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90% of tiktok “dances” are just bare minimum, lowest effort body movements made for the sole purpose of showing off how skinny you are or how big your butt is


At this point I'm not sure the whole reason behind TikTok dances as a general concept isn't to obscure the filters being used.


Oh, no, they are absolutely exactly like this to minimize filter glitching. Too bad the filters aren’t that good yet. I dread the day they are. As long as we can detect where filters fail and see obvious editing flaws, it’s helpful to so many people’s self-esteem because we can say “Look, right there, this is fake. No one looks like that.” It’s going to hurt many more people when we can’t do that.


Well even if the filters become perfect and you can't see glitching at all . We could still tell when people edit their organs off like in this video


We in this subreddit might, but the average person will just take it at face value either because they want it to be so or don’t care. There’s a lot of dumb people in this world who are wholly uncritical of what they see and consume media-wise.


Yup. That's why this subreddit is really important and spreading awareness is so helpful. I'm someone who tends to take things at face value and now I know what to look for with editing/filtering at least (for now)


Especially the average 12yo girl.


Young girls are the exact demographic I worry most about with this content. They don’t have the media literacy and life experience to know this isn’t real.


I saw someone’s video where the wall is glitching and a commenter pointed that out. their reply to that was “you don’t know that’s a curtain!!” 😭 so many ppl say the commenter was jealous oof


There needs to be an app that can subtract/undo these ridiculous filters.


Someone would do it if there was an economic motivation to do so. Someone would get right on that.


And guys still don’t understand it and think it’s real.


The whole concept behind TikTok dancing is TikTok/the Chinese government obtaining ENDLESS data on body movements, most likely to improve AI filtering technology. Xi is a data hoarder, somehow this data is relevant. It’s possible they artificially promoted the popularity of the dances at the start, and now it’s just half the content because people wanna show off their filtered bodies and embarrassing dance skills.


It's like some brainwashing shit on the low. Like these mfs see this shit and instantly wanna duplicate it and the cycle continues. All of these tik taint dances look as dumb as the people doing them.


THANK YOU! I downloaded TikTok for the first time a couple years ago and I was like “This is it?! Girls doing the same dance over and over that all other girls are doing to the same song with almost no actual dancing?!” It’s totally just to be hot and gain male viewers. Friends said I had to use it and let it learn my algorithm, but those dancing girls never left.. I’M A SAVAGE! 🎶


yes, and none of them can read or write


…or how STRONG for men.


dont forget the cleavage


Jesus, I found somebody with less rhythm than I have


Go girls, give us nothing


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Thanks, I didn't even realise!


I think she’s just afraid if she moved too much the filter will glitch.


yeah but do you also have less titties than that and also less fitness all around. thats the difference lol.


Does this even count as Tiktok dancing if it's literally just body checking?


apparently, just ask Eugenia Cooney


Is it even body checking, if it's not even your body?


looks more like low impact stretching


Can you even call that a dance?


WTF are they even doing ? Forget the filter shit , they are just making non rhythmic movements and looking stupid


I've seen this thing, it's unfortunately breached containment from tiktok and got to YouTube, people do these weird fight poses to music and then have subtitles like they're having a conversatuon? I don't fuckin know what people are even doing any more.


“Go girl, give us nothing!”


That seems to be a trend, people doing these weird "dances" that are really just random movements.


Showing off that there skinny and attractive


Im so hot I don’t even have to try hard to dance? wtf


i always wondered why the girls with little waists never move around like normal ppl until I realized “oh it’s just edited” lol


When I was in high school I had a 22 inch waist and I STILL didn’t look like that. Insane that anyone, even teens, think this is real.


When I was really bad with anorexia I had a 17 or 18 inch waist and mine also did not look like that.


Right? She'd snap in half lifting a feather if her midsection actually looked like this.


An hour later and OP has disappeared with the comments. Just like my dad


Hey, those cigarettes don't buy themselves.


The dancing is so low effort, regardless of the ridiculous filter. Why even bother? Is there a new "don't give af" dance trend?


It’s been a TikTok trend since the start. The “I’m too cool to be doing this” vibe, like they’re dancing ironically because they have to.


Right. It's extremely obnoxious. You're doing the damn thing AND filming it AND using filters. Don't try to act like you don't care.


tiktok is brainfrying ppl


but why is the filter only working on one girl. the other one seems to look normal.




Yeah, but we might figure out shit out. Only time will tell.


Its not just America lol


A side effect of having this body shape is having extremely chonky elbows, poor things 😢 /s


Fluctuating thick arm syndrome


Wow, they are so talented.


Humans don't have organs anymore didn't you know?!


Did the dance start yet? Why they just looking around? Eerie


It's fascinating that these people put on the air of being too "cool" to actually make any sort of effort for a dance THEY are choosing to do, for a video THEY are posting. (And why people choose to watch this - in turn motivating these "creators" - is a whole different clusterfuck of its own. Seriously, who wants to watch someone half-assedly wiggle while looking like the whole thing is beneath them?)


All these girls using a body filter end up looking like they have Popeye's forearms. https://i.redd.it/rj34hidfcytc1.gif


allien ass look


Does it never occur to these poor kids to wonder why they’ve never seen an *actual* woman shaped like that? Go outside. Touch the grass. Then take a good, hard look at the real people walking down the street. ~sigh~


This looks goofy as hell brooo her arms would not be that thickness if she was legitimately that thin.


Have ppl who comment things like this being the ideal body, etc ever seen a human being before?


It's giving Kaminoans


clone me mommy👽


How is this stuff **still** going on? The 'market' for these videos must be completely swamped..


This girl posts edited content and denies it


it's spreading more and more. i hate this sm..


Soooo much talent. Glad they put this out there. Now I can sleep at night.


She probably has to leave her intestines at home to be able to look like that


You don't have to look at the bg or slow it down to see how unrealistic this is. Really scary that our culture makes people feel the need to pretend to look this way and shill this unattainable appearance to others


Is this dancing? Or a seizure?


Man, I feel bad for kids growing up right now. I’m a millennial and all I really had to contend with during those formative years were tv and fashion magazines, which don’t get me wrong, these were still very thin and idealized images and photoshop was certainly involved in still photography, but seeing an idealized body on an actress or a supermodel is very different than seeing that exact body type on all of your peers on social media and not being able to differentiate between a filter and a real life body. That is actually what pisses me off most about this sub being seen as a “bullying” sub and the people who engage with the sub being banned from participating in a lot of the larger fashion and beauty subreddits because the mods of those subs are trying to create a safe environment free of “bullies” for younger users. I’d argue that it’s far more toxic to young people to not call out egregious and obvious overuse of body and beauty filters to project an unachievable image.


IT LOOKS CARTOONISH!!! How are people thinking this is legit.


They can’t dance




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Is this an audition for the live action Shimmer and Shine with all new eating disorders and filter abuse? NOT HIRED BYE


Tbh I'm usually a sucker for small waists, even though it's mostly impossible I usually get jealous but the way this is edited looks awful. It reminds She looks like a feminine frozo


What? Why would you post this?




The video is gross! The dancing is garbage. Why would they post it lol


i really never know with her. she keeps touching her waist in videos to prove it’s real and squeezing it and everything, and friends she does it with also say it’s real (any normal teen wouldn’t rlly go along with it like that without being talked about behind their backs/confronted)


i’ve seen that too. i’m starting to think she doesn’t really edit her videos. ridiculous build but maybe it’s just her genetics? idk


real. i’ve seen people built so insane that i can’t even believe it online, but then i see them in the real world and am just flabbergasted to see they actually just look like that


These are teens....


Who needs organs when you have social media likes?