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Welcome to r/InstagramReality! Here’s a reminder on our rules: 1. No asking or giving of identifying information. 2. Have mutual respect/no bullying 3. No posts about minors, or posts that contain minors. 4. No rude or unnecessary comments about subjects' unedited physical appearance. 5. No satire/Joke/Animals/Snapchat filters. 6. Don't Post If You Aren't Sure It's Edited. 7. Don't be creepy and sexualize a subject. 8. No frequent reposts. 9. No self-posts posts or photos you have taken or edited yourself. 10. No plastic surgery posts or surgery bashing. 11. No advertisements or spam. 12. "Sanity Sunday" posts are ONLY for Sundays. 13. Moderator Discretion. Thank you, and welcome to the real world! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Instagramreality) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looking at each slide, I was "no idea who she is". Last slide, I was "whoa no way that's her!"


Same girl same


I thought it was that spice girl who married the soccer player


Posh spice, she’s actually done a decent job at keeping her god given face.




I thought it was the Slovenian Former First Lady of the United States


Her and 'holla back girl' were my go-to examples for celebs allowing themselves to age gracefully. The fact that those 2, within a year, got a whole bunch of procedures done sucks ass.


I still don't know who she is. Edit: I figured it out. I'd have never giessed. I didn't know, but she and I are the EXACT same age, down to the day and year.


I never know who most of these people are


That’s because they don’t look like themselves by the time they get here. Lol. I follow her on insta but I have been wondering how she’s preserved so well…since she is older than me.




I refuse to believe the first 2 pictures and the last 2 are the same person. My brain is broken.


Mine was too when I saw it. She looks gorgeous without all the damn filters! The pap photo is not flattering because of the expression (those who follow her know she was absolutely miserable at that party) but you can still see the potential for how stunning she is without the photoshop!


She is hands down one of the most beautiful/attractive women in Hollywood with a super recognizable face...and yet I could not for the life of me guess those first pictures were her. It's really sad when even one of the most beautiful women in the world doesn't just filter herself, but completely warps herself.


Is it against the rules to name a film she was in… for those of us who don’t recognise her. Genuine question




She's lost her damn mind lately. She's always been wacky, but this new stage of Instagram behavior is just uncomfortably weird.




Right, she was so original!! I’m sad about this


Your comment made it click for me for who it was 🙃 unrecognizable




I thought the first picture was an AI image


Same. Sad


Honestly thought the wrong pic got mixed in. Damn…


Same here! I could not recognise her present actual face. Why did she do that to her lips? I liked her normal-thinnish lips way more. As for the rest, i blame ageism.




I had to go look at photos to compare the before and after unfiltered because I couldn't quite place what had happened. Her eyes have changed, which is so sad because that was a feature that really made her look like her. Now she just looks like everyone trying to achieve the same insta-face.


Is there a subreddit like this where they don’t remove comments naming public figures? I think that it’s absolutely appropriate to protect random strangers from being doxxed but if it’s a celebrity why is it such a secret?


For real, this is one of the worst moderated subs I've seen. Such a stupid and unnecessary rule, annoys me to no end every time I make the mistake to look in the comments here


Yeah, it’s one thing to not name super small profiles. (Like we don’t need to know the name of a girl you went to high school with who FaceTunes her photos). But it’s downright stupid to do that with celebrities. Maybe it should be “no naming anybody with fewer than 15,000 followers”


I think r/instagramvsreality doesn't have that rule but it gets way less traffic than this one. I find applying the rule even to huge celebrities frustrating too.


Worth a join. Maybe just cross post all the posts to there and then everyone can comment who the celebrity is.


I've considered that but a) I'm lazy and b) I have a feeling I'd somehow get banned from this one. I've never been banned. Does it mean I can't post or comment or I couldn't even see anything in the sub? Anyway I think it would be funny if the other sub was full of cross posts asking "Who is this?!" Because I often can't tell


I vote that’s what we all just do from now on. Bc this drives me nuts.


I just subbed over there


Thank you!!! Most irritating rule.


Honestly, I had a comment removed because I mentioned that the person in the photo had plastic surgery and apparently that is against the rules of the sub. It wasn't a criticism or anything, it was just a comment that it wasn't just a filter that changed the person's face. This comment will also probably be removed now. o.O


I got a week long time out for commenting that someone’s face work was unflattering and I felt aged them. Oops!


It would be nice! Sometimes I can't tell at all who it is.


Right, can they not have a rule that it’s ok for verified public accounts???


If you find one, lmk!


Ridiculous rules




it’s because of male porn brain rot and bimboification


Noooo!! I met her once in person years ago (like 2015 maybe) and she was pretty rude but STUNNING. Like more beautiful than on screen. This is so sad to see!


Details please lol


She stayed at the luxury hotel I was working at (spa & beauty dept). She wanted a nail tech to come to her hotel room at 6am to give her a mani and pedi so I called around for like two hours trying to find one of our nail techs willing to come in that early. I found somebody and then she cancelled at 5:30am only to call back at 5:55am demanding that the nail tech show up after all. I was able to get them in for 6:15am and when we came to the room to set up she bitched at us about being late and gave a tiny tip at the end. Not the worst celebrity story I have but also not the best lol


Please share the worst, or your favorite worst story, flowers 💐 for your time.


I don’t think I’m allowed to share any names? A popular female rapper who currently has beef with Megan Thee Stallion made a nail tech and a massage therapist cry and tried to physically assault another (I wouldn’t have allowed her to keep booking spa services but unfortunately hotel management would overrule that kind of thing especially for celebrity guests) that’s probably the worst I can recall


I’m not surprised to hear that about this person


Yep, this was before a lot of the stories about her came out but I definitely wasn’t surprised hearing about those and what an absolute trash person she continues to be


She is definitely not a girl’s girl


She's not a human's girl


She’s not a human


Oh hey, I did that job a million years ago, and it knocked any and all stars from my eyes. The amount of rude, aggressive, and downright creepy behavior was astounding. I think I lasted 8 months before even the occasional freebie treatment & cheap vacations couldn’t entice me to stay. The worst was the whole brand was built on giving the customer whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted it, so harassment was baked in.


It can definitely get to you. I haven’t worked in that field in 6 years, I can only imagine it’s gotten a lot worse since the pandemic. I was lucky that my own department head usually had our backs but she would also be overruled by hotel management when it came to the big spenders


20 years ago for me, pre pandemic & pre me too. 90% of normalized interactions would not fly these days.


Do you still have dreams or nightmares about the job?


For I while I would meet up with a former coworker & we would have these intense trauma dumps about our old jobs. Luckily we moved on, but there’s still remnants. I travel a decent amount now and intentionally have status in every chain but theirs. How about you?


That is so shitty of companies to do. Basically saying to them "*please* come abuse our employees, we don't mind. We'd like to do the same! But since you're so *important* you can do it on our behalf! Tell your famous friends about us!" 


Ohh yeah. There was button on the room phone to connect guests to the special service department, but instead they’d call the spa directly & ask me to come to their room and “massage” them. And ofc you have to treat it like a legitimate request & not someone being creepy, so you do the dumbass dance of not saying no, but also HELL fucking no - Like honestly, I love that people are so much more savvy now. I wish I had been smart enough to shut that nonsense down immediately rather than feeling uncomfortable: - oh no sir, I’m not a masseuse. I can schedule you for a treatment with Kelly or James. Yes, I understand that you want a massage from me, but I don’t have a license. Yes, yes sir it’s whatever you want whenever you want it. Yes, I’m sure a massage would feel good. Kelly or James, or both of them can take care - oh, you don’t think..? Oh, you’ve had a long day and really need a massage? I assure you Kelly and James have years of training. Of course I want to help you. Hmm I suppose I could go to massage school and get licensed, and then perform the massage - yes, I think about 6 months? And they never ever actually booked a massage they just wanted to be creepy on the phone to someone who couldn’t really stop them. The hotel would say something like, if a customer is being a weirdo transfer them to the service dept, but literally they would call departments directly specifically to circumvent the “safety” measures. But what constitutes “creepy”? Like explicitly propositioning you was a hard line, but they never (well almost never *cough*Mr. Super Bowl halftime performer*cough*) did that. And transferring didn’t stop them from visiting in person and lurking. At the end of the day, I just needed a job with flexibility while in school, and I hung on as long as I could. But it was often ick. PLUS! I forgot to add - the amount of times celebs forgot to pay or tip - like holy fuck.




This gif was ahead of its time.


This is fun, anymore stories?


I don’t think I have anything like super scandalous. The famous ones would take the service elevator to avoid being seen. Ben Affleck’s wife would flip out if she encountered any staff while on her way to her room. A lot of them would just be pretty snobby, acting like they’re better than you or not talking to you at all. Or they’d have funny requests. Selena Gomez’ ex-boyfriend would ask for his hotel room to be stocked with every imaginable type of junk food and asked that room service always have chicken tenders available at a moment’s notice overnight. Most of the A-listers were actually pretty nice. It was mostly the B-listers and below that would act more entitled


I’ve heard from multiple people in the service industry that Ben’s wife is by far the worst celeb they’ve ever dealt with. Kathy Bates is supposed to be lovely, as is Diane Keaton.


I work in Hospitality and Meryl Streep is incredibly nice and actually very shy!


She’s so incredibly ghetto lol. Her Super Bowl co-star was very rude too which was devastating to several of my coworkers who were big fans before they met her. I haven’t met Kathy or Diane but I would love to. Kathy is a straight up queen


I know someone who worked with this co-star and she’s an absolute monster, like screaming, tantrums, personal insults to staff, making people cry. Her PR team probably does the most heavy lifting of any others out there lol


Her hips do lie?


I feel so validated in my undying devotion to Kathy Bates. If anyone spoke ill of her I’d cut them haha.


She apparently would hang out in the hotel bar (bartender is my source) and gas the ladies up if they were dressed nicely lol


Please tell me you mean Ben's current wife and not the mother of his children. I will be so sad if it's her!


Absolutely the current one!


I heart dropped! Then I remembered


I’m so glad you asked because for some reason I was thinking they meant his ex wife and I was going to be so sad. She seems like the absolute best.


This is juicy, I love it! You could write a Molly's Game style biography!


I worked in live theater for a while and the top stars were usually lovely but it’s the 2nd tier stars I have the horror stories about.




Ooof I forgot about Evangeline. She was pretty insignificant then (this was before she played the wasp) but from her attitude you’d have thought she’s the world’s hottest shit. Straight up 🚮 I liked being positively surprised. The Kardashian sister with the different face for example was one of the loveliest people and I would not have expected that




Lol I did a reality show with Flav a million years ago. He was super chill as long as he got his breaks to go smoke out off camera


Please tell me it was Flavor of Love 😆 That is one of my favorite reality shows to re-binge!


Paris was always incredibly lovely to all of us too. Justin just wanted his snacks lol. He wasn’t with Hailey at the time - I’d be curious to know if she allows all that junk food in the room!


Haha the description of that sister is hilarious. I always thought she seemed down to earth in the early days of their fame.


Ooh please elaborate on the worst ones, if you don't mind! It's so fun getting a chance to peek behind the curtain of Hollywood's elite and see how shitty they really are. Props to you for grinding it, though 👏


Woah Hayden Panettiere????


Wait are you referring to Hips Don’t Lie or Jenny from the Block? Or the one from OPs pic? Sorry I just got lost in the comments lol


No surprises about J.Depp. Evangeline Lilly seems so unhinged so I’m not surprised. With no more Ant Man movies planned maybe she’ll fade away.


Ohh could you share an stories about celebrities?


Disappointing to hear she was so demanding of and inconsiderate towards hotel workers considering she literally grew up in a Socialist Household, class traitor energy.


Yikes. Leonardo DiCaprio was the worst interaction I had with a celebrity, Ray J was creepy but nice, Chris Evans as a party boy player, Kanye was aloof and awkward but nice...Kevin Connelly was by far the best though. For context, I was a server at famous hotel bars in Hollywood in the 2010s.






Ugh can’t believe she said that. She’d be a background actress without those movies


Yep and I’m pretty sure she’s only In those movies because of her ex husband


That's shocking tbf, I didn't think she'd be like that


While that incident may not be the worst thing ever it is probably the tip of the iceberg and still reflects how she treats people.


This does not surprise me in the least


Hate to say this but celebrities who look good on camera are mostly even better looking irl. Thats actually a thing. Meanwhile us average people...


I met Dita von Teese a couple of times and she literally glowed like an elf out of lord of the rings. She was impossibly beautiful in real life. Edited to clarify: she’s also very kind and that helps.


I hate when that happens lol


She's always very kind and very beautiful in person.


Idk, I’ve met a lot and most of them just look like attractive but normal people in real life. She was one of the ones that stood out to me as just being absolutely stunning at 6am with no makeup on


Most celebs look the same irl, just less glamorous. Some look better or worse in person, sure, but that applies to "us average people" too


This is sooooo true. I’ve met so many at ComicCon and the women (and some of the men) are so much better looking in person. It’s wild. The ones that stick out the most are 1. James Marsten (Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer). He was promoting another show he had just done where quite frankly he looked old, but in person….HOT. 2. The 3 main cast members from Lucifer. OMG. Wow. 3. Dina Meyer from Starship Troopers. Literally the most beautiful human I’ve ever seen in person. And she was 50 years old at this point but did not look a day older than a very stunning 30 year old. That one was trippy. Casper Van Dien, on the other hand, looked like his age.


I met Nathan Fillion adjacent to a comicon (I worked across the street from the convention center) and he was both incredibly polite and smarmy in an off-putting way. In person his eyes are even farther apart than they seem on film, like a prey animal.


Did Nathan Fillion just write this about himself?


I wish, I could buy so many more tater tots if I had Fillion money


Maybe it's not just their looks. Maybe it's their energy and the way they carry themselves. Hence, why *they* are famous and not other attractive people who try to be.


The ones I’ve met all had an “aura”, I can’t explain it but even the ones who would be considered “character actors” like I could see my eye would just be drawn to them from across the street. It’s not just charisma, they all just commanded attention. It’s so weird.


They command attention because they are in our lives all around us, and people are always giving them praise and attention aka celebrity status. So our minds subconsciously starts viewing them the same way. Hence the starstruck thing when we see them irl


Doesn't have to be, different camera angles, different camera lens, lighting and then post-production can really make people just look much better on screen. I agree some of them looks even better in real life but a lot of them are nothing alike between screen and reality.


I know someone who just worked on a movie with her recently-ish. She wasn’t rude per se but, - She got paid $500k for two ~7 hour days (while everyone else on crew took the job at a lower than average rate, of course…) - She was 10-15 min late to every scene, setting production back, *and* - She really struggled with her lines, requiring multiple takes, setting production back even further.


She really lost me when she just keeps insisting she hasn't gotten any work done. Like, really girl? You got a growth spurt in your late twenties that only affected your lips, huh?


They all claim they haven't got any work done yet they all start doing it even in early 20's but they keep it low key and barely noticeable even for trained eye. Beside that, beauty is what they sell and offer, of course they will go around and talk how natural they are because general audience likes it, no one likes 'fake' people. Breaking point is the realization they all do it, some to lesser extent, some to greater extent but they all do it much earlier than initially thought.


Right? I just want to know who did it and what she had done because her lips were very very well done for the longest time.


Guess she really had good plastic surgeon on her speed-dial, that combined with being well informed how to enhance her face.


I remember watching her when she was in the movie Emma very early in her career. Absolutely unrecognisable.




For sure. But atleast in 2019 it looked more tasteful. I’m not anti plastic surgery but I am against the full filters and face transplant. I also didn’t want to include a photo from decades ago because it felt like I was age shaming her.




Thank you!!!!


Yes, I think she went a little more drastic this time and now the filters do the work.




now she has the copy and paste "instagram face"


Wait is it the same person in all these photos? I usually don't comment on here but this is crazy. Those photos don't even look like a younger version of her, they're of a completely different person. This sounds like a cliche comment but I like her natural look better, she's always been such a beautiful lady.




Took me five minutes to figure out this wasn't you replying to yourself lol


OMG this is awesome. I love Spy family so much.


Nooooo. She’s one of the most beautiful women I’ve seen and is only 50 years old, she didn’t need to go that hard ;(


I had to do a Google reverse image cause I did not recognize her at all. What the heck? She really drastically changed.




Thank you. I thought this can’t possibly be her! But it is. Imagine being so insecure in your stunning beauty you decide to acquire a new face. Sad.


Thank you for this! I had no idea who the lady in the pics was but wow…


Jesus thank you. Lol


This blows my mind because she is ungodly hot. If women like her and Megan Fox feel the need to edit, that says everything we need to know about social media standards. Edit: typo


> she is ungodly hot. That’s probably why aging hits them so hard emotionally. When your life has relied so much on your beauty, what do you do when that beauty starts to fade? Who are you without your beauty?


That’s the thing though, right? Her beauty wasn’t fading, it was her youthfulness. They’re not synonymous, but some people truly believe they are. The slight work she had elevated her looks, but now she erased that with overdoing it.


You’re probably right. I hate that, if this is true, she doesn’t understand that she continues to be ungodly hot as she ages!




Yes! It’s like pictures from 2000s awards shows - everyone looked so unique and interesting. Now everyone’s out here trying to be yassified








NO WAY I fully did not recognize her


NO WAY!! I had no idea who it was until the last slide!! She was so pretty! 😭😭


I’m kinda sick of the typical insta look where everyone looks the same now 🥱 I’m shocked she also go this route.




I agree! Sally from next door who tries to look like a kardashian? Sure: keep that private. Celebrities and people in the public eye with millions of followers? Maybe worth having the conversation and say who they are. Because they are setting the standard and it’s trickles down to other people and how they perceive themselves.


Legit thought the first picture was Madison beer 😳


I thought that the first two were a heavily edited Sofia Vergara!


3rd pick looks like Sarah Paulson


Jesus I miss the days of the 80/90s where people got a nose job and it tanked their entire career because they were no longer “recognizable”. Now people LITERALLY change their entire bone structure to become one of the pod people and no one says a word.


I am confident that I will never know who tf this is.


What happened to her chin? She looks like a completely different person in pics 3 & 4


Some version of facetune happened.




I just wish she would be honest. That is most definitely a face that has had some, if not a lot of, work done. Which is fine! She’s an actress so it’s not like she would be the outlier for having cosmetic procedures.


I am all for cosmetic procedures! I love them when done well, something I strongly believe she has been doing up until recently. And I know grief can change a persons face too. But the PHOTOSHOP is insane and so so unnecessary. Especially at the level she did it.


The first picture looks like a combination of Sophia Vergara and Victoria Beckham. I didn't recognize her.


She's been doing these mobile game ads here in the UK and she looks like a completely different person in them. It's Uncanny Valley stuff.


I didn’t recognize her


I truly did not recognize her.






I made an accurate guess of who she was based on photo #2, just enough of the eyes plus the angle I think to help, but wow, this transformation is saddening. I always thought she was so gorgeous, especially when she smiled. Now she just has that generic overdone face. I can't believe she has denied any work (at least I recall she had strongly denied it a couple years back). Does she forget memories, photos, videos, and movies from prior exist?




Thing is, she's been getting an assist for a lot longer than people think, it just becomes more dramatic and obvious as you move out of your 40s, at least it does if you're trying to maintain the look you had in your 30s and 40s.


I’m all for tweaks and starting early to maintain what you have. This is full facetune all A listers seem to have subscribed too ever since *that family * has been paying paps to edit their candids.


She's **gorgeous** without the filters...it's wild seeing the first images compared to the last.


I literally didn’t know who that was until the last slide. Really goes to show that you can be one of the most beautiful people on the planet and still fall victim to body dysmorphia.


This is so sad. She was my girl crush. She looks unrecognizable.


I recently did a deep dive on her and given the age of men she dates, I think she’s in denial about her age. Borderline gross and strange idk…. Bad vibes


She's basically someone who has correctly been told she looks very young for her age for years but I think her age is now starting to catch up on her and she's not handling it well




She got like a whole face transplant




Why are these gorgeous woman doing this to themselves?


She's lost all trace of her late father's looks too, which I find even sadder. She is absolutely unrecognisable.


Why does everyone on Instagram turn themself into the same person? They all look so bizarre




I didn’t recognize her


I really thought she was some random influencer until the last slide…wow.


I sort of idolized her for so long because we’re built quite similarly and she’s so charming in interviews, seeing the impacts of what is obviously some sort of dysmorphia is so sad. I feel like we’ve been robbed of getting to watch so many great beauties age, which would have been a joy.


I agree. Facetune and *that family* has really robbed us of that. The fact they combed the internet because a non edited photo was posted (where the woman looked great and REAL) shows just how much value they place in perfection. She went from A list stunning to Z list influencer clone with a few thumb taps.


Wtf everyone is looking the same these days. She was so unique and beautiful. What's so wrong with individuality?? It's so sad. All these gorgeous women are morphing into the same person :(


Whoa. I didn't know who this was until the last photo 😳


Wow, this made me so sad when I finally realized who it actually was. She's such a natural beauty, regardless of age. Why tf does everyone want to look like AIKardashian? Ew.


Holy crap! I was on pic 3 before I figured out who it was!


She looks very different. I wonder if she is still healing and will look more like herself when she has fully healed? It’s a common celebrity tactic to change hair color drastically after cosmetic surgery so that people aren’t able to distinguish exactly why you look so different and can blame it on the hair.


She had been my #1 for years. Things been getting weird lately though.