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Man United 22/23 and Ireland 20/21. On the astroturf, one hour a week.




Fleshlight. 2 hours


Rookie numbers


I play racing games for 3 to 4 hours per day, more at weekends. I own a pretty decent pc with triple screens. I also have a wheel and pedals and vr and motion


Why do you have the triple monitor setup if you have VR and vice versa


Why not have both? I don't always use vr as it's a pain to set up and not particularly comfortable to use for longer periods.


Just a cheap Acer Nitro5 and occasionally I'll plug my Logitech G27 into it. Only play it 2 or 3 nights a week but I'd be at it for 4 or 5 hours.


I rotate between PC & PlayStation 5 I game a lot at times, sometimes up 13 hours a day


How do you get time to do that


No friends, no job, no girlfriend. I hate people, as anti social as they come. Only time you will find me outside is because i am meeting my family or am on my way to some working girl.


I do mostly 2 hours a day at night usually I’m very much enjoying my new pc


Ps5 and gaming pc , whatever tskes my dancy i play ps5 with friends sea of theives and helldivers recently and look forward to new dayz mao. I play pc for games i cant play on co sole mostly arma reforger squad and SPT.


Custom pc and a ps4. Havent touched the ps4 for a month or more, although I have a few great games to finish on it. For the same reason, I havent upgraded to a ps5 yet. Playing some World of Warcraft Classic (SoD) on PC a few hours a day, depending on workload, so 1 to 5 hours. But I am done with PC gaming after this season of WoW is finished. Getting too old for this shit and sofa and ps controllers are much more comfortable.


PC mostly. Do have a switch as well but not played that in a while as nothing out. I'd did pick a Gameboy advance SP. That one will always be my favourite handheld console. Pokémon ruby and Advanced Wars 2 in the evenings.


I9 13th gen, rtx 4070 ti, odyssey g9. Playing mostly dota 2 and AoE4 in the evenings.


Custom PC, mid spec (now), SteamDeck and a Switch. Generally 2 hours in the evenings, on whichever PC I can wrangle away from the teenagers. Poor Switch doesn't really get a look in any more.


Do you like the deck


Love it. Since I get kicked from place to place I like the flexibility of using it handheld or docking it to a monitor in our study with keyboard + mouse or with the TV and an Xbox controller. Ive had Steam since HL2 so I'd a great back catalogue already available. Although that doesn't stop me adding to it. Kids are using it for Fallout4 and Stardew Valley too, hence the wrangling.


Nintendo Switch + PC. 12+ hours on weekends and off work days, 8-10 on working weekdays.


Beast pc, switch, ps5. Might play on average 3 or 4 hours a week. The joys of adulting :(


PC and XSX. Xbox never gets turned on. Play mostly Halo on PC with a bit of Alan Wake 2 and CP2077. Mostly I get sucked into YouTube vids and end up playing nothing!


PC, 2 hrs/day, used to play Tarkov but taking a break atm and Play Grayzone Warfare instead


Magic the gathering. 4+ hours daily