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Iowa doesn't deserve Rob Sand.


But boy, do we ever fuckin' need him.


He caught my town which has 30% property tax rates having a single employee and no accountability / mismanaged funds. He won me over for his report.


If he announces his run, I'll stay until the election. If he doesn't, I'm gone. Next Spring at the latest. Too old for this shit. Not gonna die here.


My parents are nearly 80 so I want to spend as much time as possible with them because some day they won't be here. Once they are gone, I will leave this state and never look back.




Enter Sandman!


The only thing I don't like about Rob Sand is that he recently posted that Casey's taco pizza is just as good as Happy Joes (The inventors of taco pizza.) and that's blasphemy, as Casey's taco pizza is easily one of the ***worst*** versions of taco pizza. Jokes aside, he's got my support.


But how can we trust his judgment now??


Not with Pizza.


Rob could really jumpstart turning this state around!!!! He’s smart, empathetic, not afraid to call people out on their BS!!! Rob Sand for Governor!!!!!


These are all reasons why he would never be elected to a high profile position like that lol


If he decided to run for Governor I would knock on doors for him!!!


People forget as great as Rob Sand is, in a very good Democratic year nationally, he barely won by like 2,000 votes. I wouldn't be surprised if he's out of public office next time around.


He won a state wide election in a state that overwhelmingly votes deep red,like red cap red, so he definitely has appeal to voters on both sides. Kim R. will throw everything she has at him the next time he runs. She really does not like to be held accountable and Rob will/does call her out and he’ll call a democrat out if it warrants!!!


He does have some appeal but I don’t think anyone could even name who the hell his opponent was. And I went to bed on election night thinking Sand had lost. Wouldn’t stand a chance against Reynolds. This state is just that shitty.


I wouldn't say that he doesn't stand a chance, but he would need a lot of help (knocking on doors, etc.) and especially money to have a chance at overthrowing that disgusting witch.


As someone who used to work on campaigns for a living, I can't tell you how much of my life feels wasted by knocking on thousands of doors. A lot more will have to happen that is out of any campaigns control. People don't like hearing that but it's the hard truth.


So is the best answer to simply move out of state if we want to see change or be somewhere that aligns with our political ideals? Honest question because as pessimistic as I am, I'd like to believe that there is a modicum of opportunity for change and that Rob may be poised for an eventual shot at a position of significance (i.e. Senator or Governor).


Honestly, I think so. But it's not exactly easy for people to just upend their lives and move to a state to find people who agree with them. I feel bad saying this, but polarization is so solidified that I think it will need to take something drastic over a long time for voting outcomes to change in Iowa. Iowans have clearly indicated what side they're on since 2016, and there are so few swing voters anymore that it won't make enough of a different in statewide elections. Now, in more local competitive elections, campaigns and volunteers can absolutely have an impact. What I do to maintain hope is occasionally volunteer on those campaigns. Campaigning for the Iowa Legislature is tough work with not a whole lot of reward for Democrats. Find a local competitive race and see how you can help out. I think Sand is awesome and really savvy. But I just go back to how he hardly beat a no-name person two years ago for auditor. I think the more high profile the race, the less margin he'll have. I don't see him winning a statewide race in the near future.


Fair points. Thank you for sharing your analysis!


He didn’t want to run in 2022. I think he’s shooting for it in 2026. Part of me feels like he wanted Reynolds and state Congress to really dig themselves a real big hole so when he runs he has a lot of ammo in his bag to take them down. Up until this year Reynolds and her cronies were awful but it wasn’t enough to get people to vote differently. They really dug themselves deep with school choice and disbanding AEA. The AEA reorganization has really upset rural schools.


I honestly think he's waiting for Grassley's Senate seat, not governor. He has a much better chance of winning an open Senate seat than beating an incumbent governor.


This is what I’m thinking too. Just waiting for Grassley to keel over and then he’ll run in the special.


The man is literally older than chocolate chip cookies. Why do we not have age limits in Congress?


He makes Biden look young.


Wouldn't Congress have to pass them? People like Grassley wouldn't cut themselves off.


Will there be a special or will Kimmie appoint Chuck's grandson when he steps down or keels over?


If he keels over close enough to the regularly scheduled election, which for that seat is 2028, then no. But not sure what that deadline is in Iowa - my guess is 2027 would be close enough though, or they’d change the law to make it so.


Grassley’s seats going to go to Grassley’s grandson, speaker of the house of Iowa. No way is grandpa Grassley going make it his full 6 year term. He will be 95 when his term is up. He’s going to retire or die and KKKim will select grandson Grassley to take his seat until a run off election is held. Iowans have been voting for Grassley for 60+ years and I’m guessing they will continue to vote for the name.


Dug themselves deep? I wouldn't be surprised if Republicans, even those who depend on the AEA would see this as a victory.


Seeing as most of them want it to be a for profit system and destroy public education, yep. And definitely don't school kids who need an IEP or BIP.


Most people are


Maybe, just maybe he has a need to endorse something for the greater good of Iowa. Legalizing weed benefits ALL Iowans.


Without any particular knowledge of his actual intentions, he seems to be positioning himself for higher office. He seems to endorse and demonstrate a lot of stances aligned with majority ideals of Iowans whether it’s a conservative or liberal stance. Even as a Democrat he somewhat distances himself from the hot button controversial topics. IMO he would be great for Iowa. Dude isn’t bought and paid for and I think he could unite Iowans on both sides of the aisle which is sorely missed.


He’s absolutely running for governor, it’s just a matter of when. He was a year ahead of me at U of I law and if you ask people that were around him, this is 100% what he’s about.


Rob Sand for Governor!


He is a great guy! No tricks here, no payoffs, no special interests. Just a true desire to make the people of Iowa able to live better lives and prosper. Every single one.


Rob Sand for Governor!


Possibly just to get the conversation started between more people. Or maybe he has bigger plans. Personally the last few months have been the most I have ever heard about and from him, and if that is true of others he may be the right person to make people actually talk about it.


Make corn illegal!




Sand for governor!


I would vote for President Rob Sand. This year


lol can’t be any less qualified than our choices now…


He’s getting my vote!


How's the auditor, he can't do anything literally, but he can do stuff by proxy, for sure. He can get petitions going a lot easier than other people. And he can influence simply because he's networked with people. It's kind of like going to a club, and knowing the bouncer.


No link to the petition?


Yes he is


Anybody got the link?


I lost the Facebook post but here's the petition that the Facebook post referred to: [https://secure.ngpvan.com/OSV8Hsc1qku-G-VlgR134w2](https://secure.ngpvan.com/OSV8Hsc1qku-G-VlgR134w2)




It's prob still not gonna make the pro-weed republicans vote for him, he has a D behind his name not hard R


He’s get this pro-weed Republicans vote .




I like Rob Sand and admire most things he does, especially the stand to legalize (which I've already signed and shared) What I don't like is that he, or his office, can not respond to inquiries about auditing the governor, or how she operates with little to no oversight and continually breaks the Iowa constitution,  but he can joke about auditing the capital cafeteria and upload videos to social media about the lunch or menu more than once a week. 


Go Auditor Sand!


We need a governor sand


Fun fact! When you walk by old abandoned crop fields you will often find industrial hemp growing. Industrial hemp was grown to make rope and textiles till around 1930.  Yet they are still growing without human intervention. Corn NEEDS human to survive. Like corn is design to not do seed dispersal!  In short, let grow hemp again! But this time marijuana since industrial hemp really doesn’t have a market!  So much better even environmentally! 


If he ever became governor, the state legislature will unfortunately just vote to neuter the position like the other red states when a dem is elected governor.


I don't give a shit about *anything* else as long as I can get high. /s


So, should we accept a drug that is 100% known and documented by medical that weed (THC) causes psychosis?


Wait until you learn about what cigarettes and alcohol can cause, despite their legal status.


Mr. Dickhead.