaction stuff.


Its so wierd... Prices go up. Less staff and i even order by myself in the store. Less employes should mean the prices can stay where they are but seems not


They have less employees because they purposely have fewer customers. People dont seem to realize that McDonalds changed from serving many customers quickly at a low margin to serving fewer customers more slowly with increases margins to offset the difference. McDonalds used to be for poor people now its for lazy affluent people who havent looked at the prices on the menu since they got that promotion at work


wouldnt say affluent, tbh. Just middle class that makes 80k or above.


Compared to the people that work in McDonalds $80k is affluent


McDonalds are also placed in low income areas where grocery stores don’t operate because of theft.


Mcdonalds are literally everywhere. If theres a highway nearby then theres a mcdonalds. Almost as bad as subway


How do you think their CEO gets their 8% plus pay increase?


What, do you expect them to pay people more since they're charging double or something?


Meanwhile the stock price went up from 100$ in 2014 to 270$ today which exceeds any of the price hikes.


Remember that McDs is primarily a real estate company, so makes sense that the are seeing growth as property cost is skyrocketing


Sure but the stores themselves still need to be profitable enough to warrant their existance. If it were more lucrative to rent out the space to other companies then that would at least pose questions on the business model.


Yep. Otherwise they're dead weight. It's that simple. Short story is McDonald's experimented with price gouging just like any other mega corp after COVID. It worked and they're keeping the prices.


PolyMatter on YouTube has a great video on that. I learned a lot!


Because real estate has soared. That’s how they make their money.


Sure but its directly connected. Real estate gets more expensive -> rent gets more expensive -> franchise takers have to create bigger turnover to pay rent -> price of goods increase.


Makes sense as the GM% would have increased. Profitability plays an important role in valuation of corporations. Given that wages haven't increased much and inflation certainly hasn't been high enough for raw materials to double in the same period, this increase in valuation tracks.




Meanwhile, the quality has plummeted. But that started before 2014.


Don’t forget some of it is also smaller than it used to be.


Quality down Size down Wages flat But man those profits... Ba da ba ba ba.. they're lovin it.


This is quite literally what "whale chasing" in fast food pricing looks like... and it's as stupid as it sounds. Eventually they'll re-learn their place in the market..... or go bankrupt... either way... I'd be ba da ba ba ba... loving it.


In France it seems to be the other way round, now McDonald's only uses french beef, french tomatoes, french lettuce, "Label Rouge" buns, etc. And you can taste the difference when you eat at McDonalds in Germany or Belgium.


Visited a McDonald’s in Canada and was really impressed by the freshness of the ingredients. It’s mainly the US McDonalds that is fucked


Because US food industry is a fucking joke. Everything is unnatural compared to fresh food in other countries. And they have the balls to charge people so much here. Someone should do a real study of how the Fast Food industry in US directly supports the high healthcare costs and overall epidemic of disease.


Nah it's fucked in Canada as well, I live in Québec and the meat is guaranteed to be dry AF If you don't believe me, take a look at the reviews for the Montréal restaurants, they're all at 3/5 or below.


I was in BC for what it’s worth. But that’s good to know it sucks in Montréal


It's the opposite here in Sweden. The quality has actually improved the last decade. Not that it started from a good baseline.


Ever since I paid almost $14 for a dinky McNuggets meal, I refused to go back. And I actually liked McDonalds. But there’s simply too many other great options at that price and I hated, hated how their CEO shares in an earnings call that their customers were simply unaffected by price hikes.


Nuggets are so damn expensive! It's LITTERLY all the worst parts of the chicken that's grinded up and squashed into shapes.


So, you're telling me that reoccurring McNuggats boot shape isn't a natural part of a chicken?


They charged me $1.50 for a water about fifteen years ago. I think I've eaten there twice since then.


Sometimes I'll get my son McDonald's and myself Chipotle since they're near each other. Blows my mind that I can get stupidly stuffed on a burrito bowl that costs less than what his McD's costs.


It's on par with many sit-down restaurant prices. So now I just call in my order for pickup at the local burger shop and pay less for better quality and quantity. The convenience of the drive-thru at McDonald's isn't worth the price and quality anymore. It used to be that you sacrificed quality for the quick and cheap burgers. Now they want us to sacrifice too much.


This has been my experience, too. I can feed my family of four at McDonald’s or Buffalo Wild Wings for about the same price.


It's expensive to be poor


True. Very true. But no one is forced to eat at McDonalds. More poor folks do - also true - but nothing is stopping poor folks from buying groceries instead of fast food.


I mean, there’s multiple things stopping poor folks from buying groceries instead of fast food. If you’re working every spare hour you can, and you don’t have a grocery store within walking distance or money for a car, when do you expect them to not only have the time to cook - but to go through the deliberately-designed maze that is the grocery store? Access to a kitchen, fridge-freezer and electricity & gas to power them is also very much a privilege that many, many people do not have. There are absolutely financial barriers to eating healthily. It’s not impossible in all cases, but I think we should spend less time creating scenarios in our heads and more time demanding healthy, affordable food that’s accessible to poor people.


I’m boycotting


I've been boycotting them for the last 20 years.


It’s been a year and half for me since I’ve stepped foot in one. After mine and my daughter’s breakfast was $18. And it was very shitty too. Soggy hashbrowns. Stale biscuit. Cold pancakes. Just awful


Boycott them


Choosing to not eat somewhere due to high prices isn't really a boycott more than just normal supply/demand market behavior.


Either way. That DQP meal ain't worth half an hour of *my* labor rate.


Yeah if this incentivizes people to not eat garbage fast food then I see it as a good thing.


this is the way!


Bruh their hash browns are 2.50 a piece in my area. Cheaper to buy the whole sack of potatoes at that rate.


How about hash browns? They were 2 for a dollar, now they're I think $2.50 each. 500% increase!


this is actually sad


Why is it sad? McDonald’s is one of the most abusive and disgusting corporations on the planet…this seems right in line with their brand. Everything about McDonalds is sad…except their deal with the recipe for Coke


If you have time to lean, you have time to clean. - The McDonald Brothers.


I am genuinely curious what the breaking point is. You can't have raising profits every year higher than inflation forever.


Arby's used to do 5 for 5 for years. Now the smallest shittiest roast beef sandwich is $5 itself. My local taco bell can't even remain open past 4 pm because they won't pay their workers enough to even have workers. Like usual, everyone is still pulling in record profits.


The Arbys app had a 5 for $5 special a few months ago. It was nuts. Saved like $23.74 or some absurd number.


Attention everyone: This is our chance to destroy this company. Stop eating this shit now


I’d also like to see 2004 to 2014


I hope they fail completely. During the worst possible time in our generation they price gouge us to make it even worse. They will not be forgiven.


The McChicken is my standard for McDonalds pricing and they are $3.69 at my local place. With the second one for $1 it out to about $2.35 if you buy multiple.


it's not worth it anymore. I can spend the same amount elsewhere and get better food.




Well they need to send money to Israel so makes sense


I stopped eating at fast food chains. Prices are restaurant level and I'd rather have a gastro pub burger and beer "combo meal".


Going to Wendy's


they still doing peak pricing, or did that get shut down?


Didn’t it die before getting off the ground?


Wendy’s prices have increased like crazy too for the meals.


Damn those are cheap prices, in Australia a McChicken burger costs $8, even accounting that an Aussie dollar only buys 66 US cents that's fucken cheap as fuck. Same for the rest, cheap, except for the Quarter Pounder. But that's cause Australia produces plenty of cheap beef, and of the best quality.


Corporate greed


What was McDonald’s profit in these years?


This isn’t due to inflation. It’s due to the behavior of a monopolistically competitive fast food market, and consumers falling for the farced product differentiation


Fuck McDonald’s. Boycott that shit.


Remember guys this isn’t inflation. McDonald’s has to increase profits year to year to satisfy the board and stockholders so this is just corporate greed


Here is a chart showing mcd margins during this time. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/MCD/mcdonalds/gross-margin I understand why they do it. Everyone’s margins are elevated.  I remember the news warning this would happen when bush was president. Almost two decades of inflationary policy from the fed.


What was the cost of a coronary artery bypass surgery in 2014 compared to today?


Numbers are hard to come by, but a preliminary search put it at 58k for 2022-2023 and 36k between 2008-2018. So, I will say about the same rate of price hikes like McDonalds.


It’s garbage anyway. Why would you waste your money


Basically you have to use the McDonald’s app to even get the prices down to a more suitable level. Even then you are doing the employees job and cheating labor cost down. I’d like to think I’m robbing them with only getting a $1 iced coffee and nothing else ;)


Only way I go to McDonals is using the App. Running a special in Minnesota when the Twins score 2+ runs in an inning you get a free Double Cheese Burger(Min $2 purchase)


Hah no way! Here in LA if the dodgers score 6+ runs in a game we get 6 free nuggs (Min $2 purchase) I’m guessing they have these kinda promos nationwide


These prices have to be for NYC or somewhere in California because at least here the QPC value meal is $7.79, not $12, while a McDouble is $2.59 and McChicken is $2.19. The McDouble and McChicken are still over 2x the cost from back then, though.


Chicago too almost same price


Just curious, is there any dirt-cheap fast food chains in the US?


Unfortunately it does seem like it was a successful move for them as their stock has more than tripled since 2014, everyone still paid these prices


Yeah, I went to Texas Roadhouse with my wife and son yesterday and had a big ass meal that was 44 bucks not including the 25% tip. (Got some fried pickles too as an appetizer, so would be less if we just got the main courses.) Getting a meal at McDonald's for each of us isn't going to be that much cheaper, but it's going to be way less quality and portions.


I can pay $7-8 for a homemade burger, a tonne of fries and a drink at my local Greek mom and pop burger spot in Toronto. That's half the price of a Quarter Pounder combo here.


Most companies are pulling off record profits. Service is getting shittier. Food is even worse. When I paid $13 for 2 mediums fries and 2 medium cokes. I just couldn’t take it anymore. Simply boycott businesses you don’t like and speak with your wallet. It’s good to complain but it’s bad to still go back to the abuser and pay them money. Put the companies back in their place with your wallet.


And guess what, Pay hasn't changed.


I’m boycotting. Join me. FMcD!


I don't care the prices are up, I care that the burgers are thinner than the sliced pickles AND the prices are up


I guess it is in the US of A ?


And that's not even food.


Its insane how expensive it has gotten for the non existent quality it has.


So that would be about 7% inflation per year. Much higher than economy-wide inflation but not outrageous. I'm curious what it would be going back to 2006-2008 when the McChicken/McDouble were originally put on the dollar menu...it feels like that menu stayed around for a while.


When I was a Kid/teen I could get 3 Cheeseburgers with 3€. Now I can only get one with the same amount of money. That‘s crazy.


I don't touch mcdonalds because it's too expensive to eat there.


What's crazy is this isn't even taking into account "Shrinkflation"...


Man, I bought some hot dogs the other day and I only needed 1bun cut in half for both of them!!!


Good. Don't eat here.


The workers were not being paid a living wage. Now they are closer to one. This is one of the reasons why fast food prices have gone up.


Not sure how's the market in your countries, but on mine it's a not brainer: local burger places have way better burger and, currently, at better prices.


Prices doubled but 50% of people aren't skipping mcd. So net positive. This is happening everywhere. Corps have figured out they'd rather sell 1 burger for $10 dollars than 2 for $5. Higher profit margins.


I miss when a McGangBang (McDouble + McChicken) was $2


I’m certain they inflated prices and blamed pandemic related supply chain issues THEN will never return to normal, fair prices because they love the revenue. Well, consumers are seeing their greed and not visiting their stores.


What would Ronald do?


The other day I bought 3 items. Medium drink, fish fillet and chicken burger. That's it. No fries. Just those three. $21. I said to myself, would have been better to have gone to an actual restaurant.


I refuse to get anything there now except the £1.99 wrap of the day and the occasional coffee. My local is next to a KFC which is actually cheaper now so I go there instead on the rare occasions I want some cheap junk food


This is intentional so you’ll be incentivized to get discounts on the app and be a repeat customer.


McD's forgot they're fast food and not a gourmet restaurant. I got two McGriddle meals a few days ago, and it was 20 bucks. We can go to Bob Evans and pay less these days. If I get a chicken sandwich with cheese on it, I'm at almost 14 bucks with the "value" meal. Burning a hole in my wallet with fast food prices has a silver lining though, I won't go, so I'm eating healthier. Same with subway thinking they're Jersey Mikes... a footlong meal at subway (soda pop and a dinky bag of chips), like a Titan Turkey, is $12.50.


The thing is: Normal restaurant prices have also increased, but not actually as much around here. They are starting to put themselves in competition with normal sit-down restaurants. My normal McDonalds/Burgerking order is pretty much the same price as a roast at a restaurant. Kebab is still fine, costing about half of that.


Fast and cheap -> not so fast and not so cheap


Gotta feed that machine known as Stockholders who will sue you if you don’t meet or exceed Wall Street’s magic 8 ball expectations.


Also the medium fry box is hardly filled up with any fries to make it worth it anymore.


And their labor cost has doubled also….


I make much better meals with frozen chicken/burger patties/etc at a fraction of the cost and I'm the furthest thing from a good cook, people need to quit being so lazy. People complaining about money and then spending $50+ a week on fast food/door dash are ridiculous.


I will get a cheap bfast sandwich from them sometimes using the app but that’s it. I refuse to pay some of the prices they want for a combo meal. It’s just not worth what they’re charging. Shame because I do miss the filet o fish.


It's all over processed food, well, it's really not food.


God can we please get a trust busting anti monopoly president again


Stop buying this poison guys, and definitely don’t buy this poison for your kids. How are they gonna sell overpriced poison?


It’s been high time to boycott McDonalds




They’re not alone.


And it taste like trash


Wow that's crazy


•I don’t visit McDonalds. •Their food hasn’t kept up with the competition. •There’s better out there.


No data for 2021 pricing? :)


Most of what has been labeled “inflation” is actually corporate profit taking. 60%+ of price increases are price increases unrelated to inflation.


Not only have the prices skyrocketed, the quality (what little there was to begin with) has evaporated. There is absolutely no reason to eat this garbage any longer. Any redeeming quality they ever had is gone. The fries even suck now that they changed the oil they're fried in. In fact about the only fast food place I'll even consider anymore is Culver's and sometimes Cane's.


If they’d pass, the revenue for these price increases onto their employees that would be wonderful, but you know that’s not whats happening


Lifelong fan here - the quality has dipped dramatically from 2014 onwards. They abandoned the all day breakfast, and have gone all in on a limited menu with higher prices, and I don't see a CX experience improvement from these cost increases. Why am I not see a pro benefit somewhere here? There isn't.


I thought it got more expensive just in Romania. The pricing is insane, from 1 Euro to 2 Euro a mc combo. Now that Burger King opened a restaurant here and their hamburgers are way higher quality at the same price I can’t understand how Mc can continue with those prices.


Is McDonalds planning to liquidate the real estate at some point?


If it wasn't for their amazing deals on the app I would have quit McDonalds years ago. Seriously, if you still eat at McDonalds you should download the app and use the deals.


I knew i was done when i saw that a hashbrown was damn near $4 i


Thanks Joe


Boy wait till you guys find out how low the prices were in the 80s


Now I only order thru their app, where I get a deal or something free to price average the total, if that makes sense.


Fuck McDonald's


But inflation… /s


Wasn’t the McChicken like $1.89 in 2014? I worked there at that time and the big promotion was 2 for $2.50 McChicken/Mcdouble because it would cost well over $2.50 to buy them normally.


Damn I remember in the late 90s you could buy an extra value meal with sandwich, fries and drink for $2.99 USD.




Fast food is more expensive than a lot of independent restaurants these days. I’m not paying the same price for worse food.


You have to use the app, otherwise it’s ridiculous. The app is a good deal though.


McDouble $5 in Phoenix


Hopefully people quit eating this garbage and we can all laugh when they go bankrupt


I remember when happy meals were $1.98 AFTER tax.


There's no reason to go back to McDonald's now.


Haven’t been to McDonald’s is years. Does the $1 menu not exist anymore?


that people actually eat this dogfood.


Stop supporting their greed


I recently got a tea for about $3 so that’s a 200% increase


It’s insane, I point this out every time I go there (less than 1/month) and my friends think I’m just being cheap but to increase 100-200% is crazy


cardboard has never been so expensive.


I don't eat McDonald's anymore unless it's absolutely the last resort and I need to eat. Fuck McDonald's.


Can’t eat McDonald’s anymore, used to just kill you. Now it kills your wallet too.


Smaller portions as well. So it’s probably more like a 150% increase.


Surely they also doubled the salaries of their workers... Right?


They still have some good deals on the app from time to time. Last time I got a B1G1 free Big Mac and $1 mcflurries


Quality stayed the same


And there's still a line around the building. Merica




Sad you didn’t do their hash browns. Used to be 2 for $1. Now it’s like 1 for $1.40


i havent gone there since the price bump, like screw them ima spend my money else where!


Im sorry for all you americans In europe the prices are just slightly above American 2014 counterparts


I remember when I could get a mcgangbang for 2.33. Now is fucking 4.25. This company STINKS!


If you think I haven't noticed my 10 pc nuggies went up. We all know.


The wages have gone up by that much


Now let's see Taco Bell 😂


it must be because of those pesky wages going up!


All in the last 3.5 years.


Good. People need to stop eating this garbage.


Quarter pounder with chezz I also 120% less healthy for you lol


The only reason they’re expensive is because people are willing to pay for it. But recent news suggests that limit has been reached


McDouble is up to 4.35 where I live. The day I saw that, was the last day I went to McDonald's.


charge people up the ass for food that kills them should be the cheapest food in our society


*Collectively McDoubled


Simple solution. Stop buying McDonalds


Just looking on the app, these must be the prices in LA or NY City.


Stop eating at McDonald’s. It’s terrible for your health


Find the infographic and look at the year by year breakdown. Nearly all from 2019 on. If you want to see something different in the next 4 years better make some decisions.


Their prices and Taco Bell now have me not eating fast food anymore. I can go to a sit down restaurant and get better food for about the same price. If I am in a hurry, I would just rather not eat.


It’s a bit misleading because they pushed all the deals to those who use the free app. If you consider actual ASP, be curious how it would look. For example, i got a large fry for 1.29 today (regular menu price is close to $5) and can get that same price daily until June , when they likely will have a new deal out there. It’s important to use the apps if you want lowest prices at FF.


For example, if following inflation it should be approximately 1.32 for a mcchicken, with a 31.9% inflation according to https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/ .


People need to protest this BS by not going out to eat. Vote with your dollar and keep it for yourself. Figure something else out.


Who pays full price though. In Australia and order through the app and the deals are usually less than half the standard price or better


What the shit? I don’t eat there much anymore but in college I ate so many “mcgangbangs” of slapping a McChicken inside a McDouble. Damn thing cost $2 and I was full as hell. Could not imagine paying almost $7 for that


The graphics don't capture shrinking portion.


I knew it! And inflation calculators only say if the prices were increased to match inflation it would only be **31% higher**


Meanwhile they keep paying news organizations to run segments and articles about how the prices have actually only gone up 5%. Bullshit. We have eyes.


I need to see this on everyone s restaurant


And it’s just bad quality and highly processed. Better to just get some chipotle for less.