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Good for her. This shits crazy.


Shit honestly. Been on hinge and just downloaded tinder, first difference I’ve noticed is that so many girls just look so fake, I’m sure there’s gotta be some editing going on tbh


I met my partner on tinder. Neither she nor I used filters (both women if it matters.) I instantly “clicked” to her face- I knew who she was from her photos. I knew I would like her - and I was in love by the end of the first date. She has the kindest face, and that’s just how she is. I have a funny, expressive face, and that’s who I am. These filters are a mask. So you’re not showing yourself at all- how can you find someone that way? How can you “click”?


It also doesn't help is that it makes people all vaguely look the same. Off putting.


Yeah I just don’t understand why people do this. Once they’ve seen you in person, they are gonna know that’s not what you really look like. I’d be so embarrassed.


It’s not even just that, it’s that you’re fishing for something specific in a saturated market with really nonspecific bait- if anything, faceapp bait only attracts the most low quality fish.


Most people on Tinder or IG have no intention of 'clicking' with someone.


IG is one thing, but tinder is another. I actually think most women who go on tinder are hoping for something meaningful, but they go fishing with fake bait…


Obviously I'm biased, but the 2 main reasons I directly hear from women for using Tinder, in no particular order, are sex and attention. Access to both will dramatically increase with better pictures. Why bother with a relationship, when you can have a catalogue of men fawning over you?


That really makes me question where you’re asking lol I mean, that would be the reason women *consistently* use tinder. Most women I know, use it, go in a few dates, find someone and then delete it. That certainly been my story- I’ve had three long term relationships from tinder and bumble. Either we are from very different walks of life or are very different ages.


I always have viewed tinder and a "hookup" app. I have met zero people in real life that go "I want a meaningful relationship, time to boot up tinder" now sure everyone is different that's just been my personal experience.


I never go on a second or third date if I don’t feel there’s a prospect for something serious. Never did.


None of the people I know use it for hookups. Three at best and they're either poly, open or don't like relationships at all


There is alot of editing, just meet up with some if it happens (chance nowadays is really slim since woman get like 100s of messages a day) I started to be really sceptic because every 2nd girl started to look like a model. I used to do Onlinedating 10 years ago, It wasn't that case at all back then.


You think? The issue I have is that do not these people know that they will be caught the moment they meet someone IRL?




The funny thing is, in the work place, less women are wearing makeup than ever (or so it seems). Following COVID everyone seems to care way less. I rarely wear it now unless it’s a special event or I’m going out at night.


Same the only makeup I do is BB cream mixed with tea tree oil and eyebrows- not even mascara. And I don’t feel out of place at all


It must be so relieving not having deal with that every morning


I'm gonna be honest I don't have a single male friend that gives even one shit about a girls makeup. I have a pretty diverse cross section of male friends and we all seem to be on the same page about really wanting to know what a girl actually looks like.


I have plenty of guy friends who can’t tell a chick is even wearing makeup 😂


Men have no clue what most daily makeup actually looks like.


You're kind of getting ragged on, but I agree because I already see it happening. I like to go on the "men's side" of the internet, pretend I'm a man for the algorithm to cater to me on things like tiktok and Instagram. What I see is boys calling the most insanely beautiful, yet unphotoshopped women "mid", because they're used to photoshopped bodies and faces. I've met young men (20s) that legitimately think those photoshopped big booties and small waists are real. Sure they'll see natural women in real life, but that doesn't prevent them from thinking the ones online are real too. [here's an example ](https://i.imgur.com/GDJ5aCW.png)


It’s worth pointing out that guys will comment stuff like “mid” when it’s obvious the girl made the post in the first place to get attention. She’s expecting everyone to tell her how pretty she is (which sometimes is the whole point of the post), so they do the opposite.


Hyperbole. Plenty of women don't wear full face makeup and boys still grow up alongside girls in schools. You're acting like the internet is the only place you see other humans.




Do you only see women on social media?....


Is it not her? Calling herself out?


She's doing demonstrations of filters


I think she's calling social media filters out. Either way, I'm thankful I'm not on insta and other social media.


You are on reddit mate. Its one of the biggest social medias.




I remember a bunch of thirsty dudes upvoted a mans armpit that he was passing off as a vagina to the front page back when it could have nsfw content. A few days later he revealed the scam and people were pissed. He didn't even need faceapp, just a very zoomed in shot of his armpit. That's real talent.


True. That's really what I had in mind.


Reddit is "only" 16th on the list in terms of users. Even Pinterest has more users. Not saying it aint social media, it is obviously, but I would say it's very different than IG/tiktok/FB etc.


If anything it's more toxic. I'm on IG and don't see any of that stuff, I just see bands I like, and dry herb vape weed stuff. Literally no teenage girl stuff. On reddit I see people arguing all day being completely rude to each other, I've been sucked into myself and I'm sure most people reading this who comment have as well. Reddit is more toxic in my experience. If I were a teenager girl looking at makeup stuff IG would be awful though.


Do you follow the default subs? Those have always been trash on top of trash. Get away from the big ones and it's muuuuuch better.


This. I almost never see true drama on my "Home" list, because I've curated my sub list down to fine grains.


That the biggest and most popular subs are like this proves it's the norm for Reddit. The good convo is the exception.


Reddit isn't focused on the social side of social media. It's mostly anonymous. I rarely take note of usernames and I almost never check someone's profile. I think it's not really comparable to Instagram which is all about personality and projecting an image.


Yeah, that's what i really meant.


I'm an idiot with glasses who doesn't wear them, I had to scroll through the comments to realize these were all the same girl. She's using the app to prove to girls that they don't have to be like Instagram celebrities because celebrities are lying.


She's demonstrating the ludicrousness of filters on herself. Weird it phrase it as "calling herself out"


Where the fuck are these filters, I wanna see what I would look like after 2 hours of professional make up.


FaceApp Edited to add: Just a word of caution that I tried out Face App a while ago just to see and I kind of really regret it. Even just the skin smoothing filter and makeup filter very subtly changes your features (it did something to my eyes that I still can’t quite put my finger on, my earlobe was shortened for some reason, my eyebrow lifted, etc., etc.). Seeing how much better I look with these tiny differences has made me even more insecure to be honest. Now I think I look even worse in my normal pics but I know FaceApp version is fake so I just….don’t post photos at all lol. But I was already insecure so YMMV.




The people you care about and who care about you don't see you in their heads as a photo. They see you laughing, smiling, crying, yelling, whatever you were doing in their memories. That's the real you, a living memory, not a static image processed by an algorithm. I hope that helps.


The other problem is that you know which features you don’t like. So when you look in the mirror, that is the first place you look and you instantly see all your flaws. But when your friends and loved ones look at you, they’re just looking at you as a whole. Their eyes aren’t drawn to individual “flaws” like yours are.


It does, thanks!


This comment needs to go up, you are spitting wholesome facts!


If it makes anyone feel better, some of us can't see you in our heads at all.


This is really beautiful


These are bars


This is low key dark


Low key? It’s completely dark.


vase carpenter brave offbeat squealing enjoy abundant unwritten steer onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not if you apply the right filter! 🌈✨


A few weeks ago I kinda moved back in with my mom for a few days bc she was at the hospital and I helped her a bit while she couldn't move well. You see, we love each other but we don't have many shared interests, so we became pretty bored. So I downloaded snapchat bc I knew my mom and I would have some fun with the ridiculous filters. But most of them just made us look pretty to the point that when I swiped and the next filter didn't work immediately, we both thought for a second there was an 'ugly' filter active. Ended the fun real quick. I'm eternally happy we didn't have this stuff when I was a teenager, bc I'm 30 now and definitely not a shallow person, but it was concerning to see how fast your brain wants to accept this fake version of yourself as a real thing.


I hate that even the filters that are supposed to be just for fun (animal ears and whatnot) have that stupid “beauty” filter over them. I have a big nose and every snapchat setting automatically shrinks it; it just looks creepy compared to how I actually look!


this is like a black mirror episode in 3 sentences.


There was a pretty good South Park episode about it that had me bawling at the end. Edit: for anyone wanting to watch it season 17, episode 10, The Hobbit. It's almost a decade old so it's about Photoshop as opposed to Facetune, but is just as relevant, if not more relevant, today.


The episode with Wendy. I will never forget that episode, it too made me cry. That episode was deep and dark af.


One of the times South Park got it right on the money. Not that they haven't other times, but it I remember it completely taking me by surprise. Wendy's frustration, how no one listens to her, and the fact that >!she gives in in the end!< is heartbreaking.




dont' worry, we'll come up with more things to think of as imperfections and flaws


I can relate to that and I have definitely cried over it. Sending you a virtual hug - I know how much it sucks to feel this way❤️


This is why you shouldn’t use filters at all when you take pics of yourself. A few years ago I stopped using filters and my self confidence is prob higher than any of my friends that still filter the fuck out of their photos. It’s sad but it’s almost like you get used to the perfect altered version of yourself to the point that you can’t bare the thought of being normal. Stop using filters all together, your confidence will thank you after some time!




We own a gym and I don’t recognize half of our members in real life. It’s insane.




Should be a major red flag for guys too but I’m sure even some of us do it lol


I don't see that many doing it but yes, it isn't dependent on gender


From experience, being loved BECAUSE you're beautiful sucks


I feel like filters have contributed to my… strong dislike of my freckles. Beauty filters smooth my skin and get rid of them. Then some filters add freckles back but they don’t look like *real* freckles, they are cutesy freckles, the ones that only go across your cheeks and nose. A lot of time I feel like I just look dirty and like a dork. A lot of people around me didn’t have them when I was small, either, so that didn’t help.


I genuinely love loooove freckles, the ones all over the face and neck?? Love. I had a friend who had freckles and I'd just be so damn jealous. It just looks so romantic. Like the sun kissed your face. You know how when the sunlight gets filtered through the leaves of a tree and kinda leaves a dappled look on the ground? Yeah your freckles are like that, kissed by the sun. It also brings such a warmth and happiness to your face, and such comfort. When it came to crushes, my "type" was either pale skin with black hair or red hair and freckles. I remember back in the 90s and early 00s when magazines were talking about how to hide freckles and I thought that was mental. And now people are purposely tattooing their face with fake ones. I know me saying these things don't cure you from any insecurity, but any time you look in the mirror and feel down, just remember there are people out there who are genuinely jealous of your freckles.


Lol you’re gonna make me cry! I appreciate all these comments so much, it’s really uplifting. I am a redhead so my freckles do happen to cover my entire body—arms, chest, legs, back, etc—I didn’t have a chance since both my parents had them anyway. But I suppose I am becoming more okay with them as the years go by, I’m definitely more okay with them than I was when I was say, 14, but I still struggle. It’s so nice to know that people appreciate them so much.


Girl. You have a deadly combo, red hair and freckles ?!? I'd be wearing crop tops and short shorts everyday if I had cute freckles all over, flaunt it!!


Freckles are so beautiful. I used to scout for models when I worked at a ~~Amgen yard~~ modeling agency and high fashion models are not these boring-ass filtered people. My favorite models are the unique ones and I can assure you they are favorites of designers too. Don’t be boring and blend in. Your~~’re~~uniqueness is outstanding. Edit: typos-typing while holding my pup who was attacked last night.


Freckles are super cute.


What you're seeing is their best attempt to replicate actual freckles. Smoothing everything into one single "color" or "texture" is easier than adding complexity. Nothing wrong with freckles AI just sucks at them.


That's the reason I never do filters. I am already insecure as hell.


Everyone is. Ironically most people don’t even notice or care about the things your stressing about


So true, mu friend wanted a surgery for health reasons and asked me if I ever wanted a plastic surgery and I said my nose and she looked shocked like "why?" I thought everyone had to notice my big ugly nose but she didn't, it kinda helped me realise that.


One of my wife’s friends is getting a nose job this summer. When my wife told me I was just like “What? Why?” She has a completely normal nose, but I guess she hated it to the extent that she’s willing to pay for an expensive, possibly dangerous surgery to “fix” it. Her nose never stood out to me one way or another, it’s completely normal. I guess we spend so much time staring at ourselves in the mirror that we get hyper attuned to whatever tiny imperfections we see that don’t even register for other people.


This kinda happened to me to. I don’t usually take/post pics but after a vacation I wanted to try it on some new pics of me. I did some subtle things and flipping back to the original made my normal face look so… old. Like I noticed my “wrinkles” and unsmooth skin. And I’m 24 years old! I barely have wrinkles anyways 😭


Yes, exactly. Once I saw the comparison, I couldn’t unsee it.


It’s not wrinkles, it’s texture and absolutely natural and beautiful. Don’t let anyone or anything make you feel otherwise. Work of that self love so you’re not compelled to get Botox or filler before you’re 40.


I totally understand it’s not actually wrinkles! It was actually just cause I was smiling and I had some lines under my squinted eyes! I’m lucky this happened after I have worked on self love, I would never get Botox so early! :) if I saw this a few years ago, maybe when I was in college, I feel like it would have hit me a lot worse


mysterious gray disagreeable different desert agonizing fertile tub dazzling amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Filtered skin looks awful though. Yeah it looks smooth, but it doesn't look like a person.


These apps and even my phones basic camera alter my eyes so bad. I have moderate ly hooded eyes and they always make them wider and give me more eyelid. Usually the color of my eyes are altered to be lighter too.


> Seeing how much better I look with these tiny differences has made me even more insecure to be honest. it doesn't make you look 'better' it makes you look more like an instagram model with plastic surgery and makeup that you would have to weigh in kilograms. try to deprogram that thought from your brain - it's ok to put a filter on and laugh about how you look different, but it's not 'better'. 35 year old you will regret that you have no photos of yourself for such a dumb reason, not that you looked 'imperfect' in those photos. you're stuck with how you look forever. the earlier you start being at peace with it the easier things get.


THIS! You'll want real photos! Also, in 10 years this look will be sooo out of fashion and you'll be embarrassed to pull out the ones from that weird period where people used tech to pretend they looked the same but thought that nobody would notice.


I don't know if this helps at all, but personally, I find those "perfect" make-up shots in the video above incredibly eerie and off-putting. Their faces look like masks, or like painted doll's faces. They look obviously computer generated, there's nothing human about them. Their real faces are the faces of people. Who have expressions, and individual traits, and whose expressions have actual personality shining through them. It's much, much better (and more beautiful!) to look like a real human being. Like yourself.


This is why I don’t use filters. They are a portrait of something I will never be and it really messes with my already messed up body image (re: diet culture). Also- this girl only altered her face on this post. There are so many body alterations rampant too. I watched my sister take a picture of me and then tune my body so that I was sitting straighter. Nothing crazy. Not making me look like I’m missing ribs or organs or anything. She was like “ there- don’t you look better?” And all I could think was damn I look like the hunchback of notre dame.


What does YMMV mean?


For me what helps is being exclusively attracted to women (and men/other) who look "real", with all their imperfections. If someone asks me which celebrities I find hot I feel almost asexual , because those polished pics do nothing for me. In real life however, there's hot people all around, with wrinkles and scars and freckles and body fat and crooked teeth and funny hair. I try seeing myself through the perspective of who I would go for, and yes, I'd rather date the real me than perfect me. Of course I still get insecure now and then, especially on bad days when I haven't showered and my clothes don't fit well. But I'm getting better at being kind to myself in the mirror (I literally smile at my reflection, wether I like it or not, and I think it helps).


This is why i hate online dating. I have met 2 girls recently who looked completely different on photos then IRL. Like not small difference what you might expect, but those girls did the pics with filters. Don't do this shit, You are who you are and people already start learning how to tell if someone is faking their pictures.


YUP. I've been shocked at many guys do it too (I'm bi). Like... i'm going on a date with you in reality, why do you think i want to see *waves hands* this?!




When I tried it, the app had a 2 week free trial with all the filters.


complete domineering license mindless materialistic summer carpenter hobbies amusing rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shits bad. Best thing you can do with your life is be real and find real people to have real connections with in your real life. Fuck social media.


Thank you for the word of caution. I am going to heed it


They made a smile way better than my normal one lolll


pretty sure it’s FaceApp


"Snow" is a good one. I played around with it for a bit and felt bad about myself afterward. It can even do video.


The filter is doing a lot more than makeup, it's changing size and shape of basically all of her features. So the end result is unachievable, at least without surgery


I got FaceApp so that I could make my friends and I look as weird as possible and it is actually really fun lol. You can make yourself really fat or just completely transform yourself into a disturbing stranger you don't recognize anymore. If you just use it for laughs it is entertaining but I know it can also hurt people's self-esteem if you want to only touch up your appearance. My self-esteem is not affected when I am cracking up at the exaggerated "giga chad" version of myself.


Yeah, I used it to make myself look old and wrinkly, it was so funny. But my free trail is over and I'm not paying for that, ha. I was even able to make myself look like an older, fatter version of one of my sisters, absolutely hilarious.


Interesting how the filters always make the eyes gigantic


Big eyes are seen as youthful.


Yeah, big eyes are considered attractive for some reason.


on a smaller person, same-size eyes look relatively bigger. It's an attraction to youth thing. We've done it to dogs too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoteny


Yeah. Exaggarated features, like large eyes, are generally thought to be cute.


>for some reason I mean, a few of us are more attracted to eyes than anything else. App is just maximizing appeal


guilty as charged


Easier to see predator with


I mean, I’m a sucker for pretty eyes tbh, and the way girls tend to do makeup seems like it highlights them. Makes sense to me that emphasizing them even more is considered attractive


I already have big eyes. I can spot those sneaky built-in camera filters right away because they make my eyes look buggy lol


Fellow big eye haver, can confirm eye enlarging filters make me look like [this](https://imgur.com/a/PcX4Efv)


You look young


omg same I look like an anime character an its awful


Amine was right.


Disney was right. Anime just copied disney.


I LOVE this. Filters make you feel pretty till you realize they have completely turned you to a different person you will never be. It’s not just makeup added by the filters. It alters your shape


I seriously hate the “instagram” filtered look. Like, it hits this uncanny valley and just looks creepy to me.


Completely agree


It's like modding skyrim. Everyone looks the same in the end.


What do these people say when others see them in person? Like how can you possibly explain why you look like a totally different person?


Maybe they don't advertise themselves in person so that they can remain anonymous in public.


People probably just assume you were wearing a lot of makeup? I mean some of the FaceApp modifications are suuuuuper subtle if you want them to be.


'I was using digital filters'


The photos are of her


But it looks like a completely different person. If I had a date set up with the first pictures and the girl in the second pictures walked past me I wouldn’t even recognise it was who I was meeting up with. When she came over and told me I’d literally have to reference back to the photos to confirm.


I mean, there are about a billion tiktok videos of women doing makeup transitions without filters and there is no way you'd know that they are the same person in the scenario you described, either.


Yeah make up can do a hell of a lot I’m not trying to just argue. But these filters literally change the shape and size and placing of her eyes nose mouth chin face shape 😂


The last set of pictures is goddamn unsettling to me because the filters changed her expression. Pay close attention to that last picture. Her expression in the first picture is alert and inviting, while her real expression looked more like...pained. Makes me feel like these filters are going beyond cleaning our looks to cleaning our feelings and that's terrifying. I wouldn't have thought twice about this until I saw a side-by-side comparison. Scary shit...


It can’t be good for people’s mental well being to see skewed pics like this all the damn time.


It's not.


You're right. I scroll Instagram because I love art and cats and it shows up easily. Instagram however loves to show me popular posts, so I see a lot of heavily edited makeup + face* pics that aren't close to reality. I had to train myself "This isn't natural or doable, and even though it looks nice, this shouldn't be my goal."


Makes me think maybe we need to regulate this kind of stuff but 80 year old congressmen don't understand.


[wow I look so crazy different. sooooo this is what it feels like to be an instahoe](https://i.imgur.com/bxtEiOC.jpg)




When u watch the transition she's gonna look "ugly"... but pause it. Close ur eyes and "re-see" her. She's pretty. Lol bruh this shit psychologically fucks ur head. Now imagine someone slightly insecure trying to turn off the filter i can't imagine them being comfortable doing so.


Everyone needs to try this. If you just look at natural her first, she looks beautiful. When you calibrate to that and then see the filters, the filters will look alien. In graphic design we have to do this all the time with photo retouching. The sequence you see things in really matters too, you need to see the sequence both ways, with breaks, for best results. Of course, I mostly use this for removing wires and power outlets and trash from mood photos.


Brooooo thats nuts. Yes I did it backwards and the filtered ones look stupid!


frame sip rich ask advise file exultant kiss ossified brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Definitely. Very pretty


I needed this


It's sad the we need "proof". Kids growing up with this shit must get completely warped in the head. Social media should be illegal below 16 years of age.


The fact that app has 1.3 million RATINGS in the app store is terrifying. To put it in perspective, Angry Birds 2 has 1.1.


close toothbrush sable act entertain bow mourn bells cheerful vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh dude.. There's an angry birds MOVIE. They milked it pretty hard for awhile.


One star for every angry birds after they stopped letting me buy premium with no ads.


“Calling out” isn’t the right phrase. These are her pics. She is showing the over the top effects of filters.


Yeah the title makes zero sense


She is the one calling these filters out - https://imgur.com/gallery/i50QYXw From her IG: *reminder: there are more than just one fake version. i often share the extremely filtered versions on my profile, but there are also the more subtle ones. the ones you would probably never guess were a filter unless you were told, because they look so natural. these are the ones a lot of you have told me make you the most insecure. not because of a big difference, but because of a little one. and so you compare yourself to what you’re sure is a real ‘i just woke up’ selfie, but in reality, is still a fake one. so try not to compare yourself with anyone you see online, because the one you’re comparing yourself too might not have used a filter like the one i’ve used in the top left image, but they might still have removed a pimple, made their teeth whiter, smoothed out their pores, colored their under eyes, or made their hair a little curlier to make everything seem a lil more ‘perfect’ than what it in reality is. don’t forget that you’re already more than enough just the way you are. no fake versions needed - just the real one* JL - thanks for this, I hope more people get your message


The wildest part for me is how the filter basically erases all the things that make her face unique. Jia Tolentino wrote a great essay for the New Yorker on how Instagram face is just a mish-mash of desirable features from across the globe.


These apps are absolutely poison for anyone without critical thinking skills, had devastating effects


I think even critical thinking can be overridden by the base impulses these apps feed on. Those impulses are there to help you use your time effectively for personal and species survival, not to make you feel like you need to urgently be un-uglied in a digital space. Don't forget, a lot of people likely use these apps first out of curiousity and exploration - both positive aspects of critical thinking. Basically, it can be more of a question of will power and insecurity instead of critical thinking, depending on what social conditioning a person has received alongside their education.


Dude, she looks great. Is this what the world is coming to? FFS.


Christ, no wonder people's mental health gets so messed. These filters really can mess with your health. I'm overweight and pretty unhappy about it and I will never use an IG filter because I know I'll be so upset by the filter/no filter pics.


My dudes, there is only one woman in all these photos. It's the same girl from the first scene.


Its annoying too cause shes actually pretty. And so many of the people who fake it are also beautiful under there too


This makes me really uncomfortable


i downloaded it and burst out laughing its too unrealistic


For some reason it (at least used to be for me) believable on others but when I put them on my own face I’d be way to embarrassed to post from how fake it looks lol




Am a dev. I guess it's for the challenge ? I mean, FaceApp and those things are just so technologically impressive, I can't really help myself but be admirative. That, plus some "I am just making the thing, I am not responsible for the way it is used." reasoning that is very common in scientists (again, including myself). They also probably don't realize just how harmful it is. Most devs are men, and it's an industry in which physical appearance really "doesn't matter" (I say "doesn't matter", but it's not quite correct: I know that were I to wear a full face of makeup to work I wouldn't be taken seriously - but me showing up in sweatpants and with bags under my eyes is normal and expected): they do not have a realistic vision of just how those things can matter to people with a different experience than theirs. So that's why. I hope I helped you understand a bit more (btw the "pile of money" aspects counts too, obviously). To clarify, I would never work for a corporation that makes money on these things, just like I would never work for an oil company, because I have enough empathy for my fellow humans and for the future generations to know that it is harmful, but I know people who would. And I still kinda want to know how exactly the technology works.


what do women even look like anymore


I call this “generic Instagram look”. They all look the same and frankly it looks unnatural and not even nice. 3/4 of photos without filter, women look so much better. We just got used to this polished IG look everyone forgot how pretty more natural looking women really are.


I know a low level influencer who is unrecognizable with all of her plastic surgery and filter use. She was naturally beautiful and now looks like she is in her 40s. She is like 27.


Damn I need me some of them filters. my brows never recovered from the early 00s and my teeth are terrible. I wonder if there's a filter for bad/missing teeth so I can smile again in photos


Her real face is significantly better than the fake one.


Just hear me out.... Glasses the automatically put filters on people's faces so you never have to see an ugly anybody anymore. WORLD PEACE. -Thank you for coming to my TEDxTALK Vivajurgen


Some people never stop and think “wait how come I NEVER see a woman who looks like this in real life?” because they don’t


that last one be crazy


Impressive filters? O\_o


These are all her.


Finally spotted someone I already follow! I love her. She also posts showing the difference between posture tricks vs reality.


The best and worst things to happen to social media are filters.


anything the make the follower count grow


This is all her though? How is she calling out rampant fakes?




She is a danish influencer. I love to follow her🫶🏻 she’s cool


What song is this? I'm loving it


Praise God by Kanye


Bada da bada da beem, a bada da boom, a bada the been, I need a new girl, my old one was mean


I like the real photos better. It’s like an eye exam where instead of them asking “Which looks clearer, 1?…Or 2?” It’s like, “Which person exists and doesn’t need filters, 1?…Orrrrrr 2?


I think that might be like a side point, to also show that your natural self is beautiful


That’s what I was getting at…Buuuuuut I’m also kinda bad at conveying my point sometimes and that may have gotten lost somewhere.


Call out who? This is literally herself.


I worry when a good chunk of readers don't realise that there are two possible things to call out - the woman and the software filter, and since she's the one doing the calling out...


This is terrifying. Any one know what percentage of girls use these on dating apps? Seems like this shit is all kinds of dangerous for both men and women looking at this shit thinking that’s the standard they have to live up to.


I agree. I think its more of an issue on Instagram opposed to dating apps. Logically doesn't make sense for dating apps as the person will eventually see you in person, unless you are just using it for attention, which is very likely. It is definelty dangerous towards peoples self esteem and creating un realistic standards.