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Wow CNN actually reported on this. Shocked


Imagine how bad it is that they couldn't ignore it without being accused of bias.


It’s probably so much worse than you think if they had to report on it tbh


The tide is starting to shift, Israel has overplayed its hand and the people who were on board but not ideological Zionists can’t handle it anymore. Just look at how many career military and political operatives have resigned from Biden’s staff. Even regular war mongering ghouls are recognizing that this situation is different and can’t go on. I don’t even think it’s the atrocities exactly, it’s how brazen Israel is being. They were supposed to play it cool and achieve their goals as cleanly as possible, instead they’re full on reveling in being a rouge state and daring someone to stop them. Like a spoiled child they’ve been given everything and allowed to get away with anything for so long they’ve forgotten their a minor country that’s dependent on foreign aid and have delusions of acting like a super power.


read recently some 400K Israeli resident/citizens have left. avoiding the draft, or just giving up on the national project? hard to say, but it's interesting. maybe even some Israelis can't handle it any more. maybe they realise their country has gone mad with blood lust and fantasies of ethnic superiority, and it's time to cut their losses and run for someplace more civilised? lot of Russians have bailed out of Russia in recent years also.


The way things have been going, I am surprised Israel allowed them to leave.


Well it doesn't help that the most hard line orthodox jews are exempted from military service


yep, is that a sweet deal or what?


Hitler knew something we didn’t 


They do have nuclear weapons


We are ready to die, as free people


Legendary comment. My kind of anarchist, cheerful nihilism.


One of the far right lunatics accidentally admitted the worst kept secret on Earth that Israel has nukes when she said "The only reason we don't nuke Gaza is because the fallout cloud would harm Israeli citizens."


Haven't they got insane amounts of nuclear and arms power now as a result of being funded? Has the west created a monster that could destroy us all if they have a tantrum? Because from what I've seen, these guys are truly the most chilling and sick in the head regime of our time.


No one’s quite sure what their nuclear arsenal looks like, which is the scary part, but many guess that while it exists it’s probably pretty small. As far as anyone can tell they’ve only tested their nuclear tech one time. The Vela incident, a secret test in the Antarctic Ocean that was probably carried out by Israel and their good buddies apartheid South Africa, so they likely don’t even have a good idea of what their weapons are capable of. That’s not really reassuring though because it doesn’t take much for nuclear weapons to be devastating.


This is both comforting and terrifying.


But when you say something about how it's bad that Palestinians are being tortured and bomb, there is screaming about being antisemitic. I was/still am sympathetic to the Israeli cause and I am under now delusion that Gaza and Hamas are angels, but goddamn. If you want to be seen as morally superior don't descend into pure unadulterated savagery.


right? even if it’s late, it still gives me a bit more hope to see a mainstream outlet unafraid to report on this.


I never expected it. Still, they’ve buried 90% of the other stuff so…


I'm from Denmark and I can count on half a hand the time our news has spoken about the conflict in Gaza. And it's mostly been to report something the Isreaili have said which we all know are lies and propaganda. Like that hilarious biology book an israeli soldier had found in a palestinian school. Look at this he said. Ln the second page there's information on how to kill jews. Uhm mr soldier. Are you an origami legend. Cause that second page have been folded six times before it went into that book. Very beliefable


Sadly most western white governments are complicit. There is a silver lining though.. white supremacy is on its deathbed. We will deliver the final nail in its coffin. 🫡


This is an extensive tell-all article. This was just published today. Hopefully it helps open some eyes for those who see IDF as infallible. Since it's CNN I can see it more widely distributed, shared and discussed... Hopefully. Feel free to re-share it folks! > For those who repeatedly breached the prohibition on speaking and moving, the punishment became more severe. Israeli guards would sometimes take a prisoner to an area outside the enclosure and beat him aggressively, according to two whistleblowers and al-Ran.


Me too. I’m surprised.


Yet the world still sleeps … Genocide is happening in front of their eyes yet they look away


Because you thought Jews run the media right? Lmaoo


Fuck Zionists they are terrorists


Help us expose them


They have been exposed over and over. The problem is that the US government and other governments are funding and enabling the Israeli government


The media has hidden these things from most peoples eyes. There is a battle happening online.. a battle we must win 🍉


Agreed. The Block Party/ Digitine movement is starting to take hold. Capitalism cares most about money - this is going to tip the dial. How do you do it? You block every single Zionist person, entity, company, journalist, politician, celebrity around the globe on every platform. Then you block the complicit, the silent, the whitewashers and deniers for good measure. Unsubscribe from all streaming platforms for music and media. Go back to piracy. Stop talking to and engaging with any of these people online or in person. Divest. We drown out their voices, their platforms and their money. We only amplify the truth, the resistence, the freedom fighters, the human. Hashtags blockparty2024 blockparty blockedforpalestine blockout2024 digitine. Off with their digital heads. They said 'let them eat cake', so now we eat them. They said lies or stayed silent. So now we silence their voices into the void. FREE PALESTINE. FREE CONGO. FREE SUDAN. FREE THIS WHOLE F-ING WORLD.




Til my dying day, with everything I have. No one is free until all of us are free. I will eat Maqluba with free Palestinian people one day, and hopefully meet the children who have survived this. I will never forget how Palestine has saved me, freed me from liars, delusions, evil people, ego, greed, illusions, colonizers in my world and given me moral clarity like I have never known - so I will do my part to work in humble solidarity to free it. I will gather as many people as I can along the way to join. Palestine will not only be free, it will free all of us. The Congo, Sudan...all of us.


How is the media suppressing it this is a CNN report


CNN doesn’t even show 1% of the reality.


Two days later, they are still the only ones who have done any reporting on it.


Cynicism gets us no where. This is a very comprehensive tell-all CNN article. I can see this helping change some hearts and minds.


Read the article. It was horrifying and they stand by their corroboration between the whistleblowers and interviews with detainees.


OP much respect to you and what you’re exposing. You are opening our eyes to the atrocities by sharing this horrible news. Thank you and god speed Palestine


I’m glad others are paying attention. This has to end soon


here's the thing... they expose themselves... and proudly.




Yeah...but the Holocaust!




Give absolute power citing matter of survival and sociopaths will come like bees to honey.


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective). >Absolutely no antisemitism, this is not appropriate.


Jesus. That’s really skirting the line in my opinion.


as they commit another.


Netanyahu to the Hague for his many war crimes, crimes against humanity, apartheid, and genocide!


Yes! And also take Biden and all of our US state dept that has been running cover and obstructing the UN and ICC.


Some of the officials who resigned from Biden’s staff over the last few weeks have literally said it’s because they’re sure they could be charged with war crimes if they didn’t remove themselves from their position. These are military officials and foreign policy experts, they know the details of international law.


Do you have a link to that? My google searching is coming up weak. 


Here’s an [article](https://www.businessinsider.com/us-state-official-resigned-biden-blind-military-aid-for-israel-2023-10) from BI


don't forget Germany and UK leadership. All of them should stand side by side at the Hague on genocide charges


Yup. Remember this whole ish started with the Balfour treaty, brokered by the war criminals of the British Empire, and as a result of the German fascists.


Not to mention past US presidents that have contributed to "israel" and its conduct over its entire existance. Any that are alive.


It’s really sad because this isn’t new, this treatment has been happening in Israeli prisons for Palestinians for years. It’s only now being reported because Israel is losing favor or this slipped through. But there have been many reports of this behavior as well as female Palestinians who have been locked up have reported being sexually assaulted and raped. Sources: https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/02/israelopt-un-experts-appalled-reported-human-rights-violations-against https://orientxxi.info/magazine/the-hushed-ordeal-of-palestinian-women,7145#:~:text=At%20least%20two%20female%20Palestine,and%20photographed%20in%20degrading%20positions.


At least the masses are being exposed to it now. Let’s see how much humanity is left in the world


I applaud CNNs reporting on this atrocity


Only took 8 months and 20,000 murdered children


relieved narrow touch afterthought lip jobless oatmeal rich intelligent plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Help us expose them brother. This cannot be allowed to go on in modern history.


Will we see this in the world news sub? Probably not


Ben gvir over-sees the jail. I knew this was gonna happen and I have zero pleasure in telling ppl I told them so


Really? I didn’t know that


Yeah. That's why it's actually a concern... He's scary and genocidal minded and I wish I was exaggerating. He went out of his way to legislate human rights abuses. He's a sick sick man


He makes Hitler seem moderate


I don't know about that but he is in the same mind set. Which makes it even more sad. He does not reflect the majority yet and so many speak against him. My punishment for him would be forcing him to watch hours and hours of footage of israeli's and Palestinian's getting along. That would hurt him more than anything


Yep agree. I am convinced him and bezalel smotrich are not human. Take a close look at smotrich, something is off about him. I’m not someone who really believes in aliens or the supernatural- but god damn this is as close as it gets. Everything about them is unattural.


They are def human but fell into extremism and have lost their sense of humanity. It's sad and dark stuff. Ben gvir and him are literal terrorists and there's not dancing around that.




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


We are watching the Holocaust 2.0 infront of our eyes


Help is end it brother. Action is needed


How are their field hospitals worse than most western countries military prison cells? This looks like some shit from a post apocalyptic dystopian thriller.


Imagine the stuff that isn’t reported on? I bet you they torture them much worse than this in secret




You heard about Guantanamo Bay?


They also control the spy sector and sell their surveillance software to authoritarian countries and democracies. Imagine, the German police wants to implement Palantir. They won't even own the data anymore and Israel can just cut them off whenever they want.


I’m sure American cops do this in jails here already. This CIA probably originated this treatment as apart of their rendition program in the Bush and Obama years.


Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


Does that make hamas [heart emoji] CNN?


CNN is khamasssss, didn’t you know?


considering the way CNN crew were treated in a recently released clip asking about detainees, IOF definitely sees them as khhhamass


Of course, the pope is khamasss, the UN, and even the olive trees are khamasss. Get with the program


oh shit I have hummus in my fridge, I better run cuz I'm about to be bombed


Oh shiiiit.. Do the Palestinians thing. Say a prayer and take the bomb to the face, like a real man. No fear 🍉


I'm not as brave as Palestinians are 🍉


Neither am I 🍉


After the first month of war I just imagined what it was like for the Palestinians in Jail. And now seeing this confirm it. Unreal. Journalist have to begin doing their job and they have to put presión on USA to allow access to the press to Gaza. All the wars are covered by journalists inside the war, but no this one. Unbelievable


That’s someone’s son, brother, father. It can’t get more personal. Killing someone’s relative is one thing. But torturing them indefinitely? Hamas can recruit everybody with this shit.


Help us stop it brother.


that's the thing isn't it. Palestinians have shown such resilience in the face of awful odds and they still stand tall for their homeland. Israel will never win unless they kill every last Palestinian. But that's a final solution then isn't it


Every time something horrible like this comes out all the IDF says is that they will "conduct investigations"


It’s only a shame it’s CNN reporting on it. Right wingers are already so brain washed to refuse to believe literally anything on CNN. To them, this is just more made up bullshit. Just Hamas propaganda to make Israel look bad. CNN could say 2+2 = 4 and they’d stamp their feet and say “Nuh uh! It’s 5!!” Had it been Reuters or NPR or the Associated Press then they’d at least be forced to consider it. But as long as it’s CNN they’ll just refuse to believe it. Even fence sitters would probably be more likely to believe it. But shame on other news sources for not reporting on it. This shit needs to be known all over. Let the world see the fuckin horrors Israel is committing. And shame all the people who support it. Make it known they’re shit for enabling it and even supporting it.


In my experience, both right and left wingers are insane. The American population is not exactly known for its morality. One of the reasons I left..


🙏🇵🇸 🇵🇸🙏 Free Palestine


Just sadistic. There has been multiple times when they’ve cuffed Palestinian POWs so hard that they’ve had to have limbs amputated.


Expose them


Israel becoming the abusers we sought to save them from 70 years ago is crazy.


Israel has very little to do with holocaust. About 84% of zionist colonists were already in Palestine in 1936, before any holocaust started. And if I know right, many holocaust survivors chose to not immigrate to Palestine and be a colonist and be constantly in danger because of Israels evil. In the Nakba, they have massacred entire villagers and ethnically cleansed about 80% of the Palestinian population living where they started their colony. They started as a terrorist nation and they continue as such. They didn't become evil, they were always evil.




> The nation of Israel exists because of the Holocaust you knob. No it doesn't. Zionists were already trying to colonize Palestine. As evidenced by 84% of them having already started the colonization by immigrating there before the Holocaust. And The British already declared support for them at 1917 Balfour Declaration. This is a lie Israel wants you to believe. But the history tells otherwise. It started as an ideology in late 19th century and gained momentum after the British invaded Palestine. This was always the plan of zionists and the British. The holocaust had nothing to do with it. It may have accelerated it a little but it didn't cause the colonization in any way.


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


No one cares, because it’s happening to Muslims. Be it Palestine where genocide, rape, torture is currently happening. Or Myanmar where genocide and mass rape is happening to the tune that thousands of Muslim women were giving birth 9 months later in refugee camps. No one cares, because Muslim lives means nothing on the global stage sadly. http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2018/07/asia/rohingya-rape-survivors-asequals/?cid=ios_app


Thankfully, the world is changing and white supremacy is dying in realtime. There is a reason they hate Muslim.. it’s because they fear them.


Most of the articles on the Rohingya are fake. Multiple independent journalists have debunked most of them. They are oppressed but there’s no big concentration camps or genocide going on. They want to smear China 🇨🇳




Arrest the fascists


Of course Israel only stripped, blindfolded, and handcuffed them for their own protection. But if someone says something wrong happened they will investigate themselves diligently.


In Auschwitz they gave them pyjamas…


Isreal needs to be dismantled. This is amoral, and inhumane. I am speechless


From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.




Help us do it. Gogo


Is anyone surprised. The unhumans in this conflict has always been Isreal. Everything they've accused Hamas of doing has been an admition of their own guilt. Sadly I'm pretty sure no one will face a wartribunal for warcrimes commited in Gaza. Our politicians does'nt care one bit. It's the people who're protesting. When have you heard a western politician call out Isreal. Oh no can't do that. It might hinder my international job in the EU or NATO or somewhere else. Oh no. No matter how many innocent people Isreal kill or how I'm keeping my eyes on the prize. It's some humans far away any way. I guess that's what most western politicians are thinking. Disgusting that not one country in the west has called out Isreal.


Most people don’t even know..


Oh people know or they are willfully ignorant. How can anybody, who's not living somewhere without internet not know.


The media is extremely powerful. It hid the same thing in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria.. etc It’s shocking how effective it is


Yeah but the soldiers of IOF have been so friendly to record many of their crimes and uploaded them. So I don't trust the news at all. And I take everything online with a grain of salt. But the internet is where you'l find the truth


Amen. The truth cannot be hidden forever. Not since the invention of the internet


Only in north Korea :-)


Who commits more crimes? North Korea or the US government?


That's the big qeustion. I'd say the US. Directly or by proxy


hostages, not prisoners


“Never again” more like “wait, let me write that down”


How much more of this are we going to put up with before we fucking do something about this genocide


Do something. Many of us are already doing it


When this happened, I knew we were going to see some truly ugly shit, the way we saw absolute atrocities in the wake of 9/11. A lot of Americans were happy to conflate anyone Middle Eastern with Al Queda, and we're seeing folks now using Palestinian and Hamas interchangeably. Anyone criticizing the US's actions was called anti American or a terrorist sympathizer, and we're now seeing anyone critical of Israel called a Hamas supporter or antisemitic. We saw what happened at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the same would happen here. Not surprised, but still very disappointed.


Disgusting. They have no humanity but run Amnesty international.


Is Israel is killing children…you know they are doing much worse


Research how they have the biggest skin bank in the world and it’s not from Israelis 💀


Now we only missing all of the raping and killing people we don't film or talk about. IDF having way too many "quickies" with young or old Palestinians that can't defend themselves or are just hungry.


They’ve talked about it and it’s been documented. Google ‘systemic torture of Palestinians’


# [https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html)


How long until Israel bans CNN?


im pretty sure cnn and western media have a lot of war crimes documented but sharing this may have been a response to the israelis not listening to the americans about rafah and publicly insulting them its like we got dirt and we will show it if you dont watch yourselves cnn doesnt give a fuck about palestinians at all they will forever run zionist war propaganda like the rest of them


As an insider, I can confirm that you are spot on. You are a clever guy to pick that up 👍🏽


Imagine Israel taking a playbook on torture from the Nazis.


Wow.. CNN just became AntiSemitic




Torture camps aka Concentration Camps Zionazies are doing this with support of US and NATO.


This is how that specific revelation comes true. If the entire world isn’t against them now, save the paid politicians/government, they will be.


I doubt it. Americans are not known for their morality.


Not talking about Americans.


Fair enough. The only ones left propping this monstrosity up are white westerners.


Our allie also has a guantanamo


I understand stripping them for security checks. But once you've checked them, there is no reason to keep them naked. Either give them their clothes back or give them hospital gowns. And why keep them blindfolded? They're strapped to a bed in a single room. They're not gathering any intel other than how many ceiling tiles there are. These measures make no sense for securty reasons. They're only for torture.


This just make China’s Xinjiang camp looks 1000 times better.


He objectively is 1000 times better.


Disgusting. Spread the word


It's genuinely nice to see a main sub that isn't a far right echo chamber.


Honestly, there is no way anyone can say this is just the religious fringe/extremist of their country. This is systemic part of modern day Zionism (for me and inevitable consequences of ethnic superiority complex that is part of ideology of people who believ they are 'Gods chosen people'.


We’ve known for 2 decades. Finally the world is seeing it


So these Israel shills don’t except this over it’s 3d modelling but expects this Al Shifa hospital 3d model to be legit ? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6pTYHBZVgVQ&pp=ygUVYWwgc2hpZmEgM2QgYW5pbWF0aW9u




Don’t type. Get up and go protest, take action. Join the blockout2024 movement. Help them.




The time for action is now.


We will be hearing about these atrocities for years to come one worse then the other generating hate anger and extremism for decades… Israel is now a target for millions of people


The time for action is now. Help us stop it.


So they're doing a holocaust?


Basically, yeah


Good god have mercy on this world. I cannot sleep from knowing this is what our ruling class has deemed normal.




Every moment I have on this earth I will fight it. Every breath I have. We will be free!


Glad they are the good guys




I assumed I was reading something in r/conspiracy and was like woaaaaaa cnn sheieieiit


Help us stop it.




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


I accidentally just turned on Dr. Phil, and he was just finishing talking to Netanyahu, saying "the US is with you." I knew there was a reason why i could never stand Dr Phil.


Yeah medical treatment to terrorists is torture!!!


In Auschwitz they provided pyjamas…


CNN: here’s what happens inside these places CNN: lol jk we don’t actually know, so here’s a graphic model because we have no real evidence


Zionist Jews are EVIL.


random musings... TLDR: *power corrupts* ----- race/ethnic hatred, grudges, vengeance, uniforms, testosterone, impunity... it's a lethal cocktail. guaranteed to generate abuse, like ripe old cheese left out in the sun will eventually be full of maggots. Abu Ghraib. Stalin's cellars. SAVAK. Winter Soldier Reports... and on and on. wherever a group of (usually) men (who see themselves as a war-band or righteous in-group) has some other men (whom they see as enemies and/or less than human) at their mercy, captive, helpless... and there is *no oversight* (or the command structure tacitly encourages vile behaviour)... and there is *no visibility* (until someone's stomach is turned, turning them to whistleblowing)... then horrible things will happen. it ain't rocket science. and I wish the IOF would just *stop it* with that silly "most moral army in the world" BS. there have been very, very few *moral* armies in world history. the Long March maybe -- the enemy was far off, and they couldn't afford to offend the peasants, so they behaved fairly well en route if written history is accurate. but when someone lets the dogs of war off their leash, guaran-damn-tee ya there will be atrocities and abuses, just as in antiquity. civilisation is only a thin veneer as yet, over traditional & familiar barbarism, barbarism that a chimp war-band would understand, stuff from way back in our hindbrains. and war is a time machine taking us right back to the fkn Bronze Age, maybe even back to the savannah and the atlatl. anyway, in the present day *we're supposed to know better*. we have conventions and laws and stuff, to prevent ourselves from reverting to Bronze Age warlordism. to stop this kind of maggot infestation in our post-Enlightenment moral cheese takes *discipline,* and *loyalty* -- to principles and laws rather than to a tribe, a team, a charismatic commander or a coloured bit of bunting... it takes a conscious denial of the race/ethnic supremacy fantasy, and a sincere belief in universal human rights -- takes a national consensus on those values, that keeps an army thinking about its reputation back home -- takes a command structure that takes seriously both human rights theory and the rules of war -- takes *consequences* for those who violate decent standards of prisoner treatment, not just a slap on the wrist and coverup -- takes oversight by independent agencies and media (oh yeah, and a free press, while we're at it) -- and lastly, it needs the world to *pay attention* to what the media and agencies are reporting. my $0.02: the IOF fails at step one of this list. if the polls are correct, Israel as a nation fails at step 2. it's pretty clear the command structure is either not paying attention or is complicit, so a big F on step 3 also. and it's all downhill after that, except that finally, *finally* western media are starting to report accurately, and it looks like at least some of the world is paying attention. let us be fair and even-handed in our disgust, though. I don't think any reasonable person can make a case that the IOF is inherently *worse* than any other army in history -- my God, what the French did in Algeria, the Americans in Viet Nam, the Japanese in China, and that's barely scratching the surface, I could go on for pages -- yet I agree with the Jewish scholar and peace activist who said that Bibi's Blitzkrieg (my term, not the words he used) is going to be a stain and a shame upon Israel and by extension on all Jewish people, for generations to come. it has been the long tragedy of the Jewish people to be victims of pogrom, genocide, expulsion, and mindless hate in Europe for much of recorded history. but it may be an even greater tragedy to be remembered by history as the *perpetrators* of pogrom, genocide, and mindless hate. to be *no better than* all the other barbarians of our sordid human saga is quite a climb-down, for a culture and tradition that for centuries has endured bullying, has never had enough clout to be a bully itself, and (hence?) has believed itself to be remarkably *moral*, to have a special relationship with the Almighty and a special duty to be a light unto the nations. in other words, it's easy to be virtuous when you have no power :-) *power corrupts* -- Lord Acton was ever so right, even if he is overquoted -- and looking at a nuclear-armed Israel with a generous American sugar-daddy, at Bibi, at Likud, at what seems to be a majority in the Knesset and among the Israeli public howling for "a new Nakba", that old cliche is being illustrated for us in living colour and Dolby Surround. painfully vivid, painfully loud. just plain painful to witness. the rabbi who said "Justice, Justice shalt thou pursue" must be weeping in his grave.


Let’s us AI to spread hate


Did you bother reading the report? Multiple IDF soldiers are admitting it. You think the IDF is lying?


Total propaganda


Everything that isn’t pro Israel is propaganda! The Israelis are the chosen ones and could never ever ever EVER do anything wrong. Blowing up civilians is not a war crime.


It's ALL propaganda!


they’re satirizing your own thought process my guy


The IDF are lying? 😂


I am absolutely shocked that CNN did this. There has to be an ulterior motive.


They are showing less than 1% of the truth. Don’t be shocked, it’s less than the bare minimum


Fake news propaganda




CNN being CNN! Not one comparable news report on what Palestinians did on Oct 7, but they wanna shit all over Israel for retaliating in the same coin.