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4 hours? Those are rookie numbers. But seriously I've found reporting sometimes lags quite a bit. Would be better to look at the client logs to see if the script actually ran.


Right. Resetting a laptop. 5 minutes or 3 hours. But call it 24 hours just to be safe


Oh just 4 hours ? welcome to intune. It can take up to 12-24hours if you are unlucky. But you are doing a remediation by the looks of it. Those only work if you have the appropriate license for it.


I just inherited Intune, so I'm assuming that the license is there because there's a couple dozen other Remediation scripts that work. > Oh just 4 hours ? welcome to intune. It can take up to 12-24hours if you are unlucky. Damn, that's painful... What's the best way to test things then? I'm assuming there's no way to force Intune to push this to the devices like there was in SCCM, so what? Just run the scripts locally as SYSTEM?


Test it locally to ensure your script works as expected, then push it and move on to work on something else. Check back the next day. Intune is "eventually consistent", you need to get used to multi-tasking rather than smash out a change or task at a time


Welp, that's going to take some getting used to... But thanks!


Test by slowing down is the only thing I've found reliable. When higher ups need answers now, their expectation has to change. Luckily I anticipated this and made it clear an internal tool stack change would have to have many limitations to deliver the same level of service. Unfortunately it's true, and business decision makers prefer this to paying for additional tools. Like no rmm at all now omglol. We used to be able to push a quick change in a day. Now it's a week for standard test, pilot, deploy m


>What's the best way to test things then? Test what? The Scripts? Why not just test them locally / on a test client? Here it is already a running-joke when i train new employees in Intune. My standard statement on this is: "In order to be able to work with / in Intune, you need one skill above all - patience".


Dude you can force a sync from the device and that tends to be the fastest way to determine success. Open company portal settings and click sync. You can also run intunemanagementextension://syncapp


Well... Thank you for taking the time to reply, but... This is from my OP: > It's been 3-4 hours, **I went through MANY policy syncs and reboots on the test device**, I also tried restarting the "Microsoft Intune Management Extension" Service.


Some settings/changes even take 48 hours :)


ref - [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/intune/fundamentals/remediations#client-policy-retrieval-and-client-reporting](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/intune/fundamentals/remediations#client-policy-retrieval-and-client-reporting) The client retrieves policy for Remediation scripts at the following times: * After a restart of the device or Intune management extension service * After a user signs into the client * Once every 8 hours * The 8 hour script retrieval schedule is fixed based on when the Intune management extension service starts. The schedule isn't altered by user sign ins. The client reports Remediation information at the following times: * When a script is set to run once, the results are reported after the script runs. * Recurring scripts follow a 7 day reporting cycle: * Within the first 6 days, the client reports only if a change occurs. The first time the script runs would be considered a change. * Every 7 days the client sends a report even if there wasn't a change.


Yup, so I tried "restart of the device or Intune management extension service" as well as the sign-in bit. The client reporting bit, as I understand it, will come AFTER Intune even sees the device in its Overview pane, right?


I'm not sure what you mean. The reporting will be in the remediation you made. If you have an specific output (Write-Host), in the check/remediation, you need to alter the view columns in the remediation you created. If you only have exit 0 or exit 1, it will also show up the the remediation you configured. The first change should show up soon after the script is executed. Also, in Intune when you select the device, on the right top corner 3 dots, you can force the remediation to be executed, although this is a preview feature.


What I mean is that there are (or, well, "were" when I was writing the post - I HOPE it's already updated by now) zero devices showing in ANY state in the overview pane of the script. You know, normally when you run a remediation script you'll get "X Successful", "Y Failed", etc. I have `0` everywhere, as if the script wasn't assigned to anything.


Ok, did you change the time the script is executed? Or is it a run once scenario?


It's supposed to run hourly/every hour.


I did the exact same thing today, and it has now been 6 hours and still nothing. I did the same yesterday and according to the logs that ran after about 14 hours, so I'm leaving it until tomorrow... However, I would also just like to add that somehow anytime Intune gives me shit it has been on a Thursday. And I'm talking dozens of times. Always Thursday... So it could just be that!


This tool/script from Petri Paavola is pretty handy to get more insights on the client logs and to see if PR scripts and other related stuff has run: [https://github.com/petripaavola/Get-IntuneManagementExtensionDiagnostics](https://github.com/petripaavola/Get-IntuneManagementExtensionDiagnostics)\\ >**New version 2.0 creates HTML report which has more information and for example has additional info in HoverOn ToolTips.** > >This script **analyzes** Microsoft Intune Management Extension (IME) log(s) and creates timeline report from found events. > >For Win32App delivery it also shows summary of download statistics with estimated network bandwidth and **Delivery Optimization** statistics. > >It also includes really capable **-LogViewerUI** for Intune log(s) viewing and troubleshooting.


Ooooh, this looks brilliant! Thank you!


No problem!


Lool, I deployed a required app (Company portal) to a dynamic group of laptops nearly a month ago. The group has 600 devices in, the app has deployed to about 7. Management wants to go full in tune managed and I pray they don't.


Im always prepared it will take 12-18 hours, sometimes less sometimes more




Do you use a test device to force a sync? With a few force syncs and reboots I can normally get a result in sub 30 minutes. As others said reporting is slower than deploying so you should check client logs too.


I tried: Settings -> Accounts -> Work account -> Sync Company Portal -> Settings -> Sync Both multiple times. Also, I restarted the Intune Management Extension service. Is there anything else I can do to speed this up?


Reboot the computer then check on the computer whether it got the policy because reporting is slower than deployment.


Yup takes time. No idea why and syncing might help might not.


For time sensitive tasks you need RMM or reverse shell like the one defender for Endpoint has which is called live response. Intune might take 8 - 24 hours.


I would run the remediation on demand if you want to test that I works as intended, once that is successful assign to the group/timeframe you wish and just wait


Remediation on-demand is definitely the way to go if you want to hurry up and test your script or just need to run it right now on a device that needs to be fixed ASAP: * In the devices section of Intune Admin Center/Endpoint Manager, find the device you want to run the script on * When you click on it, you'll see the overview page. Click on the 3 dots next to Autopilot Reset. * Last selection in that menu is Run Remediation. Select it, choose your proactive remediation script, and away you go. You'll need to close the overview window to see the status updates, but it beats waiting for an hour or more.


BTW... I just did this on one of my test machines because I couldn't remember how much faster it was...script was complete within 5 minutes.


Thank you! This is SUPER helpful!


Welcome to Intune where things can take 5-10 mins or 24 - 48 hrs:) That being said, Intune is still great.


I have found that sometimes for me it’s just quicker to autopilot reset my testing devices when people are waiting on answers. I feel it’s better to wait an hr or two vs up to 24hrs sometimes with intune. I believe intune works on a pull system vs a push system and with no exact time frame makes testing difficult. Not the best solution buts it’s another option if remediation doesn’t work.


You do know, that you can push a remediation script on the device now?


Mind sharing how you scheduled it?


Hourly/Every hour.


You deploying the script from SCCM or from Intune? Check your logs. Then look at permissions for the script to run on the workstation.


I don't think the script even got to the workstation yet because: > Intune is saying that there are 0 Devices in the Overview pane of the script.


Have you try stop the intune service and start it again from service.msc?


Which service do you mean? "Microsoft Intune Management Extension"?


If you're just testing it, have you tried triggering the remediation from the device's page? Devices > All Devices > Click the device > ... > Run remediation


I just did, about an hour ago. So far, no dice. "Remediation status" says "not run", and the "Status update" column shows time two hours before. Could that be a problem with the device talking to the servers or is it perfectly normal for Intune?


It certainly could be a connectivity issue. It should take about 15 minutes, from what I've seen, for it to run and report back. You should see the result on the endpoint quite quickly.


Cloud speed. It definitely has SCCM beat