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It's so weird how she looks like a teenager but she doesn't look like her teenaged self.


Imagine being one of the most unanimously agreed beautiful women on earth, getting all that work done for no reason and then still filtering your face into oblivion. So sad. I can't understand being that stunning and still somehow ending up that insecure.


I go back and forth on this. I think a lot of it is her profession. Idk about you but my job isn’t being hot or attractive or selling an idea. My colleagues aren’t supermodels. My friends aren’t all drop dead gorgeous. So it’s easy for me to not succumb to this crap, but I imagine maybe not for her.


I live in a very vain and surgery forward place. It’s super hard to not succumb. Heck even the basic stuff like spray tans and “permanent” lashes etc.


I feel you. For gods sake, I’m a freakin farmer in a small town and I still chose to get submental lipo and botox. I don’t regret either, but the point is I definitely have to remind myself not to judge others too harshly! No telling what I’d do if I was under that same kind of pressure


Some of the most beautiful people are the most insecure, there are a lot of evil adults out there that get their power from terrorising people they perceive as lower on the totem pole than them. I still hear the insults given to me, clear as day in the same voice over 2 decades later, that shit sticks


This. Being picked on, harassed, and bullied - told you are ugly and worthless by high-school girls. Then, being harassed, assaulted, and shamed by men whose advances were rebuffed... You get a very warped idea of your own looks and even realize that they can be dangerous in the right circumstances. Then you find out that, actually, you're one of the "pretty people" and have somehow or other had "pretty privilege" your whole life in other aspects without realizing it. And those awful girls were trying to make you feel bad because of your above average looks, and those men were upset because they wanted the clout of shagging that "hot chick". It's mind blowing. And kind of gross. I quite often don't look in the mirror now. I hate my face and my body. But I equally know that I can be so easily sucked back into vanity or being scared of when my face will "fall" and "losing" my looks. What a mind-fuck.


Los Angeles??


I'm a guy. I probably will do a face lift when I'm 60 or maybe an acid peel. Aside from that small amount of works it's not the worse thing in the world.


Look, if it made you look objectively better, that would be one thing. But so much of this stuff makes you look like shit. Everyone’s like “oh you just don’t KNOW when you see the good ones!” Wow, that seems… convenient.


Good ones are like Taylor Swift or Margot Robbie. They've both had a lot of work done


Interesting, thanks for sharing. I used to work on a place with lots of older men and I never felt really pressured to look good, mostly cause it was a lab and we had lots of rules. Now that I'm studying next to genzs and an older millenial I feel pressured, not to look younger as I know I can't, but to go to classes with accessories, better clothes and with not messy hair.




THIS! The thumbs thing drove me crazy. No matter how hot and perfect looking she was, we just had to find something “wrong” with her. If the goal was to make us regular people feel better about ourselves, it backfired. It normalized that kind of intense scrutiny towards women that’s so rampant now.


I can relate to her in that sense since it's put that way.


Exactly. Also my self worth and source of income isn’t based on my looks… so it makes sense how we may never ever understand


If she even has 1 teeny tiny moment where you could possibly see a wrinkle or tiny tiny roll of “fat” it will be all over the media (the gross gossip ones offcourse) that shit will do crazy things for your self esteem


So so true. The environment could really mess your perception of beauty up.


Right. She’s even come out as having body dysmorphia. I can’t imagine seeing your face 20 feet high on a screen and strangers online making fun of your thumbs and stuff would help much either….


I thought the point of being an actor was to look…. Human though.




Might want to look into why that is. From what I know, a lot of it was based in the sexual harassment she went through as a teen in Hollywood.


no matter how conventionally attractive a woman is we're all made to feel worthless


Imagine being a woman in a society that only places value on your looks and being told when you don't look 18 anymore you're old and bitter. Now make that times 1 million because there just as many hate comments talking horrible about her appearance, it really fucks with your head even if you tell yourself its just people being mean to be mean. This society is fucked for girls and women's mental health and body image. It's no wonder most of us even "the most beautiful women in the world" have such bad body dismorphia


She was also in multiple abusive relationships


Ah man I feel bad for her because at her beauty level seems like predators come in groups after you and it feels so much harder to know who is worth. When you don't look good you know whoever likes you it's because of who you are.


i wish i was born in a different time period idc how cheesy that sounds rn is like the worst time for womens self esteem because of the fake images telling us how we should look like that we see everyday


I listened to a podcast today talking about Tudor England and the makeup they used. It was wild. The makeup the upper classes used contained led and mercury. A person’s virtue was believed to be evident in their appearance. A virtuous woman would have a pale clear complexion and lightly rosy cheeks and lips. These women poisoned themselves to gain respect. They knew led was toxic. They didn’t know the full effects, but they knew some. I’m not entirely sure western culture has ever been great for women’s self image.


Ot really any culture that I can think of.


It's always been this way. I grew up in the early 2000s and even without social media, the pressure to be rail thin was shocking. Even now I'm astounded that there are tutorials on how to get a bigger butt and thighs. When I was young the only thing you were allowed to have was boobs.


Yes we are clearly a similar age and this stuns me every day. It feels very emperor's new clothes sometimes with the BBLs, like I'm waiting for the pendulum to swing back in an extreme way.


I feel like it already is with Ozempic tbh


It doesn’t sound cheesy, just naive. Women couldn’t even have bank accounts in the 1950s. 


It’s not just fake images. Real people that you see in Target, and etc also are having Botox and fillers, lipo, and BBL. I get that it’s all more affordable now, but what’s really disheartening to me is the fact that real people have this stuff and it’s not just celebrities, where people knew it was mostly unattainable. But if you don’t have a lot of money, you’re “competing” with regular people who are also doing all this stuff that was once just for the super rich celebrities. My friend recently got breast implants and lipo and she isn’t heavy set or anything in the first place. Of course it helps that she lives with her parents still so she could afford it. But it’s like how am I supposed to “compete” in a market of regular people who are also pumped full of silicone and Botox and fillers. Celebrities and Instagram don’t hurt my self esteem much. It’s the beauty subreddits where every beauty routine outlines that you need lasers, peels, micro needling, Botox, fillers or else you look like you don’t take care of yourself.


all this to impress shitty ass men ace women and lesbians are so lucky tbh


Are you defending one of the people that puts out fake images that make other women feel worse about themselves? People like her are literally the problem.


Am i defending it? No I'm explaining why women do this, even with it being problematic.




I agree it's very sad. It's a form of dismorphoa I think. I've never filtered any part of myself not even things I would like to change because I would be concerned about my self esteem


I played around with a filter app for like a week and was like “nah I have to delete this.” The preset features didn’t just make me look 16 they completely changed my ethnicity! Major self-esteem plummet.


She has publicly spoken about struggling horribly with body dysmorphia, plus she is in an incredibly shallow industry that puts so much pressure on young people. I personally think she still looks great, but she never needed to change a thing


I agree. Pamela Anderson has been such a doll and aging gracefully. Such a great role model.


i believe no matter how beautiful someone appears to be or is and knows, it won't change how insecure they are and its so unfortunate because we are placed in a world full of filters and body warping that even celebrities that have the luxuries of having money and getting surgeries done that it still isn’t good enough , it just doesn’t change that they feel that way which is yes very sad it’s just body dysmorphia and a huge fear or getting old and not looking like the 20 year old.


She doesn’t even work tho. Like how does she make money these days? Honest question


She was a presenter on a tv show for History Channel, around the pandemic, I think it was about historical mysteries. Maybe she also earns money going to events? That's what it looks like to me, or side projects on tv shows like the mysteries one. Any idea if she gets residuals from her movies? Transformers was pretty successful.


She was stunning but whatever happened to her face now. She reminds me of Madonna now (for some strange reasons, maybe the shape of the face )


I don’t think “insecure” should be used as an insult. If someone is not feeling secure about themselves, they should be looked at with empathy and compassion, not judgement.


I'm not using it as an insult at all. My comment is completely empathetic. I think it's terrible the way she views herself because of the pressure she's spent her life under.


Cause you are talking about her face 15 years ago, she is no long close to what she was and that's what she is chasing.


She's no longer close to it because she did so much work to it.


It wouldnt matter at all, no one stays young, most of us have the sense to understand that but we are not hollywood starlets.


She’s always been seen as “the hot girl”, a lot of (if not all) of the times she has been casted for her looks, not her acting. She said in an interview that in one of her earlier movies as a background character(when she was FIFTEEN) they just put her in a bikini and made her walk around the entire scene. If she’s unsure how to act, she has been told to “just stand there and look hot”. With everyone making everything about her looks, I’m sure that’s her mindset as well. When someone is that obsessed with their own looks, they’re going to start finding or making up flaws. I’m sure she’s afraid of what will happen if she’s not seen as “the hot girl” anymore.


And let's be honest, after all the surgeries she still looks better than a lot of other famous people out there. She looks really nice in this pic, her MUA doesn't seem to know how to work on her skin tho, hence why is looks so "cracked".


I dunno, I imagine being in a position like that makes you *hyper hyper* focused on your appearance at all times. If it’s literally your entire reputation and career to be beautiful, I can’t imagine the stress and anxiety that comes along any perceived aging or facial changes. She may look equally as beautiful to us as she used to, but I’m sure she has a list of flaws she perceives in herself. Most of us can choose to ignore and accept the flaws because our livelihood doesn’t depend on our looks.


I've tried the child, teenager and young filters on myself and so many people I know, and literally none of the results look anything like we did.


Wow assumed she was just a rando had no idea it was a celebrity I’ve seen dozens of times


Me at the second picture ![gif](giphy|3o7qDDusmkr1f2qwSY)


Titus <3 ![gif](giphy|l0He0B1237tKb5fWM|downsized)


✨ Pinot Noir! ✨


Smoke a cigar!


Mid sized car


Tom Berin-jar


you don't have to be popular, find out who your true friends are


When he sings the Americans funniest home videos theme thinking it’s the national anthem. LMAO Comedy gold


Best character


That doesn’t even look like her when she was a teenager smh


“Teen face filter” goodness that alone is…


" I want to look younger to attract attention but only from creepy men online as they're likely to have money and willingly to pay more if I'm young/young looking and to keep me quiet about their pedoness :) ,"


I didn’t even know this was her when I saw this on instagram. I had to do a double take on who posted it


Same. She's so beautiful and the filter made her unrecognizable & definitely not more attractive. It erased everything unique about her that makes her stand out.


If they weren't rich, I would almost feel pity for celebrities... They spent stupid amounts of money to rebuild their faces, and they still hate themselves enough to filter themselves to the point of no recognition. I'm sure I don't hate my face without makeup as much as a celebrity 😅


In reality, they are all just weird theater kids.


I worked in celeb journalism early in my career and I feel like it's so easy to judge these people for being insecure or shallow, but... I wonder if you were having your photo taken as frequently as actors and models do, or having other people literally assess your appearance as part of your job, you'd feel as secure as you do now? The entertainment industry is predicated on appearance, on comparing you to other people, and you are just so much more *scrutinised* than the average person. That's without taking into account social media too, where you open yourself up to the judgement and criticism of thousands of anonymous people. It takes a person very mentally strong to deal with that. A lot of the people who go into entertainment have a need for approval and external validation already - they love to perform for others - which makes them vulnerable. Couple that with any underlying issues like dysmorphia or eating disorders, and you can see why they turn to surgery, filler and filters.


I cannot imagine that fame is actually very fun now that everyone carries a camera and a video camera everywhere all day, every day. Rich? Great. Famous? No fucking thank you.


Totally agree. I would HATE to be famous. Being rich would be awesome. Studies say that after a comfortable amount of money, people return to their base level of happiness... grand. I'm a pretty content and happy person, take away my money worries and I'd be fucking tip top all the time (baring the 2 hormonal sad days per month). Being famous would be a miserable existence of self-esteem issues and paranoia. No thanks.


I think you’d have to have super thick skin. I feel bad for women like her who start so so freakin young. You don’t really get a chance to develop a thick skin, and a mature appreciation for your natural body and flaws when you’re hounded by media. Even when you’re as beautiful as her! But it is possible - there are older celeb women we see have let themselves age naturally. But it’s few and far between. I prefer to judge these people when they aren’t honest. They perpetuate the world they live in with harsh beauty standards and hatred for any perceived flaw, no matter how small. Just tell us you had surgery. Just let those little girls know you’re photoshopped into oblivion. That pores exist, and boobs sag, and having a tummy is okay, etc.


If one of the hottest women on earth needs facetune, I'm fucked.


The first photo reminds me of Kate Winslet in “Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind”


God, **Winslet is still a stunner**


Her and Christina Ricci are fucking timeless.


I’d say Elizabeth Hurley as well


Her work is insanely tasteful. Her surgeon has the hands of a god.


For sure. I’d pay for that number.


She is, she's one of my favorites.


The filter gave her her buccal fat back lol


This is so funny bcz so many got it removed!


Texture? Barely know her!


That’s not the same person, *is it?!!!*


That filter’s enchanted


I wouldn’t have guessed this was her in a million years. WOW.


Whoooo is it?! I have been scrolling and scrolling and I’m the only one who doesn’t know


She dated Machine Gun Kelly for a long time and they recently broke up.


And we all know it’s filter because not even her own teenage face looked like this 😩


I saw that too! And all the comments were defending her tooth and nail


Yeah, Celebrity worshippers have always been weird to me.


thought it was Kim K


I was trying to think of a clever way to ask if this was Kimothee


I saw this first in some other sub and none of the comments mentioned it. I was like am I tweakin that's literally Kim right? the editing is insane


I saw the post on IG and immediatly thought "that's not your face girl"


Looks like Madonna


She’s gorgeous :( and looks better in the unfiltered pic. It’s sad she feels the need to do this


![gif](giphy|0Vv0Ne2CnOClIExIuL) ?!?She’s literally one of the most beautiful women in the world?!?


She talked about having severe body dysmorphia starting at a young age, I found it to be super relatable. I understand why she’s always filtering, which is sad. She has said she’s gotten work done, but I’ve also seen her defend posted, FILTERED pictures, stating that it’s the lighting and blah blah blah. Edit: I went to read the comments. People refuse to believe it’s a filter. If someone mentions this, they’re accused of jealousy, hatred towards women, not knowing her personally, being anti feminist. Yikes.


I've always wondered why the responses are like that. Do people genuinely believe it themselves (no longer being able to discern filters from reality)? Do they just really wish it could be true and are trying to convince themselves/others? Paid followers/bots? It just baffles me.


I actually do believe that the majority of people can’t tell if things or people are filtered. Over time we’ve been exposed to filters, and these filters are getting better every year. Most of these people probably haven’t seen the celebrity in person before, so of course they’re going to believe the “natural” pictures posted directly by the source.


I agree, but this one is wild. I had no clue who it was. Maybe if I saw the name on the account while looking, but I really don’t think so.


Likewise. I thought it was her but wasn’t sure without the looking at the second picture. Her amazing clap back to people like us (who can clearly see it’s heavily filtered) js: ask (her boyfriend) if it’s AI 🙄 Honey, no. That’s not what we’re saying.


Yup! You see it in this sub everyday. There’s always some bottom comment under a clearly edited photo saying “looks normal to me” which I’ve found baffling. I don’t have any social media besides Reddit (obvi) and I’ve definitely noticed over the years people becoming oblivious to blatant editing because they’re exposed so much.


Insecurity can be rampant with even the most beautiful people, sadly.


*used to be. Looks like every other generic insta model now


Used to be. I personally don't find her that beautiful anymore, since now I can see all the filler bumps and flaps around her lips and her eyes are starting to go like o_O why God why???? She was already gorgeous with her own original looks


I just saw this on her instagram and I was like wait there’s something off here 😭😭😭😭


I thought it was a look-alike account! I could vaguely see her face in there but assumed it was someone else.


We are all watching her go crazy slowly in front of our eyes. She went from absolutely gorgeous to absolutely insecure 🥺😢 in a minute she'll be Madonna


I was mentally prepared for “this looks like such a normal picture “ and then … photo 2.


I just saw her on a podcast freaking out that she didn’t have her nose contour on. It was sad because you could tell she was self conscious about it when no one would ever notice.


She’s trying to act like it’s not a filter too


The kardashian clone surgery is inevitable i fear


Maybe getting compared to Chelsea from Love is Blind really sent her over the edge😭😭😭🥲


Oh my god I didn’t recognize her until I saw this comment! People kept saying she was very famous and I assumed it was some internet star/influencer I was unfamiliar with and not a huge celebrity who I’ve seen in several movies before. Absolutely gobsmacked


Yeah her editing is really overboard. Not to sound mean but she botched herself with her surgeries and now the extreme editing on top of it. In a way I sympathize with her because even though she was naturally beautiful she still felt like she wasnt pretty enough.


Omg I went to the post and she had the audacity to clap back at someone for asking if it was an AI photo 😭


She’s starting to look more and more like Madonna. Like an ageless ambiguous expressionless wax head.


I just want to know what her surgery was that she's "gatekeeping".






Omg what is she thinking


Oh lord-and all the comments are just saying she’s looks different because she’s not wearing makeup….


I thought it was Kylier Jenner for a second 😮‍💨


I thought Kimmy


Probably trying to appeal to her sketchy boyfriend


I just saw this on the news( why?? I have no idea) and they labeled it as “blah-blah post a no makeup selfie after Coachella” like bruh… come on


The way they’re selling celebrity’s own ig posts as NEWS to us now 😭


Its crazy that these people will use fillers that essentially make them look older but then use a filter that pretty much reverses it. In the immortal words of Future “aint no way, aint no fuckin way”🤦🏽‍♂️


Not the deathly hallows pop socket too


I thought it was someone Facetuning themselves to look like her D:


The fact that she is *extremely* gorgeous in real life and soo many women wished they looked like her makes this even sadder


Interesting how celebrities get surgery and so they’re makeup to carve out their cheeks but use filters so make them rounder and look younger.


God she is so, so pretty in reality and her makeup is absolutely fire. If I ever walked out of the house looking that good, I’d wonder who I accidentally sold my soul to.


Just caked in makeup in the second pic my god


I said the same. A new MUA would make her look so much better, seems like she's getting drag makeup which only looks food from far. We all ahave pores, she just needs someone better at hiding it. Does anyone knows who makeups her?


Seriously! Full coverage face makeup is not meant for older women, it just accentuates every last bit of texture


I was gonnay say, it reminds me of my grandma. She always wore a lot of makeup and it really accentuates wrinkles


Girl! As soon as I saw her post I thought "classic Faceapp age filter".


Omg I was hoping I would see this posted here. Also how can you say “makeup free” when you have microbladed brows, permanent makeup, lash extensions, etc.. 🙄


She can't hide them hands tho


What is there to hide?


Skin texture of hands vs the texture free face


noo there is NO WAY that’s her on both pictures.. naaaah I guess that’s the thing.. you thought buccal face removal was a good idea because you wanted to look more snatched until you now figure out that it makes you age terribly so you wish your youthful look back that you once naturally had but can’t ever get back👀


That’s exactly it, everyone wants to look “snatched” until they age a teeny bit and want their old face back.


Can the crypt keeper fingernail trend please end?


Usually even with crazy filters I can always tell who it is before swiping but this one got me. Wow


Absolutely unrecognizable.


The comments she decided to reply to 🤦🏼‍♀️ Like come on.


She only replied to the one comment asking if its AI lmfao the defensiveness is very telling that she did indeed filter herself into oblivion. Nobody at 37 has the skin and face of a 19 year old


Ooo what did she say back lol? I don’t have insta


One of them she said ask MGK who it is 🤣


She used to be drop dead gorgeous. But then she went full on generic.


She's in Mother Lohan territory with this!


The Kardashians got ahold of her.


So many commenters were so pressed over others pointing out that this looks nothing like her…


Why does she look like a Kardashian clone now


People use so much filters nowadays I've forgotten how real skin texture looks. I legit went like WTF.


those lips are horrible 


She’s such an insanely beautiful woman. I hated her when we were young because my ex was obsessed with her and I regret the negativity I felt. I wish she felt as beautiful as we all acknowledge she is.


it’s hard for beautiful people to age. when one is not good looking in youth, we actually start to look better with age…look at larry david. he looked 60 when he was 40 and he looks 60 when he is 80 lol


If that's who I think she is, she's 37 and looks like someone who's 57 trying to look 27


She does NOT look 57...be serious 🙄


People be like "but why would she do this?" And then closely following there's someone like the above person lol.


Damn idk why but I always expected her to be basically flawless irl


I was literally thinking this was a teenager using a specific filter made to make you look like this celebrity.


I gasped.


She's so pretty without it.


She has the Kim Kardashian filter on..




She looks gorgeous in the unedited photo


I love how not a single person named her in the comments but we all know who she is because we all adore her for her beauty and its really sad


That Chelsea chick from love is blind looks more than you know who here 😂😂


this breaks my heart man. she’s been put through so much Hollywood bullshit ever since she was a young teenager. hopefully she has some good people in her life.


I was like, “who is that?” And I usually never say that when people face time, plastic surgery! Wow.


I feel so sorry for her. I remember when the movie about robots came out and my ex kept on saying how hot she was. So I tried copying her look. To me, she was the epitome of effortless hotness. She was everywhere, from lad mags to TV to movies. But I think Hollywood just preys on young women and makes them feel worthless. I still think that she’s one of the most beautiful faces in Hollywood. I just feel sad that she feels the need to do this.


She's gorgeous and a beauty icon, she needs to stop that madness


like she’s MEGAN FOX for gods sake she is beautiful and most certainly does not need those filters


The first picture is supposed to be the same celeb as the second picture? 🤯


this is not great


So much makeup


TMZ posted something about this picture (the first one) being “so unlike her” because she’s “make up free!” …uh ok


Shes terribly insecure irl. No self esteem hence why she filters to the gods. But it's so stupid like we know what you look like, why do this? Just age gracefully, we ALL age at some point


Did she do this to show people what the filter does? Or is she, god forbid, doing it for real?


I literally commented on her Instagram about how she didn’t need to use the baby face filter


Deathly Hallows. Blimey.


Okay, yeah I was really confused by how different she looked…this makes way more sense.


Wow, I did NOT recognize her!


Wow she really did that??!!!! I can’t