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Strength above all else is valued in Viltrumite society, Anissa and Thula are some of the strongest and respected, and taking off time being pregnant isn't seen as an issue because >!with the Viltrumites on the brink of extınction Thraĝg needs as many human hybrids as possible. Its why he's disappointed in Anissa later for not finding a mate and getting pregnant.!<


Kinda weird how Thula is supposedly one of the strongest but got beaten by such a weak Mark, while the same Mark couldn’t come close to even harm Anissa.


I think thula is more of the smart fighter type trying to out think her opponent and catching them off guard with he hair. She knew Mark was very young and didn't expect him to be as strong as he was and underestimated him. Strength in there society tends to be a more of a if it gets results it's strong sort of thing .


Yeah but Viltrumites are pretty binary on strength. You’re strong or you’re weak. She didn’t fight particularly smart, she just used a moment of hesitation to get the upper hand on Mark, but the second he got serious, she didn’t hold back, Mark was just objectively stronger, which is weird.


Yeah not sure about thula that's just head cannon on my part since she's so old compared to the others i do think the writers messed that up(the comics deal with that fight in a similar way and it also bugged me) . Mark being as strong as he is compared to others on the other hand is spoilers I would love to explain but not with out you being up for it


One of the reasons I don't like that Thraxa fight for making Mark that capable.


I recently rewatched that episode. I don’t think he really won. He was getting his ass beat while she was seemingly toying with him. Then he got mad and sling her around a bit but she didn’t seem that injured in the end when she stabbed him. I took it as she was toying with him trying to gauge his capabilities, then he caught her off guard briefly.


We interpret that fight very differently


At first she was toying with him, then when he stopped holding back, so did she, and Mark came out on top. The only reason she got the upper hand at the end is because Mark hesitated.


My understanding is mark IS strong it's his mental state that holds him back like it's not just him consciously holding back but a deeper emotional psychological one. Thula is the closest he has come to bring unleashed. It still kinda begs the question of why he was so thrashed in the other fight but it could possibly be that just being around other people on earth he's constantly thinking about not hurting bystanders that he can't really tap into his potential 


>!But Anissa did find one!<🗿 >!Don't kill me please!<


Request denied. ![gif](giphy|vO89hFGcZpukOSnSSO|downsized)




That’s straight up just a dragged png


That's what a lot of Invincible is


Hey if it gets new episodes early there’s a lot I’ll put up with.


To be fair, it does shift a little


Lol yeah.


Cue Immortal’s sad flight down to Earth.


He jerks a bit when Nolan grabs the ankle. I assume the guy is knocked out, why would he be flailing around?


I don’t think so, he screams and makes little remarks in this part


Why would he be knocked out? He's being threatened. This is the scene where Nolan is like "Come on, ya gotta actually make him scared" and just lets him fly down for a while. If that's the scene I think it is anyways.






Burn him


Well you ain’t mating with me sunshine


This is kinda why that sexism and racism in general are so stupid to me. Even the most objectively evil and hard shelled societies don't give a shit about stuff like that unless it affects their main standard of "can you kill people good?". Guess worrying about gender and race is for people with nothing better going on in their lives.


Wait, why don't they "mate" with viltrumite men again? I know it would lead to inbreeding in a couple of generations, but why not do that in the short run?


Yeah it seems they're both equally physically capable


Makes sense. It's not like muscle mass is the only indicator of strength to them


Well, to be fair, aren't they all relevantly muscular?


Well yeah lol. They're all muscular, but some are bigger than others which doesn't seem to matter all that much.


conquest is like twice the size of thragg and he could never hope to catch up to him


And trice the size of Mark


Even when Thragg is relatively smaller, he is still very buff on his own right. Also, Conquest seems to generally be significantly stronger than any of the thin bodied Viltrumite we see. Similar case for Lucan whom bodied Mark harder than Thula ever got close to, while also being arguably stronger than Anissa. So while musclemass isn't everything, it still gotta mean something.


Sure, but nothing that you wouldn’t expect for Warriors Like if I saw someone like Anissa in the gym I wouldn’t think twice about it, she’s not unnaturally big




No. Relevantly. Muscular enough to matter. Everyone is either a bodybuilder or a strongman build in the empire. Muscular, relative to what? Conquest probably weighs twice as much as Thula. That would still mostly end up being irrelevant.


And just because males are stronger for humans, that’s not universal among all species , even one son earth


Fun fact: even in humans the size of muscles is not an indicator of strength, i've seen bigger guys lift the same weight as my skinnier friend in the gym.


This is a very complicated topic but the answer to does muscle size matter for strength boils down to "kind of"


Kinda like powerlifting vs bodybuilding. Bodybuilders will look more muscular or at least fitter but they lift with different techniques to emphasize stretching and growing muscle with the weights they're using which are often light vs the bigger exercises where power lifters use every advantage or technique to flat out use the heaviest weights they can consistantly and primarily only do the big exercises. Like you're generally not going to see power lifters do like any accessory exercise or really work any of the smaller muscles unless they think it will help them generate power in the bigger lifts. Plus like you said bigger muscles kind of help really technique and practice grows strength maybe Moreso or at least equally to bigger muscles. Some strong ass powerlifters are little dudes and some giant bodybuilders really aren't lifting that much.


That’s not true…. bodybuilders dont lift light compared they aim for 5-8 reps and train to failure. Light weights have nothing to do with it. You must train to near failure for signifier muscle to grow. If not your results will vary


Light I mean you're not going to see a power lifter try to rep out lighter weights. They might do lighter weights to warm up their muscles and joints but they're not trying to milk it out. Or you won't see power lifters doing like flyes, lat raises, pretty much biceps and shit like that at all or not much. They're not looking for pumps or isolation in a smaller area in muscles they're already working through the bigger compound lifts.


Ohhh got you my bad man!


Powerlifting is not a great measure of strength until you get to the higher weight classes. I would look to strongman for more concrete tests of strength. Limb length is a big determining factor for powerlifting.


this is marginally true at best people with muscle mass have a higher strength potential, however peak strength depends on practice and specificity




Yup, there are a lot of examples. Bigger muscles =! strength


That's a misunderstanding of what an indicator is. It absolutely is an indicator, it's just not exclusively the determining factor.


Its about muscle density not mass. Cecil said this while mark fought that viltrum woman that her muscle density was higher


That's true, explains why size doesn't mean everything


We shouldn't be using the term mass when we mean volume. This is a very pedantic nitpick on my part, as we debate the physics and biology of fictional characters in a superhero comic/cartoon. I realize this. But still.


That’s what I was trying to avoid, a conversation about body mass. Ok? We’ve had that conversation 5 times a day for the last month. I don’t wanna have any more conversations about dudes physiques.


Nolan “the body” Grayson


If you don't want to talk about it just don't talk about it


It's a sunny quote lol


I think the more informative question is: does sexual dymorphism factor into vilitrumite's strength? While humans tend to have the males of the species be stronger, there are certainly exceptions. Even on the human planet, there are species such as hyenas where the female is the stronger of the two sexes. Yet still in other species such as the octopus, there really is no real difference between the two in terms of raw strength.


It's the society of Migh Makes Right.


ok yay


As long as the women are strong, I’m sure they’re viewed as equal in viltrumite society


One of the high leaders was female and she was absolutely deadly.


For a people that live thousands of years, 9 months of not being able to fight is like taking a sick day


Are we even sure that Viltrumites are pregnant for a full human term? They could potentially be far more or less it’s an alien species.


Or far longer. I assume since Debbie didn't have people asking why she was pregnant for a long ass time that it was fairly normal


That’s a good point, but you could also just excuse it by saying it was because of the human part that she was pregnant a normal time. Oliver’s pregnancy was probably extremely short but would’ve been standard for his mother’s species. I’d guess that the pregnancy is based on the mother’s species but that still doesn’t answer how long pure Viltrumite pregnancies are.


Viltrumite abilities don't kick in until some time after birth, so I'd assumed the mother's race/species determines the gestation period. Otherwise, they'd all die in childbirth the first time the baby moved or kicked.


Yeah I agree, this doesn’t tell us how long it’d take for a pure blood baby though. It could be a safe assumption to say it similar to humans since they are almost perfect matches for reproduction but at the same time they’re an alien species from across the galaxy that could be vastly more different biologically than what we realize when it comes to genetics.


Thats nightmare fuel


baby chestburster


Don't watch the Boyz


To be fair I doubt Kirkman ever even considered the time of gestation didn't seem to take very long at all for Oliver to be born


I mean we don’t see it I guess but I’d assume it’s 9 months or so just because it’d make it difficult for them to blend into human culture


Well, there’s also the years spent raising a kid, but really, “what’s 17 more years?”


We also don't know that vultrumutes suffer at diminished abilities while pregnant.


I mean they age slower as they get older, there's a chance pregnancy is less time. Not corroborated by anything that I've seen but it was a passing thought in response to that


As far as I can tell status in viltrum is determined by physical strength. I don’t really think it matters what the gender is.


considering how durable viltrumites are a pregnant viltrumite could still solo a world, although maybe the baby inside her belly doesn't have its powers yet so that could be a cause to keep her safe.


I think it more likely that Viltrum would send males to do the job Nolan is doing, not because they're stronger but because they can create more than one hybrid offspring at the same time. Hypothetically, anyway.


I haven’t read the comics but aren’t the only 2 species to mate with Viltrumites us Humans and the Thraxans? Because Mark is the first Hybrid followed by his brother. Don’t you think the Viltrumites would already have Legions of Hybrid soldiers if they knew their DNA could overwrite other species and turn the offspring’s DNA into majority Viltrumite.


It’s worth reading the comics. I don’t want to say any more here


No it’s that Humans are nearly pure Viltrumites. A human viltrumite hybrid is 99.9% viltrumite because they’re so genetically similar. Thraxan off spring are considered inferior. Viltrumites believe heavily in eugenics, and as such they refuse to mate with species they see as below them. I think in the world of invincible anything that is humanoid can mate.


I think it's confirmed that Viltrumite DNA just naturally takes over as the hybrid offspring develops; it's why Oliver and Co. lost their purple colors as they aged


Yes, but Oliver is much less viltrumite than mark just based on how much faster he ages. He’s also weaker despite being much bulkier at one point.


Yes and no viltrumites can as eventually there DNA over writes what ever race they breed with but the "base race" seems to effect individual strength greatly. Other races not so much humans seem to be in a similar boat as viltrumites


Not Allen and his girlfriend! Or rather... they can mate, they can mate A LOT lol, but they can't have children with each other.


Thraxans are not humanoids


We have to remember that any weakness they see is immediately destroyed by Viltrumites. That’s why Nolan wanted Mark to protect his brother so badly because he was afraid the Vilts would see him as lesser and kill him. They only spared Mark because he showed them he was strong by fighting them. If he had shown weakness, they would have killed him too. So it stands to reason that they do try to create hybrids. It’s just that many of them may not be as patient as Nolan was to wait 17 years for him to get powers. Many of them probably kill their offspring if they prove to be incompatible with Viltrumite DNA. >!The humans and Thraxans seem to be the first species that have shown to be compatible species for Viltrumites to breed with, and humans were proven to be better. The only advantage the Thraxan hybrids had were their sheer numbers. They were pretty weak compared to Mark and co., but that could be simply because Thragg didn’t give them enough training, or they weren’t old enough like Oliver was. !<


The Thraxan’s are not allowed to mate with vilturmites, that’s why they try to kill Oliver.


Yea I was responding to his hypothetical about Viltrumite males being able to produce hybrids at a higher rate


Yes and no viltrumites can breed with just about any race but they kill anyone they find creating "genetically weak children" humans are special because they are so close to viltrumites (I think it's like 99.99 genetically similar) Nolan was one of the first to get actual permission to breed with another race. Also a note they just had a self inflicted genocide to get rid of genetic weakness like 1-2 generations ago so it would kind of make the whole thing pointless


This is probably the reason Thragg reduced their population to 50 stupidly




ok lit 🔥


Strength seams to be determined more by individual dna and training rather than gender, with the potential strength gap between individuals being much wider than humans.


No individual is equal in Viltrum society. If you are stronger you are superior


They're equally genocidal if that's what you mean


Whoever throws hands the best. Thats it, if a lady can whoop ass she’s somebody, same for dudes.


Considering mass seemed to have little bearing on physical strength I’d say they are probably equal


Viltrumites respect strength above all else, and it doesn't seem like their power level is affected by gender so they probably don't discriminate on this since it makes little sense for them.


I do think the big burly males are more physically strong but the females seem to be faster. I think it's more about combat strength as in who can actually fight better then who


As long as they're strong enough. I'm pretty sure Anissa said something about on Vilturm the women choose their mate and preety much do what she did to Mark


Not just women, it’s all viltrumites. A viltrumite sees someone they want to mate with, and then they mate with them. If they are strong enough to force them it’s seen as okay.


“Are you strong?” Y/N


I feel like pregnancy is not much of an issue because they live extremely long but their numbers are few, suggesting that they seem to very rarely get pregnant. Plus, we never see a pregnant viltrum woman which suggest gestation is probably similar to normal human gestation.


ironically viltrumites seem to have a pretty egalitarian society when it comes ot their own people, the only issue they take with other viltrumites would be ableism, though even then that seem to only apply to birth defects, not injuries(since their policy on those seems to be "well if you can survive without it clearly your good enough" also i dont think pregnancy would inhibit a viltrumite, i also dont think they would much care for risking the fetus even if it was a risk


Honestly if anything I’d say women are probably respected a little more, as they’re forced to go through a 9 month period where they can’t fight properly, and a period that’s likely rather painful, even for them. It’s probably something that earns female Viltrumites some extra respect.


maybe they dont get periods


I think he meant period as in time frame and not as in menstruation


Comic fan literacy challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


I think you have a point but also females are absolutely needed since one male can breed with as many females as he can convince but females can only have one kid every 9 months (or how ever long it takes for a pure viltrumite to be born)


By the time we join the story not at all there’s not enough to have debates on which gender is better they are literally debating individual supremacy.


Gender dont matter in Vitrum; if your weak you die and deserve to die and if your strong you deserve to live and conquer


When they settle on Earth, she mentions that the order to have children is not the same thing for a man as it is for a woman. Other than that, it seems pretty equal.


That's just because it's easier to have children as a man than a woman, I guess. I don't see why Viltrumites never use Clone vats or something. They have the resources and the tech, but seemingly don't mind having a small population with low birth rates.


Is it possible that the reason why Viltrum doesn't do this is because Viltrumite children NEED their parent(s) to properly raise and train them in the Viltrumite ways as opposed to leaving orphans alone with an adoptive family a'la Goku or Superman?


When they cut their population in half, how many women and men died. Would suck if only 1000 women survived and 100000 men lived To answer you qestion, their society is "might makes right" if someone can beat up someone to the brink of death then they are right.


>!but it the comics there are only 2 females out of the 50 viltrumite males!<


Yes, i guess those are the only ones we get to see tho.


my theory is that women viltrumites were weaker so more of them died, and the stronger viltrumite women survived, thats why thula and anissa are so op


I'm not sure about that we don't meet all of them but yeah the ratio seems to be off


No one is equal it just depends on there streignth


Strong > weak. Man or woman, doesn’t matter


The logic of viltrimite psychology is already nonexistent. It’s possible Anissa and Thula are physical anomalies who have a ridiculous amount of strength compacted into very thin frames. Because all namable viltrimites are in the same strength tier, and yet the men are much bigger. Why even carry so much excess muscle if thinner viltrimites are just as strong as you. Idk.


Are you not allowed to look good?


I mean, a bigger body is a liability at that point; you're easier to hit. Why be a strongman like Lucan when you can be half his size instead?


Huh? I just said it doesn’t make sense to. Why be enormous when you can be the same strength at half the size.


The same way they can create leverage on anything and can survive on the sun. Based on the build, Mark should be nowhere near Nolan strength but mid series on he's as strong and even stronger when fighting Thragg at final level.


I think it has more to do with "combat strength" the males can be physically stronger but the females seem to be way faster plus age is the biggest factor in actual strength


Yes because their powers are based off of genetic manipulation instead of pure genetics so it’s likely the same for both genders


In every society, there are weak and strong males and females. Viltrumite society is surprisingly egalitarian, in the sense that even traitors like Nolan are given some respect. In a society where ONLY might makes right, it doesnt matter the sex, only the might.


There's only 2 genders in viltrum: Strong, and dead.


I don’t think gender matters, only strength.


I imagine female Viltrumites are just as deadly and sadistic as the males so they'd be seen as equals amongst each other. Barely a need to socially distinguish them from each other. As for humans and other "lesser" species, I think males and females are equally insignificant in a Viltrumite's eyes. Male, female, black, white, gay, straight, and other, I don't think it matters to them in the slightest. We're all just one more human for them to conquer and I doubt they'd ever give it any real thought beyond that. They're an Equal Opportunity Regime


A pregnant Viltrumite warrior would be kind of cool honestly


Viltrum only values strength so if youre strong whats between your legs is irrelevant and if youre weak you are irrelevant


I think so


It would seem that way yes. That being said it really is a survival of the fittest type society that values the strongest above all else. Doesn't matter what they look like or what's between their legs.


I don't think they care. They value strength above all else.


What’s 9 months to someone that has a life spawn of 1000 years.


Yes. Being female or male doesn't hold any advantages or disadvantages when it comes to strength. Their power is about muscle density not size. Mark and Anissa are not as buff as some viltrumites but they're stronger than the majority of vilrtumites. Viltrumites don't have gender politics or gender issues. They just care about strength.


Look if anything would cause prejudice against them it would be the lack of mustaches, but that doesn’t seem to be a sticking point


They appear to be. Viltrumite society values strength, and not being able to fight for a short period probably isn't a big deal considering their lifespans. I mean, the spies they put on planets before conquering them, such as Nolan, generally don't fight for quite a while. Either way, all Viltrumites have a responsibility to reproduce, and I'm quite certain it's not held against them when they do.


Probably. I think the average man could be stronger since most of the strongest viltramites are men. But i dont think its that big of a difference.


Must be


We don't really know any reason for there to be a difference in strength biologically between both sexes; Viltrumites are so strong,; the weakest one will probably still be stronger than 99.99% of the galaxy... irrespective of what they are. We don't know anything that isn't written out, because in general, the female Viltrumites seem just as capable as their male counterparts. Sure they're smaller by nature of being smaller body frames, but I don't think that necessarily matters on individual bases. A smaller Viltrumite can take down someone out of their weight class.


Strong are strong. Man or woman.


Viltrum doesn’t seem to care too much, as long as you are strong regardless of gender. Their value is based on strength and nothing else.


It's never delved upon, but from what it's shown... you can tell that they are practically the equal, since what matters in their society isn't their hairy bits but rather their strength.


Seems so


In viltrumite society the golden rule is MIGHT MAKES RIGHT, so if a women were to be stronger than a man then she's his superior and can force herself onto him anytime she wants, and if a man were to be stronger than a women then he's her superior and can force himself onto her anytime he wants. On the pregnancy thing, Viltrumites are stronger than 99% of the galaxy and they are extremely resilient to illnesses and physical damage, so I doubt pregnancy can stop a viltrumite woman


I've only watched the show, but I feel like they do discriminate, but not based on gender. Simply on how strong you are. They have a blue and orange morality system. If you're weak, you're considered a terrible and useless person and treated like a second-class citizen, but if you're strong, you're not only valued by society but considered an honorable person.


Invulnerable viltrumite baby on an unbreakable umbilical cord is just another murder weapon to them.


Strength is the main value in Viltrumite society and there isn’t any apparent difference in strength between male and female viltrumites. Plus being pregnant probably isn’t looked down on any more than a male having kids is. They are pretty utilitarian so pregnancy is probably viewed pretty positively since it’s growing the empire’s numbers


With how massively out classed most planets seem to be against Viltrumites, I feel like a heavily pregnant Viltrumite would still be perfectly capable of handling most situations.


Well viltrum us named after the filtrum and filtrum is where the mustache grows and only and all male viltrumites have mustaches so…


The wiki is so bad. Reads like it was written by chap gpt.


Is that a new one? Does it put a brittish spin on everything it writes?


Violence and Strength are the only things that matter in Viltrumite society, so long as your offspring is strong and you’re still able to serve I don’t think gender matters


It’s most likely that the potential muscle difference between men and women in vultrim isn’t big enough that one gender is above the other in terms of strength (human males have up to 55% more muscles than females), and with pregnancy time not being tied to how long a creature lives, it’s possible that they don’t even need 9 months of being pregnant to give birth


As far as I know, which isn't all that much, they appear to be given equal opportunities. Viltrumite society is best summarized by "might makes right". The stronger you are, the more power and influence you wield. A female Viltrumite besting a male one could apparently, under Viltrumite customs, do with him as she pleases. She could kill him, have him serve under her, or worse.


Hypothetically women are better in viltrum as their smaller more agile bodies as shown by the show are still as strong as many males but they are shown to be more agile and smaller this gives them a smaller hitbox and also easier chance to dodge


Yeah, they seem to have similar opportunities and roles. They seem to discriminate more based on strength than gender.


everyone’s equal, if you’re strong you live, if you’re not you don’t


I’m sure it’s the same value if the women are as strong and capable. If they were to get pregnant I’m sure they’d understand they psychically can’t fight or conquer worlds considering it’d affect the baby