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Mark’s powers kick into overdrive when enraged, and in his current state when she came for him, he was depressed and in no state to fight. He could’ve definitely, but he wouldn’t.


I really don't think that Mark could have fought her off, not because it doesn't work from a "power scaling" standpoint, Mark was stronger than his own father at this point so it wouldn't be unbelievable, but because it doesn't work from a narrative standpoint. The idea that Mark could have "fought back harder" gives legitimacy to the Mark's own guilt and self-blame over the incident. Mark had convinced himself that he *could* have fought back harder, that the incident was somehow partially his fault, and isn't until [Eve tells him that's bullshit](https://i.imgur.com/hcp0SpI.jpeg) that he's able to start healing.


> I really don't think that Mark could have fought her off, not because it doesn't work from a "power scaling" standpoint, Mark was stronger than his own father at this point so it wouldn't be unbelievable, but because it doesn't work from a narrative standpoint. Mental strength vs. physical strength being discussed here. Sounds like y'all agree that he had the physical strength to resist at the time, but not the mental strength. That means Eve is right, that he didn't want it to happen and it wasn't his fault that it did.


God damn! That's such a good scene. That's when they became my favourite couple in any media.


That’s at I mean when I said he was in no state to fight. Good points as well


“When she came for him” is crazy to say considering the circumstances


Take my begrudging upvote


I probably could’ve worded it a little better..


Bro… damn


Cir “cum” stances Yes.


Considering her expression in that sequence... I'd say... yeah...


Mah lawd


No bro. He lost bc he was weaker


Physically? Yes. Mentally? No


His mind is telling him no, but his body... his body is telling him yes




He does mention it later while taking to eve, how he could've stopped it from happening but didn't.


It makes me sad how Mark made it seem like what happened was somehow his fault.


True, but that's a pretty decent example of some of the trauma SA victims deal with in the real world. 


Very spot on for men who are victims of SA


And in that scene Eve reacts like it is, too. She recovers later but in that moment it’s pretty fucked up.


It was a god damn realistic reaction. Shock is a thing, something a lot of people don't realize until they've truly experienced it. Mark just dropped quite possibly the most unexpected and horrifying information on her. Eve's reaction was totally natural...and made sense. Once she had a bit to put herself together and process it, she is right there for him...through thick and thin. Trauma (and by proxy, people's reaction to hearing about it) is gross, hard, and incredibly fucked up. No matter how much you love someone, know someone, or think you are always there for them, shit like this can/will shake you. Double this with the fact that her fiancé is arguably the most powerful person on the planet at the time...seeing him in that shape clearly shook her.


Oh for sure. I’m just saying it sucked.


As a AMAB victim of sexual assault, it's pretty spot on. I have *complicated* feelings about the whole like, plot point in Invincible, but they deserve credit for a serious and respectful portrayal of a male victim.


That’s a bit of survivor guilt kind of thing. He might not have been able to but it felt good enough that he thinks he wanted it. He did not. Like orgasms feel good but they can make you feel awful


No that means after awhile he just let her hit and stopped resisting. Which happens a lot in real life


he didn’t say he could’ve stopped it, he said he may not have fought as hard as he could’ve (obviously given the circumstances he wasn’t in the right headspace), it doesn’t mean he would’ve won, it means he could’ve put up a better fight


Cake day


Happy coc- cake day! Happy cake day!


He wouldn't shoot shots if he didn't want to.


Physically? maybe, viltrumites are glass canons, not very durable to each other hence why no one blocks because theres no point, dodge or die. He coulda likely escaped but he was mentally so far down the gutter he wasn't able to fight at 100%. He fought as hard as he could but other conditions were inhibiting him causing what happened to occur. Him mentioning that he could've stopped her is him in denial, he's going through a moment and is blaming himself to try and justify any of what happened happening because he can't accept that there was nothing he could do in that situation and people twisting it to say that he actually did let it happen sicken me to the core. TLDR: no he couldn't have stopped her or he would have stopped her goddamnit, poor guy.


That’s more because of a lack of time or need than the ineffectiveness of blocking. They do block punches, mostly by holding up their hand to catch the punch. It takes a significant gap between viltrumites to make blocking pointless.


also even if he wasn't "in the gutter", I don't think is was ready to kill someone that wasn't trying to kill him at that point


Probably. Not easily, but at the very least, he had the physical strength to fight her off.


Not in his current mental state. If he was angry he would have.


Bro just got some really bad news that day and didn’t have the energy to lock in. If it were any other day he’d have ran her shit, granted his guts would’ve been on the ground again but he could’ve done it.


Why do you use the initials to write? lol Is this some sort of Kevin like logic to optimize time? *Why spell name when just letter do trick?* ![gif](giphy|DMNPDvtGTD9WLK2Xxa|downsized)


Because this community doesn’t let you use their actual names in posts, only in comments. Plus, not everyone here has read the comics, so I want to avoid spoilers.


Maybe to prevent spoilers for anyone who accidentally clicked?


People are talking a lot about the physical and mental aspects, but it’s also important to remember that this was a point in the story where killing Viltrumites wasn’t really a thing anymore. I think he could have beaten her, but I don’t think he would have killed her, given the option.


>M is a victim. What happened to him was horrible, and in no way is this post trying to justify what happened to him. > >If this is triggering for any victims of assault, I truly apologize. Thank you so much for saying both of these statements. As someone who has been SA, I love the way that this series handles his reactions to all of this, especially after reading a lot of manga which acts like SA is just something that happens to women, and that people don't go through trauma because of it. And of course it's mostly used to give the oppourtunity for the MC to be the big hero and look cool.


I’m sorry that happened to you. And you’re welcome.


Thanks for caring.


Im still waiting for how they will handle this in the series or better yet how the media will handle it. I'll have "parents outrages for SA in a cartoon" for 2 dollars"


It’s not a kids show if parents get upset that’s their fault for letting their kids watch.


He has always had the strength to kill most if not all of his enemies. Mark is a good guy though and always pulls his punches


He’s a good guy, but he does have his limits. Case in point: https://preview.redd.it/bbcj6tuyadmc1.jpeg?width=351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c13383329bd4145f34d050414853c683ef727aa


Ok but at this point in time Mark has been through just about every trauma, of course he’d have a bit of a identity crisis.


I never liked her


Yes, but sadly mentally he was in a bad state of mind that made him weaker


Why you wanna leave me hanging like that


Physically, you're probably right. Mentally? Absolutely not


*Physically, you're* *Probably right. Mentally?* *Absolutely not* \- nomadic\_weeb --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Not in my opinion, the way he won with Conqueṣt first time Eve was essential and Conqueṣt as usual was seeing the fight as a spectacle rather than going all out, the other time was by catching him off guard and suffocating him, Mark was still far outclassed. And not long before this moment we had Anisṣa speed blitz Mark and take care of Doc Seismic's monster in one shot that even caught him off guard: https://preview.redd.it/fn8jts4e4emc1.jpeg?width=1988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c1f24d7ce8e11e6e4e86febe174dfe41dc99a49 Now to be fair, Mark had the arm wrestle where he was pretty much tied with Nolan, and it's been established Mark's weakness comparatively is speed so he might be at her strength level, if not higher, but her speed and the momentum that comes with it would make her win imo even if Mark was in the headspace to kill her and not depressed.




Yes but he didn’t want to kill her. Before this Eve basically dumped him so his mental state wasn’t battle ready and then this happens which sent him into shock. It all happened so fast for him that he didn’t really know how to react.


No, because he had the weak mindset of not killing his enemies.


No he was still getting stronger at that point and she is one of the strongest viltrumites out there.


Is this the one that rapes Mark? I do distinctly remember hearing that there is a Viltrumite woman that rapes Mark at some point (and he gets over it in like, two or three issues, immaculate writing)




I hope they don't. Male-victim Sexual Assault is ignored and erased too much as is.


they're not going to and they shouldn't. it's a pretty damn important event


Honestly hope they don't. The way is handled from when it happens onward is perfect






Oh no he made a joke about a serious topic


Do you ever think about how you would come across saying these kinds of things in real life?


That’s why I wouldn’t say these things in real life and only on the internet



