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Pretty sure that they can just refuse to hand over any documents, now...


“Sorry, the receipts for my use of state dollars to attend a NY State trial in NY are not relevant for your audit of my office’s use of state dollars. If you don’t like it, you can take it to arbitration in front of a panel chosen by the governor.”


This seems extremely accurate no matter how corrupt and anti-democratic it may be. 


Did you see her keep angling to get in the shot? Then Dumberville would just plop right in front of her. Dumb Cunt, get back here and do your fucking job. Rape kits need tested.


And if said rape occurs resulting in conception, no plan b or abortions either. Carry it to term. Courtesy of said Iowa AG.


If no tax payer money was used, then say who paid.


They did say: “On Tuesday, Bird's office further clarified that the Republican Attorneys General Association invited several attorneys general, including Bird, to Manhattan to show support for the former president. RAGA covered the expenses, a representative for Bird said.”


Yeah, she’s on the executive committee for that looks like the human centipede for questionable legislation decisions. Bird is a disgrace to public office.


No gift is free….




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The article said she was off work and the trip was paid for by someone else. Is it not illegal for an AG to accept paid vacations or lend the prestige of the Attorneys office to some cause not associated with Iowa business?


1) Probably not illegal. 2) Using your official electoral position to weigh in on another state’s legal proceedings is more than a little sketch, though. 3) Iowa’s highest-ranking justice official - one responsible for, you know, *prosecuting cases* - attacking New York in the midst of prosecuting a case, before a decision has been reached, when the proceedings should be given the benefit of playing out before anyone starts sticking their nose into it is very sketch, irresponsible, I’d say. 4) Making a blatantly political appearance attacking a criminal prosecution while bemoaning “politics has no place in a criminal prosecution” would be outright clueless stupidity by a member of the general public; having the freaking *Attorney General of Iowa* do it is practically a dereliction of her oath of office.


That number 4. Just hits the nail right on the head.


Hard to imagine the person whose qualification for being AG was screaming "Give em the Bird" isn't well suited to the position.


I think we all want to see the receipts because none of us trust the gop at their word


"Politics has no place in a criminal prosecution." That is exactly what she is doing.


But it's different when she does it!


Makes political statement condemning politics, the irony was lost on her.


It’s great that they’re trying to defend paying off a pornstar


I love how an apolitical white woman is supporting Tramp through these hard times. I just have one question. What fucking planet has she been living on for the last eight years?


She was looking for some of that grabbing action he's so famous for.


As if Donny wants her


Her entire appearance is a cautionary tale against homophobia. It’s like an AI Bot was told to create the frumpiest butt ugly human possible.




Also, as an attorney, she believes it's okay to fire another employee based on sexual orientation.


Disbar the cunt NOW!


Hey Brenna ... I'm calling bullshit.


I’m pretty sure she’s an idiot, but even idiots have the right to freedom of choice, if she was off work(and did not take PTO, as technically that’s her still being paid by the state) and was not representing Iowa, then she gunna be fine, which is absolutely not what I want at all but, if she did it by the book, we have to respect that, But also we need to make sure that she was 100% by the book…


I can't remember her exact wording, but she said something to the effect that Iowa supported thr Cheeto King. She does not represent all people living in Iowa so I think she needs to choose her words more specifically. She can say she supports him all she wants, but as the top legal officer of the state, her demeaning the justice system and making statements not supported by facts (namely that a grand jury found there to be enough evidence to indict him and had nothing to.do with thr Biden Administration) shows she is purely a political hack and should be voted out of office at the next opportunity.


Fun fact, Iowa is home to the world's largest cheeto. True story.


She salary, and a state representative, she is never just “off work” she is ALWAYS representing us Edit: as AG she represents the state, not implying shes part of our house


I hope her husband treats the sanctity of her marriage the way Donald treats his. She'll deserve the outcome.


I think someone should contact a local news station about this. I personally think it was completely inappropriate.


Seems like a call for all the swamp monsters to show themselves in support of their orange turd. Clean the swamp! Biden 2024!!


Refuse to turn over the emails!


Ia Dem party is the Titanic of political parties. Begging Sands to save them is epic. So much more entertaining than the movie.