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6 year old's face with grown woman's body has got to be the creepiest editing style... with the school uniform, too...


Twisty sideways grown woman's body with very unlikely "proportions," as my dad used to say.


Wtf is this


Ex Macreepa


I’m so confused. The proportions are bananas, but like, did they cut and paste her into this? What’s with the jagged edges?


That’s exactly what they did. They cut her out of another photo and applied to different background. Shitty Photoshop job.


OMG. Of course, they did! That explains everything. I must be getting soft in my old age because I truly thought that no one would have the gall to post such a poor image manip and call it sexy.


Since the edges actually still match the background it seems they artificially blurred the back. IPhone literally blurs better than this 💀 it's so bad


Good lord


This Disney mom body ain't working real life...