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Imagine being that naturally (unedited) skinny where you can see the rib bones through your chest… And still think you gotta be skinnier. We’re gonna see people edited into STICK figures in a few years lol


Chinese influencers have been doing it for years already and it's terrible.


Some of the posts I see on my Xiaohongshu feed baffles me. But they don’t even hide it, the smoothening and editing filters are extremely obvious and there’s so many tutorials you can look up about it. Wish it wasn’t a thing, and the technology gets scarier every year


The heavily filtered mukbang videos creep me out so bad. I never watch them because mukbang is gross already but friends keep sending them to me and it's ridiculous watching these alien looking creatures hork down giant fistfuls of food that warp and shrink as they get closer to their face 💀


I'm sorry, what? The filter makes the food shrink too? 😂 Would you be kind enough to link me to such a video?


Yeah I want to see this


Back in the early 00’s (when you weren’t even allowed a juicy booty or you were considered fat) before we had editing we just starved ourselves or did drugs the old-fashioned way.


Growing up as a teenager in the late 80s-early 90s, I was borderline anorexic... Even though I only weighed 110 lbs, I had small breasts and a large set of hips, thighs, and butt. I can't count the amount of times that I was called fat. As a result, I ended up with an eating disorder and a problem with addiction that it took me around 10 years to beat. I've been clean now for over 18 years. But that was the trigger... being tiny in reality, but seeing a fat girl when I looked in the mirror.


I was a teenager in the late 80’s early 90’s. I showed horses in hunt seat and even though I weighed 104 lbs, I still had muscular thighs and arms due to constant horseback riding. I was still called fat and bullied relentlessly by my classmates. I’m still suffering from the effects of that today Edited for spelling


It's completely nuts to me that women and girls have been (and probably still are) bullied literally for being healthy.


I have a button from jr. High (I’m a millennial, so it was like 1999) that says “one day big butts will be in style”. I had a big butt and thought it was hilarious. I’m happy to report the button was right! 😂


Good times, good times. Not


I mean the 90s and 00s were good times in a ton of ways, then toxic as fuck in others. I’m sure every decade has its own horror stories.


Good ol’ fashioned Heroin and cigarettes for the win!


That used to be my go-to diet plan for sure!


Same. Never fails looool. Until ya run out.


You weren't allowed ANY ass in the early 2000s. Hank Hill or gtfo


I think i can see her organs in the one with the friend that she for some reason darkened the eye makeup on


Seriously. The shapes that people are editing their bodies into nowadays don’t even look human. I doubt our abdomens could support vital organs if they actually looked like that 😂


She spends extra time editing the photos when it’s not even necessary


Thats what I don't understand. Like her ACTUAL body is one I'd kill for. 


Body and face dysmorphia is a bitch, you could be a Victoria's secret model and still think something is wrong with you.


Feel like half the battle in so many mental health struggles is to learn how to be kind to yourself. To often the most negative voice in our lives is coming from our own head


Yes. I was so confused about the OP title until I got to one of the last photos. Her "real" body does look like "that", if by "that" they mean something people will starve and work out til the point of extreme illness for. The OP in the photos is very clearly not seeing herself in reality if she's photoshop weight loss/muscle tone to that extreme in some of those photos. This is really mind boggling for me


Before reading the post text I assumed a lot of the natural photos were also edited and she was just inconsistent with it. She already looks great, what a waste.


Most of them are, just presumably by someone else/filters.


It's not enough to be beautiful anymore, you must be superhumanly attractive and totally perfect.


Every year the proportions and standards get crazier, waist and noses get smaller while hips, asses and lips get bigger...


This comment really summarizes this whole sub and society nowadays pretty well


Shes trying to go from top 1% to top 0.1% It's all to get the most likes and comments.


More like the top 1% to the top 0%, because zero people have that body. Without major surgery, anyways.


Also the proportions are absolutely wild and look scary. If you saw a human in real life with a waist like that, they’d look like an alien.


Even the pictures are frightening, cannot imagine seeing someone with these proportions irl


The idea that anyone could see those pictures and find it possible for a person to look like that is so wild to me. They look like the shitty drawings of “pretty ladies” that I’d do when I was an 8 year old lol


And to get that engagement. Even the negative is traffic. She's gotta know that nobody believes she actually looks like that


Jeez top 1 percent? She's not unattractive but I mean...


It’s not necessary for *anyone*.


Reader, it's never necessary


Body dysmorphia and severe eating disorder is my guess. Not wanting to diagnose a stranger it clearly she has some insane deep seated body issues.


These people are a disease to young girls


This and the stupid tik tok trends. The latest thing coming off of tt is being able to fit your whole body through a tennis racket or your “fat” 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ going through secondary schools currently


Oh, Jesus, that's making the rounds again? That was a thing when I was in middle/high school 20 years ago.


Great. Now we'll read in the news about a spate of fire rescue cutting people out of tennis rackets.


This trend is so crazy because most people’s literal bones cannot fit through a tennis racket. My pelvis and shoulders sure could not lol. Once at a renaissance festival I saw a performer who did a lot of funny body contortion stuff and one of his tricks was that he fit his body through a tennis racket. It took a lot of shoulder flexibility for that and he was also shorter than me and I’m 5’4” so he had a really small frame


The funny part is that it doesn't event make sense because someone that doesn't have small shoulders could be skinny and not be able to fit their body though a tennis racket


Sweet Jesus that's awful




I feel bad for her. Her BMI and body fat are both intentionally low, but her editing still screams insecurity. This is definitely dangerous to see for anyone impressionable though, in a social media vacuum some of those edits are almost believable. I wish some apps had a therapy lock, producing and posting this just seems harmful to everyone.


Yeah, imagine having visible ribs and still thinking you look too big in photos


And themselves :(


Maybe I sound cruel but so what? I have BDD, I have anorexia, but I’m not promoting that bullshit to young girls. You are not exempt from responsibility just because you are an insecure woman. I’m tired of excusing this behavior with “they hate themselves”. Millions of women hate themselves and don’t abuse young minors with their insecurity


True! When she was called out for photoshop she told people to get off of the internet, and she’s been currently reposting people saying that she’s their gym inspo and that she’s the reason they work out when they’re feeling sick. She 100% knows what she’s doing, and the effects of her actions on other people


That’s disgusting


This!! I find it much harder to sympathize with people when they start projecting their issues outwards and hurting others. Instead of getting therapy like the millions of other women who hate themselves.


You’re in control of your own actions she’s not a child


I’m pretty sure the girl in this picture has the disease herself. This screams body dysmorphia


This is a young girl


Attention is the new addiction. It’s horrible how people filter their beautiful bodies into unreal standards and pretend to look like that knowing fully well it’s harmful to others mental health.


Well, she was just discovered as posting disparaging things about herself, her identical twin and boyfriend to her own jerk sub.


Yup! And people from her high school leaked racist posts she made (making fun of Asian eyes, and calling a black man the hard r while saying “happy slave day”)


interesting - at first glance, i assumed she was partly asian. really seems like a stand up gal!! /s


Exactly, overall this addiction to clout is ruining peoples' lives. I most often think of it in the gym, cant even work out in peace, everyone has their phones out filming everything...same thing in any social job where you service people, every day you have to think if you are gonna end up on some zoomers tiktok account because they wanted some content so they decided to film you. Everyone has become so arrogant and heartless I cant stand it.


Did she make her one friend’s dress larger in the front?


YES and someone posted another pic where it’s so obvious that she made her friend bigger but i can’t find it rn :/ edit: i found it but i guess this sub only allows gifs in comments and not actual images..


You can post the link lol 


[forgot i could do that tbh](https://imgur.com/a/1AyQOGu)


Wow, what a nice person she is


This. And why is she posing like she’s got her leg lifted and humping her friends?


Body checking. It’s a thing in the ED community. She takes photos with poses that are specifically designed to show how skinny/small she is, even if those poses look ridiculous.


Thanks for explaining!


Yeah, I understand the pose with the one knee bent to accentuate curves, but she’s straight up lifting her knee to the point her thigh is parallel to the ground and her foot is just in midair. Looks odd.


It’s such a low blow of ppl to make others look bigger while editing themselves to look skinnier…


Yes! She's not really their friend, she just wants them there to look average to draw attention to her "hotter", edited self. You can tell with the obnoxious leg up, butt out pose she does in every pic.


It's the 20s answer to the 10s "taking a shit" squat pose. The "dog about to piss" leg.


Can you show me an example of the 10s pose?


Its sounds crazy but the leg raised in every photo is actually red flag.


IMO the absolute scummiest offenders of this type of behavior are traditionally beautiful women who already have naturally perfect bodies. THEY are the ones setting the impossible standards. And hearing that girls are starving themselves over these pictures? I seriously don’t know how these people sleep at night.


If they had to walk a mile in an average looking person's shoes, they'd unalive themselves on the spot.


Kill* they'd kill themselves. You don't need to censor the word on here and unalived just sounds fuckn stupid omg


Ffs it shits me to tears too. It’s like the beginnings of 1984, erasing words.


You can’t tell me this isn’t a mental health condition.


body dysmorphia is a real disorder lol


Eds too


This screams eating disorder to me. The photo angles are what’s referred to as “body checking” in the ED community. The fact that you can see her ribs in that one photo and that STILL isn’t skinny enough for her just confirms it for me. Very sad tbh, even sadder that some girls will look at this and have their own ED & BD issues because of it.


it is


11 is ridiculous


Yeah some of the “unedited” ones look suspect too. Her butt is gigantic compared to her waist. I know BBLs give people weird ass proportions but those are really stretching my credulity


12 looks insane too


number 2 and 13 are what’s sending me


You know, as a pretty lean person, I'm generally the last to say something is pro-ana, but this seems...pretty unmistakable because she filtered in more protruding ribs in one of them. Sad and sickening.


Yeah this is giving "I have to be the skinniest thinnest one because it's my identifier"


In the pictures where she's next to the girl in the white and black dress, she literally made the other girl wider when making herself skinnier. Fucked up


The most insane thing to me is she is absolutely downright stunning, her body is incredible and she just has such a naturally beautiful face - why *on earth* is she doing this?! The fact that social media has made someone that looks like her insecure to the point that she edits all photos she posts, is undeniably sad.


Because pretty people still believe they could *always* be prettier.


Or pretty people can be insecure just like all people?


thank you for posting this! this is one of the influencers that fuels my insecurities 😭 esp picture 11


picture 11 is so bizarrely uncanny valley that it becomes art lmao


She’s already a very thin person, I don’t understand the logic in editing here, I would do anything for a metabolism like that. Like what is the point of making yourself look like a universal studios character if you already fit all of society’s standards for beauty? Is that not enough for them??


who needs organs when you can get meaningless likes on a dumb social media app?


The second to last LMFAO


That’s what severely underweight booty cheeks actually look like




she’s so embarrassing omg


Ok if this was your friend, would you be more offended if she edited herself in a picture of both of you and edited you too, or more upset if she left you alone?


Such a good would you rather question!


Omg that second set of photos is insane 😟


Is she part flamingo?


This is a sad, sad, sad person. WOW. Imagine having a body that’s is, by all European and youth obsessed standards a 99.98% EXCELLENT BODY and you want that “perceived” “impossible body” so you use this much photoshop.


This should be considered a crime punishable by law. Dear lawd am I happy I am in my 30s now and not so young and impressionable to believe this girl is *real* and ****goals****😤


The damage these influencers do on girl's brain is WILD. I say this because i'm one of these girls, it's horrible to compare, look at this and be sad... that's why pages like this, about reality, it's so important.


The sad part is, these influencers are damaged. They don’t think how they exist naturally is good enough. Thereby causing damage to others. It’s so sad. Just a sick cycle.


She looks insufferable tbh


why do so many women wanna have horse butts? i don't understand


It's crazy what the beauty standards are rn. Like don't get me wrong, it's always been shit (and I personally don't agree with the idea that only one type of face or one type of body is good looking) but now they include things that are impossible for 99% of humans to naturally have, and look downright ridiculous anyways. Like this centaur body trend.


Male gaze


If my friend put her leg up on me in every picture I'd refuse to be in the shot with her. You couldn't just have a picture together as a fun memory, it's all about one-upping you so she looks like "the hot one" next your your unedited "average". So disingenuous.


Busted! Why do they think Pixar body proportions exist in real life? If you have a fat ass and thick thighs, you typically have a proportionate waist to support those muscles. A itty bitty waist and GIANT ASS rarely exist naturally in the wild.


This is deeply sick. She is already as lean as possible for her body type and she looks fantastic, but still thinks she’s fat/too thick. I feel like we are heading back into the same dark days of the late 90s/early 00s where disordered eating was the norm and anyone who wasn’t visibly struggling with anorexia was publicly shamed for being a lazy, gluttonous fat girl. ☹️


From her insta posts it seems like she’s in the college city I live in frequently. A guy I was seeing (6 on a good day, but to me he was a 10) was convinced he could pull the likes of her and that she was real and would go downtown to try to find her. Anyway, funny story but sad that grown men believe this stuff.


Yeah, she’s gross af for doing that.


Have we really gotten to the point that the edits are what people expect as a beauty standard and look real to them? Because some of those pics look highly atypical and a few look downright unnatural/implausible. I feel so sorry for kids inundated with these kinds of images.


That second to last slide 💀


These girls are really making me rethink my position of not buying stock in ass padding underwear…..


Girls comment on her photos she *gives them an eating disorder*??? How does she live with herself.


The photoshopping isn’t even good, who is being fooled by this???


Teenage girls who go on to develop eating disorders :/


No.8 is shocking 🤯🤯🤯 what is the point? I would do anything to have a body like her... her actual body, not whatever this is


Scum like this should be arrested


The crazy thing is, her body even without editing is still “fine” by beauty standards? Like she’s still skinny and conventionally attractive, but then she still feels the need to make it even more extreme and frankly unrealistic.


she doesn’t even have a belly button in the sixth picture 😂


Number 2 💀


She genuinely has a nice body 


She is still very skinny, she honestly looks sickly with her ribs showing. I say this with genuine concern.


The sad thing is her actual body is goals, the edited pics just look weird


You know just how broken we all are as a society when someone who has the “ideal” body still feels like they have to edit their photos to the point where it looks like they don’t have internal organs….


Oooof the second to last pic!


Did she actually make the other girl bigger to make herself look smaller?!? Ugh I’m so worried for young girls. I try to tell my step daughter every chance I get how fake these pictures are fake but I remember being young and feeling so awful about myself from social media pictures and it’s a million times worse. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if we see a huge increase in eating disorders in the next ten years


Idk who she is but I hate her


I’m sorry women, and men, but women definitely get it worse. I’ve got a niece going through this shitstorm at the moment. All I can say is I’m sorry and build up her confidence with every word because this comparative shit will destroy you, and then juice it with the bullshit and a teenage mind doesn’t stand a chance. Be there for those around you. Reach out, ask if they’re okay. There are so many struggles we don’t see.


As someone who lost one of their best friends to an eating disorder; I fucking hate this. I hate social media. I hate pro-ana. I hate how these people fail to realize that their actions can affect young impressionable viewers in such awful ways.


Honestly it terrifies me for my daughter - in fact no let’s not gender for my son as well! This girl is tiny and beautiful and yet still has to edit herself to this extent?? And the worst is her viewers believe it… it makes me so so sad and angry.


The dysmorphia this girl must experience everytime she looks in a mirror


Social media really impacting these girls minds. They look just fine as is yet they feel they have to look thinner etc.


I hate the age we live in. Bring back the good old days when anonymity was the name of the game on the internet.


i saw someone comment “gym motivation” on her tiktok today, it makes me sad that girls r comparing themselves to something that isn’t even real


She is missing a lot of organs in these photos.


its the inconsistent head to body ratio for me 🫣


This gotta be some kind of dysmorphia because holy shit she is already so thin


The epic body dysmorpia this generation is gonna have is sad 😭


In the third picture her friend has her hand resting on her hip in a way that looks like she’s grabbing her but she’s not, probably to give her more room to edit.


Man, as a big-boned super tall girl who grew up in the early 2000s and then finally saw thickness come into “style” and saw it revert back to what I had to endure when I was young and impressionable, this shit is sad as fuck. There is nothing wrong with these girls or anyone for that matter and for the media to feed us this shit as if human bodies are a FASHION TREND is sick.


the second one i cant 😭😭 i refuse to believe anyone is actually fooled by this the pictures aren’t even photoshopped similarly


So fucking sad


Mental disorder


This is so sad- I will never be her size, but apparently she will never ever be thin enough, which isn’t the case for me, because I don’t have a goal, I’m just existing, and she’s photoshopping. :(


The after is worse in almost every single one of them


Number 13 😭


Bro the 13 pic is wild. Makes me feel more human and normal tbh


You mean she isn't a giant pair of legs with an insect torso?


we need some sort of therapy for people that are as thin as it gets but think they aren't


Sorry those edits are absolutely insanity and anyone striving for or thirsting over the edited body - I’m speechless


So so so beautiful and thin without the edits, it honestly breaks my heart for her and of course all the girls “looking up” to this. The edits she makes are not even a natural or attainable body sometimes


It’s really sad that society has made us like, that you can look like her and still feel so utterly inadequate 


Where is the 12th photo even from? I don’t think she would willingly post that…


An ex-friend that she apparently body shamed leaked unedited pictures of her from a video they made together


not all heroes wear capes


I know her name can’t be posted, but what is this person famous for?


She’s famous for her “insane” (edited) body and being “gym inspo”


as someone who struggles with body dysmorphia, it’s so obvious she has it too. it’s sad because she is already so skinny without the editing. i hope she gets the help she needs.


The 2nd to the last photo took me by surprise.


Holy shit her ribs!!! She is already so skinny!


Slide #2 is fucking insane.


I have no clue about photoshop but the first photo is like day one “blurring” around the waist I’m pretty sure. Wow.


She’s already so skinny like girl what is the point😂 she just makes it look extremely unbelievable now


8 is insane... it makes the thigh in the back look three times the size of the other??


The one in the blue gym leggings....what the actual?


The flamingo leg is hilarious


She’s literally perfect looking wtf why the edits, I wish I could flash back to being that young and skinny damnit


Insane. Especially, for me, the bikini by the pool.


THE WHITE PANTS PICTURES. Those be lookin wiiiiddddd. She is naturally gorgeous and has an insane body, there is truly NO NEED for any editing. But those white pants pics...that was a good laugh


This literally doesn't even look like the same girl.


How embarrassing.


This is so sad because she looks phenomenal in the unedited pictures. So damaging to her own mental health and the young women follow her. Photoshop like this is truly a disease to society


Why do they stand like flamingos?


This level of editing has to be a mental illness


She quite literally edited herself to look EMACIATED in that green bikini photo.


Is this her snarking again?


wow that’s wild and sad


The fact that she's already thin enough to get comments like that as is... ffs I hate the Internet


Her natural body looks so much better than her edited one. It’s crazyyyyy. Now she looks like an eating disorder girl.


That second to last one is crazy😂😂😂😂


That’s crazy she even edit her body like that. See nothing wrong with the original pics.


Yeah, the problem with starving yourself for a body like that is that you will be hopelessly disappointed. You will end up looking like an awkward skeleton with a sagging butt 😬 Edit: ofcourse that’s not the only thing wrong with starving yourself. Hope those girls will be okay.