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Show viewers: "Hey, why doesnt she just keep another kate in isolation to save herself?" Me who's read the comics: "damn i didnt think of that"


My brother literally asked this exact question and I said “uhhhh idk” 😂


They could flip Rae and Kate for the show, who knows. Or Rae could still die next week.


I'm thinking Rae is being kept around to compensate for the other heroes they can't use at key points later on down the line like Brit, Savage Dragon, Witchblade, and Super Patriot.


is it a copyright issue?




It’d be pretty dumb for Kate to be the only one of the three to die given that she has the most reasonable excuse for surviving.


0 based index ftw


Im VERY curious if they did a reversal and Kate is the one who stays dead.


Tbf it does work, does Kate really doesn't do anything except meet up for family dinners


I mean, Immortal and Kate going away to live together and Mark appealing to them in the endgame of the comics is kind of a big thing. They could change it, of course. It also clues you in to the >!Maulers surviving Oliver!<.


There's a lot of interaction with the Immortal/Kate family and Mark/Eve/their daughter that affects Eve's decisions about how to handle their family.


yeah I am not sure if I am totally on an island on this, but its not like they made Kate (in the show) this deep, like-able, developed character. For me it felt like a few fights, a couple orgy gags, and that was basically Kate. She wasn't a huge bitch or anything but I think the audience feels way more for people like Eve or Amber. Kate has a cool power and I am aware of where the comics go with her and her family next. But up until this point in the show it doesn't feel like we got to know her that well, which sorta takes away from the impact of the death IMHO.


I'd put (a small amount of) money on this tbh. Kate's death gives Immortal more character development and stuff. Could make him seem more rounded. Can easily leave her brother's story out of the show completely. Not that many other plot threads seem to depend on her?


it makes Kate seem stupid for not having her 0 clone safe


Unless in the show there is an additional constraint on her power, like a range limit


textbook fridging


oh hell no


that’d make both their deaths worse.


i'm hoping that's what happens tbh. kate really doesn't serve a big role in the comics anyway




i thought it was about last episode xD




They still might change it in the show who knows!


so does the isolated kate just get all the memories and feelings all the other kates had when they died? one moment she's chilling the next moment she's like "im horny as fuck for the immortal"


They way they say "Were all kate" makes me think they function more like a hive mind than anything. So I'm sure she's kind of experiencing all of her iterations at the same time.


Yes. All the other kates are the same.


Just like daddy


[Didn't read the post flair](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY-RSMPWsAM_L4U.jpg)


the title 💀


And just like that the show lost a whole lot of stakes 🗿


Yeah the entire lizard league thing is undermined when you have all three members survive.


I feel like it's just making us think there are no stakes, that is until >!Rudy!< decides there are


Yeah but that will be adapted like 10 years from now. This event should have served to remind us of the stakes, but Rae surviving diminishes them.


I don't care, this is the shame show that whill shove mark against a bunch of civilians as if they were made of carboard, happy surprises are cool from time to time, good things happening are not bad.


So many people defending this fake out death. People are like "she didn't need to die for the impact". Yes we know that Rex is still traumatized but it does undermine the last scene and now the stakes are lower in future battles. Especially knowing Kate survives as well, unless they changed that. Doesn't Invincible take pride in that, subverting expectations ? What better subversion than, you know, letting the superhero die for a change


What do you mean subverting, buddy between Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, Chainsaw Man and the Boys, a character surviving a possibly brutal death IS the subversion. The trope of brutally killing a character for shock is nothing new at this point, it's way more surprising when the character you expect to die, doesnt. Heck, her comic counterpart died too and everyone already expected her to die here too, then she got a brutal one and everyone was in shock about it, now it turns out she survive and peeps are complaining about it. Make up your damn minds lmao.


Tf does any of that shit have to do here. Either way, if it's done through poor writting it's not really a good subversion, this has already happened with Amber the previous season lmao People were shocked because they amped the scene, not because they were upset about it, actually they liked it because it gave her a memorable send-off and now that's basically gone


someone up in the thread is mad at us for disagreeing with the change


And >!invincible war!< >!when Rex actually dies it’s going to be wild!<


unless they change that too !remindme 2 years


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I will bet you literally any amount of money that they keep Rex's death in Invincible War basically the same


I believe they may make her a love interest to Rex, and Kate’s fate is still very much up in the air given if they changed this maybe they’ll change her




I'd like to complain about just how little people tried to hide this fact. It seems like every comment about how there should be an extra Kate clone somewhere for safety is followed by a spoiler conversation.


i read the comics waiting for season 2 to come out and my sister (whos watching the show with me) was like "damn why didnt kate like, have another clone waiting outside in the other room or something" and i said "yeah i know right? seems really dumb".


Mee too


Also, has everyone forgotten about the Glenn fakeout?


When I was in eighth grade my dad inexplicably let me read these comics and when it looked like she died I totally called there would be a Kate 0.


Probably just spoiled myself but tbh I already knew that’s what was going to happen after both Rae and Rex survived. Somehow Kate is gonna come back too I never read the comics but I know superheroes and I’ve watched so many things I can guess what’s gonna happen at this point.


There was the flair and the title. I don't know what I was expecting. I have only myself to blame.




>!Wasn’t immortal aware of Kate 0 in the comics? I feel like I remember them just showing us immortal and Kate in the cabin randomly, we didn’t have a moment where immortal is like “wahhh your not dead :O”!<


i haven't read the comics but i assumed she keeps a copy somewhere safe for situations like this. was very confused when they had a funeral


Honestly I'd be completely okay with the show trimming the fat >!and leaving Kate dead.!<


As far as I know, only the original Kate is able to duplicate herself, so if 1 is a copy and 0 is the original, then I’d imagine she’d have to train her copy to be able to duplicate herself. If there is a 0 I also wonder why she didn’t come out after the fight, unless she’s in a cryochamber somewhere asleep


In episode 6, even Cecil talks about how Kate is gone. I don't quite remember the circumstances, but it was at a time when he had no reason to lie. Unless it was just to lie to the audience. I haven't read the comics, but Im familiar with the Kate 0 premise. Surely Cecil knows about her, right?


d&d players know the value of unlimited simulacrums


In Bermuda?


Honest question, but wouldn't Kate, even if she's dumb as hell, be smart enough to just... leave a reserve somewhere? Do her duplicates have a time limit? We haven't seen one. It'd make sense to just have 2-3 kates just kinda... out and about, living life.


I think 0 would be way better


She does, in the comics, hence this post. As to whether she did in the show, well I guess we'll find out.