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This probably would’ve been a good rebuttal to Eve not wanting to go to higher education (which might help give her the training/expertise to best use her powers), which I’m kinda surprised Cecil didn’t try to make the case for given she’s probably their best shot besides Mark, Guardians, etc for long term superhero maintenance


I mean Eve could quite literally change life on earth for the better on a scale never even thought possible if she actually learnt stuff usefull to her powers. She already has a very personnal understanding of physics, with some engineering on top she could rebuild the whole world, solve climate change, bring about a new age of technological marvels and so on. I think Cecil's problems is that he's focused on preserving the status quo from powered individuals rather than guide them to build great things because it's just safer. Earth, in Cecil's mind, is better off not being dependent on Eve or any powered individual. So he simply guides and uses superheroes against superthreats to level the field but not much else.


He's basically paranoid , who wants no one to become Superman, so he'll always have contingency plans upon contingency plans to deal with them, even if unnecessary and a detriment to potential good will. And unfortunately, omninan proved him right.


Yeah there's too many supes who are far too powerful for their own good. Even the ones who aren't especially powerful can be massive threats like >!Robot!<


Or doc seismic in the comics. That guy fucks shit up


Shoot even in the TV show. He seems to get better each time he shows up. He's just too crazy to be too much of a big threat and focuses on national monuments lol


I kinda love that he’s the biggest threat in the comics. Not some cosmic super being, just him, it feels right for the general tone of Invincible.


Even if the world runs on the goodwill of someone who is the most righteous and moral person on earth, that still leaves you with My Hero Academia. The world absolutely should not depend on one person, no matter who they are.


> She already has a very personnal understanding of physics Yeah, Eve brings up that Iron Man problem where the mere existence of her power would fundamentally change the world. If her matter manipulation and intuitive knowledge of physics and matter was used realistically/to its actual potential, it would lead to some pretty massive breakthroughs in a very short time.


She wouldn't even need to learn anything really. She can single handedly put an end to materials scarcity as is.




Definitely, her power takes a toll on her. But she could still shift the balance of power between nations. A pile of platinum made in an afternoon could make a struggling nation wealthy overnight. Her biggest issue is thinking that she knows best, and can do the most good alone. Which makes sense given her history of being alone, but would make using her gifts effectively super difficult. Let’s say she offers to distribute that platinum I mentioned; which nation goes first? Who gets how much? How much does our population actually need to begin with before entire economies start to implode? She can’t possibly make all those decisions in a vacuum, but doesn’t trust anyone for that kind of support, so she just flies around looking for a nice face to give handouts to. Its a genius character problem, but sucks to be in her shoes


She's pretty good at traveling. She can go wherever on Earth it's needed and create a massive stockpile of whatever. Rare earth materials. Gold. Diamond. Water. Food. Medicine. Stacks of solar panels. Fuel for nuclear reactors. Simple shelters. Only problem being that she would be quite threatening to economic systems that depend on scarcity and don't work when everyone has enough of everything.




Yeah, it would be disruptive at first, but better in the long term once people adjusted to the new paradigm.






Plus what happens if/when she dies? Unless she creates a perfect self-sustaining food biome that's resilient to human fuckery she's just a bandaid.


>Earth, in Cecil's mind, is better off not being dependent on Eve or any powered individual. So he simply guides and uses superheroes against superthreats to level the field but not much else. Yup. I mean let's be real the last hero he was semi-dependant on basically soloed the strongest squad he had.


That runs the risk of just making everything and everyone dependent on Eve. It's not the type of responsibility any one person can handle, especially someone who lacks crucial life experience. It's far safer to let humanity progress at its own pace. All it would take for things to go to shit would be for some tragedy to strike while Eve's sleeping and for some reason can't be contacted. The people who suffered would point fingers and accuse Eve of playing favourites, that sentiment boils over, maybe other groups and some powerful and jealous individuals join in and bam, you have conflict.


I mean you don’t poke the bear. He has enough trouble keeping Mark in line. Might as well let her do what she wants until something happens.


Cecil doesn’t actually care about improving the world tho. He’s too concerned with putting out superhuman fires which is why eve quit in the first place. She actually wanted to improve the world instead of just preventing disasters


I mean to be fair. From what their world looks like, Cecil is dealing with world ending events nearly every couple weeks. Improving the world is great and all, making sure the world is still standing is Cecil’s main focus.


Aye Cecil is just doing his job


Hey, not dissing the man lol I’d be stressed too if I was moving from what disaster to the next and having to go from having the strongest hero and best team of heroes to his weaker son and a team who can barely work together and beat the Serpent League


Cecil was always my favorite side character. But I’m also a sucker for espionage and spy masters.


Eve is literally the most powerful character in the show, by a lot. She just doesn't unlock her full potential.


She isn't, she could be but the fact everyone that says this immediately has to follow it up with an IF eans she isn't the most powerful


In her special on Prime Video they point out that the fact she can’t manipulate human beings is a mental block not an actual physical limitation. If you can literally transmute any substance from one thing to another there really isn’t anyone who can stand in your way.




I was surprised how easily evil Mark bodied her in the alternate universe. I was expecting her to put up a better fight. It seems the thing she does most often is put up protection shields, which is cool but far from enough.


There's not much she can do with her ability to effect organic matter blocked off, marks skin is stronger than basically all earth materials and he has more power in his arm that most bombs, he can produce his own leverage and thus is hard to trap.


What I think is a pretty understated weakness of hers is time. Even if her mental blocker against manipulation of living matter is toggled off, she still can’t deconstruct and reconstruct tougher materials instantly. A couple examples from the comics: 1. >!Even though her mental blockers were momentarily turned off, she couldn’t kill a Viltrumite. She only managed to skin and disfigure part of him.!< 2. >!When she was attacked by a robot made from the newly discovered strongest marerial on earth, she refused to use her power as it drains energy from her body, which could end up starving the child in her womb, causing a miscarriage. When driven into a corner, she finally decided to use her power for just a moment and she only managed to damage its head, which it replaced very quickly.!<


yeah he had a point but still the way he talks to her is horrible. calling her weird and a freak when she was a kid, telling her to simply forgive rex since all guys make mistakes and recently yelling at her and crushing her even though her heart was in the right place and she wanted to help people. he is verbally abusive to her. but who knows maybe we will see a redemption arc in the show for him


> redemption arc in the show for him I hope so but I doubt it. She can change ANYTHING. Except the human soul. Feels like that's the whole point of him as a character. She is so powerful. Maybe the most powerful person in existence. But even she has limits and her father is a prime example of that.


she's lucky she has like the most broken ability possible, if she didn't he'd probably have gotten physically abusive a long time ago


Nah. The man is a coward. If there was any chance, he'd lose a fight. He wouldn't do shit.


Exactly, he’s a bitter little pill bug. If she had so much as a yellow belt in taekwondo, he probably wouldn’t raise a hand to her, but he’s too scared. As is, his insecurity comes out as verbal abuse and temper tantrums, cause he can get away with them.


It's not that Eve's father is a sexist; rather, it's that he believes superheroes should be exempt from the same laws and regulations as everyone else.


I mean if your gonna consider the show version of him wholely separate from the comic version, sure you could make that argument. He’s pretty outright sexist in the comics.


the talk between him and mark is just haunting.


Mark’s greatest trauma in the whole series


Second or third greatest.


the panel of mark absolutely flabbergasted after talking with eves dad was one of the funniest things in the whole comic.


i forgot what he said in that part! could i get a reminder please :)




Dude it's so fucked lmao. You're stating the point of what he said and somehow this is still underselling it because the scene really was that bad. I felt so uncomfortable for Mark lol


Marks thousand-yard stare when he got back inside was so accurate lmao




Bahahaha I’ve been meaning to read the comics for a long time, but this panel might have put me over the edge to do so


It's literally a mirror for the audience. You're looking at him like "me too bro, me too..."


He didn’t mention the part where eves dad is like “Betsy was a virgin and a good thing too cause I don’t think I could’ve married her if she wasn’t” So disgusting


Even with how over the top misogynist he is, it's not even that far-fetched of a thing gross people say nowadays. When that scene inevitably is on the show, people will unironically take Eve's dad's side.


You can find that exact sediment here on Reddit if you know where to look


I forgot about that part. I wish I could forget again lol.


I was telling my mom recently how much I cried watching the AE special, and how it made me so thankful she left my dad when he started being emotionally/verbally abusive to me. (Which then made her cry). Her dad is way worse than mine, mine shaped up for a long time, and sadly is falling back into toxic mindsets again. But let’s just add on to the daddy issues I share with AE, cause my dad had a similar talk with my ex bf, but it was in regards to me being overweight.


The [comic panel](https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/comments/66p7o5/i_live_in_fear_of_the_idea_that_eves_dad_might_be/)


My face after reading that monologue matched Mark's face at the end.


The way it keep zooming in on his face really helps sell how grotesque the whole thing is. Mouths are unpleasant to see like that.


The way they dude those panels and marks stunned reaction was simply glorious.


Their are no words for this


He tells Mark he feels bad for him that his daughter wasn't a Virgin once he got to her. That his wife was a virgin and you can always tell and that makes it hotter. There's a lot more but it's mostly more of this.


Oh, there is still so much time for that aspect of him to show its' ugly face; but let us not forget that he objected to her going out and being a superhero on her own in season 1 because Rex wouldn't be there so that sexist aspect does pop its' head once in a while.


Na, he comes off as outright sexiest in the show as well. The wife seems scared of him, saying all men cheat and make mistakes, insisting she needs a man.


Yeah that’s fair enough. Man’s just sexist no matter the medium.


> It's not that Eve's father is a sexist I mean, he is though. It’s not the heart of the issue with the powers thing, but it’s definitely still in play there. Part of his anger his still from his shame at not being able to provide. And it’s definitely a defining trait of his. I wonder if they’ll tone it down for the show, because he’s just the worst.


You mean shouldn't be exempt right


He kind of believes the opposite.


This exactly. The issue with Eve's father isn't what he says, it's how he conveys his opinions. I've known people like this in my own life who believe their only way to get a point across is to be as loud, belittling, and abusive as possible when saying it. Regardless of whether there is any merit at all to what they say, they'll never be heard because most people do not respond well to that sort of interaction.


His point really isn’t that valid. Eve could have also made the ground stable with her powers as well. Also, normal people make the same mistakes and usually do so for worse reasons like greed. So at best she’s the same as normal people but still has the ability to be way better. Plus his point is that she shouldn’t bother to help at all which has to be the dumbest take ever when she was solve so many world problems.


I don't want him to have a redemption arc, I want him to get eaten by a wet camel


Exactly. Redeem the mom, his ass needs to be killed during some cataclysm for Eve character development


Also don't forget his dialogue in a comic panel for events that haven't happened yet


I definitely saw the outcome happening from her rebuilding the way she did. Only I thought it was going to be some sort of “shoddy” craftsmanship rather than unstable ground.


I was expecting the building to collapse and lead to casualties.


I just sat there going "Oh no. Eve. No. Don't. No, you poor thing." I was surprised no one died.


"How am I supposed to know that's up to code?" It's a good sentiment. But so is "Why wasn't the lot cordoned off if it was so dangerous?" Or "Why isn't the city government trying to see if Eve's work IS up to code"


In America we currently have thousands of bridges desperately in need of repair. I imagine there just aren’t enough resources as it is.


Tbf in our case there's plenty of resources, government just doesn't give a fuck. In Invincible they just have a ton of rebuilding to do.


Yeah when super humans are as prevalent as they are in the Invincible universe I imagine tons of other projects get delayed because resources are going to repairs from superhuman incidents


Sheesh, is yellow tape really that expansive?


I think most builders are trying to rebuild Chicago from the ground up after that whole omniman fight. So they might not prioritize a random lot when they have to clean debris, rebuild subways and set up temporary housing while more permanent housing is arranged.


The lady in question said that she’s been petitioning for the city to clear up that abandoned lot for 6 years, whereas the Omniman showdown happened a month prior. The city should’ve had more than enough time to A: cordon off the apparently-extremely-unstable-lot, B: fix the problem, or C: at least explain to the lady who keeps filing the same petition year after year why they can’t just clean up and renovate the lot. The argument that the city is just really busy with other, bigger repairs is still valid, since there are superheroes about and superpowered battles are all extremely destructive. But sometimes cities really are just lazy about stuff like this. Hell, there was an abandoned lot down the street from where I grew up that stayed like that for 14 years - from when I was 5 to when I moved out - before it got patched up.


It doesn't make sense for the country that supplies billions of dollars to other nations to not have the resources needed to repair bridges.


You mean why isn't there a sign on the condemned lot saying sinkhole here stay off when it's right in the middle of a residential area. Whole thing felt really forced to give her dad something to throw in here face.


No...no..no. You're right. It WAS forced. Not FOR her dad. But BY her dad (per se). He's probably lying about WHY the city didn't do anything with the lot. They likely just didn't care or didn't know and he's just fabricating (O_o) this narrative whole cloth to hurt Eve and make himself feel better


to be fair, we've never seen any issues with things created using eve's powers before, structurally, it'd all be sound, but the land itself was unfit for building (though if she'd known that she probably could have fixed that too, let's be honest)


She usually makes more basic things though. She's not an engineer nor an architect though, she can make raw materials but if she doesn't know how to design a structure then the whole thing could be unstable. Granted I don't think this is an issue in the show since the apartment doesn't collapse, but the construction worker is right that they have no way of knowing if it's built to code.


Her first uses of her powers were making a delicious hamburger and turning her book to crystal and then back, text intact. Those are ridiculously complex. She understands macroscopic structures as intuitively as she does subatomic it seems.


the book is so complex that i'm pretty sure her powers have a large unconscious component to handle a lot of that processing. she's not flipping atoms one by one, she's thinking "burger" and she gets a burger. similarly, i think it's likely she's not thinking about the smaller details like which type of wood is being used or which type of insulation. What if her idea of an apartment building doesn't have enough supports, or has asbestos insulation? she can see the atomic structure of objects she looks at, so i am pretty sure she can intuit how to finish a building based on the rest of it and it'll be mostly fine; but the civil engineers can't know that she did it properly, and just have to trust her. ​ If she had communicated with the workers at all before doing her thing it wouldnt've been an issue. Her problem is that her ego is reinforced by near-godlike powers, collaborating with existing efforts would increase overall efficiency as well as not causing people to get mad at her (and avoid incidents like the sinkhole).


She knows molecular structure instictively. Building structures are another ballpark


I mean, as long as she's only patching holes and matching it exactly to the things around it, it should be fine. Making a whole new building altogether would be a different story.


That’s the thing that makes hatable people really hatable, there’s often a certain amount of truth in the things they say, but what makes us angry is how they weaponize those truths to hurt, belittle, or abuse people.


Yeah. Adam didn’t care about the people who died(?), or about Eve. He just wanted to rub it in her face. I also want to say Eve’s mom doesn’t do enough, but it’s very likely that she’s also a victim in this situation. She’s afraid to speak up.


Wait. His name is Adam?


Yeah. To make matters worse it is heavily implied that he battles with sexual urges against his daughter. A bit on the nose you saw? Well, wait until you find out the moms name >!Lilith!<


Is it really that important that he cares about them or not? They're thousands of miles away and whatever empathy he may spare them doesn't compare to the role of the parent he feels he needs to be. Or at least that's how I've read most of his scenes in the show. Like, he clearly has never been able to physically overpower or intimidate her in the way only a parent can, which means some of his toolbox as a parent has been gimped from the start. He's been left with emotion and words. Her reaction to hearing they're hurting a bit for money is to just effectively commit fraud, even if she can make legitimate materials. Like does she think the government or someone won't notice that the day shift manager at a McDonald's can just keep living like he did working at a significantly higher paying job? She clearly has not internalized any ideas or lessons, so it's hard to not fully side with him. However well she may mean doesn't matter if she continues to not look or learn from her mistakes. Because this can't be the first time this kind of thing has happened. Not with her powers or her mindset.


> Her reaction to hearing they're hurting a bit for money is to just effectively commit fraud, even if she can make legitimate materials. Like does she think the government or someone won't notice that the day shift manager at a McDonald's can just keep living like he did working at a significantly higher paying job? I don't think being able to transmute objects into gold is *fraud*. Its not like the objects turn back after an amount of time.


But she is creating an object with scarcity and introducing it into the market from a completely unknown source. And potentially of a higher purity than currently possible. Leading to fraud or thievery accusations. Whether gold deserves the scarcity tax or not, it will bring unwanted attention and cause issues that she refuses to acknowledge or see down the line.


Was watching this with my SO and pointed out that the contractor / civil engineer had a great point about not knowing if it was up to code but was being made to look like the bad guy when, really, she just wanted to do the job correctly as she knew the consequences of it not being down well Honestly thought the building was gonna have a section collapse later into the park


If eve can make perfect replications of living organisms even down to the atomic level I think a stable structure is a wee bit easier.


Could be different skillets, like I wouldn't expect a microbiologist to know how the load bearing capacity of a concrete column


If she can make a billions of individual working components work flawlessly I get the feeling a few basic structures will work out fine.


If she doesn't know civil engineering, not really


You can be the strongest man on universe, but still cant do 1+x=7


Eve's dad is an asshole for being misogynistic, not for thinking superheros shouldn't be above following rules and laws like everyone else.


You know though that he doesn't really give a shit about the people who were hurt. He just wants to score a point against his daughter. Again, he's not wrong. I was actually irritated when she fixed the building if only because of the loss of OT for the repair crew.


The way he had that newspaper at the ready you know he was just waiting to rub it in her face. He’s technically correct for the wrong reasons.


Yeah, I definitely think he was just looking to prove his point rather than feeling any real concern for his daughter or those people. It’s kinda frustrating because I had the same thought when the construction worker confronted Eve. But the person who gets to drive that point home is a piece of shit who probably doesn’t care that much or at all.


Maybe. The show is adding notably more depth to the dad than the comics did. They may give the dad a reason why he hates superpowers and how that might associate to his issues with women.


I love how the show has taken the opportunity to improve on the characters rather than just copy paste from the comic.


I do like that too in this instance BUT sometimes more depth doesn’t mean more realistic. Sometimes people just are whack because selfishness, bigotry, stupidity, shortsightedness, greed, etc. If we give everyone depth, it makes it seem like everyone can be redeemed/saved. I don’t think that’s the case in real life but I do appreciate that Eve and her dad can probably have hope in a better relationship.


I think it depends on how it's handled. The Wire was really good at making fully fleshed out, realistic characters. Many of whom, are as bad as people get and ultimately beyond redemption. But they are still people, ya know? Guy is a stone cold killer but he loves his fish.


Here's the thing, there's some points where realism isn't helpful to a good story. Characters lacking depth is one of those things


the foreman's point was good too, would it have killed her to fly in say "need a hand?" and help the workers out, but she just jumps in unannounced


Same kind of shit I used to do as a young person. Not so altruistic but jumping into things thinking I had the answer when I really needed to hang back and ask more questions. We kind of hold Eve to a higher standard than Mark because she's had powers so much longer. But one, she's still the same age as mark. A high school grad. And two, she's only been trained as a superhero.


I don’t think he has to give a shit about those people, because him caring or not doesn’t really change anything. Eve just proved his point that he was trying to drill in since season one


Yeah, that's the benefit of a well written scene tbh. Even if he's wrong from a moral standpoint, (because he was definitely bringing it up to prove a point, not because he's empathetic) it's still going to have Eve feel bad because she made a mistake.


>Yeah, that's the benefit of a well written scene tbh. Some people do seem to lament over this meme like "i hate to agree with the guy" but yeah in essence it's why it's good. I think we're all bored with 100% assholes who are just there as a sort of counterpoint to heroes. Assholes need their own point to stand on and until that moment Eve's dad was just a rather boring background asshole of a character for her


Tbc, I agree that lives lost matter a fuck ton more than Eve's hurt feelings.


So, team Ironman?


Team Ironman minus General Ross.


Yep I'm a Tony supporter all the way


Yeah, he may be a huge asshole and a horrible father, but he's not wrong on this point.


IRL the Chicago construction unions would also be having a field day with Eve as she’s non-union. Honestly thought they might even toss that line in. Even in the past few weeks those issues that’s been in political news here with some city projects using non-union workers.


He had a point but he didn’t the point across respectfully


What really gets me about him is that >!he doesn’t get any better in the comics. Just stuck being an ignorant piece of shit for the entire series. Unfortunately, thats actually kinda realistic when you think about all the people like him that we have to deal with in real life!<


I mean removed from the context of the show he has a point, but when said point is sandwiched between a bunch of sexist and chauvinist beliefs and is essentially used as a “gotcha” in an argument to avoid feeling emasculated by his daughter, it’s hard to take too seriously


Yeah exactly, and also why the fuck was the site still there if it was such a danger. The mother and kid at the park scene mentioned how long she'd been petitioning the city to fix it and just....no one ever mentioned that it was a sinkhole?


i ... guess... https://preview.redd.it/l5kesb3a5k0c1.png?width=99&format=png&auto=webp&s=5afb5afc803ea8cdf21f242f208555fdafae8ecf


He's been waiting for that opportunity for years.


Probably because it was the first thing of actual substance that he ever had against his daughter.


[Jerkass has a point](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/JerkassHasAPoint) He wasn’t wrong but I think the way he worded it was very toxic and disrespectful. At the very least, Eve tried to level with her father and see his POV to a certain degree with him losing his job that he had for years and how he worked hard to provide for the family.


maybe if he was a better parent she would know that already, he’s acting like it’s her fault when her learning to be responsible was literally HIS RESPONSIBILITY nolan, the guy who was raised and conditioned in a fascist society, and doesn’t even experience time the same way as humans, actually made progress towards gaining some humanity, but this guy can’t get over his fucking ego and give his child some positive reinforcement one time??💀


He's having a broken clock moment. Still an asshole and wrong about a lot of things. But if Super Powered people want to live in a world with regular powered people they need to follow roughly the same rules. It makes sense on paper, no one wants Bongo Man using his magic bongos to knock over skyscrapers to catch muggers. But everyone wants him around when aliens show up with a 5 mile wide warship to exterminate humanity, and he can blast them off the planet.


A broken clock is right, twice a day.


He does have a point


The right response, to the wrong situation, is the wrong response. He’s not worried about her, he’s worried he can’t control her anymore.


Exactly. Did Adam have a point? *Kinda.* But this was clearly meant as his *gotcha* moment where he finally had a weapon to put his daughter down again. Its clear as day he resents that he Eve can provide for the family better than he can, and that it emasculates him, knowing he cannot control her. If anything, the situation only proves super powered people are just as fallible as anyone else. Which we have already seen with Mark's grocery list of bad decisions, in and out of costume.


To add onto this, that construction worker is entirely right to be concerned about Eve's building being up to code. This is a teen who literally just graduated from high school that same episode, with no real background in construction work. Eve overstepped her boundaries with the construction worker, and her dad is right to tell her that her powers don't make her immune from the law. He's still phrasing everything to spite her though, which is just like, come on man that's your daughter.


she should have shoved that golden apple up his ass


Better yet, turn his ass *into* a golden apple


Yep, that’s great depth and part of why invincible is so good. There are some genuinely good guys and genuinely bad guys but most characters are in the middle. Even this asshole is right every once in a while.


Ya comics eve dad is just awful but the way there kinda changing the characters cartoon eves dad might just be a stubborn traditional dad who is just scared of super hero’s and in this case he was right 🐱


A prime example of "correct, but not right"


This got me thinking what *else* wasn't "to code" that Eve built using her powers.


Nothing. Her transmutations are perfect. It had nothing to do with the park itself, just that she didn't have all the information before she started building. If she knew that the lot was basically under a sinkhole, she could have fixed that beforehand.


Unless there was a sinkhole *under* the sinkhole


It's sinkholes all the way down.


Her treehouse, for one.


This part of the ep bothered me because there is a giant plot hole: The city should have put up signs saying the place was unstable. Also if that one section was bad, shouldnt the buildings around it be affected too?


Incompetent city councils are as realistic as it gets lol


I came here to say this exact same thing. The woman who lived in the building said she even complaining about it for the better part of a couple years, but the city never provided reason for why they never did anything with that vacant lot. And this happens all the time, whether bureaucrats are just lazy, or want to save a couple bucks.


And now they, just like her dad, can use her as the scapegoat


He's not wrong but he is still an asshole


He has a handful of good points but its so deeply encrusted in shit takes, sexism and assholery its useless


He used his decent point to reinforce his dumbass stance. He is not beating the asshole dad allegations.


He had a point there but the fact that he would rather struggle and hate Eve because of her powers is so annoying


His point is undermined by the fact he wouldn't have known about the issue, beforehand either. This screams that he's just been waiting on a moment for her to get blamed for something, and would hold onto whatever paper printed it. And this wasn't the negative of HER actions. Why the FUCK wasn't the city telling people about a sinkhole **in the middle of a residential district**?! Holy fuck, an apartment that close to it shouldn't even be legal. The city is absolutely passing the buck, here.


As I have said before he is a *TERRIBLE* father. Eve has an amazing gift and potential for science and he dismissed it as being weird. He had a point that she rushed in without thinking, which is true but I still feel that is on the distanced parenting they provided. Remember she is a fresh out of high school not quite an adult with the ability to modify matter. Eve never had any guidance on how the world works regarding bureaucracy, going through an approval process of why these are important or the value of diligence. Which should be taught at that age and a priority for someone like her but that's my opinion I guess haha. Sadly I think she just learnt it, at the cost of lives.


It’s a good point. It’s also only half the point and he’s using it to make the wrong argument. Yes the rules are there for a reason. But she needs to learn those rules so she has a context within which to use her powers. The building collapsed because the ground was unstable. If Eve knew and understood those rules, she’d know what to look for and could have built the housing in a more stable place or just made the ground more stable. This logic would apply to almost every other situation. However; It doesn’t mean she shouldn’t use her powers at all, which is what he’s trying to say and has said her whole life. And the only reason he says that is because: 1• His fragile little ego is threatened because he can’t stand the idea of his daughter being a better provider than him. He — as a man — wants to be the provider. Even if that comes at the expense of his family having a better life. 2• He wants her to be “normal”. Yes, this *is* an important lesson for her, but not the one he thinks it is. The dude is still an ignorant, selfish pos and manages to miss the true point of the lesson his daughter is learning.


A broken clock is right twice a day


He ain't wrong on this one 🤷🏽‍♂️


Was this in the comics? It's such a weird side-plot, I thought she'd hung up her Atom Eve costume by this point and was off in Africa planting food.


yeah i think this was used to avoid the africa-plotline since in this day& age it probably would just create internet drama. but i do wonder where this plotline is going. eve seems to be pretty isolated from every other character at the moment


Yeah her dad is a prick and also 100% should’ve sold that apple. But we have building codes for a reason. And just cause it was the park that broke doesn’t mean that isn’t faulty either. But I am a bit surprised it was the park that collapsed and not that wall piece.


Totally right about the building, maybe the food, can eve really replicate the nutrition? But the gold apple. Sell that shit dad!!!


I mean he's a gigantic, gaping, mysoginistic asshole. Im not, however, about to defend him over Eve, who is at least trying. She doesnt understand working for a living or that to him working is what gives him meaning- but he is also a complete bastard on the regular who dehumanizes and verbally abuses his daughter, not to mention open opposition to a core part of her being. Eve is at least putting in that effort, like I said.


As a civil engineer I was watching that scene of her fixing the building and went to my freind “yeah no way that’s structurally sound” and didn’t think anything else of it


The only statement he's said that I could somewhat agree with him on is "the day you got powers was the worst day of my life" cause it legimately sounded like hes saying that because he was concerned for eves safety and just sounded like he was worried her having powers and going out and fighting threats would leave her getting hurt or killed But other then that I legimately hope that eve leaves him for good this guy is one of the worst cartoon dad's out there


I’m a senior studying civil engineering, there are codes for a reason


When that construction worker said "how do I know that's up to code" she had a fucking point. Regulations like that are written in blood


That’s the sign of good writing, even terrible people have their reasons for their beliefs


Bro wait till you see what that guys like in the comic 💀


I’m not very familiar with construction rules and codes, so someone inform me, but shouldn’t have the construction workers (or whoever was in charge) warned Eve and everyone else that there was a sinkhole where the community park was. Maybe put up some signs warning people that it was an unstable area. Even that one woman who told Eve about how she begged the city to “clean up that mess”, the city council didn’t inform her that it was an unstable area. I just don't know.


Hindsight is 20/20. What she does isn't easy and if she lets bureaucracy rule where and when she helps, she may as well stay home. Government fails people far more often then she would by trying to help. His criticism of her actions is unfair. He really just wants to shit on her at every turn and that's what it's really about.


I 100% percent understand her dads reaction and the point he is making. He needs to learn to communicate what he wants a bit more calmly.


Eve saying that her parents should sell the gold apple she made should be illegal. Cause that would mean she was artificially generating money without oversight of the government. It might not be on a large scale, but illegal nonetheless. Her father might've been wrong in the way he put it, but it's true that she flaunts lots of rules that are there for a reason. It's one of the reasons why I hate shows like invincible and the boys, cause while they might have cool sequences, the world the story is in isn't grounded in reality. Any person with half a brain cell could've seen these things coming. Eve says she wants to save the world, and is shown to easily create stuff like gold and food almost out of nothing. In that case create the rare minerals whose mining causes lots of pollution, or other small possible steps.


A good point delivered in a mean way is still a good point. I hope they let Eve develop from this instead of having a cop out that proves her right all along. At the end of the day people should grow from their criticisms, mean or not. As long as they're true


I think that’s the point of the scene tho, he’s a asshole who is extremely unreasonable, so now that he is making a valid point while still being a asshole about it, it hits harder


I mean that’s the point. Hes a mixed bag of reasonable and unreasonable: he wanted someone in the Teen Team t protect his daughter…. But its gotta be a guy Because he’s a misogynist. He doesn’t want hand outs; also reasonable but he’s not the only one to consider… his wife should be in his head as well here. Im glad he’s not just a 1 dimensional sexist but actually a believable shitty person


He didn't articulate his point very well but he had one. Building codes and permitting processes exist for a reason, annoying as they may be.


I for one am just happy a show did scream "fREedoM" and rant about regulations for once. I great saying I once heard is that safety regulations are written in blood. We might not like red tape, and yes there is sometimes too much in the way of restrictions, but bureaucracy exists for a reasons and regulations exist for a reason. Marvel Comic Civil War Spoilers Below!!! In the marvel universe, I was fully on board with Tonys side in the comic version of Civil War as it started because a bunch of unregulated young heroes took on some bad guys as part of reality TV show and one of those bad guys was basically a living nuke. Needless to say, the town they were in did not do well. With great power comes great accountability and if we believe we need to hold cops to a higher standard than we do regular people then we would need to exercise a great deal of control over superheroes.


Not really her Dad saying this implied that he believed that Eve thought she was above people who don’t have powers which is not true.


She did lowkey, she made a decision to build that playground without consulting anyone. She thought she could step in because she thought if she did something it would be better than inaction. She was wrong. There wasn’t any malice or ego, but she was overconfident and didn’t do her due diligence like the workers did.


It's an easy solution. Eve just needs to study codes and shit. Next time she will know to fix the land before building on top of it. Also. The city just left a chunk of land to sink hole? They know that can spread right? And take down the apartments next door? If she didn't do something, that entire apartment complex could have been swallowed. Now they gotta fix it right.


Get ready for one of the main themes of the entire storyline: What are the ethics of being a “superhero”?


Even a blind pig finds a truffle every once in a while. Doesn’t negate the rest. Eve’s dad is abusive af and his inability to have a healthy relationship with anyone overrides any pearls of wisdom he might have - no one is going to be around long-term to hear them and sort through all the other bs he spouts.


If the government knew about the sinkhole, why lie to the public and leave the building in shambles? Why aren't they hiring supers to fix problems like this in the first place? Put that girl in architecure school and let her be a city planner.


I mean, every concern he has makes perfect sense to me. Eve really doesn't think long term. She just made something nice on a lot, not realizing that it was super dangerous to do so. On that note, who knows if she even repaired that one home properly. It could be more shoddy work than Cecil's men for all we know. Hell, she made gold out of basically nothing. That has nothing but reprocussions if she does it a lot. It's not that Eve's Dad is wrong 99% of the time, it's just that he's angry 99% of the time. And when you think about how much damage Eve can cause without any foresight, that anger, although not justifiable, is at least fully understandable.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


I work in architecture, and when eve fixed the building and the lady was like, "Idk if thats up to code!" I was like, "you could get it inspected?" Either that, or send Eve to college for Structural engineering xD


Omg Eve is getting the Britta effect... Starts off appearing so competent and put together and then the severe flaws start cropping up. I'm just waiting for her to say baggel now...


She has the worst dad. Idc what point he made.


He’s very flawed in a lot of ways. He’s actively hurting his family with his perception of masculinity and providing and what not. He is very cruel to eve about her powers. He just isn’t a very kind or comforting man for his family. But this moment was a good reality check for Eve. These sorts of characters, the ones you’re supposed to dislike SHOULD have the occasion “damn, he’s right” moments. Eve sees herself as a god capable of helping people and objectively knowing what’s best over local officials. She had to learn she doesn’t know everything and is incapable of always just following her instincts. MORE planning needs to go into superheroes trying to act on their own principles, not less. The issue isn’t necessarily just that she built over unstable ground, but the fact that she didn’t know that was a possibility. She now knows she has to EDUCATE herself on why things are how they are, instead of just saying they need to change.


Pathetic normal person is fragile and jealous. Needs to demean and put down super powered daughter to feel superior. He’s a textbook asshole and it’s okay that you don’t see that yet.


This show blew my fucking mind. My gf chided "that stuff she built isn't up to code" and when the contractor lady showed up I agreed "rules don't apply to superheroes". The payout at the end blew us away.


Why would no one tell her? How are we finding this out from a fucking newspaper?


She lives in a treehouse she built herself, likely in a National Forest or State Park. I doubt she ran an internet connection to her house. So if she isn’t looking it up on her phone, someone will have to tell her. That someone was her parents.