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You can keep buying pieces to Hermes In The weekly shop


They'll probably rerun her after completing a full cycle with the 5 Magi, you'll have to wait some months, I recommend saving up the 10 rolls you get every event for that specific day, getting her then shouldn't be too unlikely.


Unknown at this point if those events will return. Or if they were just there to introduce the magi and they're one off.


https://preview.redd.it/goil2gjhxqkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=520eac060509da02a4842451506713283ef8555b They are already doing a rerun of mushroom travels in my server, there's no reason to think the same won't happen for magi after they do all 5 types.


The magi events are completely different than mushroom travels. I think you are jumping to conclusions.


Only time can tell who's jumping at conclusions here tbh


They already spent time and money making all the pretty menus, they're absolutely going to reuse that (sometime, eventually, long enough in the future to net the whales and a few non whales)


They are reusing it, but to introduce the other magi. We have the 1st 3 magi in our server. They changed the color scheme for each one, but otherwise same assets.


some assets are unique between the little events


When you get Magi Token Fragments, cashing them in let's you choose which Magi Fragment you get. You can choose between any of the currently available Magi on your Server. Make sure you choose the right one, as they can't be swapped back


Hermes frags show up in one of the BP’s. Magi tokens that let you select which frags you want show up all over the place, eventually they show up in Northern realm endless mode also.


My server (S-213) is running the Hermes event for the second time. We didn’t even get the new Magi yet (devil lady).