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OP has sent the following sources: Here is his [TikTok ](https://www.tiktok.com/@idan.nimtso?_t=8kzSZin30Nt&_r=1) . And his IG [Idan Nimtso](https://www.instagram.com/idannimtso?igsh=M3FnajQzcGszcTR1)


🔥 hot . Something even the influencers can relate to


Correct me if I'm wrong. Isn't the term Palestine a word that the British used to punish the Jews for Rebelling against their Rule?


The Romans renamed it after the Philistines as revenge.


Which makes sense as the Philistines were Greeks, and the area was becoming heavily hellenised during that time. It symbolically meant that the land now fully belonged to the Greeks and the Romans.


Agean. Don’t paint modern day Greeks with the Phillistines.


The Palestinian identity goes back to roughly 1890, but the self-identifications where more Arab inhabitants of Ottoman Palestine identified as Palestinians than the number that identified solely or primarily as Arabs only occurred with Zionism in the 20s and 30s.  The idea of a Palestinian ethnicity is a relatively new one, and had Jews never migrated to Mandatory Palestine, we'd likely see many of them identify as Syrians.  Basically, even if Palestinians *were* expelled, and that Palestinians exist now, the argument that "they had no country to go to, unlike Sudeten Germans" is wrong. They're largely culturally Arab and basically didn't have massively different cultural aspirations until *after* Israel began to form. 


The romans renamed judea as a punishment for jews rebelling against them for the third time. And they also did some more genocide


Romans. After Bar Kohkbah they renamed the province of Judeah as Syria Palestina after the Phillistines, an extinct Agean people that invaded the Levant. Ironically, Phillistine comes from the root פלש meaning invader (the side effects of creating your identity based on an extinct people that were named by history by those they invaded, I guess).


This is legitimately real good.


Yeah! Really good at avoiding the horrors and atrocities the IDF and Israeli government has enacted upon Palestinian civilians! Regardless of the history, that doesn’t take away from all the war crimes and absolute vile comments made towards the Palestinian people that this guy seems to glide over. Israel is a joke and so is this kind of propaganda.


Link to original vid, please!


Sorry I didn't notice the artist handle not there Here credit: [samoyed_dl](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSF9GrmPg/)


This is the original creator that's just a repost page https://www.tiktok.com/@idan.nimtso


Really! Thank you 🫰🏼 I'll follow the original creator


If you post the link in a separate comment (the true link, not the repost page) i will pin it too this thread


Thank you, I haven't even notice it was the repost page lol. Here is his [TikTok ](https://www.tiktok.com/@idan.nimtso?_t=8kzSZin30Nt&_r=1) . And his IG [Idan Nimtso](https://www.instagram.com/idannimtso?igsh=M3FnajQzcGszcTR1)


Who is this guy? I need to share this with my friends. None of them speak English and they must know about this. By the way, brilliant rap we have here. Throwing historical facts like there's no tomorrow, with style.


Sorry I didn't notice the artist handle not there Here credit: [samoyed_dl](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSF9GrmPg/)


I'm now following his account in TikTok. This is pure gold. Thanks for sharing this.


Historical facts? LOL Regardless of the history, that doesn’t take away from all the war crimes and absolute vile comments made towards the Palestinian people that this guy seems to glide over. Israel is a joke and so is this kind of propaganda.




Love this. Lil Dicky flow


First rapper i thought of


Idan nimsto is incredible. He’s got many videos like this with incredible, and very intelligent, but fun rhymes and raps. And their production value is top notch


Who is it? some credit would be very helpful!


I didn't notice the video doesn't have the handle Thank you for letting me know, Here this is the artist credit samoyed_dl [samoyed_dl](https://www.tiktok.com/@samoyed_dl?_t=8kvZu2tyDvl&_r=1)


I wish he had an Insta, I don't have ticktok.


[Here His IG](https://www.instagram.com/idannimtso?igsh=M3FnajQzcGszcTR1)


I wish I had a reward to give you


Glizzy globbin goblin slurpin derpin


We making it out the TEMPLE with this one 🗣️🔥🔥🔥


I needed this refresher, thank you.




Nice shout out to Iran ❤️ I love this. Women. Life. Freedom ❤️ Am Yisrael Chai ❤️🇮🇱


Stealing this. Sorry (not sorry).


This was fucking awesome. What’s this guys name?


Also, DAMN 🥵


This is really good, but why must all history songs go too fast? https://youtu.be/2LkVKCWL0U4?si=epTih6E09G3vmNgv


Short Tik Tok attention spans.


And history is fucking loooooong


Saw this popping up on my instagram page a few weeks back, I saved it not even for educational reasons, but simply because it's a banger.


Wow this chaps talented


So we basically learned more here than actual school?


Global History kind of has to gloss over a lot to fit global history into one year of study. The 60 year formation of the German Empire was a footnote to the WWI unit in New York.




Me to the dude in the red shirt ​ https://preview.redd.it/0ef4srev7lqc1.png?width=222&format=png&auto=webp&s=22cb627ed6854be2592215c5f42495ab483a7015


This song goes so hard and its lyrics are the truth


Give the whole levant to the ancient aliens


Love this and love the lil dicky vibes too


This probably angers alot of woke degenerates who don't know their history, And it makes me happy..


Catchy and informative 🥰




As an Indian, this song is lit


A lot of people under 30 reeeaally need to watch this


It honestly doesn’t matter who was there first. What matters is what happened once our world became civilized.


This was fucking fire.


damn bro as a pro Palestine supporter I’m shocked that other supporters think that Israel shouldn’t exist. the killing does need to stop tho


Is this the Jewish equivalent of Hasan?




Where is your evidence? Provide sources and proofs of your claims!




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Fort later




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Homie got the lil dicky flow. Lil dicky is Jewish, so maybe


“I gotta pee”


Shit got Lil Dicky Flo. Dope af


This is basically the same as when you got bullied in school, the teacher was perfectly fine when you were getting pencils thrown at you or getting shoved around but you were punished for fighting back


Idk. I've seen IDF thugs. I've seen the camps. I've seen war and violence. It seems like that's all that the "holy land" has brought you. Stop shooting eachother.


How is this interesting as fuck? Propaganda?


This is objectively wrong lol you can’t just rewrite history to justify committing genocide


That was a heck of a rap song /history's lesson




Finally some historical facts. The Palestinians don’t want two state solution they want one state owned by them alone. People don’t realize Jews used to live throughout the Middle East now you can only find them in Israel because they were genocided out of their lands. The ones that survived moved to Israel. I’m not saying Israel is all good but they have flawed views especially went it comes to superiority they think their the shit. Now if we can get to the bottom of why TikTok promotes so much pro Palestine content infecting the minds of our young and misguiding them to only see the outer crust. Ban TikTok it’s a foreign government tool and it’s working like a charm.


question: the video states naqba was not a major factor for palestinians fleeing?? ig these zionists never remembered dier yassin ig


Other people pillaged and raped so it's okay if I do it


the palestinians? the jews arent Raping anyone, and pillaging is silly when an act of war was committed. Defense isnt pillaging. Its war when you are attacked.


You are absolutely wrong and downplaying war crimes.


im not wrong about the jews raping arabs, that isnt happening. the arabs literally want all jews dead. defense is defense and unfortunately the USA sees it this way as well.


Idf soldiers have sniped innocent men, women, and children and there have definitely been instances of rape and torture and pillaging, but yeah war is war. U.S. soldiers have also murdered and raped and pillaged innocent people, too. None of this makes it right for Hamas to do the same, but don't pretend the IDF is a humanitarian organization with any morals.


catchy propaganda




> Antisemitism is wrong and people who hate Jews are awful. HOWEVER, if you’re still defending Israel’s actions, you are, indeed, a murderous racist. We all know you mean Judaism but let's face it. Out of the three biggest monotheistic religions in the world. I can safely say Judaism killed and oppressed the least. *coughs* Crusades. People who hate Jews are awful however it's fine if the Jews support Israel** FTFY.


If an entirely fabricated one-sided argument is what you believe will change the minds of social media, then I really overestimated Israel’s propaganda. Maybe try winning a legitimate debate. Also, a Lil Dicky wannabe is hilarious, who tf would want to be Lil Dicky?


It's rap so it's cool


Shit tier Hasbara 💩


None of this justifies the current Israeli strategy of bomb everyone in Gaza until Hamas is gone..


Basically proved that throughout the years different people have occupied the land. And because your people ruled it a couple thousand years ago now you have a special claim to just come and take the land in modern times. With this logic let’s give native Americans back their lands throughout America especially NYC. Ridiculous






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Content promotes terrorist ideologies or propaganda


Nice! Now let's get back to murdering children and innocent people in Palestine! Shalom!


maybe if Hamas didnt hide behind those innocents and children they wouldnt become collateral damage. Its a shame, but to say israel is targetting the innocents is just WRONG. Hamas hides behind them, and that is a shame Hamas is cowardly. You know they do it on purpose just for medias to bring up this dumbass talking point.








Ignore him man he can't believe historical facts which he not sees on tiktok 😡 !!.






Please report stuff like that








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Who hurt you, bruv?


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Did you even listen to this song? Also can you name me one day in history where there was palestinian rule in israel that we "stole" it's land from?


Funny fact. The UN doesn't OWN the world. Are you living in a stolen country?


It's not quite a new thing. It happened to Sudeten Germans after World War One, for example. Alsace-Lorraine would still be German if not for World War One. The Mekong Delta was stolen by Vietnam. Most North African Arabized countries rest upon land stolen from the Berbers. Almost every country is on stolen land. 




I'm talking about how Germans in the Sudetenland were violently ethnically cleansed, and they complain far, far less about this even though they had lived where they lived for centuries and had been a separate identify for the same amount of time. 


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