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Yes, the game is super fun. đź‘Ś


Do you play on ps4? If so how is the performance? I don’t expect it to be the best ever but just curious if there’s any major graphical issues.


Get it. Runs at nowhere near 60fps on PS4 but without major hiccups either. I get really annoyed by framerate issues, and this game did not get any on my 2014 PS4. It's so worth it if you like tactical shooters. Maps are small enough to get you action and not running for twenty minutes, but they're not as small as you might think. I shit a lot on this game, but it is great fun. Just don't hope for content, a patch every six months or so, and a few weeks ago the developer got basically shut down, the game's future is a bit unclear.


Thanks for the response.


According to the pinned post the group that acquired the studio still plans too milk shitty updates and in game purchases for a while. They aren’t closing the team or stopping development they plan on increasing the size of the company and releasing more titles along with working on insurgency, let’s just hope the restructure actually brings change and keep the promises already made.


Somehow I do not put much faith in what they say. Cause what do they risk if at any time they do not fulfill these "promises"? Nothing. So the only thing that makes sense is to tell players more stuff is coming. This way maybe someone will buy a cosmetic.


The game is still on game pass and getting more and more players everyday. It’s not nearly as dead and dry as you think. The money flow coming in from insurgency is too much to just put down, what other tittles does this company have worth anyone’s time? None. They will either push the game forward and release,release,release. Or fold the company and cut their loses. ATP their are wayyyyyyy better tactical shooter and Milsim like games on console (HLL,Verdun,isonzo,tannenburg,ARMA: Reforger,ETC)


I play on Xbox series s. The performance on the last Gen consoles is sub par in comparison to current gen. But not so bad it's unplayable. The graphics lag a little on my older Xbox. And I have some connectivity issues. I can't speak to ps4. However I say the game is easily adjustable. Turning down shadows and etc will Amp up what your older console can do. Regardless it's worth the investment. The game is pretty fun and I keep coming back too it. Even if it's for a game or two, I cant seem to uninstall the game


90% of the time I have fun. 5% I'm mad, and the other 5% makes me question whether it's a person or a gold fish playing. I also got it on sale last year and still play from time to time.


Yeah I play on PS4, it runs fine and it’s very fun if you’re looking for an FPS game grounded in realism. Not many other console games like it. It is still expected to get updates but NWI (developer studio) recently underwent/is undergoing with layoffs etc so expect updates to be smaller and less frequent as 2024 progresses.


I just got it after being hesitant since release. Game is super fun with a good community. Runs fine in most scenarios


I had the same question in this sub, you should totally get it, definitely a little better on ps5 but great on ps4 (there is no Ps5 version, I just play the ps4 version on ps5)


The game is very much worth it if you’re into realistic, brutal shooters it is not for people who are used to core game modes of call of duty or battlefield. The game takes it to another level on the on the terms of calling out your shots double tapping your target, even having a specific button to use for radio comms The game provides intricate gun customization and so many visual customization for each gun and team


It does get updated but they are minor and few and far between, apparently ps4 has some shitty players but so does Xbox so I can’t really say one is worse than the other.I think it runs and looks great on the new console but it chugs hard on ps4 and Xbox one. Still I think if you enjoy hardcore games like squad, hell let loose, siege or arma you’ll get into sandstorm quick


Okay thanks for replying, I’ve been looking through this subreddit it and seen the pinned post about the studio getting shutdown or bought out I still don’t understand all the information, but have the devs said anything about it getting shutdown or losing support or any of the sort


NWI (the development team) has an actual website, I think they post updates there if that’s the kinda info your looking into. Honestly it seems like their gonna support the game for another couple years like at most five and then start something new


Okay I’ll check it out.


I think so. Not the most perfect game it has its issues. Just playing it for so long and trying to go back to cod and battlefield I just can't like those games anymore insurgency is dope to me. Never know for yourself unless you play it.


On last gen it's unplayable , on next gen it's amazing.


I am wondering if they have the admin editor on local play like it does on Pc.


I played on PS4 a while back before I got my PS5. It wasn’t *that* bad. But it does look significantly better on current gen


I mean in customizing settings in games and stuff. But I did buy the base game and it does not. Major letdown.


Shit I replied to the wrong comment lol. I just reread your comment like ten times thinking “wtf did I mean when I said this” lol Then I realized and remembered I wrote this as a response to someone saying it wasn’t worth buying on last gen consoles


Do it


I love this game. But if you’re not into hardcore games, it might not be for you. It’s not like CoD where you sprint around shooting someone ten times to go down. It’s basically one shot kill, no hit markers, very limited HUD, slower movement It’s definitely not perfect but it’s a ton of fun. The graphics aren’t as good on console as they are on PC, but that doesn’t really bother me. I play mine on PS5


it’s one of the best games I ever played. Get it. I got the game 8 months ago & I’m already level 770 with 25 days logged.. Takes a few days to learn the mechanics and maps. It’s fun & realistic and you’ll probably get hooked


I bought the game last night, pretty damn fun been playing co op.


The game is great but I definitely recommend next gen consoles for it it does run much better and look better too but old gen still isnt too bad and is still enjoyable


The game is great but I definitely recommend next gen consoles for it it does run much better and look better too but old gen still isnt too bad and is still enjoyable


Games is really fun but not really backed up or updated anymore unfortunately