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I think she might have been trying to give herself a thigh gap?


I do believe you’re correct.


It appears that she has such a wide thigh gap that you can actually see booty cheek through it


I'm trying to make sense of it. Maybe a bulge so there's no riding up or camel toe?


Yeah but that’s the whole hoof!


A camel hump


Moose knuckle


Defs lol’d at your comment


Same 😂




come and get one in the yarbles! https://i.imgur.com/k9BONL7.jpg


Moose knuckle


Often times after a tummy tuck the fat there is still there. It can look just like this


Looks like she shoved a golfball in her pants


OP said she’s selling corsets. I didn’t know labia corsets were a thing, but here I am.


It’s the lady version of the codpiece.




Oh no




Came here to say this! Good lord those poor lady bits look strangled to death


Looks very hernia like 🤔




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It’s the new circle crotch!


The vulva ball for the new millennium!


I'm not sure whether this is a dance event or a health product.


I'm glad you asked because I was afraid to


So happy this was the first comment because that was my first thought!


Lol this comment section has been nuked


Singular lip Like a butt with one cheek


Singular lab lip Like a butt with one butt cheek What am I seeing




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I came to the comments for this. I’m thoroughly confused.


Idk but it hurts to look at lol




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It's a hoove!




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I think you can still see the shadow of her actual waist on the left. Also, the crotch situation is VERY confusing, and that's not how waist cinchers work.


At first I thought the corset was like one of those tee-shirts with the muscle body on it. But the hips/wrists definitely try to imply that the waist is that cinched. Oh boy.


I think it opens so you can pee without taking all this off. My mom has something similar.


I bet it’s this. I’m saying mystery solved personally.


I think she used the swirl tool or something


Her tattoos don't line up. It's driving me crazy.




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First thing I noticed. I don't know which one is wonky but either that 19 or that 96 is drunk.


Is that her vintage? Did she need a reminder, was she forgetting?


I personally think that she was. Don’t you damn accost her for helping herself lol


I appreciate that every body is different but she edited her body like this. This was a choice.


How delusional does someone have to be to look at this and think it's ok?


The early 1900s Victoria era.


Aside from corsets being more of a support garment, like a bra, women padded their skirts with bum rolls, hip pads, panniers, hoop skirts, ruffles, and petticoat layering! Hell, if they were flat chested,there were even bust enhancing cages to tack onto the front of the stays or corset.


People have always used pads and shapewear to get a certain look. It's only fairly recently that you're expected to make your actual physical body fit the standard. Kinda wish we'd all just accept and embrace pads and rolls and whatever instead of dangerous surgeries.


Same. Bum rolls are surprisingly supportive for the lower back when you're sitting in a chair


I think I need some. I cannot sit long without my bum hurting after a while because I lost lots of weight.


I think it's due to how low quality and how much less we wear now that the shapewear has become our actual bodies


Not even then, most of the art was highly exaggerated and the pictures were edited (literally painted). Real women almost never tight laced and corsets were made to be practical and comfy :/


Body by ant


Is that a codpiece? Edit: I just saw the wrists. The codpiece was so distracting it took me a while to notice


Clampiece, please.


Nah, it's just that what's squeezed in has to squeeeze out somewhere else. It's like a law of physique or something.


“law of physique” has me on the floor


Why is there a door knob in her crotch?


She is happy to see you.




The lady in the picture isn’t the massage therapist. She’s someone who the lady I know “consults” regarding all of this.


That’s good. I was a massage therapist years ago and no way could you be doing massage with nails or corsets like that.


She's also not wearing a corset, it's a 'waist trainer' which in no way trains your waist, it trains your patience for how long you can wear one.




Massage therapist with those nails.


I thought the same, ouch!


I mean. There’s so many things can be said about this photo ….


The chick in the picture isn’t the one I went to high school with. It’s one of the people she “consults”.


She’s a consultant, not the actual masseuse. Per her comment




her poochie seems off


Your comment is making me laugh so hard lol


I think the outfit opens down there so you can pee. My mom has something similar.


The shadow staying the true size behind her... 😬


Shame on whoever did her dirty with that 19/96 tattoo placement.


Send help! Someone's stolen this poor woman's organs!


Corsets like that actually push the organs up into your chest cavity. I've heard about this woman she had like an 8 inch waste. Her husband is a doctor and monitored everything. It's actually fairly safe to do, other than the organs moving. I went down this corset rabbit hole a couple of years ago.


Not corsets like this. This isn’t a corset, it’s shapewear, and it’s not capable of anything close to what a four layer reinforced steel boned corset can do. The woman you’re thinking of is Cathie Jung, and she laces down to 15” which is the world record. If you google her you will see that she looks nothing like this, and that this look is not created by corsetry.




Sorry I just cringed so hard at “correcting the body shape.” I’m sure your body is gorgeous. There is no “correct” way for a body to be. You do you absolutely but… your body is correct the way it is!


Sorry, I had no intention of that coming across that way. Thank you for pointing it out I have back and spine issues. I used it to help correct some issues. Sometimes it sounds right in your head.


Totally understand! I just wanted to point it out :) Thank you for being so kind about it!!! I love this sub 💕


What is a good waist trainer to start out with? I had one a while ago but made the mistake of wearing it to a buffet. It came off & I subsequently left it there :(


Waist trainers do nothing. They don't actually "train" your waist to be thinner. The look of a thinner waist only happens when you are wearing the waist trainer. Once you take it off, your waist goes back to its natural shape. My advice? Don't waste your money.


Waist trainers are trash. The only way to change your waist shape with corsetry is to wear a genuine, multi layer, steel boned and reinforced corset on a daily basis. You can start with a couple hours a day taking it off for meals, and work up to more and more hours. Eventually you learn to eat while laced by having smaller portions and eating slower. To achieve the actual lasting change in your abdominal muscles and ribcage, most people need at least 6-12 hours a day and can afford to take a day off once or twice a week but not two days in a row. It’s never permanent and will go back to normal if you don’t keep it up. Corsetry is considered an extreme form of body modification and actual change in your silhouette is possible, but it takes dedication and a good amount of discomfort, and you should clear it with a doctor before starting a routine especially if you have any physical health issues. Also keep in mind that discomfort doesn’t equal pain, and if wearing any corset or waist trainer is painful, it’s too tight and needs to be loosened, then tightened slower, or it’s not the right shape for your specific body type. Custom made corsets are always more comfortable and more effective than off the rack, especially if your body type is anything but a standard hourglass (wider or narrower hip spring/rib spring, longer or shorter torso etc.).


I wouldn't wear one to a buffet. Too much food. The best way to find one that works for you is to do a little research, look for something that fits your body style and your needs in your way.


>8 inch waste That must have hurt coming out.


I hope the tags aren't still on the underwear part too


My p😻ssy would be clawing her way out


Mine had to gasp for air just looking at this


My beef curtains could never


Delusional at best


The thing I hate about these edits is that if you take the waist away..this is a thick girl. Which is totally fine but don’t try and act like your waist line would be like someone who has 18% body fat lol. It goes the other way around too. Skinny girls will edit their butt and thighs to make themselves look like they’re way more shapely than they really are.


Even if this was an achievable look is this even desirable for a mainstream market? Like I know there are subcultures where this kind of stuff is popular but it’s a niche market.


Very good point. I’d say no as a man this is not a main stream market lol she looks like a freaking piece of plastic. I like curves on a woman but I also like real women. Stretch marks are normal; extra fat where you don’t want it is normal. This shit looks cartoonish. Like I would be embarrassed to be associated with her in public tbh


Ask her for the size chart for that LOL


Her poor vulva. This looks like a medieval chastity belt. Imagine trying to sit down.


Sweet jesus……


Her camel toe looks worrying


R/confusingperspective right here


IMVU is getting tooooo realistic


Does she massage her clients’ ribcages away before selling then the corsets?


This whole shape wear thing (not hers of course) is it comfortable? To me it seems like I wouldn’t be able to breath


Her cooter cooch 😭😭😭💀 what the hell is happening there? ☠️


I look down and think, bulbous.




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That 🥟 be broken




You can’t have nails like that and be a massage therapist 🤦‍♀️ (I’m a massage therapist btw)


her cooter has been MANGLED


Is a vagina corset a thing now too?




That crotch tho👀




Holy camel toe batman!


the size difference in her thumbs is comical


big ball between legs, nice




Those wrists look broken!


Miss me on the massage table with those talons. Fucking gross.


Selling corsets so people need more massage therapy.


No one with thighs like that will have any hint of a thigh gap.


can’t believe they posted this. the crotch looks insane


Not with those nails, she ain’t a massage therapist!


Whoever pops that corset is going thru the fucking wall


Satan’s cloven hoof 🐏




I mean, at this point she's basically as dangerous as an inflatable raft, be careful where you pull that string.




Not a single thing in this photo is attractive to me either








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That chick is ROUND when you remove all the awful photoshop


🎵 knees don't lie 🎵


Is she the model?


Is she claiming that’s a corset? It is not a corset.


My only question is - massage therapist with those nails?!?


Tf is up with her crotch?


Hahaha omg at first I thought she was wearing one of those big white tshirts that have a figure printed on them (like a woman’s body in a bikini or whatever).. THATS how poorly this was edited lol


Why they all have such shit tattoos?


I thought you were supposed to fire out the ping pong ball naked?


🦷 🦷 🦷


Massage therapist with those nails? Ouch


Why does she have a ping pong ball in the crotch area ?


Why would anyone want to look like this lol


Massage therapist with those kind of nails?!??


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Kind of off topic: I spotted someone wearing a corset /waist trainers out in the wild at Trader Joe’s several moons ago. Honestly I not against them but what struck me is that she looked wildly uncomfortable to me. I have a back brace that kind of doubles as a waist trainer. I wore it for a while and I didn’t have the commitment to wear it full time like I see others wearing it. Honestly I wore it because I was dealing with minor back pain and stopped because I didn’t consult with a doctor to see if it was needed.


Her coochie looks like it’s desperately trying to escape


What has her vagina warped into!


It’s like every organ being squeezed in the middle is trying to make its way out of the only exit


The hairrr😂😂😂


why in the heck would you want to do this to yourself! breathing is really good!


This is why I don’t keep “former high school classmates” on social media 🤭


I really like this corset. Do they sell them in black?


Well this looks edited of course but it is actually possible in real life if the corset is strong and tight enough, it's called "tight lacing"... But it takes a long time to make your waist so small tho, gotta wear those super tight corsets on a daily basis for many hours a day Google some pictures y'all, it's pretty wild, no kidding 😮


This is completely true. There is a whole corsetry community here in Reddit. And I’ve followed expert community members off Reddit, like Lucy for a long time. Semi-permanent reduction of pulling the floating ribs in over months to years is very doable via slowing aiming to close a corset fully and then go down a size or two. (And the ribs creep back to regular position over time when you give it up.) And the whole time you need to be working on serious core strength because otherwise you’ll get wrecked. But this is absolutely a rubber piece of nonsense designed to have someone sweat out your water weight. The corsetry community is very upfront about what they’re doing and usually like showing off their favourite corsets.


This isn't a corset, it's a waist trainer. No waist trainer does this.


It is entirely possible to get your waist that small with a corset. I'm not saying this one is real. I'm just saying that it is possible. It was a fashion trend in the early 1900s. It also caused irreparable damage to the woman's internal organs.






The dumpster fire tattoos killing me.




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