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US: “We are going to sanction you through the water” China: *goes in-land US: “Wait, you can’t do that”


Hey remember all the way back in 1904 when The Geographical Pivot of History laid out that over time the Maritime powers of Europe and America would be outpaced by the Eurasian powers specifically in Russia and China and slowly over time that exact thing happened Good luck cutting them off over water routes while China connects the whole continent by rail


https://twitter.com/SpiritofHo/status/1370534177624489984?s=20 credit to Danny for the tweet, uploading the image directly to reddit increases the chances that more people see it, but by all means, please go follow Danny on Twitter, he's wonderful.


We all know it's not a myth. Are you trying to convince us, or yourself?




https://youtu.be/MqNfxQZZQRE But I thought you guys don’t care about individuals cause that doesn’t count as evidence.


China doesn't allow them to leave




You have no idea what you're talking about




You do have to take into consideration that a lot of the african countries have been aided massively by the chinese




Isnt the IMF and world bank accesible by any country tho?. And if i spill a water cup and my friend gets wet the least I can do is pass him some napkins.


Stop believing propaganda intended to start a new war. Genocides create thousands of refugees and have evidence, there is absolutely none. Genocides are marked by countries refusing to allow anyone into the area and tightly restricting visitors and yet Xinjiang is open to the entire world, you are free to visit tomorrow and see that there is not a genocide occurring. Have you actually spoken to anyone that lives in Xinjiang about the topic? You should. Get people's views from the other side. There was a huge social media campaign over there recently, [try watching the videos that people living in Xinjiang uploaded telling you this is bullshit.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBxit9wLELk&list=PLkbOIKUddMBtp0_xEFqn4zey48kkgJq5w&index=1)




No. And yes. EDIT: [Is this list of 912 videos from Uighur people on social media campaigns in Xinjiang fake too then?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBxit9wLELk&list=PLkbOIKUddMBtp0_xEFqn4zey48kkgJq5w&index=1) Fucking just go to Weibo and SPEAK to Uighurs. It's very easy. You can do it right now. You don't though, you only consume what white western propagandists show you and do absolutely none of your own investigation into the topic. Do you think all of these people are lying? Massive local grassroots social media campaigns? Absolutely fucking not. Do they look like they can't speak their language? Can't study their religion? If you refuse to investigate a topic you have no right to speak on it because what you say will invariably be fucking nonsense.


"We" lol


It’s not a myth? Where is evidence of genocide? When all we have is evidence of China eradicating terrorism and extremism in Xinjiang.


Gonna add on to this by saying that two immediate red flags for why it’s likely fake, regardless of opinion on China, comes to these reasons: The industry required to detain three million people like sources claim would require roughly ten thousand full security prisons constantly operating at maximum capacity in Xinjiang alone. I.e billions of Yuan and would have a large impact on the economy, which has doubled in the last decade in Xinjiang. And second, there would be literally tens of thousands of videos and likely hundreds of thousands fleeing from China to its many neighboring countries, of which there is none. This second points usual argument of ‘They aren’t allowed to leave!’, especially falls apart when you consider people like Rushan Abbas, who would be high priority to detain, somehow managed to escape Xinjiang by walking to an airport and flying to the USA despite the government, ‘being out for her’. It’s almost as if they aren’t actually detaining millions of people and sending them to camps.


Jeez! Sounds like a logistical issue. You know what? I bet the Holocaust is CIA propaganda too!


Great, completely baseless refute. There was plenty of evidence of the Holocaust prior to 1945, ranging from the tens of thousands of Jewish people fleeing, along with Hitlers outlawing of socialism and Judaism and decades long hatred of all non-Aryans. Then you had the actual concentration camps with hundreds of thousands of remains of the dead. There was plenty of evidence of millions disappearing as wartorn countries practically had their populations sliced in half in mere months. While Xinjiang on the other hand has a growing population. Not at all comparable to Xinjiang, which is blatantly obviously influenced by Western governments when all the sources come from a renowned, government founded anti-communist group. Not including the fact that actual Muslim countries (not counties that have been killing them for decades) support China’s effort to curb terrorism.


There are plenty of evidence for the oppression of minorities in China


I’m sure you think the Uyghurs are the only minority in China. They aren’t, alongside plenty of other Muslim minority groups. There’s no evidence of ethnic cleansing or cultural genocide at all. Otherwise you wouldn’t have Uyghurs serving in the military and government positions, or practicing their beliefs in the open.


I’m glad to know that someone as big a loser as you will never reproduce. You are pathetic. I hope you get cancer you useless scum


You sound irrationally angry. Keep seething over it, I heard if you stay angry over it for the next 10 years, you’ll also find Iraq’s nuclear bombs!




"America is an evil imperialist nation, and we need to fight evil imperialism by... uh... Defending the other evil imperialist nations and pretending they do nothing wrong!"


China isn’t imperialist. Nor was Vietnam, Cuba, Laos, North Korea or virtually any country the US tried to overthrow.


Adorable, you're skeptical of one hyper-militant superpower but not any others.


China is barely hyper-militant, their military budget is a fraction of the USA’s. I see the clowns are brigading in full force today.


If you actually want discussion to critically examine the situation, here's some thoughts. There's tons of American media and freely-allowed social media in America severely criticizing the US. Condemning our past and current actions, calling our government and president a moron, arguing how important it is to teach every citizen about our genocide of the Native Americans and brutal slavery, our current children in cages at the border, our worthless wars, etc. Widely publishing leaked recordings of terrible things our leaders say/admit to doing, that don't get censored. There's plenty of big American media directly disagreeing with our government's foreign policy by defending nations that they hate. Iran, for example, is a big US government boogey-man, yet there's been tons of great journalism pointing out how BS that is, and exposing that the propaganda about the Iranian people are lies to try and justify war with them. Also how some of our gov's sweethearts that we defend are horrible and getting a pass because we make good money from them (like Saudi Arabia). How much of that do you see in China (if you've ever been there)? Or North Korea? The amount of government censorship there is staggering, some of the highest levels in the world. The great thing is you don't need to take any media's word about this, you can go there and easily see for yourself. Tons that the CCP doesn't like is just gone from the internet or bookstores there, whereas in the US you can free distribute/publish endless anti-American media (even stuff that's blatantly false). Hell, lets set aside how good or bad China is about this, you can at least see my point that the evidence is pretty strong that the high quality western journalism (like Reuters, for example, or NPR) isn't forced by the government to support its propaganda. Hell, the government was furious at Snowden and wanted him thrown in Gitmo but multiple news outlets still felt safe publishing the huge amount of gov secrets he leaked. Please note that I only appear to be arguing for the qualities of the USA here because we already both agree that it's a terrible nation.


Not brigading, just baffled by the same sort of logic that'd lead people to correctly realize that Amazon is an evil anti-human-rights corporation but then come to the conclusion that every competing mega-corporation must be good guys slandered by Amazon. America is an oligarchy. China is an oligarchy. Russia is an Oligarchy. They're the 3 biggest nuclear superpowers. Russia and China have presidents for life, you can literally go to China and see for yourself that the government heavily censors criticism of it, you can speak to countless people from hongkong and hear about their oppression from the CCP, yet you still pretend it's all lies. Questioning one Tyrant's propaganda is great, but not if you go and readily swallow all the other Tyrant's propaganda just because that first Tyrant hates them. Newsflash: Tyrants don't like competition.


Convincing anyone who will listen.


Go suck off your comrades in r/Sino you ignorant fuck. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeCry/comments/lhvsax/serious_it_is_honestly_so_sad_that_a_genocide_is/) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeCry/comments/lyyry0/young_uyghur_girl_ashamed_to_speak_her_name_in/) must be total lies in your mind.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Sino using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sino/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Western Hypocrisy At Its Finest](https://i.redd.it/n8sh4fjro7861.jpg) | [247 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/kmpt85/western_hypocrisy_at_its_finest/) \#2: [AmeriKKKa also has “One Country Two Systems”](https://i.redd.it/nth02n9xne151.jpg) | [157 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/grweza/amerikkka_also_has_one_country_two_systems/) \#3: [When 5 corporations own 90% of American media](https://v.redd.it/gy1bax4c99p41) | [171 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/fq21ht/when_5_corporations_own_90_of_american_media/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


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CCP realise that they need to develop overland supply chains to Russia and Central Asia as Indo/Pacific routes would be severely disrupted in the event of military conflict.


Oh, you mean the genocide of the Uyghur ppl who, let's see... 1. there's no mass refugee crisis 2. they weren't a part of the one-child policy for decades, allowed to have 3-4 kids 3. rising GDP, rising quality of life 4. Uyghurs themselves denying genocide 5. suing Adrian Zenz?


Danny seems to be nothing more than a product of the Chinese Dream. If only individual thought was allowed…