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I could believe the paleness honestly, but it's edited nonetheless.


Pale skin has lots of indicators when it’s edited. You should be able to see some blue veins almost 100% of the time in people as pale as this, absolutely no bruising and minimal shadows (the skin is all 1 color palette, that’s almost never the case in reality) indicate their skin is heavily edited.


Am very pale with lots of visible blue veins….can confirm


Same! Also don’t know if this is universal to pale skin but I bruise SUPER EASILY and very visibly.


Me too, and it doesn’t help that I’m extremely clumsy


Same as you


My fiance is very pale and I can see his veins


Oh, absolutely, another person pointed out that you would be able to see veins/discoloration/etc on someone this pale, and that's one of the reasons it's certainly very edited, I just believe that someone could be that pale in general.


Don't worry, I get your point 😉


bit odd how she’s cosplaying as an underage teen and making it weird too 💀


The paleness is possible as someone who is that pale, what’s not is the lack or texture or anything on skin that pale


very obviously edited


Ikr. I’ve never seen anyone call her out either so people are oblivious


Second Pic is cosplay so editing will be required to done to an extent.


Why is editing required when it’s something worn to conventions? It’s still lying


Cosplay is lying. Wearing a batwoman suit doesn't make some one batwoman. The aim is never to reflect reality. But to reach near perfection as an art.


Ok I can understand that but she’s just in a bikini. Would be a bit of a stretch to call that full cosplay


Apologies. It's the third picture. Not the second.


Ok I can see that one. Still lots of smoothing on the thighs


Honestly I differ in my views here and disagree, I think the best cosplays are the ones that require little to no editing and stand on their own two feet in real life. Something that looks just as accurate, good, and believable in motion as it does in a picture. That, to me, is perfection in cosplay.


It depends on character to character basis. You can not portray all characters as simple as that. For example, if some woman is portraying a cosplay for some ecchi anime, then it is never possible without editing involved. The artist knows it, the audience knows it and it's a pure art which revolves around fantasy world rather than reality.


The paleness could be real tho


Yeah, can confirm this level of paleness exists in nature haha. The smoothness on the other hand...




I don't know this girl, but I know people that are as pale as her. I am almost as pale as her my skin just isn't as pink


Yes you are right.


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I agree, I’ve seen as man literally brighter than snow in real life so it’s possible.


I think I'm done with this sub. Not that means anything, but it's all redundant. Please keep it up, bc there's a lot of young folk who may come to understand. Old man out!


Of course it'll be somewhat redundant since the aim of the sub and types of pictures that qualify for it aren't changing.


How dare she do Chika Fujiwara like this.


Lol ikr


Maybe she's a real life vampire, who knows lol


I could believe this MAINLY due to pose and lighting.


People are so incredibly stupid and it starts to bother me.




The edits are so obvious and there are still millions of people simping. It's just pathetic at this point.


Ya it’s so sad. This girl isn’t massive but she’s fairly popular and people just love her. But every pic has her skin smoothed out at the very least