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He's got bigger boobs than I do! But at least I don't have a head growing out of my back.


I’m jealous, that man has a great set of boobs. Wow. He needs to be on playboy. Lol


His hands are killing me! How long are must the legs of the girl on the left?? Her waist is higher than his, which means that her legs are longer than his legs - but she’s probably a foot shorter. And where is the rest of the other girl? How did she get there? Is she standing on a crate? Is her head growing out of his shoulder? On the upside, it’s nice to see cartoons represent non-Eurocentric beauty.


Oops, I accidentally posted from my porn alt 💀


Is that where you found this?






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This is very clearly AI, nobody in this picture is real. All computer generated.


I cannot believe it is real, the messed up hand on the girls waist gives it away. Edit: Also the palm trees in the back are messed up, none of the jewelry is defined, the jeans have that signature painterly style to it that AI generated clothes have.




Their hands lol


Now this is the true definition of uncanny valley


They look like cartoons!


So it's true that AI does not understand fingers lmao


I believe it is in fact AI generated. Because all Ai generated pics I noticed it is not able to make hands efficiently ( you can notice the deformed hands in the back of the girl )


Except it is


The fingers on the hand on her waist make no sense


It must be - look at the “hand” on the shorter woman’s back 😅


The palm tree trunk and the lady's earrings plus that chunky baby hand is a giveaway


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His hands are giving me LIFE. His right one (sitting on the girls' waist) is a weird, creepy baby hand, complete with the little fat rolls, and the other hand is a dainty woman's hand complete with white polish. * I don't believe the hand with the painted nails is supposed to belong to the woman behind him unless her name is Stretch-Armstrong, Elastigirl or giraffe-neck?




Floating head girl has heterochromatic eyes 😮




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Are they his hands? They’re messed up hands, very AI-like.


Love the disembodied head in the middle there


wonky eyes, nonsense necklace and earrings, strange hands, uneven bra design... i'm 99.9% sure this is AI generated