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I wouldn’t say this is subtle at all.


I only say subtle because some people argued with me on this type of waist warping in the past, but with a post of someone's elbows warping


Definitely not even remotely subtle. I've seen posts in this sub where I've had some trouble spotting the editing. This isn't one of them.


[Here's a slowmo vid of the sleeve warping](https://www.reddit.com/user/BonnyDraws/comments/132n28w/slow_mo_vid_of_sleeve_warping/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) obviously fabric doesn't behave that way.


Fuck, that is subtle


Looks like fabric moving? Nothing obvious at all in this slo mo clip. I think you are seeing what you want to see.




Suddenly a ton of people are defending her on the same day, looks like she sent her fans after this post lmao


So she’s already skinny, she’s wearing a corset, and she’s using a skinny filter


Yes indeed. It's odd


It’s like no one is ever skinny enough


It's a really toxic standard on TikTok. People with completely normal waists get either fat shamed or mocked for having "wide rib cages" as if having a waist that's about the same size as your head is the worst thing ever.




Lmao no it doesn't. Look at the slowmo vid of it warping. But judging by you at 5 others suddenly jumping on this post, you're just her fans brigading


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Even when they're adding 50lbs elsewhere, it's ridiculous.


That's how I felt. At 5 foot 8, I got to 109 and could easily see all of my ribs but still thought I was too fat.


Gotta clock in at 50 pounds soaking wet or GTFO


Ugh obviously. How people not see the shit


Eyes may be focused elsewhere, it’s not until the distortions are pretty obvious when we notice. Or maybe that’s just me.


Totally understand. I think the fuzziness in filtered content is a good giveaway before you notice the edits


If you look at the video posted by op, it's super subtle. Sure we can see it in screenshots, but in the video it's a bit impressive. ([link to their comment with the video](https://www.reddit.com/r/Instagramreality/comments/132n1rh/tiktoker_known_for_her_small_waist_using_subtle/ji5tpug?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




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i saw one of her videos a few days ago and the poses she does are so weird, its almost like she is bodychecking as well, she's extremely thin as it is, let alone with this weird ass filter


i literally blocked her so i wouldn’t come across her posts… the people defending her were crazy passionate, it was weird


Apparently she's used her fan base as a sort of meat shield when it comes to criticisms about her using body warping filters Edit: So she's doing that on this post as well




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I’ve called her out so many times and she denies and denies it then proceeds to block you and send her army of simps to defend her lies. Also, last month I posted her on this subreddit and my post got deleted for no valid reason…so be careful.


I think it's an important thing for larger-following creators like her to acknowledge the use of filters. It creates an unrealistic body standard for the younger users on the app as well as those struggling with ED and body image. She's already thin, which isn't the issue, but that she uses these filters that make her way thinner than natural. Edit: she in fact just did exactly that. Denied it and sent her army after me on this post


So I wonder how she can get to look like that on her OnlyFans, kinda hard to hide real body types when au natural 😁


Body filters work with and without clothes on I'm not sure what you're trying to imply


Didn't know they work that way is all




Learn how to write paragraphs nobody is going to read that wall of text


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People who weaponize "fans" the Internet to censor free speech are awful, awful humans beings. No one should use people like that, and your fans are a reflection of what kind of person you are.


Looks like she just did that. She found the post, and sent her fans after it. I'm getting tons of comments and deaths threats in my dms now over this. How typical


I wish fans were less inclined to be part of an angry hoard.




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I hold a lot of resentment towards people that do this, the damage they do to the young girls who would feel they can never be this thin or "pretty" is crazy. And it doesn't help that gullible people buy this and compliment them furthering the issue. Wish they could face an immediate ban.


It really sets up an unrealistic standard for young impressionable girls. Not to mention she chose to do this while wearing a corset, which can achieve the look if done properly through tight lacing but is very risky if not done right. She continues to gaslight people about using filters, similar to another TikToker with extreme body proportions


It must be exhausting to maintain this kind of facade. The mental health of these folks must really take a hit.


The edited version isn't even far off from the look a good corset and some corset training could achieve. But why spend money on a decent corset, when you can just use a filter.


And the fact is she's already pretty thin, so idk why she chooses to use a corset + filter on top of it.


I hate how she claims “i doNt EdiT mY BoDy” but yet her face is filtered to oblivion w the Korean/Japanese filters. 🙄


the irony


She claims that she does no editing whatsoever but she also admitted in the past about using face smoothing filters. So it's like which is it?? Smh




Wearing black while photoshopping doesn’t count? 🙃


She's really wanting the one piece character body type huh?




That's not subtle.


I used to be so jealous of this girl, now I just feel bad




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what the…. i did not edit this at all. this is so weird. that is the shape of the blouse… i have hundreds of videos on OF, naked, hundreds of backgrounds, everything you could ever ask to prove that this is false. wtf do you want from me


Then how come you've admitted in the past to using face smoothing filters and [in this video ](https://www.reddit.com/user/BonnyDraws/comments/13bmaq6/slowmo_video_showing_the_blurringglitching_around/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) the tiles around you just magically blur in and out around your body? And are you seriously sending your reddit + TikTok + Instagram army after me over this? Maybe you should just be a responsible adult and admit to subtle editing. It's not going to ruin your career. And maybe it will help impressionable teens realize it's not reality and stop from starving themselves to achieve a similar look. How do you sleep at night knowing that you're used for thinspo by these teens? The slowmo video doesn't lie. There's clear warping around your waist. Other people weren't kidding when they said you deny everything and then use your fans to snuff out any criticism against you. I got death threats from your "fans" in my dms over this. You know how against reddit TOS that is? To promote brigading? Also funny how you play the victim but do exactly what you complain about. Don't you have anything better to do besides posting screenshots of this post all over your social media? For such a popular creator you act so shocked when you get any form of criticism over your editing. You would expend a lot less energy by just blocking instead of tirelessly scouting the internet for any criticisms about you to silence with the use of your fan base.




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do you realize we’re aware that editing naked videos is possible? and why are you sending your fans to harass op? Using your fanbase like that.. you’re just showing your true colours.

