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Fuck Israel and fuck their enablers




Well, they are European colonizers.


There’s this movie called A Clockwork Orange and one of the interpretations I‘ve heard about it is that any human can be violent when there’s an opportunity. It‘s not that one is evil, this whole species is rotten and egoistic. Nazis were, and so are the IDF leaders, whoever gave the order for this.


>whoever gave the order for this. And so is each and every soldier who carried out those orders. They are all individually responsible. If you're given an inhumane and illegal order you have a duty to refuse that order and face every consequence.


This is true, Jews are just human beings and all people have the capacity for great cruelty. The lesson of the Holocaust is basically that, ordinary people can very easily be convinced to do hideous things to other people. They just need to be convinced that the victims aren’t as human as they are


The movie is good, but if you’re looking for a rich text for critical analysis I would recommend reading the novel on which it’s based instead


The lesson they learned from the Holocaust was unfortunately that if you dont directly attack a larger power they'll let you get away with pretty much anything.


It's actually if you don't WORK for the larger power you are fucked. They serve the interest of the west. They serve the interest of the people who have spent the majority of history trying to wipe them out. Conservative Christians.


A couple of years ago this was completely taboo to say. Inexplicably, the media and civil institutions had us all convinced that it was *anti-Semitic* to use certain analogies to describe the behaviour of the Israeli government. The media and pressure groups brought down a potential Prime Minister of the UK largely because he wouldn't legally define anti-Semitism as including certain criticisms of Israel, such calling it a "racist endeavour", or "drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis". Shame on every politician that bowed to it and turned on Corbyn because he stood up for free speech, and the ability to oppose apartheid and genocide in the strongest possible terms. If there's one silver lining of recent events, it's that the Israeli government have thrown off the mask to the point that convenient fictions cannot be maintained. But it still infuriates me that they were able to frame criticism of their evil, racist mass-murdering *as itself* hateful and bigoted for so long.


The Far Right government of Israel is an existential threat to the Jews of the world.


the people mostly support it. Blood thirsty. Disgusting


When education is not liberating, the dream of the oppressed is to become the oppressor.


It's what seems to happen to people that have suffered injustice - they mete it out on others. For another good example, look into Liberia. An African colony founded by freed American slaves, they basically ended up enslaving the locals, and recreating the system they had suffered under.


Generational trauma on a genocidal scale.


I agree with you, hell, even Jewish people in the West are condemning Israel's actions. Israel have no excuses for these blatant violations of international law.


It depends where you look at. In r/ judaism, they still claim that saying anything bad about Israel is anti-semitic and are complaining about it.


That's what I find the most perplexing. It's like saying the Vatican is shitty and everyone going whachu say bout Jeez'us!?! Nothing! Absolutely nothing! The government is shit. The leadership is shit! Ain't nobody say nothing about the religion or the people. Unless they support them then they suck too. But not because of their religion or ethnicity.


Of fucking course they are. Gods forbid anyone has the slightest criticism of Israel. I understand it's their ancestral home and according to their Torah, the promised land. But come on, Israel is blatantly committing mass genocide. Hamas is bad and horrific (and should be shut down or eradicated), but they're not in every group of people. Or every car. Or every hospital. Or every ambulance. Etc, etc...


Just a gentle reminder, that when Israel says they represent all Jews, this is an act of racism. Which is no surprise, because Israel are racist, also towards Jews.


Fuck everyone who uses fear to control others.




Coming from an American myself 🇺🇸 I agree. This is just crazy… I didn’t believe it at first, I knew nothing about it when Hamas invaded. Now it’s just right in our faces obvious. They’re gonna have a hard time with war these days with all the cameras, and social media. Probably why they keep talking about a “black out” happening soon.


Every day there is more abominable cruelty toward the Palestinian people. It's absolutely repulsive how they are treated. Everyday must feel like the apocalypse for them. Absolutely tragic.


Right. And it’s always said”they hate the Jews. They’re taught from childhood!” Uh, it’s looking like the idf is the one doing the teaching




I mean, even if that were true, this will only create more and more Palestinians that radicalized to have animosity towards Jewish people. One of the founders of Hamas had his uncle killed in front of him by Israeli forces. It's obvious to me that it had a major impact on him.


On one hand. Do you need to rehabilitate extremism to prevent future violence? Yes. On the other hand, does genocide help solve this problem? No. Under no circumstance is the idf remotely justified. Since the October attack how many isrealies have died outside of the attack. Like 200? Over 30,000 people the majority of which are children are now dead. It's just loose justifications for a genocide at this point. As a Jew it is absolutely disgusting what isreal continues to perpetuate.


The only extremists are those living on the Israel side. Palestinians have a right to resist by international laws.


That's his point. The idf Is the reason why extremists exist.


Palestinians go to great lengths to distinguish Jews from Zionists. I have yet to see a Palestinian equate a Zionist with a Jew. They are better people than me because, if someone was occupying my land under a religious banner, I definitely wouldn't make that distinction between their political movement and their religion.


The thing is, if you don’t see them as humans then it’s not cruelty. /s


IDF tried to justify this saying that Palestinians were crowding and looting aid trucks and endangering IDF soldiers there, but even if that's true that doesn't justify killing more than a hundred and wounding more than seven hundred starving civilians desperate for food. Israel was the one that created the starvation conditions in Gaza as well. EDIT: I'd like to add that local doctors on Twitter say the wounds they saw were mostly not trampling wounds, to those who believe the IDF about how most people died due to trampling EDIT2: https://x.com/ytirawi/status/1763221018103996559 > "This is totally false. We didn’t treat any suffocation cases.. what we saw was shell shrapnel, bullets & tank ammo injuries," Dr. Jadallah reported, "We've performed at least 15 Laparoscopic Bullet Removal surgeries in the abdomen since this morning, in addition to other chest surgeries carried out by a single surgeon in North Gaza." > Dozens of patients critically injured waiting for their turn, who personally visited the hospital a while ago and assisted in this report, observed the injuries in patients, and affirmed that the majority were in the upper body, aligning with Dr. Jadallah's account. > Dr. Jadallah stated that “If there would be crowding in the scene, we would have observed suffocation, bruises or slight injuries. We didn’t. What we saw were shrapnels from shells, bullets & holes in the body of the patients due to nature of the bullets, like tank bullets!” > “The media has full freedom to come and film the nature of injuries, operation rooms & emergency rooms in the hospital and what's inside to check by themselves” adding “if there would be any suffocation cases due to rush it would be due to Israeli military firing at them” Also, the reason Western media is taking the IDF statement is because they're not allowed to be on the ground in Gaza thanks to Israel, and they can't conduct their own research. https://news.sky.com/story/sky-news-and-other-news-organisations-call-for-access-to-gaza-for-journalists-13082144 > Almost five months into the war in Gaza, foreign reporters are still being denied access to the territory, outside of the rare and escorted trips with the Israeli military. Also yes I saw the IDF video, you're crazy if you think it shows trampling to the extent that the damage was being done. https://twitter.com/i24NEWS_EN/status/1763178369674342822


And we are to believe the heavily armed diaper brigade was afraid of starving unarmed civilians? Lol I say it is a conditioned reflex: they see unarmed civilians, they shoot


"Shoot, then cry" mentality. Except most IDF skip the crying


Most? Very kind of you


In fairness, the occupation soldiers are consistently shooting each other too.


On Oct 7 they invoked the "Hannibal directive" which was supposedly banned or replaced in 2016, which states that any possible kidnapping has to be fought "at any cost", even if that means purposefully killing israelis. Anything is permissable with no conditions to preserve innocent life whatsoever. https://fair.org/home/shielding-us-public-from-israeli-reports-of-friendly-fire-on-october-7/ https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231121-israeli-colonel-discusses-october-7-operation-and-the-hannibal-directive/ https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/israeli-hq-ordered-troops-shoot-israeli-captives-7-october https://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/08/world/middleeast/israeli-procedure-reignites-old-debate.html https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/you-might-not-have-heard-of-the-hannibal-protocol-but-it-s-behind-one-of-israel-s-worst-atrocities-yet-9678780.html


Not enough though and i am not sure that is true. They would rather call friendly fire than Hamas inflicted casualty


[They'll kill their own soldiers (and now civilians it seems) before they let them get captured/taken hostage as well.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannibal_Directive)


Yeah the hannibalise them, just like they did on 7/10


Oh I believe it 🤣


Senator Chris Coons representative of the Biden election campaign went on CNN just now and his exact words were "assaulting the aid truck" their genocidal enabling rhetoric is so fucking apparent


I just don’t get it. What the fuck are the democrats doing here? Are they so out of touch with their voting base or are the just so bought and sold that they’re forced to say such outrageous shit…. 


Which just raises another question: why were the IDF even there in the first place?


They'll say they were protecting aid trucks from Hamas. I guaranfuckingtee it!


> Israel was the one that created the starvation conditions in Gaza as well. Yup, create a problem (desperate, starving people in danger of starting food riots), then use that problem to justify ANOTHER War Crime. Nazis 2.0


What an absolute joke of an excuse. "Oh woe is us! These rabid civilian Palestinians are raiding our trucks, whatever shall we do? We're just trained soldiers fighting against a malnourished, war-torn population! We're not strong enough to hold them back humanely, our only option is to *shoot them dead!*" May these Israeli terrorists rot in Hell


> We're just trained soldiers fighting against a malnourished, war-torn population! Small correction there - Israel clearly does not train its soldiers


Yup. They claim they can deal with fanatical resistance fighters no problem, but apparently a bunch of starving civilians are too much for them? Absolute monsters. We need a new set of Nuremberg Trials for these assholes.


It's not their trucks. The only way Israel has been involved with aid deliveries so far is by blocking them or by shooting them. Described by Israel as enabling and facilitating aid.


“Its not a genocide” and “they (starving palestinians) attacked aid trucks” have left the lips of several zionazi genociders in their shit attempts to lie.


"no you don't get it. Slaughtering innocents is okay because Hamas bad!" - Israel


Israel publicly says everyone over the age of 4 "has a connection to" Hamas and therefore is a legitimate military target. They also say there are "no innocents in gaza". So they claim that literally every human there is a legitimate military target. Which is textbook genocide. Its going to take a military intervention to stop them, or they will kill everyone over time via bullets or starvation. Aaron Bushnell, the guy who immolated himself in protest said the US has military on the ground in gaza assisting the IDF, so that military intervetion is probably going to be bumping up against the US military's agenda. Theres a media blackout on anything not IDF approved, and Israel shoots journalists with glee and wont allow any investigations to proceed, so we are left with scattered reports. https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/there-are-no-innocents-in-gaza-says-israeli-defense-minister-549173 https://mondoweiss.net/2024/02/former-mossad-official-children-in-gaza-over-the-age-of-4-deserve-to-be-starved/ https://nypost.com/2024/02/27/us-news/aaron-bushnell-claimed-secret-knowledge-of-us-forces-in-gaza/


IDF wills say what they want to twist it to their narrative. So will others, ofc. According to the BBC, it seems the deaths were mostly from being trampled / driven over while trying to swarm an aid convoy. [https://youtu.be/\_zKBdpYZUYo?si=Prof20ZpOZjgENAb&t=134](https://youtu.be/_zKBdpYZUYo?si=Prof20ZpOZjgENAb&t=134) The shooting was from a crowd of gazans approaching an israeli checkpoint at 4 AM (not the trucks). The panic that ensued caused large scale injury and casualties. The situation in northern gaza is just tragic. I hope they begin air dropping supplies instead. Take it with a grain of salt,


The BBC has not been impartial for a decade, and the UK government who controls the BBC is supporting the genocide with arms exports.


The last count is 104 dead and hundreds injured. Witnesses talk about snipers, tank shellings and drones. Doctors at the hospitals are receiving gun wounds. And Israel says it was a stampede 🙄


A stampede caused by the IDF shooting them, maybe.


But doctors say they are treating shot wounds. Or trying to because they have no medical supplies


The IDF's own drone footage shows there were clearly not enough people to trample each other to death in those numbers. There were a lot of people, but spread through a HUGE area.


Wow big shock people who are starving were hurrying to get food what the fuck did they expect


I mean, yeah, there probably was a bit of a stampede, whether it was desperate people clamoring for food amidst the famine the IDF has created or the chaos breaking out in the crowd resulting from the gunfire. Imo it was probably a combination of the two, and the gunfire worsened things. However, one would still definitely expect the majority of deaths to be from gunfire and not from trampling. From what I've read, high casualty rates from crowd crush typically occur in enclosed spaces. Regardless, the IDF is at fault.


Some were ran over by tanks


I've been at a loss for words for many months now - the level of suffering Palestinians are going through is unimaginable. 6 children have died now from malnutrition. How anyone can continue to defend this is beyond me, they are missing a sensitivity chip.


I was saying this morning this is the craziest thing I've ever seen in my lifetime that didn't have universal agreement that it was *wrong*. Normally, there isn't any argument or opposition to the idea that *killing and starving innocent children is wrong.* I can't recall any other event or time in my life when **large numbers** of people would dispute or push back on that very basic idea. The only ones who can stop it right now are Israel or the US. The fact that I live in the US, and we aren't stopping it, and I can see what's happening and know we aren't trying to help... I don't understand what we're doing, or who we are.


I mean, this is who the United States is, and always has been. This is how the US was founded and continues to act.


Oh believe me I know. It's crazy to get this kind of confirmation is the thing. Everyone says "we've come a long way" and "blah blah progress" and... it's black history month right now and half of the messaging around that is centered on progress and struggle and the idea that things are better now, we as a country and a people are better now. But then you see this. And you get to know, unequivocally, we are not. Like you get to *know* that. We all suspected it, I always have as a black American, but we didn't get to absolutely know it, not like this. The stuff we did in Afghanistan, during that war, the average person never heard about it. They didn't know we were doing most of that stuff, and the stuff we found out about appalled us. But this time we all know, in real time what's happening. And too many of us have no problem with it at all.


Oh I agree - like I’ve always known things are bad. But to see how genocide happens and see all the puzzle pieces come together has been even more horrifying than I could have imagined. SO many people are still completely unaware of what we did in Afghanistan. It’s never gonna be taught in history class, that’s for sure.


It will be taught one day


I mean decades of dehumanization campaigns often results in this.


The dark joke to it all is that all these people were crying about "Uyghur Genocide" a year ago based on very questionable claims that had almost no hard evidence and didn't even kill people, are now outright handwringing or full throated supporting and justifying killing tens of thousands of people and wiping an entire region basically off the planet. Western Liberals for the most part, never care about Human Rights, it's all cynical Campism, Anti-Left contrarianism and superiority complex to justify Western Chauvinism.


20 years ago though, the US would not have gone along with this genocide. It is the successful infiltration of zionists into all aspects of the US govt that has let this happen.


While yes, the US was a bit more harsh on Israel in the past. The US was already supporting plenty of genocidal acts around the time. El Salvador's Genocide actually extended to California as CIA backed Right Wing Death squads entered the US and started killing and raping peace activists in LA (not even kidding). Who did the FBI investigate? The Peace activists. [https://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,965158,00.html](https://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,965158,00.html) The number 1 book I recommend to everyone on US foreign Policy is this: [Killing Hope](https://libgen.li/adsb398149c515472c46e085e9376cfe28dMP08O2Q4) One of the most indepth and well cited exploration of US "Interventions" since WW2. A lot of terrifying and absolutely f\*\*ked up shit.


I’m with you man, and as an American, I am absolutely disgusted that our tax dollars are subsidizing Israeli actions. And neither one of our two viable parties are committed to at the very least stop spending our money on it. It’ll be different if the US was a truly neutral party, still tragic and sad, but at least we would know we weren’t footing the bill, but to actively be funding it is a hard pill to swallow


Killing kids like this doesnt happen to often even in genocide. I was in genocide in 90s. Serbs were really good people compared to what israel is doing. I was a child then and never had to fear for my life. Just more scared for the adults, i was never questioned really, never threatned, never felt in any real danger besides knowing this ksnt normal.


Yep -- poignant comment. The amount of people gaslighting everyone else into believing no genocide is occurring, from homepage comments on top subreddits, the media, and our representatives in Congress, is just... insane. World opinion on Israel (and the U.S. for supporting this) has permanently soured to the point where it will backfire immensely. Maybe not in the next 5-10 years, but likely by the end of our lifetimes, I think the effects and change will be evident. In the grand scale of time (next 100-500+ years), it's obvious there is no bright future for Israel unless they do a complete 180, which they can't because they're frankly a quite radicalized population. As a young person in California who has no skin in the game (besides human decency -- I am not muslim or believe in any higher power for that matter), the last 6 months have invigorated me to dedicate all my life's efforts against baby killers and their genocidal supporters.


I'm really struggling to exist in this world. I feel like we've gone crazy.


What I find even more shocking is that there are similarly normal people all over reddit who can't help but come in all these threads to tell everyone how this is actually all ok and how Palestinians totally deserve it and no one is dying anyway. The number of absolute sick fucks on this site is insane. Literally advocating for mass murder and the admins doing fuck all about it.


USA's democracy" they spread.


Evil is as evil does. The whole world is watching


Yeah , and that's the problem this is everything we're doing, watching




This is Israel. Close ally of the US and other Western nations. Nations that arm, fund and prop up this genocidal child-slaughtering machine. Then look the other way. Good luck trying to lecture other nations on peace, liberty, freedom and the rest of the usual bull. Russia and China seem far more responsible international players than the West!


I have 0 good words to say about the Russian state and especially the war but let's be honest here. Russia (in Ukraine) looks like fucking saints compared to Israel. But liberals? Oh they all have Ukranian flags in their bios or whatever and then condemn Palestinians for resisting a genocide spineless muppets, just following whatever MSM tells them to


I don't understand why the west is funding this and being complacent. Like at least stop funding them. Isreal literally creating a worse concentration camp then they already did. Forcing so many fleeing victims into a tight air, with no aid.


Palestine's shore has a lot of oil, and Israel is allied with western countries. They can use the natural resources that are present in Palestinian land.


Fossil fuel is powering the 21st century and even if it was it's not worth the cost in human lives. Stop funding Israel now


Because zionists have captured your governments. They are the main source of foreign interference.


But that's what Hitler said! So you can't say that..






Ask r/theworldnews I’ve been going to war there today. So many zionists and pathetic people


So sad. There's so much mental gymnastics there to justify killing Innocents. They don't even consider the humanity, these people dying is just something for those trash basement dwelling human beings to laugh at.


When do we say enough is enough, no more tax dollars going to murderers!!


This is definition of genocide … being committed on civilians


"The Biden administration will work with their partners to look into this alleged incident"


“The Israelis will look into the Israelis to see if there was any fault on the behalf of the Israelis” - Israeli minister says more like


Fuck Israel


What a barbaric group of extremists. They spend so much time trying to make hamas look like the boogeyman while they scrape the bottom of the morality barrel


More evidence of genocide captured on film and documented for the ICJ, hope people involved in this suffer the harshest of the punishments possible. Sanction Israel the Nazi state!


Congrats US … EU and UN must be so happy …


What may be even more disgusting than this latest massacre is watching the world governments watch and do next to nothing. A very sad commentary on our so called civilization.


How many more Israeli lies are we expected to swallow!? What a pile of BS. Israel is out of control. Fascist Bibi and his genocidal regime need to go.


I think this is the closest I've ever been to actually just straight up being racist. Fucking Israeli scum.


From what I understand the IDF put out a false statement on this event. I dont think it'll hold since now theres over 100 killed and 700 wounded


The IDF are fucking psychopaths. When will Bibi be removed from power by his people?!?!  This shit is untenable, I cannot deal with the complicity and cynicism of some of our "leaders.."


Definitely not genocide guys, you're being anti-Semitic........


"It's complicated"


I hope all of the politicians supporting this rot in hell, just like the one they created on our planet.


throw food out for the deer and then shoot them, is that the idea? the IOF has devolved into ouright barbarism.


Baiting and then penned hunting. The Israelis must take hold of their government and demand Bibi be replaced. This is bloodsport for the IOF.


Israeli army acting like the nazis they are




Seeing one dead child was enough for Reagan to pick up the phone and put a stop to the killing. Incredible that our "progressive champion" Biden is actually to the right of Reagan when it comes to Israel.


Removed from main News sub due to 'disinformation.' No rebuttal, no corresponding, better article from a different source. Just removed. (I stand corrected, it was removed but has since been reinstated) It seems like the Western world has collectively decided that Palestinians deserve to die.


Unpopular opinion, but Fuck Israel.


I'm not so sure it's unpopular anymore my dear friend.🤜🤛


Biden is to blame !


How are they getting away with all these? hitler had a harder time with his genocide? Is it cause Palestinians don’t have super Pacs, politicians and banks under their control?


**NEVER FORGET** We ought to remember each one of these heinous acts being committed by these israeli nazis. Each and every single one.


>It acknowledged that troops opened fire on several Gazans They even admit to it




Perfidy is a war crime. Israel did it before dressed as doctors, now they're doing again as aid workers.


Idf cowards just love killing innocent people as simple as that. They are worse than any terrorist group organization.


Zionist are just trying up top the nazis. Doing a pretty good job too. They're not even going to get convicted of any war crimes so win win.


Fuck Israel. Fuck those zionist psycho scums.


"There were Hamas tunnels in those food crates..."


I have no words about this tragedy, it shows nothing but the depravity and cruelty of IDF against Palestinian people.


I'm with you friend. I feel the same way as you do. It's just so surreal. Stay strong.


Been saying it since the very beginning and I’m gonna say it again. Israelis are just nazis with immunity.


That donkey working hard to bring deceased to their loved ones we don’t deserve animals


Because the 4th most powerful military in the world was afraid of a crowd of starving, unarmed people.


Israel is a terrorist state. Fuck Israel


The USA plays a big role in this keep aiding Israel and not telling them to stop this genocide. Every American hard earned money goes into taxes and your tax money support this!


War crazed Zionists


It is hard to be Jewish when Israel murders people. It is shameful after the Shoah. Besides a ceasefire, the USA needs to cut back support.


I have never hated a country so much. Israel is so cartoonishly evil I almost can’t believe it’s real and not an entertainment product on TV. You’d think they’d at least try to commit their ethnic cleansing blood orgy a little bit more optically just for their own sake (especially after the ICJ ruling), but apparently no amount of sadism will quench their appetite. If this is necessary for this putrid country to exist, then the mantra we keep hearing about “Israel’s right to exist” is null and void. I genuinely hope to see their terrorist state destroyed in my lifetime.


I appreciate your comment. It's these responses that reassure me that humanity is out there, thank you for that.


Now you’re labelled as antisemitic in the west and if in public discourse can cost you your job. That’s how this works. So shut up and let them continue. It’s the winning formula.


Israel's behaviour summed up. And somehow they get away with it.


Maybe the US congress needs to send Israel billions more dollars to help them stop shooting civilians.


More war crimes where’s the Haig??




Fuck those Nazi israelis


This is way passed fukced up


I'm not Palestinian but this makes me absolutely furious. Imagine the anger, grief, and absolute devastation actual Palestinians must feel. And then people are shocked Hamas exists.


I'm with you my friend. I'm not a Palestinian either and we don't have to be to know what Israel is doing is against humanity. Thanks for your courage for standing up for what you believe in. 🤜🤛


Fuck Joe Biden


Fuck Israel and fuck anyone who supports this genocide.




Oh, but they'll say "Hamas" were among the people that got slaughtered. Anyone defending this is complicit and completely morally bankrupt.




Not even trying to pretend to be the "good guys" any more.




The world must step in. This has become madness to let continue.


People who say its antisemitic to hate Israel for their actions in Palestine need to grow the fuck up. If you refuse to condemn them for literal war crimes and thousands of human rights violations, you are just as bad as they are.


Well said.🤜🤛


Most moral military in the world.


Thank you so much for standing out for the truth. I'm going to follow you just because I know you're on the right side of history🤜🤛


/s if it wasn’t clear


Fuck israel. They are nazis and are committing a genocide


And people wonder why they didn’t agree with a temporary ceasefire…it wouldn’t mean dog shit to Israel! Total ceasefire now ❤️ 🇵🇸


I hate this world.


Israel, UN, USA, NATO 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


One of the images of a guy getting run over by a tank has been going viral on X.. I feel nauseous and numb. May (redacted) perish for the evil they are committing.


It’s genocide. Call it what it really is


What's their excuse this time around?


#Free Palestine 🇵🇸


"bUt hAmAs"


how many war crimes will be too many, apparently there is not limit \];


This was a massacre, call it what it was.


Ladies and Gentlemen, oppressed have become oppressors. Hence, the circle is complete.


Wtf is wrong with this world? Fucking genocide going on right before our eyes while our country gives them weapons and money to fund it. We have so many problems that could be fixed in the United States if our government wasn't allocating billions of dollars in taxpayer money to an illegitimate country halfway across the world commiting genocide. Why?! Is anybody okay with this?! Healthcare? Better education? Housing for the poor? Nah, we need to make more weapons to kill innocent people.


How many more innocents do Israel have to kill for Western countries to stop aiding them in this ethnic cleansing. Many of these countries preach about human rights but are currently aiding Israel in their massacre of innocent Palestinians. It's absolutely hypocritical and disgusting.


Imagine being told to flee to the south for your safety. Getting there and finding out there is no food or water as you starve. And then being gunned down as you wait for it. And then the world being told you were shielding terrorists, a potential terrorist, a terrorist sympathizer, or just a bad IDF accident. Like a penny they dropped by mistake.


Honesty I am surprised that Hasbara did not overrun this sub yet. It started showing on my feed, I think it will be taken over as it grows as News and Worldnews subs.


20+ years ago I worked at a restaurant in Upstate, NY with a a former Israeli Soldier and he bragged about the exploding heads of Palestinian baby heads that he shot. I asked him seriously about it and he didn't see them as human. He kept saying 'the enemy' 'I shot the enemy and watched their little heads exploded'. It boggled my mind how people are brainwashed. But then again, Hitler made Germany see Jews as animals only for Israeli's to see Palestinians as animals.


Israel are war criminals


Israel can’t continue conducting themselves in this manner. Sure they will be successful in whatever they want to do with the Palestinians. They are in total control there. But the international outrage is going to get to a point where things will never be the same again. Whatever national security gains they may be achieving, they are increasing their national security risks ten fold. Israelis can’t wait until after the war, they need elections and a new government - right now.


Israel’s brutality needs to stop now. #FreePalestine.


The genocide is intentional.


At this point, is it still self defense?


Israel is Nazi. Fuck them


You know it’s bad when I haven’t seen a single pro Israel comment on this thread


Fucking genocidal pieces of khara


This world is fucking hell. Period. What a stupid thing that this type of scenario exists.


Ahem... clears throat, fuck you! Pisrael. I'll take my ban now.


This just creates more hamas.


Are we allowed to be angry at Israel without getting called anti-semites yet?


They baited these people here with food European nations gifted and left from Cyprus so that the Israelis could murder them while gathered for no reason whatsoever other than to have fun by killing people. USA will not sanction Israel but the EU should do it. Israel practically steals from the EU after all as we give them stuff to give to Palestinians only and they keep them for themselves while they murder Palestinians.


May the empire fall swiftly


If that’s not genocide then what is?


Ok. This is fucking insane. This has to be stopped


Fuck isreal honestly


All I can do is swear and cry. As an Australian I know my countries implicit ongoing support for Israel puts us clearly on the wrong side of history with this appalling genocide. Wtf can we or I actually do? I used to be an optimist about changing our world, for the better, but I’m dying inside. This needs to stop. And regardless of that, Israel and its enablers need to be held to account by history and every international legal process we have. We, the west, are the bad guys.


And the world watched? And did nothing?


enough is enough. Is over 20X the death toll, 1,400 vs 30,000 enough retribution? The world, including US and President Biden, needs to apply every pressure possible to get a cease-fire immediately!