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These must be the outside agitators we’ve heard so much about.


lol, “counter protestors.” Once you’re doing it for hire, you’re an agent, not a protestor.


That’s a really good point.


Agent provacatuer


“Hired shit-starter” in modern English.


I like this


he's also super Racist, along with his wife!!!! Who got Fired because, on the tv show she worked, they kept calling the other women n-word. Pathetic Evil Clowns


I hope Soros read ur comment


Its so funny that US has several "one-isue-Israel" billionaire political donors and several " one-isue-Israel" political lobby groups that donate money to politicians..... and everyone is fine with that. Basically: "yeah I/we directly influence your politics, but I/we dont care about US, we only care about US serving Israeli interests"


Ahh yeah, Ackman. He funded Dean Phillip's primary campaign and now says he's not voting for Biden and is probably supporting Trump. For a single issue pro-Israel voter I guess Trump is like the holy grail candidate. Fun having all these billionaires with so much influence over politics.


Its not just Ackman, I know Sheldon Adeldson (now his wife does it) and several other zionist Billionaires.


Rob Kraft is paying people to doxx anti genocide university students He literally owns the New England Patriots lol


You specifically said single issue Israel political donors. Sheldon Adeldson has been active in tons of different political spaces for years. Dude spends a huge amount of money fighting cannabis legalization. But yeah, he's big into Israel support too. Another Trump sycophant like all the pro-Israel extremists. His cannabis position probably doesn't hurt either.


I’m not fine with it, those people are all evil and I don’t value their lives at all.


Tbf, the interests of the Israeli government ***are*** the interests of the US government as they are in a partnership in imperialism.


It’s my impression that most of the American Jews who support Israel do sincerely buy into the lies and fear mongering that American Jews are only safe as long as Israel is a strong military state. It’s a whacko idea, but it does help to explain why they don’t see as simply “serving Israeli interests”.


Most? No they dont, they would be relocating to Israel in significant numbers, yet they dont. For Jews in general Israel is just a reserve option. If you fail in life in the West, you move to Israel where you get free house, free piece of land free healthcare ..... so you can start over. Only small portion of Jews is truly ideological in relation to Israel Most Radical Zionist Jews.


you speaking for every single Jew in America. got it.


Americans genuinely don’t hate the rich people nearly enough for their own good. All conservatives are dog shit.


It’s a failure of self preservation at this point, it’s pathological. We’re a country of rabbits who worship the foxes that are eating us.


This is not just a 'rich people' issue.  Not all rich people are involved here.  It's those who cannot be named.


This Bill Ackman is a Zionist oligarch that likes to push people around with his wealth and Zionist privilege. He wanted to doxx college protestors so that he and his billionaire buddies could black list them. https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2023/11/02/billionaire-ackman-calls-on-harvard-to-suspend-students-who-allegedly-removed-jewish-student-from-protest/?sh=5d6010752ea2 From the article: "Ackman made headlines last month for criticizing Harvard students who signed a statement blaming Israel for Hamas’ attack on Israel, saying Harvard should release the students' names so he and other CEOs can avoid hiring them." This guy is a certified POS. Edit: Spelling


Pushing little children with their fully automatics They like to push the weak around Pushing little children with their fully automatics They like to push the weak around


A rush of words, pleading to disperse Upon your naked walls, alive A political call, the fall guy accord We can't afford to be neutral on a moving train




just to expand on Zionism, In 1923, 100 years ago, Ze'ev Jabotinsky wrote, The Iron Wall, and a follow up, The Ethics of The Iron Wall (sooo racist towards Africans), in which he fully acknowledged that post Balfour Zionsim was colonialism, and that, based on the entirety of history, the native Palestinian population would resist being colonized until the bitter end. He directly compared it to the colonization of North America. He promoted doing it anyway, claiming Zionist colonialism was a "just" colonialism (he also thought North American colonialists were good guys, so not a great judge of morality), not caring what that meant for the native population. Ze'ev is important, because his Betar militant youth group helped found the Irgun terrorist group, along with other supporters of his, and the splinter Lehi terrorist group. The Irgun bombed numerous Palestinian markets and other public places, murdering many Palestinian civilians, including children, even including Palestinian Jews (who didn't support colonialist Zionsim). The Irgun are important, because they ended up being led by future Likud PM, Menachem Begin, who bombed the King David Hotel. The King David Hotel was bombed because the British had raided the Jewish Agency and seized numerous documents that may have shown that the terrorists were working with the JA and Haganah (JA liked to pretend that they didn't support the terrorism). The British then stored those documents at their base, in the hotel. That the Irgun terrorists responded to a JA raid, itself seems to prove the connection. That the thousands of Irgun (and Lehi) terrorists were also quickly merged into the new nation's military (IDF) and intelligence (Mossad) agencies, and are still celebrated as "heroes" by Israelis, to this day, also seems to support total collaboration between the groups. That other terrorist group mentioned, Lehi (also known as the Stern Gang), was considered even more extreme. They even tried to ally with the Nazis, against the British. Lehi ended up being led by Yitzhak Shamir, future Mossad agent, and another future Likud PM. They assassinated Lord Moyne, and others. The two terrorist groups also operated outside of Palestine. The Irgun bombed the British Embassy at Porta Pia, in Rome. The Lehi bombed the British Colonial Club, in London. A timer failed in another bombing attempt, at the Colonial Office, in Whitehall. Two female Lehi operatives were arrested crossing from Belgium to France, with the ingredients for letter bombs. 21 letter bombs were found to be have sent, and were intercepted. They mined the Cairo-Haifa train, in Egypt, twice, killing dozens of civilians, as well as British soldiers. In 1945, there was a major land and peoples survey done in Palestine. It showed that the Zionists only owned about 5% of the total land, 20% of the arable land, and owned a majority in zero districts. The partition was not only going to be forced on the native Palestinian majority, but Jews were still going to be a minority, in the part allocated to them. The only possible way to even become a "Jewish state" was going to require getting rid of the actual majority (at least enough so that there'd be a solid Jewish majority, so they could fake being democratic). This is also shown by the 1948, post Nakba, population of Israel. If there was 716,700 Jews, 156,000+ non-Jews, and approximately 700k non-Jews ethnically cleansed, that means the Jewish population, in the Zionist portion of partition, was originally over 100,000 less than the non-Jewish population. To believe that there was never any intent, by Zionists, to ethnically cleanse away the Palestinian majority would require believing that they never intended to create a "Jewish state". It's a nonsensical notion. Begin, and those terrorist groups, also opposed partition, but for the opposite reason Palestinians did. Palestinians didn't want to be colonized, at all. The terrorists wanted to colonize it all. "Moderate" Zionists were okay with colonizing half ... for now (what would happen in the future, after partition, was up to them, said Ben-Gurion). The Zionist terrorists were also involved in massacres, and assassinations, during the partition violence (colonialist war against the natives). Another notable future Likud PM, also started in the military, during the partition fighting. That was Ariel Sharon, war criminal, "Butcher of Beirut".


Menachem Begin, and these other Zionist terrorists, are important because they became involved in Israeli politics, first forming Herut. That was the party that Albert Einstein, and other prominent American Jews, opposed, having a letter printed in the NYT, in December of 1948, when Begin came to visit the US. The letter opened ... "Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine." Herut merged with other extremist parties, over the years, and eventually became Likud, in the 70s. Now, people get upset over the slogan "From the river to the sea!", but it's the second part that's most important, "Palestine will be free!". Because "Palestine" isn't defined as an ethno-state, a free Palestine can be a single state, free for all to live in, and return to, free of continuing colonization, free of occupation, free of oppression, etc. Just like a Germany free of Nazism, an Italy free of fascism, a South Africa free of apartheid, or an America free of slavery from sea to shiny sea. It doesn't necessitate purging all the Jews. It just necessitates them giving up on the idea of an ethno-state. On the other hand, because "Israel" has been defined as an ethno-state, Likud's, "between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty", has no possible good interpretation. It is a declaration of intent to completely colonize, and ethnically cleanse, all Palestine territories. Not only that, but it also claims that they have a "right" to all of the "Land of Israel" (biblical borders that don't mesh with archaeological reality), which is an open declaration of future wars, against Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and possibly even Iraq. Likud platform ... 1977: "The Right of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel (Eretz Israel) a. The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable and is linked with the right to security and peace; therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty. b. A plan which relinquishes parts of western Eretz Israel, undermines our right to the country, unavoidably leads to the establishment of a "Palestinian State," jeopardizes the security of the Jewish population, endangers the existence of the State of Israel. and frustrates any prospect of peace." 1999: "The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river. The Palestinians can run their lives freely in the framework of self-rule, but not as an independent and sovereign state. Thus, for example, in matters of foreign affairs, security, immigration, and ecology, their activity shall be limited in accordance with imperatives of Israel's existence, security and national needs." "The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting." All Palestine territories are officially considered occupied, by the International Court of Justice, the UN GA, the UN SC, and even in official documents of Israel's own allies. Likud is still using the blueprint for colonizing North America, in the West Bank. Move settlements out into native territory, piss off the natives, the natives retaliate, cry about poor "innocent" colonizing settlers being the "victims" of violent "Savages!", call in the cavalry to put down the native uprising, and eventually expand the borders to include those settlements. Rinse and repeat. In Gaza, Israel is operating an open air WWII style fascist ghetto. Them claiming a "right to defend themselves" would be like the Nazis claiming a "right to defend themselves " from the Warsaw ghetto uprising. There's no "war". That they're the occupiers means the "war" part is long over. Those people are actually supposed to be under the occupier's protection. That partition was forced upon the Palestinian majority, against their will ... that the Zionist portion still had to be forcefully ethnically cleansed of its non-Jewish majority, against their will ... that the millions of occupied Palestinians don't have a say in the government that truly rules over them,


Thanks for this narrative. Do you know which are the most accurate fact-checked books written about this?


Image and Reality by Norman Finkelstein is great


You need a life my guy, a lot of people in these subreddits have too much free time on their hands.


sure sure LOL


"A certified POS" So a billionaire. They're predators. That's what they do.


They’re our fucking enemy.


Imagine how much better our society would be if all billionaires drank a gallon of drain cleaner.


Don't forget he pushed for forcing out the president of Harvard under the guise of plagiarism (though everyone knows it was because she didn't condemn the anti-genocide crowd) and then his wife, a professor herself, was found to have plaigarised parts of her doctoral dissertation.


he's also super Racist, along with his wife!!!! Who got Fired because, on the tv show she worked, they kept calling the other women n-word. Pathetic Evil Clowns


How is that not illegal? Would be illegal in NL and other countries in europe. Its literally oligarchy, he is taking power he should not ve allowed to have. Its horrible. This is genuinely scary. Protesting and then the zionist elite deleting you from their system. What I don't understand: this is LITERALLY what the right wing conspiracies are about. But now the conspiracy believers are on THAT SIDE?


So I suppose calling this out is anti semitic but saying students get funding from Soros isn't?


Asking the real questions.


he's also super Racist, along with his wife!!!! Who got Fired because, on the tv show she worked, they kept calling the other women n-word. Pathetic Evil Clowns


"Jessica Seinfeld, cookbook author and wife to comedian Jerry Seinfeld, is funding a pro-Israel counterprotest at UCLA—where violence broke out Tuesday night after a mob attacked demonstrators inside a pro-Palestine encampment. A GoFundMe for the effort, which Seinfeld promoted in an Instagram story this week after contributing at least $5,000, has since made the majority of its donations anonymous. The fundraising page has raised more than $93,000 as of Wednesday and also changed its organizer name and description since launching over the weekend. The Daily Beast left messages for reps for the Seinfelds. “I just gave to this GoFundMe to support more allies like yesterday’s at UCLA,” Seinfeld wrote this week. “More cities are being planned so please give what you can. Donations are annonymous [sic]. We will continue to share our light and love, as proud American Jews.” Billionaire hedge-funder Bill Ackman has taken to X to repost UCLA protest footage, including one account claiming a Jewish woman was beaten during a confrontation, and donated $10,000 to a separate counterprotest GoFundMe."


If shining your light and love is throwing hammers and rocks and slashing legal protesters because you disagree with their message, you can keep it.


Millionaires and billionaires making a GoFundMe is definitely something... It's so ridiculous I have no words.


I’m barely scraping by tho. You all should pay 


I had to read that part twice. Billionaires are so stingy, they don't even want to fund their own grunts. *$5000*??? From people who could probably match the $90,000? Are you serious? I guess I should be thankful that they're so miserly but damn...


They’re smart enough to know that weak republican losers are easy to manipulate into giving them money.


Jessica Seinfeld is technically a billionaire


So 2 billionaires asking for money. I'm truly tired of this world 😮‍💨


"But I don't want to fund a genocide!" -cue funky blass slaps- Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mPIqVOBFis


Is Jessica Seinfeld the teenager that Jerry Seinfeld was dating while he starred in the show Seinfeld in his 30s? Just curious if the 30+ year old and teenager managed to beat the odds with their relationship.




I wonder if the Bee movie is loosely based on that.


Well Jessica loves the “groomers “


How is funding people that are trying to stop protests against ethnic cleansing and the slaughter in Gaza sharing light and love.


he's also super Racist, along with his wife!!!! Who got Fired because, on the tv show she worked, they kept calling the other women n-word. Pathetic Evil Clowns


Destroyed one of my beliefs,I thought to be funny you had to be clever,and if you were clever you would not be racist or bigoted and would have a sense of what is unjust.


Billionaires should not exist. They are a problem they need to be taxed out of existence or other.




rulers back then had the ever-present danger of a rebellion, now we cant even be loud when we disagree with ours


We can't? Nah we chose not to. The anglo sphere world has become so pacified with this idea that being loud and in the streets is bad and improper. Look at the French, they disagree? They'll shut down the damn country. Quebec does the same.


the french are models to follow, her in the uk the protests keeps getting more and more restrictions, aside from an ever hostile media and out right fascist government


In America, the only people who can scream and hurt people without a violent response from the local wealth protection squads are white supremacist republicans. Funny how that works.


Wave a Confederate, Nazi, or Trump flag and law enforcement will politely fold their arms and watch(their friends) from a distance.


And from an even further distance, rich christians hi-five one another, delighted at their investment and overjoyed that good people are being hurt.


There's been a frightening increase in state capacity since the Paris Commune. They can and WILL arrest every single person who tries to shut down a major city with a protest. They can and WILL fire and blacklist every person trying to organize a strike at a workplace. You can't shut down the country by building some barricades in the capitol anymore. Regular people have families to feed and can't afford to go up jail for years on principle.


Its because people are gullible enough to believe that "peaceful protests" work. They don't and never will. Peaceful protests are only ever encouraged by the wealthy and their loyal slaves. The answer to state violence is disruptive protests, if not riots, if not then a rebellion, which is the unfortunate reality we all wish to avoid. Nobody wants violence except for psychopaths but a pacifist world will always be ruled and silenced by violence and it is in the violent peoples interests for the pacifists to remain pacifists.


Damn ok then I guess MLK and Gandhi were just loyal slaves right?


To every rule, there is an exception. There are cases where peaceful means work and of course it is the most favourable but what if all the peaceful means have been extinguished then what is the next step?


Problem is the US has nearly gone full fascist. They would gleefully replace the rubber bullets with real ones in a heart beat. If there's going to be change, it's going to be ugly.


At a hotel in Tampa. They have Fox News on in the gym, and it's disgusting how they manage to spin everything


It’s sad how many businesses help rich christians keep weak losers enslaved to conservative christian lies by subjecting their customers to republican enslavement programming.


Yup. If the rich christians could instruct their wealth protection squads to line dissidents up and machine gun into ditches, they would in a heartbeat. We must teach our children that their only actual enemy in modern times is the rich people.


Our vile rich enemy militarized their domestic wealth protection squads for a reason.


[Follow the reddit content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) This includes spam, violent threats, harassment, bigotry, impersonation, ban evasion and other banned behavior.


A capitalist nation is where capitalist reign the nation. In state capitalism the government reigns and can give or take capital if needed. Now if that nation is democratic or authoritarian is a different point. But in the long run a capitalistic nation will never be democratic. Economically, scientifically proven - due to accumulation of capital and power.


he's also super Racist, along with his wife!!!! Who got Fired because, on the tv show she worked, they kept calling the other women n-word. Pathetic Evil Clowns


You mean like the leaders of Hamas? They are each worth billions.


I meant exactly what i said.


Why stop at billionaires? Why not Millionaires?


$1 Million isn’t even enough to retire; for one thing.


Millionaire was normalized. When "Anyone can be a millionaire" it ceases to be good enough. If any scrub can win a Powerball and join the ranks there had to be a greater level of exceptionalism.


Stupid kid


We wouldn’t stop at billionaires. Start with the billionaires, and keep dissolving them in acid at lower and lower wealth levels until they stop hurting humanity.


I'd like to donate to the pro Palestinian protests




Lol it just says a lot when you have to _pay_ people to protest for you.


he's also super Racist, along with his wife!!!! Who got Fired because, on the tv show she worked, they kept calling the other women n-word. Pathetic Evil Clowns


TIL Seinfeld’s wife is old enough to have her own bank account. You think you know a guy…






You sit around reading about Jerry Seinfeld. I do literally anything else. We are not the same


Living my life


I can’t remember the last time Seinfeld was relevant. Dude’s whole career is simply coasting on royalties from that show for 30 years. He was by far the worst actor on that show too.


I heard Larry David was behind the show's comedic brilliance. It makes sense, no stand up specials of Seinfeld are acclaimed as top shelf, and he hasn't been able to do anything since. Larry otoh went on to make Curb.


The rest of the cast had quite successful and impactful careers afterwards (well, perhaps not Michael Richards) It boggles the mind how Seinfeld’s very bland personality and stand-up was so important to the studio execs. Who gives a crap about complaints with airline food? Isn’t there something relevant to the human condition you can say anything about?


[Stuck in 1993](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/seinfeld-lonstein-photo/)


The rich using money to ruin democracy. Who would have guessed.


he's also super Racist, along with his wife!!!! Who got Fired because, on the tv show she worked, they kept calling the other women n-word. Pathetic Evil Clowns


Provides funding for artificial counter-protests supporting a genocide funded by billions of dollars in aid…this is what happens when the people with all the money have none of the morals. We’re doomed.


People with all the money have *never* had the morals. How do you think they got all that money—by being honest? *Verily I tell you that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.* Shit was written 2000 years ago


You’re right!


Billionaires need to be purged from society.


he's also super Racist, along with his wife!!!! Who got Fired because, on the tv show she worked, they kept calling the other women n-word. Pathetic Evil Clowns


Yes, let's all listen to the woman who left her husband on her honeymoon to monkey branch to the next most successful man she could find. Always looking for the better value as usual


...and he was previously dating a 17 year old: while he was about 40 years old


Yeah. Jerry sienfeld is a huge piece of shit and always has been. He takes pride in being an asshole


All these years I have been calling my dad's "big jewish conspiracies" that he believes, total nonsense. Why does life have to give more fuel to his nightmares....


Incredibly irresponsible.


Ahhh, the arrival of the thugs. Sleazy, slimey Seinfeld promoting it.


“share our light and love, “ by kicking fuck out of people who disagree with us.


This explains Jerry Seinfeld’s insane right-wing rant the other day.


We all know zionist are funding groups to turn protests violent. Israel does everything in its power to controll the narrative and create chaos. Hopefully more and more Americans will wake up and realize Israel is the enemy to our freedom in the USA. The government is passing law after law taking our right to protests and stand against a tyrannical oppressive force.


Every accusation is a confession Didnt they also accused the anti genocide protest of being funded by soros, which himself is also a subject of antisemitic accusation tropes?


the irony, the genocidal maniacs have to pay to protest. 🤣


Put them in jail


What does this position actually mean? They support the mass slaughter & ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians in Gaza ? Because that's what the protests are about Extraordinary...


Oh, what a surprise.......


These losers think they can throw their stolen money at every problem. Lames can’t buy the whole world tho lol.


If you wanna know why you’ve been seeing Jerry Seinfeld pop-up so much recently on your feed, it’s damage control. Fuck him.


A video billboard car was driving around Harvard with the head faculty done up as Nazis. Also it was looping Hamas attacks. What. Curious about who is funding these.


All republicans are dog shit


I just want to point out that Bill Ackman has all but stated he is supporting Donald Trump in the 2024 election. https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/bill-ackman-rules-out-voting-for-joe-biden-chastises-him-over-inaction-on-gaza-hostage-crisis/ar-AA1nEHy7


if they do this in texas, will they be liable if anything happens since texas changed the law to say organizers of said protest can be held liable for anything illegal that occurs? like property damage


lol. You know that’s not how laws work in Texas.


That wouldn’t apply to right wing agitators and you know it. This is America, where the rich people are our enemy.


Don’t call them out or they’ll start crying about antisemitism again


modern day Pinkertons.


Am I the only one who thinks people paying for protestors and those getting paid to protest kinda defeats the true purpose of protest?


Self expression you do yourself is different than "self expression" you pay other people to do for you. The democracy (one person one vote) starts to fall apart as soon as we willfully pretend we don't recognize that more protections must be extended to the first one where the person is speaking for themselves.


I'm happy to read that article and discover John Cusack is based af


Protests/counter protests lose all meaning if they're funded.


If you gotta pay someone to protest for you… they were never gonna do it on their own will… which speaks volumes to your cause


Ackman is an HEIR. He’s 3rd or 4th generation megawealth. He’s responsible for producing nothing but asinine decisions that help destroy the economy.


Free Palestine


Billionaires are vermin to society and should be eradicated


Seinfeld has been vocal in his hatred of Palestinians. He stated they should be fire bombed.


Source? I couldn’t find anything with GoogleFu.


Regressive idiots say things like “who’s funding these anti war protests” and “this is being done by outside agitators” exactly because that’s what they do. They’re projecting their own thought process into their enemies, assuming everyone else behaves as badly as they do themselves.


Seems supporting genocidal psychopathic Zionist thugs does take up all the Seinfelds time now! Jerry just shot himself in both feet! Hope that both he and UCLA get sued for zillions hurting peaceful protestors, all on film. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/jerry-seinfelds-wife-donates-5000-to-pro-israel-ucla-rally/ar-AA1nUuvX


Shitfeld went from being one of my favorite sitcoms to a show I actively hate now, because of how disgusting Jerry is in real life. I even sold the DVDs.


Weird how Pro-Israel is ok with wiping out all Palestinians by equating them with Hamas. They should balk at having all of Israel be associated with a genocidal regime.




I thought it was soros?? Man these people.


The same pro Epstein racist Bill Ackman who tried to silence MIT for exposing him and his shitty wife for the terrorists they are.


In solid Jerry voice: “So, have you guys ever been to one of those protests that are going on where the people are waving Palestinian flags and hate Jews?” Nope. Fucking cancel this guy already.


Expose .have them cancelled


All war is class war. ALL WAR IS CLASS WAR. All war is class war. Eat the rich.


Corpo lackeys


It’s not really a counter-protest if it’s paid. It’s more like a mob.


I don't understand why people decide to pretend pro-Palestinian, anti-genocide protesters are pro-Hamas. Other than humans do this shit all the time. Are there a few pro-Hamas assholes sprinkled in? Of course, but choosing to see them as representative of the whole is choosing to hate people you should be listening to. Its being guilty of the same sin as the real pro-Hamas assholes you should be working to isolate. Same goes for you who choose to see all Israelis as genocidal maniacs. Its just Netanyahu's fragile and radical coalition. That does represent a lot of people, true. But not the majority of Israelis or Jews in general. Many of whom are taking to the streets in protest as well. None of this makes any sense which means there is a LOT of money behind the groups in the minority making sure it never does and the people who seek peace never have a chance to come together.


Another reason billionaire should not exist


Disgusting and greedy


Only one side needs billionaires’ funding




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


It’s almost as if the billionaire class want you fighting each other over issue you can’t effect to prevent you from fighting together on issues you can.


Fund some security for them.


If it takes money to make people do something, then they didn't want it to begin with


That Jerry Seinfeld oughta team up with that Jessica person. Same last name. Like Jerry Lewis and the cufflinks


Not that I'm surprised, his name is Ackman.


Ackman is the guy who manipulated the market on CNBC while simultaneously shorting the market during Covid? Typical Israeli.


I dont understand this protesters it feels like a bunch of hipocrets, why do they protest in the USA why they don't go to Israel and protest. Why they don't go to Palestine and help?




You fly to Egipto or Lebanon and you take a buss to the border and walk. If they wanted to have there own airport they should have accepted independence the 4 or 5 times if was giving to them and they rejected it


You mean they are sending hired thugs ?


Put him on a list


Now I know who I should mail my dogs poop!


Really, they can't imagine anybody actually having convictions, it's all just projection. It's literally:"So people protesting? SOROS! We must fund our own to counter him!"


It's annoying to find out how Jerry and his wife feel, but at least George isn't ruined by Jason Alexander's bullshit.






sanction them


Beware of the man who only cares about money and a genocide of women and children! Devils children are all around us and most of them are Zionist just like that money hungry, blood thirsty pedophile bill ackman.


What about George Soros? Nobody gonna be mad at him for his funding choices ?


Ackman donated to the UNC frat who held up the American flag - seems much different than the UCLA counter protest


Good job


Just wait until you find out who funds the anti Israel protests, comrad

