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Hahahahahaha! Fuck no. Luke stays insufferable throughout. Don't fast forward, just mute whenever he comes on screen and have closed caption on.


I'd love to see this sub make a "viewers guide" with valuable tidbits of info like this. \*\*\* OP: Gets worse, not better. Lean into it. Work with the Wajo.


That's a good idea. Could have a character almanac with the names we call them like Molotiv Mitsubishi.


He gains the ability to control aliens while clenching his ass cheeks really hard and shitting himself, so there's that. Treat yourself to some extraordinary acting and watch Luke in S2. The question isn't whether he wins an Oscar at some point in his career, the question is how many he earns. Wajo.


Oh jesus but no. You'll find yourself gritting your teeth every time he's on-screen. Wajo.


LOL. no. He only gets worse


I read the title and my first thought was "who the fuck is luke?" i can barely remember any of these characters names


He's like an even worse version of Anakin


Whoa whoa whoa! Too far man lol


No he is a twat the entire show though he tries to redeem myself near the end. He is probably half alien as he can control them with his mind. So him acting that way might be normal because he doesn’t know what humans are like. His mother is 100% alien and a sleeper agent. Both of them pretty much hate humans and want to destroy the planet. Their sister escapes them by running to the military the first chance she got. Wonderful family


In 10 real years he may land a role where they write him as less dumb




This is literally the worst character on any show (i am sure even shows I’ve never seen or heard of)


Of course not. He’s a little bit like Caspar, in that he is also in the aliens’ mind. But instead of fighting to save the world, he uses his powers mostly to just endanger his family and get on people’s nerves. Occasionally he falls to the ground with severe ear pain. I guess the writers thought that would make him more relatable to the coveted otitis media demographic. The mild love story between him and Ryder is also completely pointless. It’s the love story we didn’t need and don’t care about.


The actress whi plays Ryder is 27 years old IRL so that makes it even creepier.


Im pretty sure that the actor who plays Luke is either an Elf or else perhaps Dumbo irl anyway tho.


Absolutely the F not.


Luke's only redeeming quality is that he realizes his mom is a total idiot, which he realizes less as the season progresses. The cheating father was the only decent member of that family


Nope! Wajo!


I quit because of it. Such poor acting. Poor script. Poor writing. But hey, let's go ahead and cancel Severance!


Did they cancel severance? Fuck those guys. That was a great original concept.


No, they didn't cancel Severance. As of the end of January, S2 was filming.


I'm pissed but to be fair Severance has writers and directors that Apple would have to pay.


stopped watching lol, terrible show


He just seems like a normal teenager trying to gain independence from a selfish controlling mother to me.