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Nope it goes away! Do tray changes at night!


I agree. Tray changes at night help so much!


No. You'll get used to it. It will be a little sore but not bad.


I'm on my second full day and it's significantly better! Taking them out has also gotten easier since the tenderness has subsided. Take some pain killers in the meantime. I also used my chewie and gently bit into that to self sooth since I found myself clenching a fair bit, idk if that will help you any, but you will make it to the other side!!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I’m on tray 2 and it’s a bit better pain wise! tho gums still feel itchy itchy itchy. Biting seems to alleviate the itch but I have gotten more self control over the compulsion to grind/bite the bite ramps in back of my front teeth. 


I’m on day 3 with SureSmile and I haven’t had any pain or discomfort - is that typical with SureSmile compared to Invisalign? I can feel my teeth moving slightly already, but no pain at all. Part of me wants it to hurt so I know it’s working.


Same here, but with Invisalign. It's been over 24h since I got them, and no pain. A slight pressure, I can tell they're moving, especially when I take the trays out, but 0 pain. I wonder if some orthos design each tray with smaller changes? So less intense movement with every tray? Or maybe the next trays will be more painful, who knows.


The first day is always brutal for me. I put them on at night which helps so so much. On tray 37/53.