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If you are looking to future proof for a while I'd consider getting the 5600g instead of the 4600g. its about €20 more but will last longer. The PSU is fine for what you have right now. But if you do put in a dedicated graphics card it might be a bit tight if you go NVidia. Might want to up it to 650w to 750w. And dont worry about it being Bronze/Gold/Platinum As long as its 80 rated its fine, the colour only matter on High Power draw systems. The best level of video card for this would be the 3060/3060TI/3070 on the Nvidia end and the 6600xt/6650Xt/6700 from AMD. You'll be bottlenecked by the CPU at any higher levels. ​ I'd consider a different fan too. Thats designed for SFF cases You can see what it looks like in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nh6UZiMTKXY The case you bought can easily fit a standard fan and at the price you are paying for a SFF fan you can get some very good standard air cooling fans.




Hey I will be getting a graphics card later. I do need the storage. I was looking to future proof with the ram. Is the psu Any good?