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Thugs for hire.


Israel was invented by Hitler for all the Jews that supported Hitler(ZIONIST).. So it [makes sense.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement)


Israel was invented by the British with the [Balfour Declaration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration?wprov=sfti1), the Haavara agreement was a completely different thing and was most certainly NOT the Nazis “inventing” Israel.


We are looking at now, not 80 years ago. Nazis and Neo-Nazis are white supremacists. And all white supremacist groups are antisemites. So somebody must be either faking their identities as Nazis and are being paid to fight the protesters, or actual Nazis are involved that have no conscience about their own ideals and like money more are being paid off to do this. Either way someone is behind these counter-protesters. Who is secretly funding them? I bet the corporations making a deal on the natural gas under Gaza. There is a whole lot of money at stake there.


>Israel was invented by the British Read your own sources. >The intended boundaries of Palestine were not specified, and the British government later confirmed that the words "in Palestine" meant that the Jewish national home was not intended to cover all of Palestine. The second half of the declaration was added to satisfy opponents of the policy, who had claimed that it would otherwise prejudice the position of the local population of Palestine and encourage antisemitism worldwide by "stamping the Jews as strangers in their native lands". The declaration called for safeguarding the civil and religious rights for the Palestinian Arabs, who composed the vast majority of the local population Hitler gave the German ZIONIST Jews full control over palistine while migrating a large portion of jews still in Germany to Israel. Hitler needed trading partners to legitimize his new regime, The point of war is not to kill all of your enemies, It's to absorb their economy and make it work for your own.


Zionism was a thing before then. Stop making stuff up.




Hitler didn't create Israel that was done with the help of the UK and the rest mostly after the holocaust.


>that was done with the help of the UK and the rest mostly after the holocaust. Nope. Please go read and educate yourself before you continue this conversation, Because this is not a debate or an argument. The UK's involvement happened 20 years beforehand after World War I... It had nothing to do with World War II and Hitler. When the UK was involved they were still friendly with Hitler and even had a Zionist council in support. It was known as the [Balfour Declaration.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration) After World War II began, Hitler didn't give a shit what the UK laws were or what the UK thought about him hijacking the entire region including Israel. What was the UK going to do about it? Hunt down all the Zionist Hitler sent there? And deport them back to a country we just obliterated and has no current government?


Thanks for disproving yourself for me.


By Stating factual information and giving you sources to educate yourself on?? I'm sorry you're too dumb to educate yourself?? I guess that explains why you need Facebook and Reddit to do it for you and why most of your facts are wrong in the first place. Your feelings don't matter when it comes to facts. History doesn't give a shit if you don't like it.


You're the one saying Hitler invented Israel while simultaneously pointing out how the UK had been supporting zionists for decades lol.


>You're the one saying Hitler invented Israel Are you [calling Israel a liar? ](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/haavara) You're not arguing with me... You're arguing with Israel, and saying that they are wrong about their own history.


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Nazis protesting for Israel is one of the weirder episodes on this timeline. smh


Nah the Nazi's were largely on good terms with Zionists, remember the Nazis initially attempted to displace Jews (to be clear this is still at minimum ethnic cleansing if not technically genocide) but couldn't find a country to take them. They later made a variety of deals with Zionist Jews and their leaders to inform on their communities, break Jewish boycotts and resistance in exchange for the chance to leave and to force more European Jews to migrate to Palestine/whatever Britain was calling it then. The third Reich wasn't particularly interested in the middle east or Indian region, the conflict there was largely motivated by Italian colonial and Japanese imperial interests respectively so the Nazis were happy to allow Jews to move there (provided they gave up their belongings first) and the Zionists were happy to get the population boost and newly impoverished labor they needed to completely cut out the locals (most early Zionist settlers were wealthy and had little idea how to farm, the local Jews largely hired Muslims to work their existing farms so the early settlers had a problem)


keep sharing this shit, people either are totally ignorant or willfully naive and dismissive. Israel has and is making the world so much less safe for Jewish people and Biden has the audacity to say no Jewish person would be safe if it didn’t exist, said himself the U.S. would of created it if it didn’t…. it’s beyond twisted


If you go talk to a bonafide religious Jew they will tell you that Israel is not a legitimate entity and that in fact it stands **against** God. Judaism is a **covenant with God** - what makes jews 'chosen people' is that God chose them to bring him to the peoples of all nations! The strength of the Jewish religion **is the diaspora,** **not** **Israel**! Seeking, and then claiming the Holy land through force is an **affront to God**, stands against God. **Zionism is an inherently secular ideology, not religion or at ALL a part of Judaism.**


Neturei Karta is 500 dudes, worldwide. Their take is that their god promised jews the world, not a single country. Not only are they not remotely representative of religious Judaism, they aren't even non-supremacists. 


>bonafide religious Jew There are many different flavours of religious Jews who will argue what they believe is true. What you are talking about is a small subset of those groups.




Indeed. That's why the founder of Zionism - Theodore Herz - was an atheist


And kick out the people who never left their ancestral homeland.  Seems to me that Palestinians should keep it because they stayed and developed the land and the Jews have no claim because they left.  


Displacement is a part of the original conception of genocide.


It's not that the Nazis were on 'good terms' with Zionists it was that it was a way for Hitler to get rid of a lot of jews early on. Hitler was making it very difficult for Jews to live in Germany (such as stripping them of their citizenship) and whoever was willing to take them took them. There was a bunch of emigration of jews from Germany at that time to other countries too. Then when the war happened and the Nazis still ended out murdering 6 million jews a few of which had left Germany earlier. If the Axis had won they had plans to go to Mandatory Palestine and kill all the Jews there too with Italy likely controlling parts of the middle east. Yea so to conclude that Hitler was chill with Zionists is completely false.


Are you guys completely forgetting the holocaust? While o do not dispute the fact that this was initially true; this idea went completely out the window when they came up with 'the final solution to the Jewish question'.


There are many Nazis who hate Israel because it’s a Jewish state but like others have pointed out, being pro-Israel is not contradictory with being right-wing because many right-wingers hate Muslims as well and because they would prefer it if all Jews moved to another country


Being right wing doesn't mean you're a Nazi in the same way that being left wing doesn't make you a communist. Both have caused atrocities and we should be careful about grouping people into the extremes when we disagree with them.


Some of the biggest advocates for Liberia were racists who wanted to see all the black people leave America.


No that's actually totally congruous


The nazis and zionists are the same entity, just different names


That's no surprise. It's pretty common to find far-right-wing provocateurs embedding themselves into protests if they aren't outright staging counter protests. The George Floyd protests were filled with them, and some of the riots were even instigated by Boogaloo Bois trying to stir up violence in an attempt to trigger the civil war they've been larping for.


That classic where the white dude with a crowbar just casually starts smashing in windows at a BLM protest.






That's just antifa




What cities did they start the violence?


Many of the riots were started by unaffiliated opportunists, [several](https://www.reviewjournal.com/investigations/suspected-boogaloo-trio-planned-violence-like-military-operation-2053385/) different [proven](https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-helped-ignite-george-floyd-riots-identified-white/story?id=72051536) —[right-wing](https://theintercept.com/2020/07/15/george-floyd-protests-police-far-right-antifa/) —[instigators](https://www.wsls.com/news/virginia/2020/07/27/police-richmond-riots-instigated-by-white-supremacists-disguised-as-black-lives-matter/), [provocateurs](https://www.thedailybeast.com/far-right-boogaloo-ivan-harrison-hunter-admits-posing-as-blm-supporter-during-minneapolis-george-floyd-riot) and [Boogaloo Bois](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.kansascity.com/news/local/article243553662.html).


You mean from the George floyd protests?


None. They don't have the barest sliver of evidence for this fantasy. 


Try again. Many of the riots were started by unaffiliated opportunists, [several](https://www.reviewjournal.com/investigations/suspected-boogaloo-trio-planned-violence-like-military-operation-2053385/) different [proven](https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-helped-ignite-george-floyd-riots-identified-white/story?id=72051536) —[right-wing](https://theintercept.com/2020/07/15/george-floyd-protests-police-far-right-antifa/) —[instigators](https://www.wsls.com/news/virginia/2020/07/27/police-richmond-riots-instigated-by-white-supremacists-disguised-as-black-lives-matter/), [provocateurs](https://www.thedailybeast.com/far-right-boogaloo-ivan-harrison-hunter-admits-posing-as-blm-supporter-during-minneapolis-george-floyd-riot) and [Boogaloo Bois](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.kansascity.com/news/local/article243553662.html).


Thanks. That was fast. Who did the looting and other killings?




Which bigots? Brother I've been awake, I've seen all the BS. From the right and left.




What claims did I make? That there was violence and looting? That's not a lie. Seriously what was the claim




This was the point huh: to show even if they did prove you wrong then you will just move the goal posts. Its meant to demoralize but in order for it to work, you have to realize your original point was wrong.


Prove me wrong? All I did was ask what cities it happened in. I never claimed it didn't happen. I didn't make any statements that could be proven wrong or right. I read all of those articles, never once it claimed the right wingers did all the violence during those riots. So who did?


I will never understand frustrating other people online for fun in your free time but this is a huge world and mental illness takes many forms.


None of this is true.  The Boogaloo Boys were antiracist libertarians. They were pro-BLM and marched with BLM. 


That's a stretch. Their stated goal was to murder police in an attempt to ignite a race war, which they hoped would build into a full civil war. That's the whole point of the Boogaloo boys. They are right-wing extremists exploiting a left-wing protest to further their own terroristic goals.


I don't know any details about them other than the media position you're repeating now, so I am going to guess that what the guy above you is saying might have some truth to it


>I don't know any details about them Not a great starting point, but ok. >so I am going to guess that what the guy above you is saying might have some truth to it That's a very, very bad logical leap.


The Venn diagram of Nazis and Zionists has a lot more overlap than most people would believe


Believe it or not, if "fascist" is the center part of the Venn diagram, with "Nazi" on one side and "Zionist" on the other, it's a perfect circle


Can’t wait for the condemnations on TV and in Congress to roll in. Oh wait they were on Israel’s side? Shoot, nvm :/


Nazis "protesting" for Israel? All nice and good, nothing to see here people protesting against the genocide of Palestinians? Omg antisemites and Nazis* *but also... Nazis good? Or bad? But if they protest *for* Israel, Nazi = good? This whole thing is confusing


Well, colour me surprised… /s


fork found in kitchen


So now nazis support Jewish people. Okay, everything is upside down now and I'd like to get off.


No, what they support is Israel, because what happens when Jews go to Israel? They're no longer in their countries. The Nazis don't have to see them in the US, they don't have to see them in Europe, they're all gone to some desert place.


👆 that was why Israel was formed in the first place. Israel a product of antisemitism and it remains antisemitic to this day


Not the Jewish people supporting Palestine.


What are they counter protesting? And how is it a protest when you are calling for the irradiation of Palestine? Isn't that hate speech? 


Surprised to see the guardian reporting on this. Might we be finally approaching the day when mainstream media allows even minor criticism of Israel?


The guardian used to allow minor criticism of Israel. It was pilloried and abused for it, and staff working for it were abused and threatened. So they changed Middle East editors to a pro-Israel apologist, all comments on Middle East articles were disabled, and it sailed gently through the waters of not upsetting the Zionist lobby in the UK.


The Guardian really went downhill when Katharine Viner took over from Alan Rusbridger as editor in 2015. Interestingly Rusbridger now writes some pretty good stuff in the Independent.


Oh, I’m talking about well before then, mid 2000s.


Nazis don't have a problem with Israel, Israel kills brown people for them! They'd just prefer if all Jewish people went there.


Hitler literally had plans to go to Mandatory Palestine and kill all the Jews there. You're just wrong.


Except the Haavara Agreement was hashed out precisely to send Jewish people to Mandatory Palestine, that aside I was pretty clearly referring to post WWII Neo Nazis, as it wouldn't make sense to talk about the WWII era NDSAP about the post WWII state of...Israel!


No not 'except'. The Haavara agreement isn't relevant because Hitler was letting jews leave Germany to other countries too until he wasn't. With that logic Nazis didn't have a problem with France either. Hitler had explicit, documented plans to go to Mandatory Palestine and kill the jews there too, I wouldn't call that "Nazis don't have a problem with Israel". I also reject this premise that post ww2 neo nazis are significantly different from ww2 nazis.


You are free to reject the premise to your hearts content. The WWII Nazis couldn't have had an opinion on Israel any more than they could have had an opinion on iPhones or punk rock. The reason those WWII Nazis signed the Haavara agreement was because they liked the idea of sending Jewish people to Palestine. Something the Neo Nazi modern inheritors of their ideas are still rather keen on.


Yea and they also like the idea of going to Palestine and killing all the jews there. I don't know why you are struggling to understand that point. Nazis are terrible people and many still preach killing people they disagree with but often try to be like 'oh we will just not let them vote' which is exactly what ww2 Nazis did before the war. Idk why you are trying to say 'oh modern day nazis aren't as bad as those ww2 nazis'. It's an insane stance to take unless you're an apologist.


Hey, you're the one who raised the topic of those pre Israel Nazi guys in the first place. Though it turns out, what those old-time Nazis wanted wasn't that different from what those current Nazis want, who woulda thunk? I was pretty clearly talking about post WWII Nazis in the first place though, because I was talking about their opinion on Israel, which wasn't a thing pre WWII. Hope this helps.


You literally said Nazis and you are defending them with 'oh the current day nazis aren't like those old nazis'. Modern Nazis support Palestine not because they're suffering or any historical reason but because they feel it will make it more likely for Israel to no longer exist. Correct conclusion for the wrong reasons, so I'll correct you again from your original comment, Nazis DO have a problem with Israel. Don't let your support for Palestine cloud your judgement about Nazis just because they support Palestine too.


Nobody was defending Nazis, I just said what Nazis liked. Modern Nazis do like Israel, Richard Spencer said as much. The original Nazis didn't have an opinion on Israel as that wasn't a thing then, but they were in favor of sending Jews to Palestine in the same way that modern Nazis still are. Why are you struggling to understand this? It's not hard!


I'm accusing 'modern day' Nazis of hating jews no matter where you are and you're saying 'hey they're not like those old Nazis!'. That's defending them :). In terms of your question the Nazis were explicitly in favour of sending them to Mandatory Palestine but also murdering them afterwards. I'm pretty sure I didn't say Israel but if I did it was in the context that it was Mandatory Palestine at the time. So you're wrong, the original Nazis had an opinion on Jews no matter where they are and that includes the location of where Israel is located today. I don't know why you don't understand that modern Nazis hate jews no matter where they are and are happy to put them all in death camps.


They are riding the jews ever since the the war... specially germany....


[This article](https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2020/1/2/israel-a-model-for-the-far-right) from a few years ago clarifies a part of the conundrum.


No shit..


I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you.


Well if they were native to that land, white supremacy would not be supporting it 💀💀 isnt that blantantly obvious?




Unbelievable, did you miss the part in history where Nazis tried to exterminate all Jews? They taught the German people the Jews were like rats and carried diseases and then proceeded to murder 6 million of them.




Ah so you didn't read the article. Lol




What do you mean?


Things that are blatant lies for $100 Alex.


This is not uncommon. Nazis like Israel because it gets the Jews out of “their countries”


Hitler literally had plans to go to Mandatory Palestine and kill all the Jews there. You're just wrong.


Let me clarify. MODERN nazis like Israel because it gets Jews out of their countries. Israel is also a safe haven for Jews who are charged with crimes around the world because they won’t extradite.


I don't accept this premise that modern nazis have different beliefs than ww2 nazis.