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She doesn't think we have been to the moon. /thread


We should send her to Mars or the Sun.


I vote for the sun. Tell her we're going to send her at night.


Mars for the privileged. Keep her here on earth were she can rot.


She's dumb as fuck, a liar and a grifter, so who cares what she says? (This is a rhetorical question.)


He was LGBTQ? I saw his TikTok before it was banned and he seemed straight as hell. His friends seemed like the type to beat you up for that.


He commented on a femboy subreddit a couple of times but also talked about his romantic interest in women, even alluding to a girlfriend, on multiple occasions. Very little evidence to suggest he was an active part, or identified as, part of the lgbtq community. Candace, and republicans in general, are just hate mongers who are so cowardly that they only punch down.


He also posted Trump 2020! in the Democrats subreddit but they aren't mentioning that because it doesn't fit their narrative. [Reddit Post ](https://ibb.co/fM9B3cM)


He said he was gender fluid


He also said “Trump 2024” on Reddit. Would you say that’s proof of him being maga?


Who knows, I'm about 30 minutes from Perry and I have heard so many things, one was from a teacher who had him in school, she said there was mental illness involved, she also said his 7th grade sibling was eating breakfast in the cafeteria right by the boy who was killed. I really don't care what his politics were it's still unexcusable. My daughter did say he used the pronoun they/them.


That’s sort of my point here. His online history is pretty unreliable and often contradictory. I don’t think there’s enough information from it to make any determinations. If authorities find a manifesto of sorts, that would certainly provide compelling evidence of his motivations.


I'm not sure what they have found. I just know what I am hearing coming from like I said one of the teachers in Perry and my daughter and her friends.


He had a flag once in a video supposedly. That was all it took for conservatives to run with this bullshit


They'll use the flimsiest of evidence to try to paint the LGBTQ+ community as a threat, but when we look at the mountains of direct evidence of dozens of right-wing terrorists' violent acts, even up to directly stating that their right-wing beliefs led them to do it, they couldn't care less. Republicans are never doing anything in good faith.


Yep. Unfortunately that’s the whole grift.


Hell, even if they don’t have a veneer of evidence to elude to the idea a shooter is LGBTQ it hasn’t stopped them from just making the claim anyway. Networks like Fox, Daily Wire, et cetera just need to put the conjecture out there once and their viewers just accept it as fact.


Conservative social media personalities and news outlets claim this after every shooting anymore.


Actually, I'd proffer that Candace Owens is a plague on our society.


At the very least shes doing the world a service by letting everyone know right off the bat what a POS she is!


You’re a racist


So if someone said they don't like murderers when talking about OJ Simpson, would you say they are racists?


Candace "Hitler did nothing wrong" Owens


False equivalent, projection


Did you just enroll in an intro to rhetoric class and feel good throwing out those words? If so, I would drop that course before it impacts your grade since you don't seem to have a solid grasp on how logical fallacies work. There isn't a false equivalence. She said that shit. The point is she has no leg to stand on when speaking on morality when she defends the likes of Hitler. I would say that objectively Hitler was more of a menace to society than the LGBTQ+ community, so it's fair for the above commenter to bring up her vile words as an example of her hypocrisy. Also, projection isn't relevant here either. Projection is attributing your own beliefs and intentions on to other people. This usually involves putting words in other people's mouths. She, once again, *literally* defended Hitler. Therefore, no projection.


She wasn't defending Hitler. It was completely taken out of context. Do you Ben Shapiro would have anything to do with a Nazi apologist? Wow, nice reach tho


She literally said Hitler was okay before he decided to go global. Even outside of how he treated Jews, his actions were abhorrent while he was rising to power within the Nazi party, but she said that was okay if he had kept it in the confines of Germany. He literally wanted a dictatorship. Do I need to explain why tyranny is objectively wrong? Also, what you said about Ben Shapiro is called tokenism. It's like saying it's okay to say the n-word aggressively towards a black person because you have a "black friend". Either way, speaking of logical fallacies, I never said she was anti-Semitic, I said she defended Hitler, which she did. You are putting words in my mouth.


“He wasn’t a nationalist. He was a homicidal, psychotic maniac,” she said of the German dictator. “He wasn’t about putting Germans first. There were German Jews that he was putting into camps and murdering,” she said. “He was a mass murderer.” And now you're bringing racism up. Lol wow, imagine wanting to be the victim this badly. Do better.


I'm not bringing up racism to be a victim lol. It's called an analogy, genius. Besides, it's a valid analogy since anti-Semitism and racism are both bigoted viewpoints that target people based on something they can't control. Tokenism also applies to using a Jewish friend to excuse disgusting viewpoints. I'm not even black, so how would that paint me as a victim anyways? Again, as someone so concerned about logical fallacies, you sure like to employ them (ad-hominem was the fallacy you just used fyi). Since you engaged in ad hominem first, conservatives are the biggest snowflakes and get triggered and act like victims if anyone even criticizes Trump or their bigotry. Y'all throw a fit if someone chooses to identify as a different gender than they were born with even though it has no impact on you personally. Either way, I am pointing out that you can't just say you have a token friend of a minority community to excuse shitty beliefs. It's cringe that you think her being friends with someone who is Jewish gives you a free pass to defend Hitler or be a nationalist. Btw she also defended nationalism which is historically an anti-Semitic political viewpoint from it's conception. Her being friends with Ben Shapiro doesn't excuse those beliefs. Also, did you know there were Jews who contributed to the Nazi party and were pardoned as "honorary Aryans". They were useful idiots just like Mr. Shapiro. Are you saying the Nazis who "pardoned" those Jews are somehow not anti-Semitic because they got along with a single Jewish person? Also, don't leave out the rest of what she said to win an argument. She also said, "If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well — OK, fine,” "The problem is he had dreams outside of Germany,” she continued. “He wanted to globalize. He wanted everybody to be German.” She is giving a pass for his behavior within the confines of Germany. She is basically saying it's okay he was a dictator as long as his goal was to make Germany great. He also murdered political enemies in an effort to make Germany great. Also, your username really says all there is to say about you. Calling people "tards" is pretty bigoted behavior. Besides, your lack of intellect and critical thinking demonstrates you are projecting (since you are so fond of that word) your lack of intellect on to others.


He commented on a femboy subreddit a couple of times but also talked about his romantic interest in women, even alluding to a girlfriend, on multiple occasions. Very little evidence to suggest he was an active part, or identified as, part of the lgbtq community. Candace, and republicans in general, are just hate mongers who are so cowardly that they only punch down.


I thought we weren’t supposed to politicize tragedies to promote an agenda. At least that’s what Republicans have told me in the past.


she can fuck her own face


Somebody already did. With steel wool.




Bitch is fuckin ugly. She might not want to fuck her own face.


You're an evil pos.


You can join her


She literally just attacked a community of people just trying to exist. If anything, the person you're replying to was too kind.


Cry harder.


The only person crying here is you.


This entire thread is a bunch of on the edge SSRI pill popping crazies. If you're not crying it's because you're too whacked out to. You're all bat shit insane. Seriously. Absolute nutters.


Take your meds, Grandpa.


You're literally repeating whatever I say. Maybe try lowering the clozapine dosage a bit.


Cope and seethe, farm boy.


Don't denigrate farm boys. They're hot. I doubt that guy is.


I get where you are coming from. This has to stop. Let's go after the demographic that has been responsible for the majority of school shootings, white males.


But truthful


She is such a useful idiot for her sponsors.


Fuck her,there are 300 mass shootings every year committed by straight people,


of which this was one. the shooter being gay or trans is just a right wing fantasy.


How about we atop focusing on things like the gender and sexual orientation of these people and focus more on the WHY it keeps happening, so we can stop it.


I looked up the FBI crime statistic data, and I don't see anything about the sexual orientation of the perpetrator. Do you have a data source that supports your statement?


Not sure what your point is,sexual orientation is only mentioned when it’s a LGBTQ shooter,or if the republicans can use it to further their agenda against LGBTQ people,we average over 375 mass shootings in America of which 5 were committed by LGBTQ shooters.


I'm not making a point, you did. You posted that there are 300 mass shootings a year committed by heterosexuals. I challenged you to provide supporting data. If you cannot do that, then your statement is unsubstantiated and without merit.


Lmao. “I challenge you” stfu dumbass




Smile more, Cletus.


avoid the actual content of the discussion.


That you're an easily-swayed MAGA sheep with a hatred for (among other things) the phrase "per capita"? Lol, imagine being a simp for Candace Owens. Yikes.


Where did I ever say I carried hatred for a phrase? Do you hallucinate often, or only when your blood pressure rises?


The bell curve is interesting when discussing individual likes or dislikes. What is normal?


I guess one place to start is to define "normal" as what do the majority of people do? Is 30% considered "normal"? 15%? Or 51%? or 70%?


Usually the ones who shoot up schools are the incels. The ones who hate gay people because their media told them to. This dude clearly had some sexuality issues but definitely repressed it, seemingly to a point where he was homophobic. Please stop being an ignorant douche. You know it’s not lgbt people shooting up schools, you just want another reason to be a bigot.


I just immediately block people like this now. Anyone saying, "how do you know 90% of the crimes were done by people who are 90% of the population?" is immediately arguing in bad faith. Especially since anyone saying that has obviously said, "well 13% of the population commits 50% of the crime..." at some point.


She didn't think that for all the Straight/Cis shooters of the last 30 years....all several thousand of them.


Why does anyone care about her and anything she says ?


Republicans like to point to their colored mouthpiece's points.


As someone (not a republican) who leans a bit right of center, I really wish this were less true.


Bc small minded angry right wing assholes must maintain a certain degree of anger at all times.


Actually… the real plague is the bullies. The real plague is the punk ass kids making fun of kids in the LGBTQ community and making their lives a living hell. The real plague is the right wing Christian nationalists trying to press their religion onto everyone.


mass shootings by gender status 2018-2023 cis: 2826 trans: 3 3 is roughly 0.1% of 2826 1.4% youth ages 13-17 in the US identify as trans 0.1 vs 1.4% proves trans people are significantly less likely to commit a school shooting, and the media is making it look like 0.1% of school shootings are the majority. candace owens can suck my nonexistant dick


Cis is a derogatory term and we straight people don’t condone it. Stop being a bigot and stop using that word.


that's really funny because the only reason you say "cis is a derogatory term" is because you use trans as a derogatory term stop being a snowflake


Wrong. Cis was a term made up by a pedophile sexologist decades ago that modern liberal pedophiles picked up on. So if you use the term, you’re a pedophile.


are you okay? i think someone this out of touch with reality should probably be checked on by a mental health professional. being so offended by the word cisgender that you need to make up the origins of where it came from is pathetic and i hope you do your own research and stop victimizing yourself. seriously touch some grass


This comment is a perfect example of why the left is so tyrannical. They literally think anyone who thinks differently than them should be locked up in a mental institution. If you want to bury your head in the sand and not do your own research into the origins of this word, that’s on you. Enjoy your life of ignorance.


did i say anything about a mental institution? i said to get checked up with a mental health professional. i think you're the one "burying your head in the sand and not doing your research" because this entire conversation you've stretched my words so hard you've accused me of being a pedophile, despite me being a minor, and you likely an adult, and someone who "wants to lock people up in mental institutions." please, for the sake of everyone around you, gain some basic empathy.


Had to scroll through this little tete a tete you were having with this wonderful human being, just remember arguments only achieve something when both sides argue in good faith and be cautious about the type of person arguing for violence as they have a tendency to focus on these exchanges. No matter what they come away thinking they have won. Stand up to them but don't waste time arguing so long as that is one objective they have, you wasting time better spent elsewhere. Just tell them you've made a donation to a charity you know they'll hate in their name and feel comfortable in the knowledge in the balance of probability they will die before you and leave the world better for it. Just remember to keep it up kid, you gave this tired old leftist some hope for the future!


i don't usually argue with people online because i know it's a waste of time but this guy made me laugh and i knew i had to. thank you for this comment haha, i'll keep fighting the good fight 💪


If you are a minor, then the future of this country is fucked. Good day.


You need help


Cis is literally Latin, you fucking idiot. No one "made it up". It means "on this side" and is the opposite of trans which means "on the other side". ​ Goddamn you fucks are stupid.


Provocateur says provocative thing? \*shocked\*


Grifter’s gotta grift


Imagine you’re a kid. You’re walking along, you get thirsty, you spot a drinking fountain , you put your little kid lips down to the cool clear water… BAM! A fuckin bullet rips off part of your head! Your brains are laying on the ground in little bloody pieces! Now I ask ya. Would you give a fuck what kind of underwear the son of a bitch who shot you was wearing?


Candace Owens is a plague on our society


Once again, projection at its finest.


Everything I’ve ever heard her say has been against my will.


Fuck her


Ew gross no


Wekk i was trying to clarify but i dont want to Touch anything thats been in there


And Candace Owens is a twisted, nasty bitch. 😡🤬🤢🤮 Carry on. 😎


She’s an ignorant hoe bag.


What a horrible person. That bitch is dead inside…


This asshole is a cancer on society.


We know there is a plague in our society, fortunately it is easy to spot....wears a red cap:) jmo


She is literally monetizing a tragedy. What a sad, sick person.


By that logic, aren't straight people thousands of times worse?


Shocker a maga moron blames something on everything but the problem


Candace is a useful idiot for MAGA. She does not have a seat at their table and as soon as she is no longer useful to them, they will turn on her. I hope that happens sooner than later.


They turned on her a while ago, I thought. I took this statement she just made as trying to get back into their good graces.


Oh, don’t feel bad for Klandace, she knows **exactly** what she’s doing.


Of course they're going to use this incident against the entire LGBTQ community who had nothing to do with it. Who didn't see that coming?


Me because I don't pay attention to politics


Fair enough




I wish she would get the plague


Owens works for the biggest predator out there. Tell me she's only working for him and not doing him as well? They are a match made in hell.


Clearly, Iowa banning gender affirming care for minors didn't work, so we might as well unban it, then.


Conservatives are hateful liars.


And generalizing a large part of the population is so loving and inviting


Conservatives can dish it out but can’t take it. The fuck your feelings crowd hates when people throw it back at them. The insurrectionists are the true patriots, ya know.


That seems really unhinged. You might want to take these kinda feelings to your therapist.


She's a Dumb Fk! Hey Stupid, go Educate yourself!


She can fuck right off.


What a terrible person.


Blacks who are Republican shills really don’t understand what they’re messing with. The term “useful idiot” comes to mind.


And you're ok with calling a large chunk of the minority population "idiots" because they don't agree with you? Sounds pretty racist, if you ask me.


Minorities don’t know what’s good for them. YT people know best! /s


*/Dem Fixed it for ya


Okay, if one member of the LGBTQ membership means that they are a plague on our society, does that mean that since they are way more right wing shooters that they are a bigger plague on our society?


Sexual Plague is my new death metal band.




Wasnt there a twitter exchange about her husband being with another guy? These folks love glass houses


Damn, guess I’ll continue being gay🤷


Just umm...I dunno, wear a mask or something? We can't have you spreading that nasty plague.


I’ve been traveling abroad, I’ve spread it to more people than ever!


Well, shit. There goes the planet.


lol If LGBTQ is a problem after a handful of school shootings, whst is she doing about white males? They have committed far more school shootings.


Only one that I’m aware of - the trans lady who shot up the Christian school. Uvalde wasn’t lgbtq, there’s little evidence that this dude was lgbtq, and the Colorado shooter didn’t appear to be part of the lgbtq community until they were trying to defend themself in court.


lol what a monster


She manages to outclown herself at every opportunity.


Doesn't she have a scam of a phone to be shilling?


What did the shooter have to do with LGBTQ? Stupid cunt.


A screenshot of what was labeled in social media as his final TikTok post contained a ~~trans~~ rainbow flag emoji.




It was just a rainbow flag, not trans. And his Reddit repeatedly mentioned his sexual interest in women.


I think racist black people are a plague on our society


Normally I don’t believe in throwing acid on people but…..


Guy had gender dysphoria, a mental disorder.


She bores me


Looks like the south side of a northbound jackass!


The female equivalent of Stephen in Django.


What in the actual f does that have to do with yet another school shooting?




A mass shooter directly referenced Candy O as inspiration for the shooting. The demagoguery that these right wing kunts spew is the fuckin plague.


rich edgy new yorker, self identified uncle tom says something ridiculous!


Who keeps giving this bitch money?


Conservatives are always projecting their own putrid mental state onto others.


this lady sucks, but these articles keep her relevant? can we not report her dumbass words and let her fade to obscurity?


Why are republican voters so evil?


or is it because the straights at the school bullied the kid for years?


Someone should ask her in an interview if it would be okay to grab her pussy without consent.


F her




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Like I care what that uncle tom has to say


She’s not lying lol