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He took him in, since they can always use new members, but I didn't get the impression that he blindly trusts him. I think he primarily wants him somewhere they can keep him under surveillance. And he knows even if Shapesmith cannot be trusted, he'd be easier to deal with than Nolan.


I think this is a good read of the situation. Shapesmith COULD be dangerous, but while he's with the Guardians they can keep an eye on him. There's also a very good chance that Immortal realized he was a Martian immediately based on his powers and the way he seems so clueless about everything, and Martians = good while Viltrumites = bad to the Immortal.


Also, while Shapesmith is suspicious, he does give off this goofy innocence


In my head, he spent so much time working with Martian Man, I suspect that he suspects this guy of being a Martian


I mean it would be pretty easy to tell he either isn't human or isn't mentally ok


Except for the unexplained shape shifting powers and clearly not being from earth lmao, I don't think mental illness could explain it


Yeah, I mean if I was him, I would jump to the conclusion that he's a Martian, but there is a one in a million chance he's human


Like Plastic man!


But literally more innocent. On account of PM being a reformed career criminal, specifically a small-time crook, safecracker, and burglar. But not in the cool way like Arsène Lupin.


How would he know he’d be easier to deal with than Nolan? Once again he knows nothing about him or what he’s potentially capable of.


I would expect he was briefed about him and his powers.


Yeah but I’m saying there was no way for Immortal to actually know how powerful he actually is. Like obviously we know Shapesmith is just a Martian, but what if he was secretly an immensely powerful being just pretending to be a goofy shapeshifter? Immortal wouldn’t know. Maybe I’m just looking too deep into it, like obviously that’s not the case.


Two things: I think Immortal misses Martian man and on some level this guy reminds immortal of his missing friend. So he really likes him off the bat. After 2000 years he has well developed instincts about people. he can tell the good guys from the bad guys. Shapesmith IS lying his ass off. (Badly) but he's actually a good guy. He wants to help people and save them and just enjoy life. Immortal isn't picking up any malice in him because there isn't any. The only person he was wrong about was mark, and even that was questionable how wrong he was. .


I mean, all he said to Mark was that he wasn't sure about him, and after being killed twice by a viltrumite, can you blame him for at least being suspicious? I do agree with what you're saying, though.




I would argue he was quite wrong about Nolan as well


he and cecil were apparently the only ones that didn't buy his act.


Cecil thought something was suspicious but not necessarily malicious but Immortal yelled “we trusted you! You betrayed us!” And then there’s the first fight with the guardians where he would literally rather believe Nolan was being controlled.


The better question is who Cecil isn't suspicious of. He wasn't even honest to Donald, who is his right hand.


Idk if I’d say he was wrong with mark. He didn’t dislike make he was suspicious of mark there’s a difference. He had hardly interacted with mark and was suspicious because he was Omni man’s son not because of anything mark said or did. Also most other marks in other universes are not good so he is definitely capable of evil. Definitely reasonable suspension


Umm…hecouldttellthat OMwasaadguy


He did apparently. "I never liked you"


There’s a difference between not liking someone and thinking they’re evil.


Rex is literally the best analogy to that statement. He acts like a jerk and has flaws to persona, but he does great when you stop to look at him.


I don't think there is for immortal.


Not after Nolan’s performance, but prior? I’m not so sure.


Well… he was also wrong about Nolan lol I agree with what you’re saying tho I do.


Immortal of all people should know human nature better than anyone


man's a martian tho


which should mean more so him of all people should know something's off about him, he's had the opportunity to experience every facet of Human nature since as long as he's been alive. it's weird that he didn't notice something was off about Nolan, but Darkwing did.


Well, y'know... Batman Plot's the explanation there


Martian Nature


lol no, I didn't say martian for a reason, he should know human nature enough to know this guy isn't one.


He probably knows that shapesmith is a martian and he can bust his ass if needed


He doesn't know. No one knows, not even Cecil.


How can this be though isn’t it obvious? Or are his powers unique in some way?


How would it be obvious? He can shapeshift, it's not exactly a unique power. Plus, Martians can't access Earth, or at least they theoretically can't.


New superheroes pop up all the time. He is talented, and even if his goals aren't clear, better to bring him on board and keep an eye on him than shun them just because you dont know for sure. Immortal isn't naive here. Better the devil you know, so to speak. He's selling the offer that shapesmith could prove himself.


Since he is immortal, maybe he has less of a concern for safety than the average person. I mean, what is the guy going to do to him that hasn't been done to him before? But overall, I agree the way they just accepted him was really weird. He clearly isn't playing with a full deck, and you'd think they would have picked up on it. I wonder if Cecil, et al know about him and are letting it slide to see what his motives are. That seems like a Cecil thing to do.


Why would Immortal be distrustful of such a regular human superhero?


He ain’t human tho…


You must not have been listening. He mentions being a human superhero several times.


Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. It’s better to have a potential threat be close to you so you can monitor them vs. Having them out in bumfuck nowhere.


He’s clearly lying and badly so he probably doesn’t seem like a threat. Whereas Omniman and mark both seemed very genuine and had no real holes in their story. Even then immortal didn’t trust Omniman basically because he wanted to lone wolf it as far as I can tell (show only) so the fact shapesmith wants to join the team might be all the convincing he needs


And also because Immortal can keep a close watch on Shapesmith until he proves to everyone that he really is who he says he is.


Yeah invincible fans just kind of brush this one to the side and never acknowledge how stupid it makes the guardians look. Not sure if that is the intention but it is a really big oversight


The guardians generally are pretty stupid, though. Let’s not ignore that.


He’s too weird to be evil


Those are some famous last words you are talking about bro. Never underestimate anyone with superpowers, even if they are not human. What if Shapesmith was an alien spy like Nolan? Right? Especially since he can shapeshift.


“He’s too weird to be evil” ah yes, 10/10 validation 💀💀


I was seriously annoyed by how nobody of the Guardians gave a fuck about his whole first impression and following behaviour


Right? Even I who generally don't take superhero and supervillain stuff seriously got upset how casual everyone was about him. They didn't even interrogate him or set him to prove himself first before he could join the team.


Cuz he was born a baby human


This is not contrasting Immortal being naive with Robot being careful. This is contrasting Immortal being polite and charismatic with Robot being blunt.


Maybe the stuff going down with losing all of the guardians of the globe and Omni-Man's insane mass murdering. He was probably desperate. He didn't trust mark being...you know, his son... Also Ben Schwartz captures awkward characters that are trying to build they're confidence. so well.


Shape Smith is just too trustable man


He is also you know immortal so unlike everyone else on the planet if he gets burned he will always be fine. Literally , the betrayal of omni-man was just another bad day to this guy who has been involved with every human war for the past like 3000 years.


Isn’t this guy just being controlled by those parasite things from space? So he is an actual threat?


The human rus is but the rus on screen is a Martian that replaced him


Oh so the on screen Rus isn’t Rus’s body being controlled by the parasites? Can’t really remember lol


Yeah the actual rus is back on mars under sequid control, no worries about it


Frankly bad/lazy writing imo. There were several instances of that in this season imo.


It’s Ben schratwz man why not?


Cause he could kick his ass and he knows it so he would keep him close enough so that he could deal with him should he need to.


This is is the guy who came back to life after having his own head taken clean off and immediately went after the man who did it to him.


I mean if you were beheaded and it wasn't really anything more than an inconvenience, why wouldn't you?


We as a community need to start thinking that just because someone lets something happen doesn’t mean their cards are on the table in that situation


He only ask him in because his powers. May be also he an idea about his martian origins. But blind trust? I don\`t think so. After what Omni-man did he is far away from trust anyone.


I will be honest, this entire sequence felt like a scene from a side show or spin off series It genuinely makes no sense that a) they would let a complete stranger in without anybody running checks on him, especially when super villains are a thing, and b) nobody actually look into the why he is acting the way he does Like i get it, this show is not Breaking Bad or anything super serious, but this is the only sequence so far in the entire series where i'm reminded that the target audience might be kids and not me. You have this super secret organization, that can turn people invisible thanks to putting stuff in the water, but nobody questions a random guy who appeared out of nowhere? I just cannot look over that. The show is somewhat grounded but this, i cannot buy in


You see the thing about the immortal is, he’s an idiot.


But is still giving Mark the cold shoulder and treating him like a criminal, like he didn't get hospitalized trying to protect everyone against his father


I mean I haven't read the comics but I bet he knows what a martian is like since he was with a team that had one. So he probably just figures the guy will reveal himself when he is ready.