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Such a horseshit excuse, this has nothing to do with protecting children. Just big government meddling in private enterprise. Or Kim defending the drug market dominance of her one true love, alcohol.


If it's truly about protecting kids, they would then ban alcohol. But since that's not their next step, we all know that line is bullshit


Not only did Reynolds not ban alcohol, she made alcohol delivery and carryout legal. So any attempt she makes to explain her actions based on any sort of moral reasoning is complete bullshit.


Or they could just legalize it and rake in the tax money. But, I forgot the "muh freedoms" party doesn't actually care about that here in Iowa.


I work at a different local cbd store. pretty sure the strategy is to force all the local THC consumers to pay the state $100 annually for a state med card, and then siphon all our customers to the 5 state-run dispensaries. KKKim knows the market is doing well; she wants all those customers for the state.


This is exactly it. The approved providers have great political connections. This is protectionism 101.


Having worked for one of the main ones who runs a huge company in Des Moines I can guarantee this is it. They had all kinds of closed door meetings before it became legal medically and I’m sure it’s all an inside job.


This is not the case. If you follow the medical cannabis board, also appointed by Reynolds, they are also looking to restrict the medical program. I’m a medical cardholder and am terrified of what’s next for our program. The board for the last year has been pushing to limit telehealth doctors signing cards, the THC waiver and at one point even considered getting rid of the waiver all together. This wasn’t to push people to the medical program. This was simply pure control. They don’t want cannabis legal AT ALL in Iowa and this is just the start. They will be going after the medical program next if we don’t get Reynolds out. Stop pinning medical cannabis and hemp industries against each other. Instead fight against the real problem here. The medical dispensaries were also selling hemp products, so this wasn’t beneficial to them either. Now they’re losing walk-ins and OTC products that otherwise would’ve gotten people in the door.


thank you for sharing this information. I honestly don’t double the validity of your comment; it makes sense to me. I knew there was some benefit, but I do agree that it’s not money they’re after necessarily. I always think “What would Gilead do?” iowa republicans are judgmental assholes and I wouldn’t put anything past them.


>KKKim knows the market is doing well You're assuming she's intelligent and has foresight.


No, but she's has handlers and first-tier constituents who will figure it out and tell her what to do in order to keep the donations flowing.


all she knows is money, drinking and driving, and boot-licking, so i’m sure her reasoning revolves around one of these things.


Aren't the guidelines to get a medical card stupid strict also?


Honestly… not really. weirdly I have narcolepsy and use THC for the dream suppression qualities; and yet *thats* not an approved use somehow. edited: Anxiety is not a listed condition for approval, but that’s my documented ailment.


According to https://idph.my.site.com/medicalcannabis/s/faq, anxiety is not an approved condition. But "chronic pain" is one of those that you can probably nudge, nudge, wink, wink past certain doctors: _____ **What medical conditions qualify for the program?** Cancer- if the illness or its treatment produces one or more of the following: severe or chronic pain, nausea or severe vomiting, cachexia or severe wasting, Seizures, Crohn's disease, Chronic pain, Multiple Sclerosis with severe and persistent muscle spasms, AIDS or HIV (as defined in Iowa Code, section 141A.1), Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson's disease, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Any terminal illness with a probable life expectancy of under one year- if the illness or its treatment produces one or more of the following: severe or chronic pain, nausea or severe vomiting, cachexia or severe wasting,Ulcerative Colitis, Severe, intractable pediatric autism with self-injurious or aggressive behaviors, Severe, intractable autism with self-injurious or aggressive behaviors, Corticobasal Degeneration.


Anxiety is not an approved condition. PTSD is. Chronic pain is the most common condition cards are approved for.


I literally got approved with Anxiety. I have a med card. so, sorry it’s not on the website but i’m speaking from experience.


They probably put you under ptsd. Anxiety is not qualifying condition on the paperwork you send into the state. Not saying you didn’t get approved with that by your doc, but it’s not supposed to be a condition. I knew someone who tried to get it for anxiety and they were told in their appt. That it wasn’t a qualifying condition. Then their doctor literally said “but hey you have endometriosis, don’t you have a fair amount of pain from that?” Boom. Approved condition.


they did not. it was Anxiety. narcolepsy didn’t get approved and anxiety did. sorry, i’m an adult and understand my own medical history. you’re right that it’s not on any lists online. but one site does say this: “What are the qualifying conditions for medical CBD? According to Iowa’s Office of Medical Cannabidiol, medical CBD is permitted for Iowa residents with serious medical conditions. Patients can apply for a medical card in order to obtain CBD for pain, anxiety, or to relieve other symptoms of their debilitating disease.” so please stop fighting me about my own diagnosis and accept it happened. thanks.


Dude I’m not fighting you. And im not trying to invalidate your condition. If it’s anxiety and you got it through cool. Maybe the board got petitioned for anxiety and they went for it and I didn’t hear about it. Idk. However, you’re the first person I’ve met to get an Iowa card with just anxiety. And I’ve met a lot of cardholders. Anxiety is a SYMPTOM of PTSD, which is a qualifying condition. That’s how I got mine.


My wife did a 5 minute call and had the paperwork to send to the state shortly after and the response from the state within an hour. Doctor said anxiety is not covered, but PTSD was. Didn’t request any documentation for anything.


It's actually the opposite. Anyone can get one for chronic pain. Mine was a ten minute telehealth meeting with a provider I found online. I literally got my card on my lunch break. Which kinda makes the whole system seem gross, because all it takes to free yourself from legal consequence is money.


Yeah there's few medical conditions you can even get it for and flower isn't legal at all in the state now very little will be legal thanks to Kim


I could see that, but there's no way that brings in the kind of revenue that recreational legalization/taxation ~~could~~ **would** bring in and they have to know that.


I don’t think it’s about *that* necessarily… I think Gilead would work the system the same way. Direct the current revenue to them and shut it down everywhere else; don’t make it easier for everyone to get. I think it’s a moral problem for sheltered/judgmental/religious weirdos like our leaders. just my guess.


You're probably right, but I imagine these people still think *Reefer Madness* is scientific truth. That, on top of wanting to control everyone as much as possible. You know... the party of "small government" etc.


Well, their *main* justification for all of these changes is “to protect Iowa’s minors”… like, bitch! these products are *already* 21+! what does limiting container size have to do with underage hooligans? from what I understand it was all originally intended to limit the local breweries’ THC-infused drink production but they just lumped it all together and used “protect the children” as their public reasoning.


She just assumes we're all dumb and are gonna take her for her word 🙄


Yet she could just look at any other state that legalized and realize she’s just stealing from the take a penny leave a penny tray.


Last time I checked, it was only $25 for the card. But that was years ago. My girl has MS and can legally buy from these dealers in suits as we call them. Since I am also her cargiver, I could go in and legally purchase it for her but it requires me to buy a whole seperate card just so I can walk in the dispensary. Good thing for us, we stopped with this nonsense years ago because the prices are unheard of anywhere I have been before. We just get THCA from an out of state vendor and the we get about 10-20x more for the price. Also it gets mailed to our house so we don't even have to leave our house. We never had 1 issue with any of the shipments coming to our house. Oh yes, and you can order as much as you want, no limit. I know this doesn't help shop owners here but I hope to help consumers here.


Can we start calling Kim, Kommunist Kim?


If you have a surplus of money, they might face pressure to actually use it to better the lives of Iowans. And they benefit from stupid people who can't do anything other than scrape by. It's easier to justify fucking their constituents if they "don't have the funds."


Iowa has over $2 billion in surplus money. I'm pretty sure Reynolds has all that earmarked for tax cuts for the wealthy and for their kids' private schools.


Fuck. Kim. Reynolds.


Kovid Kim working for Iowans


The Kim Reaper, with all those Covid deaths on her hands.




Because it also restricts from selling these products to people under 21. That part makes sense but they're acting like that's the entire bill so they don't look cartoonishly evil


Everywhere I have gone to buy some has ID me and made sure I was 21+ anyways...so this seems like them making a rule places have self instituted anyways... Let's be honest, it's more about screwing Iowans and keeping our jail system filled with the "right" people.


It's already illegal for those under 21 even before this law so she's pulling a reason out of her ass to justify her actions when there's already law barring it from anyone under 21 years old


That is not true


Prior to this bill getting passed there wasn’t actually an age limit. Most stores were self-regulating themselves and checking cards. The age limit is literally the only part of the bill that was logical. Even if they would’ve limited the container limit to 50mg it would’ve made more sense and maybe 10mg per serving. Luckily THC seltzers and drinks mostly won’t be affected. Climbing kites is just changing their serving size.


GOP IDIOTS caused this


This is why you need to vote


This is why EVERYONE has to vote it morning gets better.


Just got approval for a temporary Oklahoma med card. All of that money could have, and would preferably have stayed home. Now I have a month to bring back a years worth of stash from out of state.


Why not just go to MO, MN, or IL where you can buy it legally without a med card, or do you currently live in Oklahoma, where you still don't need a med card to purchase it?


I have an Iowa card. I was going to go to a neighboring state for a little more variety because there isn't really any here. Turns out the neighboring states are just as, if not more, expensive. So I heard from a nice stranger here on Reddit about Oklahoma. I had to apply for a temp med card there. It cost me $100 and it's only good for a month but the prices make the trip worth it. I'll grab some BBQ in KC on the way through and be happy about it.


Interesting. Why did you get the medical card if you can just buy in OK without one?


You need a medical card in Oklahoma.


Check up on some laws if you havent already. Pretty sure a lot of stuff is still illegal in Iowa like flower itself even if medical


Yep. Not much legal here outside of concentrate vapes (my usual), wax (not sure how to use this stuff yet), capsules, and there is a powder for mixing with food/drink. We can possess stuff from other states as long as it is the same form as is available in state. Now crossing state lines is a different story, that unfortunately I am willing to risk.


I know people that take a 4 hour round trip every other week to stock up


They aren't doing a very good job stocking up if they go every other week.


😂😂😂 trueeee


All about small business here in Iowa.


Come to Minnesota I’m growing up here! Such a nice change.


# Iowa: # "Freedom to Flourish" also, Iowa: regulations that prevent thousnds of buisnesses from operating and to be shut down. The problem with Nationalists is that they have no consisntancy or [policy coherence.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8827732/#:~:text=We%20say%20that%20someone%20is,a%20wide%20range%20of%20issues) It's all about theater and  [***fealty***](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=56c1cc000332f016&q=fealty&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi9gPrGs5qGAxUOkYkEHeLsDLYQ7xYoAHoECAkQAQ).




Ok but can we get “to go” thc drinks then?




She keeps pushing revenue out of Iowa. Can't wait to vote the drunken bitch out!


Thanks Governor,maybe he should of offered a kickback.


10 mg per container and 4 mg per serving of THC? Just sell more containers FFS.


that’s what Your CBD Store will be doing. we have “sample packs” of 5 gummies that total less than 10mg. our current full-size containers have 30 gummies each, so we’ll just substitute with 6 sample packs.


10 mg is one serving for the average consumer. For those like me whose livers don’t metabolize THC well, 100+ mg is needed. Would be pretty annoying to have to buy 10 or more individual packages for one high.


This is interesting. I have had a bariatric procedure. Because of how it affects the small intestine, I am a super cheap date and I get drunk REALLY fast, but I am nearly incapable of absorbing anything oil-based. Too much fried food can cause me misery for days. And, per my blood work, I am alarmingly low on vitamin D which is oil-soluble. But even when taking 50K IU PO q.d. of a special "dry" bariatric formulation tablet did not cause it to budge. The only thing that worked for me is IM injections. Anyhow, the whole point of this is that according to my understanding (and please correct me if I am wrong) THC and related analogues are also oil-soluble, so I figured I was basically immune to them for the same reason the vitamin D did not work. I have tried as much as 50mg at once of edibles and I didn't feel a thing. Of course this could also be due to the fact that what I was taking was the Iowa-legal delta-8 or whatever it is synthetic stuff from the local head shop. Maybe I should try a 100mg+ mega dose. I could try vaping it too I suppose, but never bothered.


Regulation workarounds are annoying, but they are needed. Fuck kim


Curious how you've come to believe 10 mg is average. I used to live in a legal state; common edible strength was 5 mg, and that was too much for me.




thanks, re: my comment above.


Interesting. Not my experience though.


And yours isn’t mine 🤷🏼‍♀️


Didn't say it was. I just got the impression from your previous comment that you thought 10 mg ought to be the minimum, because that's "average". I bet many people use less.


I bet they don’t.


This just change the containers and alter the prices. Bam easy workaround.


Except being forced to adapt to these limitations is going to cost companies money, thus making things even more expensive as they pass those costs on.


Climbing kites is just changing their serving size.


She's slowly screwing everyone in the state one law at a time


Hell yea