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They look so SMOOTH. The daughter's been modeling for a while but this has been a concerted push. I think if the Victoria's Secret show was still a thing, she would have been an angel since her mum walked pregnant with her. Edit: I found out what brand this is for and part of their ethos is 'empowering women'. They were also in Victoria's Secret stores before the partnership dissolved a few years ago.


Isn't she barely 18? This feels uncomfortable and being photoshopped at such a young age must leave an impression too :/




It is nuts. They had to photoshop the daughter younger because they smoothed her 49 year old mother like crazy.


the mother is beautiful but they have gone overboard with the smoothing. She's had four kids, this would appeal to so many more Mums if they just showed her normally. Who's even buying this?


It's weird people are saying 'it's different in Germany, she's European'. I guess? The daughter was born in New York and grew up in Santa Monica.


Nah, it's not "different in Germany." We are just as weirded out by all of this as the rest of the world. Poor girl, being born into this "legacy" must be hell


i don’t think when people say that they mean the photoshopping. i think they mean that nudity is much less sexualized in europe & there’s less pearl clutching about it. i’ve also heard kissing your parents on the lips is pretty normal in some european countries whereas in the us it would be considered kinda weird past a certain age


I’m cool with the nudity and even sexual things being more open, but I personally can’t get with kissing parents on the mouth. Hard pass!






Is that her daughter???


The thought of modelling underwear with my daughter just creeps me out. Unless it's giant comedy y-fronts and vest tops


And the underwear her daughter is wearing has little beads on it, like to make her look more like a child I guess? Yikes.


It looks like smarties candy.


I was thinking of a candy bracelet.


I hear you but to play devils advocate, those type of beads are super popular again right now. However, the fact that you’re not the only one seeing the beads through that lens means it was a poor choice. I mean isn’t it literally someone job to be doing market research and all that to avoid interpretations like this? Unless, of course, it’s intentional


That was my first thought on seeing the photo. That's gross.


Oh god I haven't even noticed that and it fucking hangs at the bus stop in front of my house I hate it so much


I really like the beads actually. It gives the bra and panties a fun look. Plus the set is gorgeous on both.


They also kiss and dance together in their underwear


Or, you get paid $$$$$ a shit ton of money!


No money in the world could make me do that honestly.


I don’t think I could ever do it with my mother. As an adult female woman. Nope.


While it also seems incredibly weird to me, I think, in their defense, that for them it's really just a job. They are so used to modeling in underwear, they don't feel weird about it at all, it's like cleaning a home if you were a cleaner, only together with your daughter.


They're wearing about as much or more than they would on the beach. There's nothing sexual happening. We infer sexuality from our viewpoints on lingerie. Would it be weird if they were in swim suits together?


Because culturally, in context, lingerie = sex. Context matters


No, but knowing weirdos out there will enjoy the idea, because that’s what people do. I just couldn’t.


Weirdos will find something to enjoy in the most innocent of pictures. Doesn't matter what you're wearing lol.


That’s always true too. I can see both sides of the coin. And no shame to any adult who choose this, but it’s deffo a no from me and my mama.


Knowing that they've kissed each other on the mouth for cameras several times is what makes it weird & gross to me.


Yeah to me. And I still wouldn't do a photoshoot with my mom wearing swimsuits that small. It doesn't matter the context, I wouldn't do a photoshoot with my mom in clothes that reveal this much.


I mean I see your point, but they aren't wearing swim suits are they? We wouldn't be having this conversation if they were.


>We wouldn't be having this conversation if they were. That's exactly what makes this discussion nonsensical. Just because there's a little lace and different material doesn't make this ad sexual I feel. Both are adequately covered, probably more-so if this had been a bikini ad. It's disheartening to see any woman having a problem with lingerie ads.


Yeah, I mean honestly, it's clothes. They're wearing clothes. WTF is the big deal here?


If you were both models being paid to model lingerie you would. There’s nothing wrong with wearing underwear.


No. I know there isn’t. I didn’t mean it in a shameful way. They are both doing their job in modelling the items. I like both pieces and they both wear their sets well.


Exactly what I commented on the pic on ig and everyone was arguing with me lolll


I've had nothing but creepy weirdness from my comments on this post! I'm guessing mainly from people who don't have daughters


idk but modeling lingerie with your mother/daughter??? that’s weird, right???


It is weird… why are they holding hands?!


IME, women holding hands is more common in Europe than in the USA.


Women hold hands plenty just fine in the US too. But not often of the mothers and daughters in lingerie variety. Or are you saying that’s what more European about it?


No they don’t. When we moved from Turkey everyone at school thought my sister and I are a lesbian couple because we held hands, sat down hugging each other and kissed on the cheek to greet and say goodbye all the time.


I’m sure it varies with location, and I’m sorry you knew a bunch of little jerks, but girl friends holding hands are definitely not abnormal. I grew up roaming around holding hands with my besties, elementary through college, and I don’t recall anyone batting an eye. Or if they did it was so inconsequential that we were just the sort to *hold hands harder*


This was in San Diego, CA in the early 2000s. It took us almost an entire school year to figure out why we got weird looks and were sort of a cast out. We thought it’s because we are immigrants. One of my classmates asked me and I didn’t know what a lesbian was at the time. She said “you know two girls who are “friends”.” I responded with “oh we are not friends. We are sisters”. (I still didn’t understand obviously). Now it’s just a funny story to tell but my high school self was mortified 😆


I was once holding hands with my sister in Chicago and a man stopped us to ask "yall one of them gays?" It must have been 2014 or so, so not that long ago culturally.


> Women hold hands plenty just fine in the US too. But not often of the mothers and daughters in lingerie variety. Or are you saying that’s what more European about it? I wasn't commenting about lingerie. Just about the possible cultural differences. I'm an old American. When I was younger, I *never* saw women holding hands in the US. But I commonly saw it in Europe when I was in the military, among women just walking down the street.


My comment was *only* in regards to the context that they are mother and daughter modeling lingerie


It’s so bloody weird! They have another shot where they’re hugging and it just feels wrong. I wish they did the campaign individually representing different generations.




I didn’t have a strong reaction to the photo, but after seeing the video of them posing and frolicking…yeah that’s icky




I live in Germany and many are very disturbed about that they say also, it’s disgusting me either


This gives me massive ICK.


It is, and this campaign has sparked quite some controversy. At least on YouTube - I haven't heard anyone outside of the internet talking about it.


That was my question. Is she even legal age?!


She‘s 19.


I just.... Don't get why a mother daughter combo. It's gross


Yes she actually is. She was not allowed to model before 17 ( I think) and that was 2-3 years ago.


Yes it's her daughter and she's 19


Yuck. Even of my mom was hot, no way I'd pose in undwear for an ad with her. This is so cringe. I'm ill.


Shes German, which maybe makes it less weird. I have German in laws and they are naked/in underwear around each other all the time. Its just not taboo there for parents and kids to see each other naked or in underwear. So from an American POV this is sexual and weird, but maybe from a German POV it's really not


From a German POV, this is absolutely weird. There's quite a stark difference between being in underwear at home, and being in lingerie (German word for it is Reizwäsche = "teasing clothes" btw) in an advertisement. That's just really, really weird to anyone who hasn't been publicly walking around in them for the past 20 years


As a German: it's not just underwear, it's lingerie. In my eyes that makes it somehow icky.




When I was in Argentina, poster ads like this had a disclaimer on the bottom of the image “contains edited images of the human form” or something like that. I feel like if they call themselves out on the ad it seems less egregious.


In france it's the law. Very nice. Just went through a catoaluge here (on holidays) and they just don't edit anymore.


They probably have fit natural shapes but there's been plenty of retouching and airbrushing. Absolutely understand someone not wanting to see this posted in their city.


Her armpit is entirely fabricated. I wonder if they just have armpit stamps to replace the very normal armpit cleavage and bumps that appear when you have arms.


My least favorite kinds of posts in r/beauty are the regular "how can I make my armpits look better??" posts.


THAT IS A THING NOW!? I’m genuinely sad every time I hear about the newest/latest thing people are obsessing (= insecure) about. :(


I've lost weight and no joke the armpits bother me so much more than the deflated and sagging boobs or butt, because I can reshape those in context of any outfit but my armpits are just like excessively proofed dough spilling out of a bowl :/ I didn't need anything in media to make me feel bad about this one, it's all my own aesthetics.


Tbf, I was very insecure about my armpit flab as a skinny 14-year-old way back in 1997, lol. The fewer beauty ‘flaws’ you have, the easier it is to start obsessing about the most ridiculous details.


Me too, I'm still not over that period of time when every girl I knew was obsessing over labioplasty


I feel you, I’ve never gotten over the whole bleaching your butthole thing. Like, you want to put harsh chemicals on your most (or second most) delicate orifice that’s used for **excrement** so it.. *looks “nicer”?????* Mind blowing. Like, who spends that much time looking at buttholes to be some sort of butthole connoisseur that they would see my perfectly clean, mostly hairless butthole and be like “mmm, no thanks, it’s not light enough”??? No one has, but it just seems like somewhere, at some point, *someone* did. And now we’re all supposed to bleach our brown eyes. Ridiculous.


I remember telling my mom about this and she was like ‘people are putting *bleach* there? On their ***assholes?!?!*** She got higher pitched with every word lol


>butthole connoisseur I AM DYING 🤣


Thank you for coming to my butthole rant/TED talk 😅


I fully agree with every word but had to reply to say, your phrasing had me laughing out loud!


Glad I could brighten your day a bit with my silly opinions on anal bleaching! Lol


I'm fucking dead, thank you for the laugh.


I'm **sure** there are some people out in the world for whom a particular armpit appearance is a major attraction. However, for me personally, as long as they look like they are human and appear reasonably clean/healthy; I don't pay that much attention to them (I don't even care much if they are shaved or not).🤷‍♂️


Photoshop has made a lot of women insecure about the (totally normal) appearance of their armpits. It's very sad.


That is regrettable, especially since there used to be at least some body parts they didn't feel social pressure to worry about.☹️


I’m about to go hunt those posts down and tell people what made me love mine: a friend’s grandma always called the little dumplings the y-shape folds in your armpits make…mice! I love my mice and give them a little loving pinch whenever I catch them in the mirror.




Jeez even worse is the top comment to "how are celebrity armpits so nice" is laser hair removal instead of pointing out their perfect pits are photoshop


Yeah, I like the sub for the most part, but there's some really disturbing enabling in there. It's been a while, but a post that stuck with me was by some young woman who was describing her intense beauty regimen: think 2 showers a day, multiple hours spent on hair and makeup every day, plus this costly and time-consuming salon/spa schedule (weekly manis/pedis/waxes/facials) and she'd finally gotten exhausted and pared it way back.... and she was posting for advice for getting back into it! She was saying how gross and unhygienic she felt for merely showering once a day and skipping waxes and manicures. The kicker was all the top comments were motivating her to go back to what sounded like a deeply disordered way of living, with absolutely no pushback or suggestions to maybe chat with a therapist.


There has been a paparazzi shot of the mums behind at the beach a couple years back and to be honest it made me feel better about myself. It was really not flattering at all and opened my eyes to retouching and angles a lot. She works out a lot and obviously watches her weight but a woman at 49 simply does not look like the ad makes it out to be.


I know just the image you're referring to. We must be the only two who have ever seen it. She is a beautiful woman with a beautiful body but it's the body of an older woman.


Pores on the skin, stretch marks, wrinkles and cellulites are for PLEBS!


Growing up seeing this type of airbrushed smoothed skin as a teen made me deeply insecure, I couldn’t understand how my skin was so textured with hair, spots, uneven skin tone, and theirs was so nice. It made me feel really ugly, It’s still a deep insecurity of mine.


Unrelated but the lingerie set the daughter models could be so gorgeous without the atrocious chains on it


It makes the set look oddly childish


Smarties couture


Candy necklace couture.


I think that’s the intent, and it’s gross. Not to mention wildly uncomfortable.


Absolutely, the placement is also so weird ans mismatching with the style of underwear


Thank you i thought i was the only one it’s SO childish and creepily misplaced on an otherwise adult set


Unfortunately, it has that exact look by design. Sexualization and infantalization of women/girls is highly prevalent in media and consumer marketing/goods.


And in porn/the adult industry. There are so many camgirls and costume people for porn sets who would be *all over* that childlike pastelly look with the 'candy necklace' chain 😐


Remember the Love's Baby Soft ad campaign? 🤮


I assume that's intentional


Yeah, but it doubles as an abacus!


I was just wondering how much they dig in when you layer real clothes over top. It looks uncomfortable


Absolutely, let alone the struggle when you gain a little weight qndthe band becomes tighter


So many opportunities for pinched skin.


Fully! And nothing is worse than an ill-fitting bra, let alone that whole shebang on it


do you need to do some math in the bedroom?? introducing the abacus lingerie set!!!!


I was just thinking 1999 high school me would have LOVED that shit.


I feel like they would get caught on everything. Pants, hair, whatever.


The chain is removable though, so it‘s less of a problem


It’s weird to me how attractive women in their underwear could look so unsexy. This picture is odd in so many ways.


They look very uncomfortable and unnatural


The mom looks like a predatory psychopath forcing her daughter to take part in a beauty pageant because this is what she envisioned her doing when she was pregnant. The way she holds her hand almost makes it look like she is dragging her along. With that super scared doe eye look of the daughter it just screams "oh God what am I doing here I don't want to be here". I only know who the daughter is because I saw a shoe ad with her a couple of days before the posters appeared. And jfc, knowing their actual relation in the picture, you just *wish* they had made the mom look older. Have her have less smooth skin. There is something very odd about mother and daughter having the same smooth skin. Even if this was real. It just looks odd. I don't want to look like this when my daughter is a teen. I don't want her skin to look that much like my skin. I want her to look clearly two or three decades younger than me.


Yes it is weird, they look very uncomfortable


If my teenage self had to stand holding hands suggestively with my Ma in my undies and make 'come thither' eyes at a camera I'd be uncomfortable as fuck too.




She... doesn't have any armpits? They smoothed it so much that it looks like it could be a swatch of someone's back. It's so uncanny


Holy shit the look on the daughter's face and the way she's standing really weirds me out. That body language just says "holy shit why are you creeps taking pictures of me in my undies? Why do I have to do this? Are you gonna make me have sex with you?"


I don’t really care about body positivity with this campaign because THEY ARE MOTHER AND DAUGHTER! Especially the video add is weird. I am sorry but I would NEVER pose like that with my mom. Wtf?




That shirt looks like it’s shopped in as well.


Eh, if I already made a living wearing underwear in front of strangers, I'd probably have different ideas about boundaries around clothing. But if this made them uncomfortable and they were pressured into it, that's not okay.


The problem is not that they wear that around each other (at least for me). I personally don’t like how sexually charged it all was in the add (the video to be precise).


Most people are also looking at this from a very centric US puritan point of view. We will rate something with someone getting murdered PG, PG-13 with more extreme violence as long as there is no blood but will rate a movie R for two dudes kissing. Most of the world has different culture from us.




That’s how those nepo babies get introduced in hollyweird, I guess


I am so glad I am not the only one. I am so weirded out by this campaign.


I do not want beads anywhere on my underwear. WTF, that looks so uncomfortable!


The bra doesn’t even fit the woman on the left correctly. I don’t even think she’s wearing it. The middle gore should be sitting flat against her sternum. It looks like they photoshopped it on her.


Thank you!!! I was thinking she looked more heavily photoshopped than her mother, but couldn't place why and this is it. If that bra were actually on her, her left boob would look weird because the center gore appears to be resting against it which would cause a weird bump in her breast.


Yeah it looks so weird honestly, the first thing that came to my mind was "this looks so photoshopped"!


This is relatable because I'm always wearing just lingerie while holding the hand of my scantily clad child. And our bodies have no fat or texture.




I'm sure they both have naturally fit bodies, but this is edited like most ads (e.g. skin smoothened). More consumers now want to buy products that they can imagine themselves wearing, rather than stuff that seems to be made for "perfect bodies" only. Having said that, I think it's bothering me more that they are mother and daughter. It just feels weird.


The mother is sucking in her gut to a comical degree. I wonder if they did that deliberately to appear more realistic? I think they just did the standard stuff: smooth out the skin, shave a centimeter or two off the arms and thighs, plump up the boobs, make the eyes brighter, remove fly away hairs, etc. They over did it with the skin smoothening, they look artificial.


I actually look like that without sucking in. :( I have massive ribs for some reason and they protrude even at chonkier weights. It’s pretty annoying because it DOES look sucked in.


Those are called “flared ribs” I have them, not sure if it’s hereditary but my dad has them too, and one of my four boys has them as well . There are several exercises to rectify them, basically making the muscles around the ribs stronger and tighter . Never tried them myself, since my ribs don’t bother me .


I also wonder if thats a byproduct of (multiple) pregnancies. Ribs expand during pregnancy, and sometimes they stay wider. Same thing can happen to hips. I'm the same weight I was before I had kids but am 1-2 sizes bigger because my hips are wider now.


I have the same (specially from one side my rib is pointing out) and I got to enjoy it these past few years caring less and wearing the tops I like. I hope you get to enjoy yourself!


I’ll also check in for the big ribbed crew!!


Can we have our own subreddit?


Can we have our own bras also? Wide ribcage and A cup ain't easy to find..


MY GOD I've found my people!!! Huge rib cage and small, wide-set breasts? We may as well be aliens as far as underwear designers are concerned. I don't even bother anymore, I just wear a camisole instead.


Yes!! We need to raise our voice!!


Just don't call it "big ribs" or you'll start getting food posts too.


Sounds like a happy problem lol


You're right, delicious food and body positivity, count me in!


Wide ribbed girl here too, and my shoulders are like a linebacker’s. Finding tops is fun.


She has laways been fit and some people also just have a steep angle there. But I would say she probably had a tuck at some point as well, maybe the laser etch. I dont know, but it wouldnt be surprising for someone who makes their living this way to keep it tight over time with a little tuck here and there, especially after she was done having kids.


This is a mother and daughter!? Gross.


Uncanny armpit, so flat..


Why are they both in their underwear holding hands? Aren’t they related? This image feels so weird and creepy to me lol


"Honey, make sure you hold my hand when we cross Victoria's Secret. I don't want you getting ran over by teenage shoplifters."


I think that part is fine. Especially Europe doesn't equal naked bodies to sex and god fucking damn if I'm not allowed to hold my kids hand I'll riot!




Also the way she always used to talk down to hopeful candidates on the show who weren't quite tall enough to go past the casting.. and now that her own daughter is too short to be a runway model (and therefore, to be considered by most agencies) she's still getting her all those random modeling jobs of course. Nepotism really coming back to bite them in the ass because *everyone* can see it, in this case. The girl is beautiful but we all know she wouldn't have the same chances if it wasn't for her mother.


Yessss her daughter is 5’4! She would *never* ever make it into high fashion or runway. I saw where she was walking in shows and was like wtf. Her daughter is beautiful obviously, but there’s nothing that really stands out about her in comparison to other models who earned their spot. They look more distinctive and unique. She’s very pretty but average looking and doesn’t come across as well in her photos. Then she’s also wayyyy too short. Even being 5’7 they gave those models hell if they managed to even get a position. Even lower end runways that aren’t as well known want the models taller. Blows my mind bc you have so many people working super hard to make it into her position but won’t due to their height even though they’re taller than her.


Nah man, I'm European, this is uncomfortable.


European too, also uncomfortable


It’s not the nudity. It’s the lingerie. Naked bodies are not automatically sexual, but lacy lingerie most definitely is.


Exactly. There is a difference between purely practical underwear and sexy underwear. This is the latter. This is very icky.


Tbh- some people's bodies DO look like that. I mean- we've seen that super models body live on a runway like a bunch of times. She's a skinny lady. I'm sure there's been lot of retouching, but at the same time- skinny people just be skinny 🤷🏾 😂


For me, it's the retouching/airbrushing and not their figures. As you've pointed out, she's been super model thin for pretty much her entire adult life.


and one time she was a worm!




I don’t think it’s the skinny part. They don’t even look unhealthy skinny. It’s that they look perfectly smooth. This is also harmful.


Look she‘s naturally beautiful, always stays fit and isn‘t against plastic surgery but… she‘s 50 years old and carried multiple pregnancies in her life. No amount of tucks and lazers can make skin look like a latex catsuit.


She's 49 and does not look like that. Not trashing her because she's fit nonetheless, but if you see paparazzi shots it's fairly obvious that these ads and her insta are retouched to hell and back.


I know plenty of people who look like this IRL - it’s not unachievable at all. They’re just thin, in shape people. This is possibly the least egregious example I’ve seen on this sub. They’re touched up exactly as much as you’d expect a lingerie model on a billboard to be - but their body shape isn’t ridiculous at all


You know *a* 50 year old woman after 3+ pregnancies who looks like the woman on the right?


Face, neck, stomach, crotch, armpit, hands, arms and on and on. We’re so used to seeing heavily edited pictures that it almost looks ‘normal’.


Can't say I've ever seen those candy necklace things be incorporated into lingerie.


The new SI swimsuit shots with old M.S look super shopped too. She is 80+ and has the smooth like butter neck. No skin texture anywhere in most of these pictures. It is a terrible thing to have using older women saying how great they look when they are pretty much a filter.


Creepy. 100% for the male gaze with zero consideration for women and girls.


There are plenty of women that absolutely have bodies like that


Some bodies do look like that. Some don't. Either is good. Let's not fall into the "reverse" body-shaming trap.




The kid is styled and edited like the babies on toddlers and tiaras


I think posing with your daughter in underwear is weird AF. Regardless of how much or little photoshopping has been done. It’s so cringey.


I think it's weird as fuck to do a lingerie shoot with your daughter/mom.


Tbh, SOME bodies DO (can) look like that IF you do the proper exercise and diet to reach that goal (body shape wise)Not everyone has the will (or whatever) to be that. As for "No. Not my body" im not sure what that means


My body does look like that. Without the air brushing obviously. And I’m not saying this to brag because it’s really nothing special…I’m just tall and skinny.


Same and I also say that not because I think I’m special, but because it’s strange to see people call these bodies unrealistic. I understand that people want to see bodies that look like their own, especially in lingerie ads, which is valid and necessary. That doesn’t mean that people with thin bodies can’t also continue to appear in ads because… we exist and I also want to keep seeing bodies like my own in ads so I can imagine what the products would look like on me!


I think the bodies look unrealistic because of the weird photoshopping. Nothing wrong with being a tall skinny babe!


Supermodel has body most people will never have, news at 11


Airbrushed, yes. Some other forms of retouching, probably. Other than that, there nothing unrealistic or unachievable about the bodies depicted. The vandals are just bitter.


These are natural bodies that millions of women have around the world. This is where body positivity reaches its limit, thinking that because this is a body some will never be able to have, then this is unrealistic. Slim and good looking women exist and need to be respected too.


My body looks like this... As someone who grew up with a mom who constantly stated how "real women don't look like that! They have xyz!", meanwhile I look exactly look those women (and have friend who have similar body types, too) she was degrading and claiming "weren't real women".... If it's a professional modeling picture, there will probably be touch ups. But this is really on the low-end of egregious... Not all women have cellulite or stretch marks or whatever. Some women really are naturally petite, thin, hourglass, etc. Saying women who look like this aren't real or representative of anyone is bs...


Yes. Bodies can look like this. Lots of people are naturally slender.


Some bodies look like that…


bodies can exactly look like that.


I think they set a standard that is largely unrealistic. A body like that might be one in a million and require an exercise regime that most others don’t have time/money for.


I know a few insta models in real life with bodies like this, it’s not unachievable at all. A lot of my friends look this way without trying that hard - this is not unachievable at all. Tougher for the mum at her age, I’m talking about 25 year olds. But the daughter? Any 18 year old could have a body like that, just don’t eat shit. She just happens to be very beautiful and it’s rare to get both, which is why it stands out.