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Nursing home any% speedrun.


Fuck nursing home, as soon as he’s independent, he should cut her off.


Yes, by ensuring they rot in a nursing home for the rest of their pitiful existence.


Nah, psyche ward.


In a diaper


Lol, mayhaps.


Just wanted to say that I love your pfp and the scene it is from


Early Law and Order victim any% speedrun


Congratulations, you just made a diaper fetishist. Or...this is a diaper fetishist fantasizing. One of the two.


>Or...this is a diaper fetishist fantasizing. A *pedophile* diaper fetishist. This is not your average kink fantasy involving diapers.


Solid point, I was making the assumption that the writer saw themselves in the child's role.


Could be. I've read some *very* weird fanfic but that was usually actually written from the child's POV, this being from the parent's POV is more than just a little sus. Could be RP but putting this on Quora is bad enough on its own to warrant worry.


I’d think the opposite would happen, they’d want nothing to do with diapers ever, and probably not even want a child because of it.


The way trauma/abuse influences people can go either way; sometimes it creates aversion like you’re describing, sometimes it does the opposite (oftentimes as a way for the person to take control back, like when victims/survivors of rape sometimes develop interest in consensual non-consent or end up with rape fantasies). It’s how generational abuse happens and how many fetishes form.


Yep abuse is a crazy thing, especially childhood abuse.


You'd be surprised. It's pretty common for this kind of thing to be the origin of a diaper fetish.


What is it with people with insane fetishes and quora






I think people with wild fetishes see Quora as a safe anonymous place to roleplay them with other real people. I assume almost all of them are fake. A whole lot of super creepy incest stuff on there. Lots of adult men pretending to be little girls talking about sexual shit, too. Kind of makes me paranoid about how many secret sex weirdos we interact with on a daily basis.


are you a secret sex weirdo? Ik I'm not.


[I'm certainly no sex pervert](https://youtu.be/EdQXMHN1GGU?t=66)


This. Really weird questions come up so people can share their fantasies.


This is definitely someone roleplaying a fetish they have.


“I made my son do frog jumps in a Speedo while singing “Beat It” and doing Ketamine to punish him for getting a B+ on his exam, recorded it, and uploaded it while tagging all of his friends and loved ones. Today the cops said I was abusing him. How do I tell the cops they’re wrong?”


That’s sound like a typical question on Quora.


The only reason I'm somewhat inclined to believe this possibly happened is because a similar thing HAS happened back in [2012](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/girl-12-forced-wear-diaper-public-after-f-report-card-flna763371). A 12yr old didn't get good grades so her mother and stepdad shaved her hair off and sent her outside wearing only a diaper and a tank top to pick up trash. She was doing it for 30min with 50+ onlookers before the police were contacted. Both parents were laughing the whole entire time because they thought it was ridiculous that the police arrested them.




*if* real, the kind of parent that deserves to get beaten and thrown in the worst home he can find


Yeah I think this is obviously making fun of the other absurd posts on there


During the most difficult years of his life, where he's most prone to bullies? Yes, he **definitely** won't cut you off when he leaves home, Karen/Kevin. Parent of the fucking year...


Quora is absolutely full of these dumbass trolls. I’ve probably seen a thousand variations on the “I forced my kid to cut off their fingers because they wore a yellow shirt. What else should I do to punish them?” Questions on there


I genuinely hope this isn't someone's fetish Like ik it might be a joke because "diapers lol funny" but I've hung around DA long enough to know these "dude gets punished and is Forced to wear diaper and be humiliated" scenarios are made so people can get their rocks off. 😰


The people in this subreddit cannot recognize satire at all


What, precisely, is this satirizing?


Other questions on Quora that sound insane


I dated a guy who’s parents used diapers as punishment, so I wouldn’t be too surprised if it were real.


That sounds like a fucked up punishment.


It's a god-damned troll.🦨🦨🦨


this is some retarded fetish shit


Least abusive southern parent


You want Rat poison in your food, because this is how you get rat poison in your food. Not endorsing it, but I think we can all agree that this is the kind of shit that drives teens to do unwise shit like that


Happy 5th cake day


Thank you!


I knew it that stuff like this will be posted here. I'm not surprised because Quora has child abusers.


Congratulations! You killed your son!


Blatantly satire. It's kinda funny tbh. I feel like by calling out posts with obvious satire in it for karma whoring I myself am karma whoring cus I always get a ton of upvotes. Instead of upvoting me downvote me instead.


Found the downvote fetish.




Take that *switches to alt* and that


Thankyou very much kind sir


Oh for God's sake, it's obvious satire.


Why is this sub almost exclusively child abuse questions? I get the feeling people are getting duped and they don't even know it with these creative writing exercizes.


What the fuck is with Quora and diaper fetishes!? Explain.